Connor's New Wolf

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Connor's New Wolf Page 9

by Georgina Stancer

  “I’m already feeling better.” As much as the sudden movement hurt when she first woke up, she wasn’t in as much pain as she had been. Candi didn’t look convinced, but she didn’t question her about it. Anya couldn’t quite believe it herself, so she wouldn’t know where to start explaining it to them.

  “Okay, toast it is.” Myra said.

  When they joined Anya at the table, Myra placed the plate of toast on the table in front of her and then sat on the opposite, next to Candi.Connor, on the other hand, decided to sit next to her. Right next to her, he was so close that their legs brushed every time one of them moved.

  Anya tried her hardest not to move, but it was nearly impossible when he was so close that she could feel the warmth emanating off him. His scent seemed to surround her, cocooning her in a blanket of sandalwood and masculinity. He on the other hand, seemed to relish in constantly moving against her. It was like he had ants in his pants or something, with the amount he kept fidgeting. Either that, or he knew exactly what effect he was having on her.

  It was becoming increasingly harder to concentrate on the conversation going on around her. A couple of times Myra and Candi asked her a question, but her mind was so muddled she couldn’t think of a simple answer.

  Luckily for her, they all thought it was down to the ordeal she has been through over the last couple of days, and she wasn’t going to correct them in their assumption.

  It was dark outside by the time Myra and Candi left. Anya was ready to run and hide as soon as they were alone. Not once in her life had she been so turned on by such innocent touches. Sprawled in the chair next to her, Connor looked relaxed and at home. She couldn’t get over the fact he built this place mostly by himself, and in such a short period of time as well.

  Before she could throw herself at him, making herself look a fool, she said, “If you don't mind, I'm going to turn in early.”

  “Of course, you need plenty of rest.”

  Looking down, she said “Goodnight.” And then raced out the room. Not stopping until she was safely alone in the bedroom.

  She didn’t think Connor would appreciate her throwing herself at him, especially since he didn’t seem to like her very much. She couldn’t blame him, but even still, he didn’t need to treat her like an unwelcome house guest. She didn’t want to be here as much as he didn’t want her here, maybe even more so.

  Until they showed her the way back, she was stuck here, whether either of them liked it or not.


  Anya shot up in bed, breathing heavily and heart racing. This time it wasn’t down to the nightmare though. No, the culprit this time was none other than the man she was staying with, Connor.

  My. God.

  Even in her dreams, the man was fucking gorgeous. The dream was so surreal, she vividly remembered running her hands over his sculpted body. The smell of his skin, and the sensual way he touched her. Not once has she ever been so turned on by a dream.

  Needing to do something to take her mind off Connor, she decided to take a shower. As she climbed out of bed, she looked out the window to see it had started raining while she had been asleep.

  After a little investigating, she found where he stored the towels before making her way into the bathroom. Not wanting to wait for the bath to fill up, she switched on the shower and stepped under when it was warm enough.

  Not wasting any time, she quickly washed using what was lying around. Knowing her luck, she was going to end up smelling like a man, but since it was all there was, she didn’t have much chose in the matter.

  Switching off the tap, she stepped out and dried off. Wrapping a towel around her hair and body, she gathered up her dirty clothes and headed back to the bedroom.

  Anya wasn’t expecting Connor to be standing outside the bathroom door as she came out. Hurrying to get to the bedroom, she bumped into him, losing her balance - and nearly the towel - in the process.

  Strong hands grabbed each of her arms, steading her, at the same time she put her hand out to stop herself from falling. That hand made contact with bare skin. Looking up, her eyes clashed with his, and for a moment she was frozen in time.

  Anya had an uncontrollable urge to run her hands over his body. Luckily enough, he moved away before she had the chance.

  “I’m sorry, I wasn’t expecting you to be up.” Anya said, blushing.

  “That’s okay, I wasn’t either. How come you’re up so late?”

