Rose In Bloom

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Rose In Bloom Page 5

by Mia Michelle

  “You’re right. I am crazy. I’m crazy in love with you.” My heart pounds as he inches closer down to me. His kiss is soft and full of love.

  “Let’s get away for a while. I think we need some time away from here.”

  “That sounds wonderful, but-”

  He cuts me off. “Then it’s settled! We leave in the morning.”

  “In the morning?” I say.

  He smiles widely at how large my eyes grow.

  “It’s already taken care of,” he says, nibbling on my bottom lip.

  “Baby, I love that you want to take care of me, but I don’t need to go away on some fancy vacation to be with you. We can just stay right here.” I say, looking him in his eyes.

  “Stop worrying and let me take care of you. You might as well get used to a lifetime of this. You’re my woman after all!”

  “Wow! Your woman, huh? Well, it ain’t official yet there, caveman!” I say, poking my finger into his sternum.

  “That reminds me! We need to practice some more on that honeymoon. Like I told you before, I want to make sure I get it just right,” he whispers into my ear.

  And just like that, his words send my body into complete oblivion.

  “Practice makes perfect,” I return and he growls into my neck.

  When morning comes, I wake with a smile on my face. Sebastian has his arm tightly around my body, with his hand resting on my stomach. Even when we sleep, he possessively claims what is his. I don’t want him ever to doubt it. I am his in every possible way. It has taken us so long to get back to where we are. I am grateful every single day that we found our way back to one another.

  As I try to move free, he pulls me tighter against him.

  “Let me go or you’re going to have a wet spot on the bed.” I jokingly threaten.

  He nuzzles in my ear and bites at my skin. “Good. It’ll match the wet spot that you left last night when I made you scream my name over and over. You know, you really should watch that potty mouth of yours, Mommy. They say babies are very impressionable in the womb.”

  Busting out laughing, I wiggle my way free from his hold. Propping his elbow on the bed, he rests his face against his hand and watches me run to the bathroom. I seriously think this baby is going to flatten my bladder just like a pancake.

  As I’m washing my hands, his arms wrap tightly around my waist, pulling me back to him. He locks eyes with me in the mirror. His hair is tossed and sexy with his just woke up look, and God, does he ever smell yummy.

  “You are so unbelievably beautiful,” he says softly. The look in his eyes holds something more. I just wish I knew what he’s thinking. Playfully, he slaps me on the butt and moves towards the shower to turn on the water.

  “Are you going to join me?” he says, wiggling his eyebrows up and down, suggestively.

  “No, Mr. Thorne. I am calling my work to tell them I won’t be in. You know that boss of mine is a real asshole when he wants to be.”

  Poking his head out of the shower, he grins at me. “Want me to have a word with him? I bet I can set his ass straight.”

  “No, I can handle him,” I tease and leave the bathroom.

  When he comes back into our bedroom, he looks delicious in the chocolate towel wrapped around his waist.

  “What are you doing?” He smiles, walking over to me.

  Sweet Jesus, does he have any idea how hot he looks right now? Damn these pregnancy hormones! I want him all the time now. “I’m packing, silly. So how long are we going to be gone for? And where are we going?”

  Trying to distract myself from my dirty thoughts, I turn to put another group of clothes in, but he takes them away from me.

  “I’ve already taken care of everything. There’s no need for you to bring anything, but yourself to the airport with me.”

  “But you did pack my clothes, right? I can’t walk around naked everywhere I go, you know.”

  “Oh really? And why not? That sounds fucking fine with me!” He smiles with desire flaming in his eyes.

  Seriously, I’m about to attack him if he doesn’t stop looking at me that way. The way my clit is pounding right now, I may have to relieve myself in the shower.

  “Ha! Well, enjoy it now, because in just a few more months, you will be grossed out by how huge I will be.”

  Cupping my face, he brings me closer to him. “I hope you get HUGE, and when you do, you will be the most gorgeous woman in the world.” Putting his hand on my stomach, he looks back up at me. “You have never looked more sexy or beautiful to me than you do right now.”

