Connor's New Wolf

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Connor's New Wolf Page 17

by Georgina Stancer

  “Don’t start with me tonight, Autumn. I’m not in the mood.” Rush liked Autumn, she was like the annoying little sister he never had, but with everything going on right now, he didn’t need her sass as well.

  “I surrender.” She said, her hands up in the air and a cheesy grin plastered on her face.

  “So, what’s the plan, my man.”

  “I want you six…” He pointed at the late arrivals. “…to stay out here as back up just in case, it’s a trap. The rest of us are going in to rescue Anya and Connor.”

  “Boring.” Autumn complained. Rush knew she liked to be in on the action, which was one of the reasons she became a hunter, but this time he needed her out here, watching their backs.

  “It may be boring, but we don’t know what we’re up against yet, and I would rather not have everyone caught in the same trap as Connor with no way out.” Rush spoke to everyone, but he was mostly singling Autumn out. “Is anyone else going to disobey my orders tonight? Or are you all going to do as I say?”

  “I’m good.” They said in unison, except Autumn and Sasha.

  “If I must.” She said, tapping her foot on the floor. “What if it turns out that you guys are having more fun in there, than we are out here, can I disobey then?”

  “No!” Rush was slowly losing patience with her.

  “Okay, okay, keep your panties on. Geesh, I was only having a bit of fun.” Autumn blew out a breath and moved to lean against a nearby tree.

  Rush shook his head, before turning to Sasha. “I would like you to stay out here as well.” He told her.

  “I don’t think so, I’m not part of your pack, so you can’t order me to stay put.”

  “I know, but I would still like it if you weren’t in there.”

  “Tuff, I’m going in whether you like it or not.”

  “Fine, but stay back so you don’t get hurt if there’s any fighting.”

  “Yeah, okay.” She said, rolling her eyes. “I’ll do just that.”

  Rush knew he was going to regret letting her join them, but there wasn’t anything he could do to stop her going with them. After all, she could just teleport herself inside any time.

  Until they knew what they were walking into, he didn’t want her teleporting in there on her own, so it was best just to take her with them. That way, at least they could keep an eye on her.

  “So, what’s the plan?” Dominic asked impatiently.

  “There’s only one thing we can do.” Rush told him.

  “I see two options.” Sasha added.

  “I know what one of your options are, it’s a good idea, but until we know what we’re up against, I would rather not use it.”

  “I think you’re wrong.” Sasha said. “I think you’re wasting a good opportunity by not going in both ways.”

  “You’re talking about teleporting in there. Who’s to say you won’t end up teleporting right in the middle of a trap?”

  “So little faith in my abilities.” She said, shaking her head. “That’s likely to come back and bite you on the ass, you know.”

  Maybe, but still, he didn’t want to risk it. Saving two people was going to be hard enough, he didn’t want it turning into three people.

  “Considering I don’t know what abilities you have, apart from teleportation, you should think yourself lucky I’m letting you come along at all. It’s only the fact that Anya is your friend that you are even here to being with.” Rush told her. “So, unless you’re going to divulge more about what you’re capable of, or I see it for myself, I won’t have any faith in your abilities.”

  “Fair enough.” She said. “But just so you know, I can do a hell of a lot more than just teleport people around. You’ll be grateful I stuck around to help.”

  “We’ll see.” He said skeptically.

  “Yes, we will see.” She said confidently.

  “Can you two stop bickering?” Kellen asked them.

  “Yeah, grow up you two.” Aidan couldn’t resist adding.

  “Shut up, Aidan!” The three of them said in unison.

  “Fine.” He said, holding his hands up. “I know when I’m not wanted.”

  Rush shook his head, at the same time Kellen smacked his forehead with the palm of one hand, and Sasha just smiled. Considering it was her friend in there, she seemed to be enjoying herself a little too much. Rush just hoped when the time came, she would take the situation seriously, if only for her friends’ sake.


  Kassadi managed to get one of the demons to help her with Anya before he ran off to join his comrades in the fight against the shifters. That way, she was able to dose Anya with sleeping powder without being seen by her.

  She knew it was cowardly of her to hide, but she’s already put Anya through enough, she didn’t want her to think she was more involved with him than she was. And if that meant hiding behind a demon so she wasn’t seen, then so be it.

  While Anya was asleep, Kassadi removed the chains from around her wrists and ankles. She wasn’t going to need them anymore. Seeing the marks where the chains had rubbed against her skin made Kassadi feel even more guilty, if that was possible.

  Even knowing she was doing it for a good reason, it didn’t make it any easier to do. It wasn’t as if she could explain her situation to Anya either. Anya would never understand, so there was no point in bothering to try to explain.

  So, she instead took the easiest route, knocking Anya out until she was settled in the new room.

  Kassadi hadn’t been expecting to see a camcorder set up in the room she was moving Anya to though. That was a shock to see. She didn’t know why he was going to need to record Anya shifting for the first time. Unless he was going to review the footage at a later date. Maybe when he had more time, and he didn’t have the wolves howling at his door, he would watch it in more depth. Or did he plan on showing it to someone else?

