“You’re right, but let me wrap it for you, give you some structure.” He found the first aid kit and found the ankle wrap and delicately and not too tightly wrapped her ankle. “Want to try it.”
“She stood and tried to walk. She could do it, not with any grace, but using the furniture, and Steven’s arm she took several steps and then sat down heavily. “Okay, that’s enough for now.
She looked up at him. “I’m sorry.” She reached for his hand.
He knelt in front of her. “What for?”
“For worrying everyone, for thinking I could do this alone, for being a pain in the ass.”
He sat down beside her and pulled her onto his lap. He kissed her softly. “You’re forgiven, Annie Oakley, I do understand, really, but I also know I can protect you. I promise.”
“You better, I’m putting my life in your hands.”
At two in the morning Steven, asleep on the couch, opened his eyes. He heard an unusual sound coming from Sarah’s room. He knocked but went in without waiting for an invitation. Sarah cried out and seemed to be fighting a phantom enemy. He sat down on the bed beside her and tried to wake her, but at his touch she fought him. Whatever demon she was struggling with in her nightmare, Steven had become. He wrapped his arms around her just as she let out a scream that finally woke her. Her eyes popped open, and she scrambled away from him, almost falling off the other side of the bed.
“Sarah, it’s me. You’re safe.” He pulled her back and held her trembling body close. “It’s just me. You were having a nightmare. I came in to see if you were all right. Are you all right?”
She hugged him close, but shook her head. “No, hold me. Please, just hold me.”
He lay down beside her. “Go back to sleep. I’m here. And I promise, I’m not going anywhere.”
Sarah snuggled safely in his arms and finally fell into a deep sleep. He held her tightly against him, and, being with her, filled him with such peace he too slept soundly.
The next morning, he woke up alone, but found Sarah preparing breakfast in the kitchen. She seemed refreshed and bright, with no hint of the previous evening’s ordeal, except for a very noticeable limp. She looked up when he entered, but then immediately dropped her gaze.
“Thank you for being here last night,” she said softly. “I’m sorry, bad dreams, you must think I’m a child.
“Sarah, don’t. I don’t.” He moved toward her, but she stepped back.
“Are you hungry?” Sarah busied herself with pouring him a cup of coffee.
“We can’t go on, not like this.” Steven stepped closer, and Sarah held the cup of coffee between them.
“No, we can’t. Last night was my fault. I promise, I won’t let this happen again.”
“That’s not what…”
“I just, I don’t know how to handle this anymore. Tears don’t conquer anything, running away only caused more problems, nightmares let me relive the fun every single night. I’m sorry, I’m a wreck.” She let out a relieved sigh and blinked back tears.
Steven took the cup from her hand. He placed the coffee on the counter and took her into his arms. “Quit trying so hard. You’re allowed to break down, to express your emotions. Honest, I’ll love you despite your tears, your nightmares, all your bad habits. I promise.
She finally smiled.
“I’m the one who should apologize. I promised you I’d always be there, but I wasn’t. I don’t want you to carry this burden alone. No matter what else happens, I won’t leave your side. This bastard will not kill you, will not kill me. I’ll get him Sarah, I promise you, I’ll get him, and he’ll pay for every ounce of sorrow he’s caused. He hasn’t won.”
She looked up at him. “But, your job, I thought…”
“It’s an issue, we’ll have to be careful, work around it somehow, but I can’t watch you do this alone.” He put his fingers under her chin so she couldn’t look away. “Angel, I’ve missed you, too. The way you can look inside and strip me of all pretenses, and the joy I feel just being near you. The way the world disappears whenever you’re in my arms. I love you, Sarah, and I’m here because I can’t go another day without knowing if—”
She stood on the toes of one foot and silenced him with her lips, drowning his words in a kiss.
“I do love you.”
His arms lifted her from the floor, and his kiss confirmed his commitment.
A knock at the door startled them both. Steven gingerly put her back on the floor.
His friend stood outside the door. “Come in Carey.” Steven made the introductions, and Sarah poured another cup of coffee. Carey looked around the cabin and noted the blanket and pillow on the sofa; he smiled and winked at Steven.
Steven glared at him.
