Connor's New Wolf

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Connor's New Wolf Page 11

by Georgina Stancer

  “Thank you.” She said, taking the glass. The water cooled some of the heat from the whiskey, enough for her to stop coughing and be able to speak again.

  “Maybe you shouldn’t drink whiskey.” Connor said.

  “Sorry, I don’t normally drink and it’s the first time I’ve tried whiskey, so I wasn’t expecting it to be so strong.”

  “Even more reason for you not to drink it.”

  “Connor, don’t be such a dick.”

  “I’m just being honest. If she doesn’t drink at all, then she isn’t going to handle any spirits, let alone whiskey.”

  “You still don’t need to be a dick about it.”

  “No, it’s okay. He’s right, I shouldn’t be drinking.”

  “You can do what you want, Anya, don’t let Connor dictate what you can or can’t do.”

  “I agree Anya, if you want to have a drink then you can.”

  “To be honest, I would rather just go to bed, if you don’t mind.”

  “Of course, we don’t mind. If you’re tired, then go and rest by all means. Don’t think that you have to stay down here because we’re here. We will be leaving soon enough anyway. I have my sister to get back to, and Aidan has curfew coming up soon.” Kellen said, trying to lighten the mood again, but Anya was nearly at the point of no return as she fought against the tears.

  She didn’t know why Connor was being so mean to her, but she couldn’t take much more without bursting into tears in front of everyone.

  “Just because I still live with my parents, doesn’t mean I have a curfew.” Aidan said.

  “Yeah, okay.” Kellen said, rolling his eyes.

  “Anyway, it was nice meeting you both.” Anya said as she stood up. Smiling as best she could so they wouldn’t notice how upset she was.

  “Like wise.” Kellen said.

  “Do you have to go?” Aidan asked.

  “I’m afraid so, I’m exhausted.”

  “Well, I hope to see you again soon, sweet Anya.”

  “Night.” Connor said curtly.

  “Goodnight, Anya. It was a pleasure to meet you.” Kellen said.

  “You too. Goodnight.” She said, swiftly leaving the room.

  Once Anya was safely tucked away in the bedroom again, she leaned against the closed door.

  Now that Anya was alone, she could let the tears fall freely. She didn’t know what she’d done to piss Connor off so much, but it must have been pretty bad to warrant such hostility from him. Maybe he regretted their night together? But even if that was the case, she didn’t deserve to be treated like that.

  Anya didn’t bother to change, she kicked off her shoes and climbed into bed. She wanted to go home so badly.

  Burying her face in the pillows, she cried until she couldn’t cry anymore, and finally fell asleep.


  Connor hadn’t like the way Aidan had been flirting with Anya before she went to bed. He was sure Aidan had been doing it just to see if he would get a reaction from him. No matter how hard he tried though, Connor refused to give him one. It was a good job Anya went to bed when she did, otherwise Aidan was likely to get a fist in the face.

  His hackles had raised and he had been close to growling every time Aidan touched her, no matter how innocent the contact. Connor knew he was being ridiculous, she wasn’t his, so he had no right in being possessive of her, but he couldn’t stop the feeling.

  Avoiding her for most of the day had made it easy to keep his distance. Now that Aidan and Kellen were here and talking with her, he felt compelled to stay close to her. Even more so now that Aidan has decided to test his patience.

  None of them spoke until Anya was out of ear shot.

  Kellen turned to him and said, “What the hell is wrong with you?”

  “Nothing.” He snapped.

  “Yeah, sounds like nothing.”

  “I know what’s wrong with him.” Aidan said.

  “Well, would you like to share with the class?”

  “He has the hots for Anya.”

  Connor was surprised Aidan noticed anything other than Anya, but obviously he was watching Connor more closely than he thought.

  “Really.” Kellen said, dragging out the word.,

  “No I don’t.” Connor said adamantly.

  “Oh, yes, I see it now.”

