Rose In Bloom

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Rose In Bloom Page 18

by Mia Michelle

  “Then what the fuck am I going to do with this shipment, Brandon? If it doesn’t get somewhere quick, then that’s three million bucks down the drain. Care to explain that one to Pops when he gets back? I know I don’t.”

  “Fine! Let me think. How about we ask Antonio if we can use his place, just until we can get this one running again. We’ll give him a cut for doing it,” I suggest.

  “Get him on the phone. I don’t see how we have any other options.”

  Breathing a sigh of relief, I phone Antonio and make him a deal he can’t refuse.

  “What’s going on with you, Brandon?” Mikey asks as he closes the door to the back of the truck. We’d just gotten through delivering the last of the shipment, and the crew had already headed out.

  “What do you mean? There’s nothing going on with me.”

  “Don’t give me that shit. You’ve been preoccupied with that new girl since you got out of prison. When do you plan on bringing her around?”

  “Soon. She’s in the middle of a messy divorce, so she’s not wanting to go public until her husband signs the papers and all.”

  “Are you seriously staying out at that old place? I’m surprised she’s willing to live there. You need a tetanus shot just for opening the door. You know, there is room in the penthouse for her, too.”

  “Yeah, but she’s not into the fancy life. Besides, we like it just fine where we are, for now. So, just mind your own fucking business, Mikey.”

  “Whatever. Have you talked to Pops? I’m starting to get worried, cause he still hasn’t called me back.”

  “Er… um, yeah, I talked to him yesterday. It was a bad connection, but he said he’d call back soon.”

  “I still don’t get why he hasn’t called me though. He knows I need to talk to him. I’ve left him a thousand voice mails.”

  “I don’t know. He talked like this is a pretty important deal he’s working on.”

  “Yeah, I guess. Come on. Let’s get this truck outta here. I don’t want to draw any more attention than necessary.”

  “I’ll see you later, Bro,” I yell as I drop Mikey off at his car.

  Throwing up his hand, he doesn’t even say anything back. It’s obvious he’s upset. He hadn’t said much during the ride over here. I’m sure he’s pissed because I told him Pops had called me and not him, but I had to think of something to say, and fast. If I hadn’t told him that I’d talked to him, then Mikey would’ve gone nuts. Within minutes, he’d have the whole world searching. The last thing I need right now is a big media frenzy involving my missing father.

  Pulling up to the warehouse, I park the truck inside and secure the roll down door behind me. I’d wanted to torture Thorne a bit longer, but it’s time I make my next move.

  Pulling out my father’s phone, I text Thorne my demands. I know he’ll do whatever I ask to get her back, but the thing is that that isn’t happening. I get the money. I keep the girl.

  Since I’m having him meet me here for the exchange, we can’t stay here any longer. We’ll stay in a motel somewhere and lay low for the night. After tomorrow, Sebastian Thorne will go down for the murder of my father and lose everything he ever loved.


  I’ve waited all evening for him. As he pulls his shiny black car into his designated spot, I know this is my only shot. Tucking my gun behind my back, I grab the box beside me and close the door.

  I hear the familiar sounds of the FOB securing the lock on the car and realize that thankfully, he’s alone this time.

  “Mikey!” I call, catching him completely off guard.

  “What are you doing here?” he demands.

  “We’ve got to talk.”

  “I don’t have time for this now.” Mikey says, turning around to walk off.

  “You’re going to make time! Someone’s kidnapped Sebastian Thorne’s wife and, is holding her hostage. I know it’s your family behind it.”

  “What are you talking about?” Mikey says, turning back to face me. “Besides, why do you even care what happens to Thorne anyway? Doesn’t this get the revenge you wanted?”

  “When I made the deal with your father to bring Sebastian down, he assured me that Thorne’s wife would not be involved in any of it. I made him promise to leave her out of it because I love her, Mikey. Now they have her and I’m scared to death someone’s going to hurt her. I’ve got to get her back, and in order to do that, I need your help.”