Carey sat down at the kitchen table, and Sarah, with Steven’s help, made them all eggs, bacon and pancakes, despite her bad ankle.
“Brandon James made bail this morning.” Carey told them.
“Who is Brandon James?” Sarah asked.
“He’s been staying in a cabin down the road. He’s an Iraq war vet and struggling with PTSD and alcoholism. He was severely drunk last night and thought you were his ex-wife. She left him when he was in Iraq for his best friend, and he’s just not adjusting well to life in general. I wanted to let you know and take some pictures of the damage and get Jenny’s signature on the report.”
“You don’t need my real name or signature?”
“At this juncture and for your security, we’ve agreed to use your alias. I know you’re leaving for Anchorage in a few hours. Right.”
“Thanks Carey. We would’ve dropped by the office on our way out of town, but appreciate the service.”
“No problem. I just want to make sure I get everything recorded.”
Steven emailed him the pictures he’d taken with his phone of the damaged door, and pinpointed on a map the exact location in the woods where Steven had found Sarah, in case they wanted to do a bigger search for a DNA match.
“Do I have to press charges?” Sarah asked, surprising them both.
Steven and Carey just looked at one another.
“Are you sure Sarah?” Steven put his hand on hers.
“I don’t think he really meant me any harm, and it sounds like he has enough problems without this being added. I’d prefer to see that he gets to rehab than to put him in jail. Is that possible?”
“I can look into it for you. That’s awful generous after the terror he put you through, he’s a mighty big man.” He showed Steven a picture of him. “Six foot six, 300 pounds, but that buckshot had him crying like a baby.”
Sarah looked at the picture, “Yup, that’s the grizzly that was here, but I’d prefer he get the help he needs.”
“Then I’ll see to it.”
Once breakfast was over, and Carey was on his way, Steven and Sarah closed up the cabin and loaded the truck. They drove to the airport and flew back to Anchorage.
Steven took her straight to Dr. Listtens’ office to have her ankle checked out.
“You did a number on this, didn’t you?”
“Sort of fell off a rock.”
“Well, it’s not broken, just severely strained. You know Sarah you should have come to me if you wanted to disappear. I’d have helped.”
“Really, you don’t think what I did was selfish.”
“No, I think it was admirable, I’m sorry it didn’t end up that way, but I don’t blame you for wanting to escape this horror.”
“Thank you, that mean a lot.”
Once Sarah’s ankle was bound in a soft cast, Steven finally took her home. They pulled into the driveway, and Steven gave her a warning.
“We told folks you were ill, not that you’d disappeared. Very few people know that fact. I only informed a few key people in the department, for your safety, and to keep this stalker off kilter. So I’d appreciate it if you would play along.”
“But it didn’t work did it?”
“What do you mean?”
Sarah pulled the valentine from his jacket pocket, the one he’d found on the floor of her kitchen. The one that told her You Can’t Escape Me, Valentine. “Did you forget this? I found it nailed to the front door the morning Mr. Brandon James showed up. How did he find me before you did? It couldn’t have been that big a secret.”
Steven looked at her, his discomfort obvious in the stiffness of his jaw, and the way he ran his fingers through his hair. “No, you’re right. His surveillance is top of the line, but, in the end, it will be his undoing, I promise!”
When they pulled up next to the house, Chase surprised them both. He stepped out of his SUV, and two large men joined him.
Steven got out and met him on the passenger side of the truck. Scott opened Sarah’s door, and he stepped back to let her exit.
“Welcome home Sarah. How was your visit to Ester?”
“What are you doing here?” she asked, but made no effort to exit the truck.
Steven stepped between them. Sarah put her arms around his neck, and he lifted her from the truck.
“Do I look like I’ve been traveling?”
Scott finally noticed the soft cast on her left arm and now her foot. “I don’t… I’d heard you… sorry, that’s what I get for listening to rumors. Still, the only reason I’m here is to introduce you to my security guy. Tim Reynolds, I thought maybe you’d want to hire a real professional.”
One of the big men with Chase, Tim Reynolds, stepped forward and tipped his hat. “Ma’am.”
“Why? I have security,” Sarah said as Steven carried her to the front door. Chase and Reynolds followed behind them, but the other security guy began walking around the property, as though he was evaluating the place.