  “You don’t see fuck all, because there’s fuck all to see.”

  “Keep telling yourself that. Doesn’t make it true.” Kellen said.

  “You should have heard what he said to me when I was flirting with Anya.”

  “When? You were flirting with her the whole time she was down here.”

  “I just told you to stay the fuck away from her.”


  Connor didn’t know why they were pushing the subject, it wasn’t as if any of them were going to have a long-term relationship with her. She was human, which meant they would be shortening their lifespan to that of a human if they were to mate with her, since her life couldn't be expanded to live as long as theirs.

  “Anyway, what’s been happening with Kayla?” Connor asked, moving the attention away from him.

  “Don’t get me started on her.” Kellen sighed.

  If it stopped them probing him about Anya, then start he would.

  “I hear she’s gotten herself into trouble with the dragons again.”


  “Yeah, Myra told me she started a rock slide that blocked the entrance to Balzar's cave.” Connor shook his head. “I feel sorry for Balzar. First the spray paint, and now this.”

  “Oh, wow. That’s seriously messed up.”

  “Tell me about it. It’s worse than having a two-year-old. In fact, I think I would prefer a room full of two year olds rather than deal with the trouble Kayla is causing at the moment.”

  “I bet.”

  “How did she manage it? She must have had help from someone.” Aidan said.

  “Caleb and Misti must have something to do with it. Those three are always together.” Connor added.

  Kellen shook his head. “She’s adamant she did it alone.”

  Downing the last bit of whiskey, he placed the glass on the table and picked up the bottle, filling it up to just below the rim.

  “Another?” Connor asked, holding out the bottle of whiskey.

  “That would be a big, fat, yes from me.” Aidan said, passing his glass over.

  “I probably should be getting back. Kayla is home alone tonight.”

  “So, one for the road?”

  “Go on then, just not as much as you poured in your glass.”

  “She still causing you problems?” Aidan asked.

  “Yep, wish she would hurry up and get past this rebellious stage. It’s driving me up the wall.”

  “Well, it can’t last forever, she’s bound to grow up sooner or later.” Connor said.

  “I’d rather it be sooner, but knowing my luck, it’s going to be later.”

  Connor really didn’t envy Kellen’s responsibilities where Kayla was concerned. He didn’t know how he would cope in the same situation. It was different bring up your own pups, Connor knew that, but he still wasn’t eager

  “You’re not going to believe it.” Kellen said.


  “He’s outside now, circling the house from the air.”

  “You’re joking.”

  “Nope, he says he’s not going anywhere until I go out and speak with him.”

  “He knows who’s here, doesn’t he?”

  “Yep, I’ve told him to keep his distance, so not to be seen.”

  “You need to go out there and make sure he goes away. Rush doesn’t want her seeing anything that she shouldn’t.” And a dragon the size of his house was definitely something he didn’t want her seeing.

  “He’s too angry to listen to reason. Whatever Kayla has done this time, she has well and truly pissed them off.” Kellen downed the last of his drink, then stood and left, heading out the back
door to speak with Balzar.

  Connor hoped Anya was fast asleep already. The last thing they needed was to explain why there was a large dragon flying around his house.

  “What do you think she’s been up to this time?” Aidan asked him.

  “I don’t know, but it doesn’t sound good whatever it is.” Kellen said as he hurried out the back.

  “Should I go up and check on Anya?” Aidan asked.

  “You can stay the fuck away from her.” Connor growled.

  “Okay, calm down. I’m only messing with you.” Aidan said, hands raised is surrender.

  “Well, stop. I’m in no mood.”

  “Yeah, I can tell. Are you sure she’s not your mate?”

  “No, she isn’t my mate.”

  “It would explain why you’re behaving this way around her.” Aidan said.

  “She is not my mate.” He reiterated.

  “What makes you so certain?”

  “I just am. Can you drop it now?” Connor didn’t want to think about the possibility of Anya being his mate.