  “Look, I know you want me to help, but I think you are way off with all of this. My Pops is not even back in town yet, so I know this isn’t him. Plus my brother’s too busy with his new girl to be involved in any of that. This has to be someone else.”

  “New girl?”

  “Yeah, his new girlfriend. He’s been living with her out in one of my Pops’ old warehouses across town.”


  “I’m not telling you that so you can go jump him for something I know he didn’t do.”

  “Mikey, I think this new girl he’s talking about is Sebastian’s wife, Skylar.”

  “No, it’s not. He wouldn’t go near her after everything he went through. Trust me, he’s not that stupid. He doesn’t want to go back to prison.”

  “Have you even seen this new girl he’s talking about?”

  “No, he said she’s going through a divorce and isn’t ready to meet everyone just yet.”

  “I’m telling you, he’s got Skylar. He had this delivered today. You can’t tell me he isn’t capable of hurting her,” I say, shoving the box in his hands. Opening the flap, he pulls out the stuffed animal and looks back at me in horror.

  “She’s pregnant, Mikey. Please tell me where the warehouse is. If it’s not Brandon behind this, then I’ll apologize, but I need to find out who’s behind it before it’s too late. Please.”

  Unlocking his car, he shoves the box back in my arms. “Get in! I’ll take you there myself. So help me, if you’re wrong, I’ll make you pay.”

  “Looks like his car’s not here, but I’ve got a key to get in.” Shoving open the heavy rusty door, I follow behind him as he switches the light on inside.

  “BRANDON?” he calls as he tosses his keys on the wooden desk. “BRANDON!” He opens a door in the far back. “He’s definitely been here, because that’s the delivery truck we used earlier.” He points at the big truck parked inside.

  “Come on,” he says, motioning me on back to the stairwell. “The loft is upstairs. I don’t trust that elevator. I got stuck on it once when I was a kid.”

  Climbing the stairs, we head down a long, narrow hallway that leads up to a large metal door.

  “Fuck, it’s locked,” he says, digging through his keys. He tries a few of them with no luck, before finally finding one that turns the lever. Pushing back the door, he switches on the light, revealing a huge loft apartment.

  “Hello?” he calls, but no one answers.

  Walking inside, something shiny on the bed catches my eye. The moment I see the watch, I know it’s Skylar’s. I’d given it to her as a surprise when we were in Spain.

  “He’s got her, Mikey. This is her watch.”

  Walking towards me, he takes it out of my hands.

  “You’re sure this belongs to her?”

  “I’m positive. I had the rose inscribed inside beside her initials. See? SR, Skylar Rose.”

  Pulling out his cell phone, Mikey dials a number. “Tex, have you seen Brandon? No, I haven’t seen him since he dropped me off earlier, and he’s not answering his phone. Call me the minute you see or hear anything from him,” he orders before ending the call.

  “I don’t see anything up here. I’m gonna have a look downstairs,” I say as I make my way out the door.

  When we return to the bottom floor, I look the place over for any possible clue. Large wooden crates and metal shelves scatter the room, along with a few pieces of old furniture and junk.

  Mikey stops at the back of the room.

  “That lying piece of shit!” he roars as he o
pens the lever to what looks to be a cooler.

  “What is it?” I say, running over to where he is.

  “He told me this cooler was broken. Obviously, the fucker didn’t want me coming here. I guess he was afraid I’d find the girl.” Opening the door up, he steps through the large rubber strips that hang at the opening of the freezer.

  “NO!” he screams.

  Startled, I bolt in after him. Mikey is on his knees, his body draped over a black tarp of some sort. His broad shoulders shake. Sensing my presence, he lifts up and looks back around to me. It’s then that I see what I’ve suspected all along. Lying wrapped in the black tarp is Maverick Larson, dead from a bullet to the head.

  Looking back to Mikey, I watch the rage fill his face.

  “My brother just signed his death warrant. If you find him before me, END HIM! He is a fucking dead man!”


  “Sir, wake up.”

  Jolting up off the bed, I grab hold of my pounding head. It feels like it weighs at least a hundred pounds, and throbs like hell. Squinting to open my eyes, I notice it’s now dark outside.