  “Well, let’s revisit that statement when my feet are swollen, my stomach has a thousand stretch marks, and I can’t fit into anything anymore.”

  “Personally, I can’t wait for that! Then maybe you’ll just walk around naked all day. Not that I’d let you do much walking.”

  “I love you so much, you crazy man!” I say, kissing him softly. Playfully, he nudges me backwards, turning me around to point me towards the bathroom.

  “Now, go get ready and I’ll fix us something to eat.” He pops me on the ass. “What do you want this morning? Pancakes? Sausage and egg… bacon?”

  Bashfully biting my lip, I nod. “Yes.”

  “Yes to which?”

  “Um… that’s yes, to all of them,” I reply, embarrassed. Nowadays, I’m so hungry that I can totally take on some eating contests.

  Laughing, he shakes his head and leaves the room to finish getting dressed.

  Turning the shower on, I step underneath the tri-sprayer and savor the warm water against my skin. I can still feel the pressure of my clit begging for relief, but I have to learn how to control this. At this rate, I will be masturbating all the damn time!

  I’d just finished lathering my hair when I feel him step in behind me. Inching forward, his hardness becomes very evident against my bottom. Tenderly, his fingers slide into my hair, and he gently begins massaging my scalp. This is pure heaven. Urging me back into the water, he rinses my hair clean. I smile at him as he looks at me with that heart stopping intensity in his eyes. His long, thick cock stands at attention, and my core throbs to have him inside me.

  “You know, I thought you already had a shower.” I tease him.

  “My thoughts were so dirty, thinking of you being in here naked, that I think I need another one.” His mouth crashes to mine as my back finds the tile wall. The way this man kisses me always makes my knees buckle. I grin against his firm forceful lips and he returns by biting down on them before moving lower. Feathering his kisses down my jaw, he works his kisses over to my ear.

  “Turn around,” he orders.

  Placing my hand on the dark tan tiles, I feel him come behind me. He teases his erection against my bottom, and I twist my hips back at him. Even over the water, I hear him let out a loud hiss in response. His other hand slides down my wet back, pushing me over to put my ass up in the air. Gripping the shower bench, I brace myself for what is coming next. Slowly, he enters me from behind, filling me up so deliciously that I’m about to come on the spot. Every ridge of his cock caresses my insides, sending ripples of pleasure throughout my body.

  “Fuck!” he groans, stilling himself.

  He feels so good. I don’t want him to stop. I need him to keep moving. Rocking my hips up and down, I hear him suck in a deep breath.

  “Damn, baby! You’re going to make me come if you keep doing that.”

  “Please, Sebastian, don’t stop. I need you.” I beg, bringing a hand behind me and placing it on his hips, urging him to give me more. His thrusting increases and my walls clench down on him, making him moan loudly.

  “Oh, God! Yes! Oh Yes!” I scream, turning my head around to look at him when I come. I push back onto him and ride every movement with him in perfect sync.

  With his head thrown back, he forcefully grabs my hips and pushes himself harder inside of me. I love it when he loses control like this. He always worries he’s going to hurt the baby, or me even though both the doctor and
I have assured him otherwise. His hand grabs my wet hair and pulls back, driving himself even deeper, raking right over my sweet spot.

  “Sebastian! Please deeper. Oh. My. Ah!” I explode on his cock, triggering his release.

  “Fuck! Skylar! Ugh!” His hot seed shoots up inside of me. “Mmm.” He continues rolling his hips around while he holds my back and hips in place. Leaning down, he kisses my back lovingly before pulling out of me. His strong arms wrap around me and turn me to face him.

  “Feel better?” he asks before kissing my forehead.

  “How did you know I needed that?”

  “I saw how you looked at me in the towel. You know, I have to say I’m loving how being pregnant makes you so horny.”

  Slapping his chest, I shove him back. He laughs and then gives me one more kiss on the forehead before stepping out of the shower.

  “Your breakfast feast will be ready shortly,” he teases, opening the shower door again.

  “You are so mean!” I joke back at him.