  After a couple of minutes, Connor followed Kellen to see if he could help in any way. Just as he stepped out into the garden, Balzar landed in front of Kellen, and right under Anya’s bedroom.

  For fuck sake. Connor looked up at her window, and was relieved when there was no movement.

  “What the fuck are you doing Balzar? You know I have a human staying here.” While Balzar was in dragon form, this was the easiest way to communicate.

  “I don’t give a damn about any humans.” He raged. “Something needs to be done about your sister.” He said, looking at Kellen. “I will not put up with her destroying my home.”

  Connor didn’t blame him for being so pissed. If Kayla did that to his house he would be just as angry, but that still didn’t change the fact there was a human sleeping in the room above them. If she looked out the window all she would see is a dragon, and as far as she was concerned, they didn’t exist.

  “Rush will not be happy if she sees you and we have to explain your existence to her.”

  “Rush isn’t my Alpha, I don’t answer to him, so why should I care if he’s happy or not?”

  “Because even your king has agreed to keep hidden until she has gone.So please shift into your human form, or go away.”


  In the blink of an eye, the dragon was gone and Balzar stood before them in human form. Connor could tell he wasn’t happy about it.

  “Now, what is going on? Why have you come here at this time of night?” Connor demanded.

  “His sister has done it again.”

  “Done what?”

  “She’s caused another fucking rock slide.”

  “Whose home was it this time?”

  “Mine again, and this time she’s completely blocked the entrance.”

  “Was anyone injured?”

  “No, but she might not be so lucky next time.”

  “I agree, but that still doesn’t mean you should be coming here in dragon form while there is a human here.”

  “I want something done about her.”

  “What do you want me to do with her?” Kellen asked

  “I want you to make her clear away all the rocks and boulders from the entrance to my cave.” He demanded.

  “You want a young female pup to move rocks and boulders?”

  “Are you going deaf wolf? Yes, I want her to move them all.”

  “You’re a dragon, for fuck sake, it’ll be easier and faster to clear them yourself.”

  “That’s not the point. I shouldn’t have to clear them, she should as punishment for doing it in the first place. Hopefully she might learn not to do it again.”

  “Okay, but it’s too late for her to start it tonight. Is there somewhere you can stay for the night?” Kellen said.

  “Yes, I can stay elsewhere for tonight, but I want to be able to go home tomorrow night.”

  “You might have to give her more time than that.”

  “No, I want it cleared by dusk tomorrow.” With that, he shifted back into a dragon, and flew off.

  “That was rude.” Aidan said from the back door.

  “How the hell does he think she’s going to clear all that by tomorrow night? Have you seen the size of the entrance to his cave? It’s fucking massive!”

  “It would have to be, just to fit him through the door.” Aidan laughed.

  “It’s not funny, it’ll take her a week to move it all by herself.”

  “Get Misti and Caleb to help. It’ll keep them busy for a few hours. And drag Aidan with you, I’m sure his parents need a break from looking after him.”

  “True.” Kellen said at the same time Aidan said, “Hey!”

  “What? It’s true, they deserve a break from you, and it’s only right one of us helps Kellen with those three. I can’t because I’ve got to stay here and babysit Anya, otherwise I would be there helping as well.”

  “Yeah, I suppose. But my parents don’t need a break from me, they hardly see me as it is.”

  “There you go, now there’s five of you moving it all. You’ll get it done in no time.”

  “Are you sure your parents with be okay with Misti and Caleb helping?” Kellen asked.

  “I don’t see why not. I’ll speak to them first thing in the morning.”

  “Let me know what they say.”

  “I will do. Where do you want them to meet you? And what time?”

  “We’ll all meet at my house and make our way there together. Eight am should do nicely.”

  “What time do you want me to meet you?” Aidan asked.

  “Same time.” Kellen said.

  “Why can’t I meet you there?”

  “Because if I’ve got to deal with them three, then so do you.”