  “What the fuck, Harrison? I told you not to let me fall asleep!” I roar at him.

  “That’s not important, sir. Larson’s just made contact.”

  “What? When?”

  “Less than a minute ago. How do you want me to respond?”

  “Do you even have to ask me that fucking question? Give him anything and everything he wants. I don’t care what it is! Make it happen!”

  “He wants you to liquidate all of your assets and transfer the money to several offshore accounts. He’s also demanding you bring five million in unmarked bills tomorrow at your meet. Larson left an address, but I don’t feel good about it. I think we need to set up a team to be there.”

  “No. I’ll not risk her getting hurt. I’ll give him what he wants. Do whatever it takes and make it happen.”

  “Sir, you can’t seriously be considering going in there alone. It’s suicide!”

  “He’s not going in alone. I’m going with him.” Lucas’ voice chimes in behind me. I didn’t even noticed him come in the room.

  “You’re not coming, Drake. You’ll end up getting us all killed!”

  ”Maverick’s dead, Sebastian. Brandon killed him.”

  “What? How the hell do you know that?”

  “I saw him myself. I went to see Mikey again. We found him in the warehouse where Brandon’s been staying. He’s definitely the one who has Skylar.”

  “You mean you’ve been talking with the enemy?” I say, charging towards him.

  “No! Goddamn it! Mikey’s not involved in this. Besides, I didn’t have a choice. This came for you today in the mail.” He pulls out a bloody stuffed animal.

  “Oh my God!” I gasp, feeling like I am about to throw up.

  “I knew when I saw it that I couldn’t wait any longer. I had to do something.”

  “Why the fuck didn’t you tell me about this?”

  “Because you’re losing your mind, that’s why! Look at all this broken shit around the house! You can’t think rationally, let alone act with a clear mind. I had to do this on my own. I was barely able to keep my cool, and I knew there was no way you would’ve been able to.”

  “What the fuck do we do now? I’m supposed to meet him tomorrow for the drop off.”

  “Where are you supposed to meet him?”

  Harrison gives him the address, and he nods, returning the piece of paper back to him.

  “That’s the warehouse we went to today. It’s where he’s been holding her. He’s gotten nervous and moved. Mikey called around, but no one knows where he is. If I go with you tomorrow, I can get in there and back you up. I know the layout of the place.”

  “Here, draw out the warehouse floor the best you can, and we’ll get an idea of how you can get in there unnoticed. If this is going to go down, you two are going to have to listen to me carefully. Got it?” Harrison asks, taking charge.

  We’re both nervous as hell, no denying it. We’d be stupid not to be scared out of our minds. One wrong move and everything is ruined. I’ve run this plan over and over in my head. It’s got to go right! I can’t lose her.

  “Remember, I’m going to make my way inside, but it may take me a while to get set up. Keep your eyes on him at all times. Like Harrison warned us, even the slightest shift in your eyes can give me away,” Lucas reminds me.

  “Whatever you do, Lucas, don’t take a shot unless it’s a clear one.”

  “I won’t, trust me. But this is shoot to kill, not shoot to wound. So, if you get a shot on him before I do, take him down, Sebastian. He has to die.”

  “Trust me, I have no intention of leaving the fucker alive,” I reply. Popping the magazine in, I unlock the slide and tuck the gun in the back of my jeans.

  “You ready for this?” he asks, adding an extra clip in my pocket. Lucas nods as he opens his car door.

  “Let’s bring her home, then,” I reply, moving to my vehicle. Harrison has arranged for us both to a have a vehicle with a ghost tag. Ghost tags have bogus registration and titles, so if something goes wrong at the warehouse, there will be no way of tracing the vehicle back to one of us.

  “Larson, it’s me,” I yell, slamming my fists into the door. Within moments, the door rolls up, and I walk inside. Out of the shadows, I see him moving towards me.

  “Well? Aren’t you glad to see me?” His sly smile greets me and he lifts his hands in a questioning manner.

  I want to pull the gun out and end everything, but I’ve got to play it cool. I don’t know where she is. Like Harrison said, I’ve got to get a visual on her.