  Kassadi didn’t know, and she didn’t want to either. Her way of thinking was, if she didn’t know about it, then she couldn’t be a part of it. At least, that’s what she told herself.


  Held securely by two of the demons, Connor watched as some of the shifters joined him in the large open room. He knew Rush was going to be pissed at him for getting himself caught, but he didn’t care. Anya was somewhere in this building, and he was determined to find her. As soon as he was out of the demons hold, that was.

  Now that Rush was here, between him and the others, it shouldn’t be too long before they were able to free him from their clutches. Connor wasn’t sure why they didn’t all come inside, but he was sure Rush had a good reason for only bring in half of them.

  It wasn’t going to be an easy task getting through to Anya. Not with the amount of demons here. The odds were well and truly stacked against them, but that wasn’t going to stop them. One way or another, they were going through these demons.

  Connor hated dealing with these demons, mainly because he had to fight them in human form or risk having singed fur. If it wasn’t for the balls of fire they could throw, they would be the weakest of all the demon breeds. And the most stupid as well.

  “Okay, I stand corrected.” Sasha said as she faced the horde of demons standing in their path.

  Even from this distance, Connor could hear Rush growl at her.

  “Fuck sake, why’s it gotta be these bastards? I just had my hair done.” Sasha complained, which just made the demons grin.

  Imfera demons were notorious for setting things on fire. That was their specialty, and they basked in the ability.

  “By all means, sit this one out.” Rush said.

  “Oh, hell no, I’m not letting you guys have all the fun.”

  Connor didn’t know who, or what, Sasha was, but he hoped her balls were as big as they appeared to be. Honestly, he was looking forward to seeing her fight. If she was as good as she made out, then it was going to be one hell of a fight.

  Sasha pulled two throwing stars out of nowhere and launched them at the
demons holding Connor in place. Within seconds, the demons hold on Connor loosened enough for him to break free. Not wasting the opportunity, Connor quickly joined the others across the room.

  When he looked back, it was just in time to see the two demons drop dead to the floor.

  “One down, one to go.” Sasha said casually.

  “Holy, shit! Did you see that?” Aidan asked.

  “How the fuck?” Kellen said.

  Connor turned to look at Rush, and even he seemed shocked Sasha took them down so quickly and efficiently. Dominic’s jaw was hanging open as he looked at Sasha, while she just stood there smirking at the demons. It would have been comical in any other situation, but as it was, Connor was grateful for her aid.

  “Wow, you don’t hang around, do you.” Myra said.

  “What’s the point in hanging around? We all know these bastards have to die, so why drag it out?”

  “True.” Myra agreed.

  “Well, I for one, am glad she’s on our side.” Aidan said.

  Looking at their fallen comrades, Connor see the demons rage increase exponentially.

  “You’re going to be the first to die!” one of the demons screamed.

  “Oh, I’m sorry, was that you wife?” she asked.

  With a battle cry, the first demon, brave bastard that he was. rushed towards Sasha. Without batting an eye, she lifted her arm, a sword appearing in her hand at the same time. With a graceful motion, she sliced cleanly through the demon’s neck, detaching its head in one swift move.

  Everyone watched in silence as the head rolled across the room, stopping in front of the other demons. It took a moment to sink in what had just happened, then all hell broke loose.

  The rest of the demons rushed forward, attacking with fireballs until they were close enough to use their claws as well.

  Connor ducked as a fireball was throw at his head. Rolling to the side, he leapt up and grabbed the demon who threw it. Ripping the head off, he launched it towards another demon that was about to throw one at Myra. Nodding her head in thanks before she leapt into the fray.

  Most of the shifters stayed in human form, not willing to risk singed fur, but a couple chose to fight as wolves

  Punching through a demon’s chest, he ripped out its heart and stuffed it into it's gaping mouth before pushing it aside and reaching for the next demon.

  This one had a fireball ready in its hand. Sidestepping, the fireball grazed his arm as he lurched forward and grabbed the demon by the neck.

  “That fucking hurt.” He growled in the demon’s face just before he popped its head from its shoulders. Still holding the severed head, he smashed it into the faces of several other demons before launching it at a fireball heading his way.

  Looking to the side, he saw Kellen take down another demon, while Sasha cut them down with her sword, moving as gracefully as a dancer. She was mesmerizing to watch.

  Connor nearly got hit with a ball of fire as he got caught up in watching Sasha, luckily enough, he moved just in time to avoid it. There was no doubt the female could hold her own against these demons. She moved fluidly from one opponent to the next, cutting down anyone that got in her way.

  A bit further away, he could see some of the other shifters fighting against the demons as well. Most were still in human form, some choosing to shift back because they got hit a few times and lost some fur, but the odd one here and there still risked having their fur singed, as they chose to fight on all fours.

  The demons seemed to be coming out of the woodwork. For every one they cut down, another two seemed to take its place. Moving from one to the next, Connor didn’t slow down his forward motion. One way or another, he was going to reach Anya.

  He didn’t care how many demons he had to rip apart or decapitate, he wasn’t going to stop. Not when he knew Anya needed him more than anything right now. Connor already let her down once, he wasn’t going to do that again. He was going to spend the rest of his life making up for what he’s done to Anya, and he planned on it being for many more years to come.