  “Yeah, you can’t leave poor Kellen alone with them three, they’ll end up running circles around him.” Connor said.

  “I best get going.” Kellen said. “I don’t trust Kayla alone for too long at the moment.”

  “I don’t blame you.”

  “I’m gonna go as well, since I’ve been roped into helping.” Aidan said.

  “Alright, I’ll see you both later. Good luck for tomorrow.”

  “Thanks, we’re gonna need it.”


  Anya woke up in the middle of the night to a loud thud as the earth shook. Thinking it was an earthquake, she jumped out of bed and raced to the window.

  She didn’t know why she went there first, but what she saw outside in the middle of the garden stopped her dead in her tracks. An honest to God, real life Dragon stood in the middle of the garden.

  Thinking that she must still be dreaming, Anya pinched herself, but other than hurting herself, it didn’t wake her up like she hoped it would.

  Still frozen in place, from mixed parts fear and awe - mostly fear though - Anya stared at the creature. Mesmerized by a creature that shouldn’t exist.

  Glowing ruby eyes sat elegantly within the creature’s angular features, giving it a savage appearance. A row of small horns ran down the bridge of its long nose, ending between two round nostrils that blew out puffs of smoke.

  A row of spikes run down its broad neck and along its massive body, ending at its scythe like tail. The scales covering its body glimmered in the moonlight. Four mighty limbs carried its body and allowed the creature to stand imposing and mighty. Each limb has four digits, each of which ended in pointy talons that looked like obsidian.

  Colossal wings, reminiscent of a bat’s, protruded from just below its large shoulder blades. Curved talons grew from each, ending like giant scythes to match its tail.

  She noticed the dragon was staring at something, and when she looked down, she noticed Connor and Kellen.

  Neither of them seemed to be fazed by the dragon as they stood there calmly looking it straight in the eyes.

  A second later Anya blinked and the dragon was gone. She looked around, even checking the sky but she couldn’t see
it anywhere. When she looked back down to see if Connor was still outside, she noticed another man had joined them, probably when she was looking for the dragon. Anya didn’t recognize the newcomer, not that she’s met many people while she’s been here.

  She watched them talking for a couple of minutes. Just when she was about to go back to bed, the newcomer turned into the dragon right in front of her eyes. It happened so fast, that if she had blinked, she would have missed it.

  Anya rubbed her eyes, unsure if she was seeing things. But she wasn’t., There it was, large as life, right in front of her.. What the hell was going on? Were they drugging her? Is that why she’s seeing a dragon? It was the only explanation that she could come up with that made an ounce of sense.

  With a couple of beats of its massive wings, the dragon flew off, disappearing from view a couple of seconds later.

  After a few minutes standing outside talking, Aidan came into view just before walking off with Kellen. Anya listened as Connor came back inside and moved around downstairs.

  Anya needed to get out of here, but there was nothing she could do until Connor went to sleep, otherwise he would prevent her from going anywhere. She wasn’t as naive to think she was free to leave whenever she wanted to. She knew Rush was keeping her here for a reason, she just didn’t know what that reason was, but there was no way she could stay now. Not after what she just witnessed.

  It seemed to be hours before Connor finally went to bed. Anya waited even longer after that, just to make sure he was asleep and wouldn’t hear her leaving.

  Anya couldn’t take it anymore, it was now or never. Sliding her feet into her shoes, she had left them off just in case Connor came in to check on her and she needed to pretend to be asleep, which was easier to pull off if she didn’t have bulky shoes on under the duvet.

  She crept over to the door and listened for the slightest sound. When she didn’t hear any movement, she opened the door an inch. Luckily for her, the door didn’t squeak. Even still, she paused, listening again.

  Her heart was racing so fast she was surprised she could hear anything over the beating in her ears.

  As quietly as she could, she tiptoed along the hall, past Connor’s room, and down the stairs. Her shoes squeaked on the tile floor in the kitchen, so she slipped them off until she was out the back door.


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