  “Drop the act. Where’s your father?” I ask, playing stupid.

  “I’m afraid my father won’t be joining us for this. It’s just me and you.”

  “I want to see her,” I demand, holding the bag close to me.

  “I don’t think you are in the position to make orders now, do you? Besides, what’s the rush? We’ve got so much catching up to do.”

  “I’ve brought you the money, but if you want the rest of it, I need proof she’s still alive.” I demand.

  Laughing, he shakes his head and turns to walk over to another door that’s nearby and opens it up. “Come on, baby, he’s here now. It’s time to tell him everything.” He calmly takes her arm.

  The fact he’s touching her at all is enough to send me into a murderous rage. The minute I see her face, relief rushes over me. She looks completely exhausted. Our eyes meet, and I see how terrified she is. Scanning every inch of her body, I check to make sure she isn’t hurt. The way she rests her hand over her stomach reminds me of how careful I have to be to make sure this all goes as planned.

  Calm down, Sebastian. She’s safe. Right now, both of them are safe.

  “See? She’s safe and sound. Now, where’s the rest of the money?”

  “The wire transfers are complete. Part of the cash is here, and the rest is out in the car. Just release her and you can have it all,” I say, throwing the bag down in front of him.

  “Well, as flattering as that sounds, my plans have changed.” He pulls out the Glock from behind him and holds it down to his side. “So, do you want to tell him or shall I, babe?” Brandon says, wrapping his arm around her hip. She cringes and tries to push away from him. Her beautiful eyes search mine, begging me to help her.

  “Don’t be shy. Tell him.”

  “Sebastian, I’m so sorry. I had to,” she cries. My stomach drops.

  What does she mean she had to? What had that fucker made her do?

  “Don’t apologize to him for loving me,” Brandon warns her, tightening his grip on her waist.

  “What are you talking about? What did you do to her?” I shout angrily.

  “This has all been a plan from the beginning. She and I were meant to be together, Thorne. She loves me, and I sure as fuck love her. This kid was all a ploy to bring you down. Go on! Tell him you love me!” he says, pointi
ng the gun at me.

  “I love you, Sebastian. I will always love only you.” she answers, her eyes full of tears.

  Slinging her around to face him, Brandon turns his attention to her just long enough for me to pull my gun and aim it at him. Just as I go to pull the trigger, he jerks Skylar in front of him, shielding himself from me as he digs the barrel of the gun into her temple.

  In that one moment, I know every single move I make will be risking both her and the baby’s life. Out of the corner of my eye, I spot Lucas’ figure as he moves in the far back of the warehouse. I want to reassure her right now, but I’m afraid that’s only going to make Brandon do something stupid. Swallowing the knot of fear in my throat, I pray this doesn’t end badly. I’m prepared to die for her, but I’ll never make it without her.


  I hug the concrete wall, quietly inching closer to where he is holding Skylar. Even from over here, I can see how damn terrified she is. It’s killing me, and I wish to God I could get to her faster, but that will give me away before I’m ready. Brandon can’t know I’m here with Sebastian and I can’t get a close enough shot from this far away.

  “Drop it, Larson! It’s over!” Sebastian screams, lifting up his gun.

  “Oh, it’s not even close to being over, Thorne. You and I have unfinished business, and I’m going to have fun watching you pay.” Brandon pulls Skylar against his body and aims the gun at her head.

  “NO!” Sebastian screams, lifting his gun.

  “Throw down your weapon, or so help me, I’ll end her right now!” He digs the barrel deep into her temple.

  Raising his hands, Sebastian lowers the weapon to the floor and backs away.

  Dragging Skylar with him, Brandon moves to kick the gun across the room.

  “Leave her out of it, Larson. This is between you and me.”

  “Oh, I think that this has EVERYTHING to do with this young. Beautiful. Creature.” He licks down her neck and gropes her breast.

  “She likes it when I do that, you know. We’ve shared a bed for days, Thorne. I’ve tasted every part of her body until she’s begged for more. Do you really want my sloppy seconds?”


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