  “I couldn’t sleep. You?”

  “Yeah, same.”

  All too aware she was only covered with a towel, she said, “Well… um… I’m just gonna go get some clothes on.”

  As soon as the words left her mouth, she wished she could take them back. Up until that moment, Connor had been keeping his eyes at face level, but pointing out her lack of attire made his focus shift to lower down.

  From the look of it, he didn’t mind her lack of clothing.

  “Can I just…”

  “Yes, of course.” He said, stepping out of the way so she could go past.

  “Thank you.” Anya hurried past.

  Not looking back, she raced into the bedroom and shut the door behind her. Her heart felt like it was about to explode, it was beating so fast.

  Why did the man have to be so god damn handsome? And shirtless. Yes, Anya had not missed that part.

  Luckily enough, he still had on a pair of jeans. Anya itched to undo them and slide them down, revealing the rest of his perfectly sculpted body.

  Anya nearly leapt out of her skin when Connor knocked on her door seconds later.

  “Anya?” he said through the closed door.


  “I’m going downstairs to make a hot drink, I was wondering if you would like anything?”

  “Yes, please.”

  “What would you like? Tea? Coffee? Or maybe something a bit stronger?”

  “Do you have any hot chocolate?”

  “I think you might be in luck. I’m sure Myra left some here for when she visits. Do you want me to bring it up?”

  “Um… no, it’s okay, I’ll be down in just a minute.”

  “Okay, no worries. See you downstairs.”

  Anya grabbed the bag of clothes and raced over to the bed. She hadn’t really looked yet, so she didn’t know if there was any nightwear. Emptying the bag on the bed, she rummaged through the items. Unfortunately, the only nightwear Anya could see, were slinky? Nighties made with lacy and silk, most were see though bits of nothing, and the rest didn’t leave much to the imagination either.

  Deciding against the sexy lingerie, she carried on looking until she came across yoga pants and a loose fitting t-shirt.

  Not bothering with underwear, she quickly dressed, then made her way downstairs.

  Connor was stood with his back to her as she walked in the kitchen. Still only clad in a pair of jeans, she watched the play of muscles as he moved around making hot chocolate.

  She quietly admired the uninterrupted view. That is, until Connor looked over his shoulder at her.

  “Mm, that smells nice.” She said when he smiled.

  “If you say so. It’s a bit sweet for my liking.”

  “So why are you having one then?” she said, pointing at the two mugs.

  “Who says I’m having hot chocolate in mine?” he said with a wicked smile.

  Connor had her there, just because there were two cups, didn’t mean they were both for the chocolate.

  “Sorry, I just assumed.”

  “That’s okay.”

  Walking over to where he stood, she leaned against the counter opposite him.

  “So, what are you having, if not hot chocolate?”

  “I’m having a whiskey.” He said, stepping aside so she could see the half empty bottle on the counter next to the cups. “I can add some to your hot chocolate if you want?”

  “No, thank you, I think I’ll pass.”

  “Suit yourself.” Connor said handing her the mug.

ank you.”

  “You’re welcome.”

  They fell into silence, and as it dragged out, Anya became more aware of the very virile man opposite her. Normally, she didn’t have such a strong attraction to the opposite sex. It was quite jarring how much he affected her just by being in the same room as her.

  Anya took a sip of the hot drink. Savouring the sweet taste of chocolate before swallowing. The hot mug, warming her hands. The patter of rain as it hit the window. The steady beat of her heart. She took it all in while stood in silence, all while under the watchful eye of Connor.

  He seemed to be watching her like a hawk.

  When she couldn’t take it anymore, she broke the silence by saying, “You and Myra seem close.”

  “We are. My whole family is close, to be honest. We see each other nearly every day.”

  “That sounds nice. Do you have a large family?”

  “I have another sister and one brother, both younger. They still live at home with my parents. How about you? Do you have any brothers or sisters?”

  “No, it’s just me.”