  There was still no sign of the witch and the unknown wolf shifter. Connor couldn't stop the unease that crept into him at their absence. He didn't know what was preventing them from being here, but he assumed there must be a reason for it. Either that, or they were too cowardly to show themselves. Whatever the reason was that kept them away from the fight, it couldn’t be a good sign for Anya.

  Determined to get past the demons and reach the door on the other side of the room, Connor doubled his efforts. Ignoring everyone else in the room, he concentrated only on the demons standing in his way. Brutally ripping apart any who dared to step in his way, he swiftly advanced across the room. Not stopping until he reached the door.

  When Connor next had a chance to look around the room, he noticed the rest of their group that had been waiting outside had finally joined in the fight. Connor assumed Rush called them in when the fight broke out. He didn’t know what took them so long to get in here, but he was grateful they had finally joined in.

  Maybe now they could get the upper hand long enough for him to get away and find Anya.


  Anya was getting pissed off with being made to go to sleep all the time. Why did they need to keep knocking her out? And for what, just to move her into a different room? Seriously, they were taking the fucking piss.

  She was sick and tired of losing time. It was bad enough that she didn’t know how long has passed since she first arrived in Scotland with Sasha. She didn’t even know if she was still even in Scotland because she kept waking up somewhere new all the time.

  Even this new room she was now in, it could be in a completely different location, miles away from the last one. Or it could be in the same building, in one of the many other rooms. She just didn’t know. If she had taken the time to check the other rooms when she tried to escape then she now, but that was the last thing on her mind at the time.

  After all, what idiot went looking around when they were trying to escape? Not her, that’s for sure. She was the type of person who always screamed at the idiot on TV who went looking for where the bad guys were hiding.

  Anya could hear fighting going on somewhere in the building, but there was nothing she could do. She tried screaming for help, but because the battle was so loud, no one could hear her.

  Strapped to an operating table, she could just about breath. There was no room for her to wiggle out from under the straps, and the way they had her pinned was extremely uncomfortable.

  Unlike before, when they had her flat on her back with her arms and legs pulled tight, this time they had her on her side. Arms and legs still pulled tight, but in front of her as if she was walking around on all fours.

  Anya didn’t understand why they had her in this position, but she was sure she wasn’t going to like the answer.

  “Are you comfortable?” twat features asked as he walked.

  “Not really, was I supposed to be?” she asked.

  “Trust me, it will be more accommodating in the long run.” He told her.

  “If you say so.”

  He walked out of sight for a moment. When he stepped in front of her next, he was carrying a camcorder.

  Anya didn’t want to know what that was for, but she couldn’t stop the words leaving her mouth. “What’s with the camcorder?”

  “So, I can record you, of course.”

  “Of course.” She said, rolling her eyes. “Why didn’t I think of that?”

  “If you really must know…”

  “I must.” She interrupted.

  “You are going to do something soon, and I would like to record it.”

  “Yeah? What am I going to do?”

  “Now that would be telling.”

  “Of course, it would, that’s why I asked.”

  Twat features laughed at her. “You are amusing.”

  “That’s what I was aiming for.” She said sarcastically.

  “It will be a shame
if this doesn’t work.”

  “Why’s that?”

  “Because you’ll be dead.” He said casually.

  Anya didn't have a retort ready, so she remained mute, mouth open in shock.

  “Don’t worry though, the witch assures me that won’t happen.”

  “Oh, what wonderful news.” She said in mock excitement.

  The entire time they had been speaking, the cramps in Anya stomach, that she put down to lack of food and water, had gradually gotten worse. She was finding it increasingly more difficult not to let on how much pain she was in.

  Anya thought she was winning the battle over her body when the strongest spike of pain hit her, making her double over as it radiated outward from her stomach, consuming every inch of her body.

  “Ah, it looks like it’s time to begin.” He said.

  “What…the fuck…have you… done…to me?” she asked between bouts of pain.

  “I’ve given you a new life.” He said, then stepped back and pressed a button on the camcorder, switching it on.

  The flashing red light let her know everything that happened now was going to be caught on camera.

  Her skin crawled, and not because of the man in front of her. It felt like something was under her skin, trying to get out.

  As much as she tried not to, Anya screamed as pain coursed through her body. Her blood was as hot as lava as it flowed through her veins, burning her from the inside out. Bones crunched and cracked as they reshaped themselves into something new.

  Anya begged and begged to end the pain. Even going so far as to asking him to kill her just to put a stop to the agony she was in. There wasn’t an inch of her that didn’t feel like it was being ripped apart at the same time as being set on fire.

  Her body convulsed uncontrollably as ripples ran along her skin. When the convulsions finally eased off a bit, it was replaced with her violently throwing up what little food and water she had in her stomach.

  Anya watched in agony as her arms transformed right in front of her eyes. She wouldn’t have believed it was possible if she didn’t witness it for herself. Just like the man turning into a dragon, but she wasn’t turning into a dragon. No, she was turning into some form of dog.


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