  “I’m not being mean! I’ve got to feed my baby momma, after all!”

  I throw my loofa at him, and he ducks and closes the glass door.

  “Just for that, I’m eating all your bacon!” I laugh and I can hear him chuckling as he closes the bathroom door.

  Man, bacon sounds so freaking good right now!

  He won’t tell me where we are going, but he is as excited as a kid at Christmas. The moment the jet is in the air, the weight on his chest seems to vanish completely. Finally, I have him back. I’d drifted off to sleep when we landed for a quick refueling and I must have been out of it, because I hadn’t woken up until his warm hands are on my bare feet, gently massaging them.

  “Mmmm. If you keep this up, I’m going to get spoiled to this kind of pampering.”

  “I’m going to spoil you and our daughter every day.”

  “There you go with the girl thing again. And what if I were to say I think this is a boy? What then?”

  “I’d say you were wrong, and that he’ll look awfully funny in the pink bow that I bought last week.”

  I can’t help but throw my head back and laugh.

  “You do know there is only one way to settle this. My ultrasound will be coming up next month and we can finally decide pink or blue.”

  “Nope, I don’t need to know,” he replies with a serious face.

  “Oh really? So does that mean I can find out and prove you’re wrong?”

  “I’ve got a better idea.” He smiles that sexy as fuck smile at me and melts my heart.

  “What’s that?” I manage to say, looking into his dreamy eyes. I swear the man hypnotizes me with those things. I’ve never seen anyone with eyes like his.

  “Let’s be surprised. I don’t want us to find out until the baby is born.”

  His pleading amber eyes dance with hope in them. I can’t say no, and if our child has his eyes, I will never be able to deny them a thing.

  “Does it really mean that much to you?” I ask.

  “Yes, it does,” he replies.

  “Then, I guess we will be buying everything white for the nursery.”

  “I love you.”

  “You better!” I joke and kiss him. “Now, tell me where we are!” I exclaim, excitedly looking through the window for any signs.

  “Welcome to Belize.”

  I’m literally bouncing when I step off the plane. Sebastian won’t even let me carry my purse, so I can’t send Kylie or Sophie a message to show them where I am. Damn the man for being overprotective! Well, not really… but still! If pregnant women in other cultures can carry a toddler and a heavy bucket of water on their head, then a damn little purse isn’t going to hurt me.

  Looking around, I’m amazed at the beauty that surrounds us.

  “Well? What do you think, baby?”

  “Oh, Sebastian, it’s so beautiful! Thank you so much for bringing me here!” I exclaim, throwing my arms around his neck.

  “You ain’t seen nothing yet, kid,” he teases and kisses me on the lips before leading me to the silver convertible on the tarmac. Opening the passenger side door, he helps me in and then hurries to his side. It looks like he is just as excited to be here as I am. He pulls up and parks in a small lot, pointing to a group of beach cottages in front of us.

  “That one is ours.” He points at the large one in the middle.

  “They will deliver our bags shortly. Let’s check it out.”

  The villa is breathtaking. With its high ceilings, the rooms are all open to one another. Each wall is made of braided bamboo. A huge bed sits on a platform off in the distance with doors that open to the outside. There is even our own private mini pool in the back.

  “I’ll never want to leave this place. I’m in love,” I joke, while dreamily looking out at the back view.

  “I’m in love, too. But not with this place.” He nuzzles into my neck, wrapping his arms around me.

  “Want to go for a walk?” he offers, and I nod, grinning. Nothing sounds more wonderful than spending time with him.

  Slipping off my sandals, I take his hand and we walk back outside. The minute my toes sink into the sand, it’s like I’m in heaven. We only walk a few steps before I hear that unique voice that I can never deny knowing. But how is that possible? Then I look up at Sebastian’s beaming face and I know exactly what he’s been doing. All things are possible with Sebastian Thorne.

  “You are such an ass, Nik! Really?” Kylie’s voice grows closer.

  “That guy had his hands all over you.” Nikolas says.

  “And? What the fuck do you care? You’ve flirted with everything with a vagina since we left the fucking airport!”