  “That must have been cool, growing up as an only child. I bet your parents doted on you.”

  “No, I don’t have any parents either.”

  “Oh, I’m sorry for your loss.”

  “They didn’t die, well at least as far as I know they didn’t.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  “I was abandoned as a baby, I grew up in children’s homes and foster care.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t be, it wasn’t all bad. Some of the foster homes were really nice, and I got a lot of opportunities that I might not have had otherwise.”

  Anya didn’t know why, but she found it really easy to open up to him. She didn’t feel the need to hide her past like she did with most people. It helped that he didn’t seem to judge her because of it, which a lot of people did when they found out, especially men.

  “Do you have a man waiting for you back home?”


  “Really? I can’t believe an attractive woman like yourself doesn’t have a man in your life.”

  Anya knew he probably didn’t mean anything by it, but knowing he thought of her as attractive sent butterflies off in her stomach and warm through her veins.

  “H…how about you?” she asked nervously. “Do you have a special woman in your life?”

  “Nope, just like you, I’m free and single.” He said, slouching against the counter.

  “I’m surprised you don’t have a queue of women lining up to be with you.” She said before she could think better of it.

  “Why’s that?”

  “Because…” Anya didn’t know what to say.

  “Go on, because what?”

  “Because look at you. You’re every woman’s wet dream rolled into one.” She blurted out.

  Connor’s lips curved in a devilishly handsome smile as his eyes darkened with desire and with half hooded eyes, he asked, “Are you hungry?”

  Oh, fuck yeah!

  Anya didn’t need to be a mind reader to know what he meant. The hungry look in Connor’s eyes spoke volumes about what he had in mind to eat, and it wasn’t food.

  Already she could feel her body preparing itself as moister gathered between her legs.

  Taking two large steps forward brought him toe to toe with Anya. This close up, she could feel the heat radiating from his bare chest. If she leaned forward an inch she would be able to lick said chest. Instead, she looked up at his face.

  Anya had to lean further back onto the counter so she could see him clearly. She watched as his nostrils flared when he inhaled deeply. His eyes seemed to shimmer with flecks of gold as they darkened more with desire.

  Without a word, Connor leaned down and tentatively place a kiss on her lips. When she didn’t push him away, and instead kissed him in return, he took it further.

  Licking the seam of her lips, he waited until they parted before sliding his tongue inside to play with hers. Anya could taste the whiskey that lingered in his mouth.

  Delicious tingles raced through her as the pain in her chest disappeared, only to be replaced by pleasure.

  Anya gave in to the temptation to run her hands over his sculpted body. Learning every dip and curve of muscle as Connor explored her curves. Sucking in a breath when he brushed against her nipple through the fabric. She pushed out her chest, inviting him to touch her there some more.

  Taking her up on the offer, he brushed against it again before taking it between his thumb and finger to gently squeeze. Tugging a little as her nipple hardened for him.

  Anya moaned at the pleasure coursing through her. She wanted, needed more. Cupping the bulge in his jeans elicited a moan from Connor, and had the desired effect as his hard length pulsed under her hand.

  Before she could do more, he placed his hands on her hips and lifted her effortlessly onto the kitchen counter. Spreading her thighs so he could nestle in between. Tilting her head, he deepened the kiss, making her toes curl and heart skip a beat.

  Anya didn’t know how she got into this situation, but she sure as hell didn’t want to get out of it.

  With one hand still behind her back, he lightly brushed her nipple through the fabric of her t-shirt with the back of the other. Already heightened, each touch sent tingles racing through her straight to her core.

  Lifting her t-shirt to reveal her breast, laying her back and leaning down, he lavished attention on one nipple and then the next. Sucking the peak into his mouth, he twirled and flicked his tongue, then lightly scrapping his teeth against the sensitive tip.

  Dropping all inhibitions, Anya immersed herself in the pleasure. Holding Connor’s head against her breasts as he lavished them with attention. His hand gradually moving down her body, caressing her curves as it descended towards the waistband of her yoga pants.

  Thanking God, she put on the stretchy material as his hand continued it path until reached what it was looking for.

  Connor circled her clit with his thumb until she was begging for more. Slowly moving his hand further back, he gently pushed his thumb into her entrance. Sucking in air, Anya released it on a moan as he went as deep as he could.

  When he swapped his thumb for a finger, she started rocking with the motion as he fucked her with his finger. Hooking his finger inside her, with each pass in and out, he rubbed against her g-spot.

  Her blood was molten lava flowing through her veins, nerve ending sparking with pleasure. Anya held on for dear life as she balanced on the verge of the most intense orgasm of her life.

  “That’s it, Anya, come for me.”

  Unable to resist, Anya let the tidal wave sweep over her as she tipped over the edge into sweet ecstasy. Connor kept pumping his finger in and out, dragging the orgasm out for as long as possible. When she was finally spent, she slumped in his arms as he kissed along her neck.


  “I’m not finished with you yet.” He whispered in her ear.

  He could feel her walls tightening at his words. Taking her mouth in another fiery kiss, he wrapped her legs around his waist. Bracing one arm under her perfect ass and one behind her back, he picked her up with ease. Without breaking contact, he carried her up the stairs to his bedroom.

  As easy as it would have been to take Anya right there on the kitchen counter, Connor just about resisted the urge to rip her clothes off and enter her. Instead, he wanted to take his time, savouring the moment.

  Lowering her gently to the bed, he finally broke the kiss long enough to remove his jeans and help her out of her clothes. Then, lying next to her, he nudged her legs apart as he captured her mouth again.

  Softly tracing up one leg and down the other, each time moving closer her core with every pass, until her hips began to lift off the mattress. Begging for more, he slid one finger between her lips.

  He circled her clit and then her entrance a few times before pushing inside her.

  “Mm, so wet for m
e.” He said, breaking from the kiss again so he could look at her.

  With desire swimming in her eyes, a nice rosy tint to her cheeks, and panting, she nodded. He twirled his finger insider her before pulling it back out. Slowly repeating the movement, a couple of times, before adding a second.

  Connor couldn’t take it anymore, he needed to taste her. Removing his fingers, he lifted his hand to his face and sucked them dry.

  “Mm, delicious, and all for me.” He whispered before moving down the bed.

  Lifting her legs up and out, exposing her for a better view. Looking at her plump lips, dripping wet and ready for him, made him eager for a taste.

  A drop of pre-come beaded on the tip of his cock in anticipation for what was coming next.

  “Look at this nice wet pussy.” He said huskily, as he gently opened her with his thumbs while still holding her legs apart. “I can’t wait to slid my cock in here, just like this.” He showed her by releasing on leg and pushing two fingers as deep as they would go. Anya’s hips lifted off the bed, trying to take him deeper.

  “Please.” She moaned.

  “First, I need to taste you.” Pumping his fingers in and out slowly, he asked, “Would you like that? My mouth down here?”

  “Please.” She begged, squirming on the bed.

  “Is that a yes?”


  “Do you want me to lick you right here?” he said, circling her clit before pushing his fingers in again.

  “Yes.” She said breathlessly.

  “Right here?” he asked, nudging her clit with his nose.


  “Okay, since you asked so nicely.” He said, lowering his head with each word.

  Licking his lips, he growled “Mine” before feasting on her.

  He was like the cat that got the cream, slowly lapping up every drop. When she tried closing her legs on him, he placed his arms over her legs, pinning them open and freeing up his hands at the same time.

  Taking full advantage of having his hands free, he reached up with one hand to gently tug her nipples, while fucking her with the fingers on the other.

  He knew when she was close to orgasm again. The clenching around his fingers and the thrashing on the bed told him more than words that she liked what he was doing to her.


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