  “What? Are you jealous that I didn’t flirt with your vagina?”

  “Fuck off, Nik.”

  “That’s what it is, isn’t it? Well, sweetheart, if you want to ride this cowboy, all you gotta do is ask.”

  “Lick it,” Kylie says, throwing up her middle finger and storming away. Her face flushes when she sees us standing there.

  “Mmm. Anytime, baby. You know where to find me. I’ll be right next door to you,” he says, while following closely behind her.

  “Ugh! I swear to fuck, I’m gonna kill him, Sebastian,” she fires at him, earning a giggle from me and a laugh from Sebastian.

  Turning to face me, she frowns. “What are you laughing at, bitch? You know that I’m only here for you. I’d never be within bomb’s distance of this prick if I didn’t love you,” she says, throwing her arms around me to give me a hug. “Oh my God! Look at that belly.” She lays her hand on my stomach. Squatting down, she whispers, “With these two as your parents? Don’t worry, kid, I got your back.”

  When I look up, I spot Nik staring. It’s so obvious how in love he is with her. But my damn friend is just too stubborn to see it for herself. The way he’s looking at her right now is about something far more than I thought. Nik’s eyes zone in on how her hand rests on my belly. When he glances at me, he catches me studying him and straightens his shoulders, trying to act unaffected.

  “Sebastian, this place is off the charts! Our group has all four of these huts,” he says, changing the subject.

  “Four? Why on earth would we need four? Are you planning on not staying with me?” I ask teasingly.

  “The fourth one would be mine.” My sister’s sweet voice chimes in from behind me.

  “SOPHIE!” I scream, yanking my sister to me.

  “Easy there, sis! I’m not going anywhere.”

  “I can’t believe you are here!” I exclaim and turn to face Sebastian.

  “So you wanted a getaway with all the people I love?”

  “You mean you love me?” Nik jokes, earning him a smack from Kylie and a hard glare from Sebastian.

  “Yes and no,” he answers.

  “See! He doesn’t love me! I knew it!” Nik jokes and Kylie turns to push him back. It catches him off guard enough that he falls back on his ass.

  “Shut up, you asshole
! You’re going to ruin everything!”

  “Ruin what? What’s she talking about, Sebastian?” I ask confused.

  “They’re here because I want us to get married.”

  “Um, last time I checked we were,” I joke, showing him my ring on my finger.

  Clutching my hand, his face grows serious. His fingers lace through mine as be brings them up to kiss.

  “I don’t want to wait until after the baby is born, Skylar. You and I both know that there’s going to be a huge media circus over it. I don’t want that for our wedding day. All I want is to have you and the people that we care most about here to share the day with us.”

  “But, I don’t have anything here. How-”

  Kylie interrupts me before I can finish. “Oh yes, you do. I’ve already taken care of everything.”

  “Please, baby, I don’t want to spend another day without you as my wife. So what do you say?” he pleads, pulling me close to him.

  I’m speechless. When I see the deep emotion in his eyes, I melt once again. Other than being this baby’s mommy, there is nothing more I want than to be his wife.

  “Yes,” I whisper against his lips and he lifts me up in the air to spin me around.

  “HEY! Easy there! Don’t shake the kid up!” Kylie scolds him, but I don’t care. I’m too busy kissing my soon to be husband.


  My heart pounds in my chest as I kiss her. In less than twenty-four hours, she will officially be my wife. When I sit her down, she looks up at me with her breathtaking eyes and I take her in. Pride washes over me. I want everyone to know she is mine.

  “So, since you all seem to have this all planned out and covered, would you mind filling me in on when my wedding will take place?” Skylar jokes, winking at me.

  “Tomorrow afternoon. I’ve already got everything taken care of.” I answer and watch her eyes widen.

  “Tomorrow? So what would you do if I had said no?” she teases as she places her hands on her hips.

  If she only knew how damn cute she looks right now.

  “I have my ways of convincing you,” I reply, pulling her close to me and kissing her on the lips. “I wasn’t beyond torturing you if need be.”


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