“Someone is trying to kill you; maybe you should consider a different firm. One that will actually protect you, and guarantee that you won’t die in a traffic accident from a lack of coverage.”
“Sorry, Mr. Reynolds. I appreciate you’re coming all the way out here, but I’m very happy with the firm I’ve hired.”
John opened the front door. “What’d the doctor say?” He stepped aside to let Steven come in. His attention was initially on Sarah, but he was suddenly distracted by the others. “What have we here?” Chase and Reynolds walked past him. “Mr. Chase. Tim, what are you doing here?”
“Just came by at Mr. Chase’s request. How are you John?”
“Fine, just fine, excuse me.” He moved to Sarah’s side. “You want me to take her upstairs?” he asked Steven.
“Eddie’s waiting in Sarah’s room. He’s built up the fire and prepared a pot of tea.”
“I’ve got her. I’ll make sure she’s settled and then join you.” Steven took off up the stairs as Sarah waved goodbye to Chase.
“Sarah, I came here to see you.” Chase tried to follow but John blocked his path.
“I’m sorry, doctors’ orders,” she said and waved again. Then she rested her head against Steven’s shoulder. “Well, how did I do?” she whispered.
“Academy award, for sure,” he said and smiled as her fingers left the heat of desire trailing along his cheek.
Eddie help settle her on to the chase, removed her jacket and handed her a cup of tea. “John sent Emma home to help take care of Opal.”
“Good, wait, what’s wrong with Opal?” Sarah told both John and Steven that she wouldn’t come home voluntarily unless they sent every one she loved to a safer place, which included Emma, Leeann, and Alexis.
“Opal had a bad fall, and broke a hip, otherwise Emma would never have left.”
“I’ll give her a call, reassure her that I’m fine, and check on Opal. What about Leeann and Alexis?”
“John sent Leeann on an extended trip to Rio with her mother, but Alexis can’t leave, she has a job that won’t let her, but we assigned her protection. Now will you quit worrying about everyone else and let us take care of you?”
“I’ll try.” She reached out and touched his hand. “Thank you.”
Eddie smiled. “My pleasure. See this,” he pointed to a little box. “You need anything, and I mean anything, just push this button and we’ll come running. I’m going back downstairs, sounds like John is having an argument with someone.”
They could all hear the raised voices, but Steven shrugged. “Don’t think Chase wants to be ignored.” Once Eddie left and closed the door behind him, Steven sat down beside Sarah and fluffed the pillow behind her head. “You going to be all right?”
She smiled and walked her fingers up his arm. “Only if you kiss me.”
Steven found that request very easy to fulfill.
teven sat with Sarah while she finished her tea, but when he witnessed the fatigue settle on her, he moved her to the bed. He tucked her in and kissed her gently on the forehead. He moved the call button to her nightstand. “Remember, use this if you need anything.”
He found John alone in the kitchen. “We need to talk.”
“Before we get down to business, are Eddie and I off the radar for the moment, or do you still consider us suspects?” John asked.
“Sorry, John, I called Quantico and followed the advice of a friend. This creep’s been in this house. The team is going over everyone who’s ever been here—even the mailman is under investigation now. This monster knows her, and I can’t find anyone but Scott with a motive. While you and Eddie are the closest people to her, I was more concerned someone on your staff might be responsible. Working with you would give them unlimited access. Yes, you’re off the radar, and so is your staff. No insult intended.”
“None taken. I’m only surprised you took so long. Where do we go from here?”
Steven put the last valentine on the table between them and told John about Sarah’s experience at the cabin.
“Chase knew where she was. He said as much when we arrived. His first words to Sarah were ‘did you enjoy your visit to Ester.’ How the hell did he discover that?”
“I don’t know Steven. I’ve known Sarah for years, and I’ve never heard her mention a cabin in Ester, never.”
“It belonged to her parents, was built by them. She rents it out, has a caretaker to look after it.”
“Maybe he knew that, but how did he know she was missing. We told so few people.”
“Is there a leak on your team?”
Steven thought it over. “God, I hope not, but a cop talking to a cop isn’t considered a leak, unless that cop is also on Chase’s payroll. Maybe there is.”
“Did you ask Sarah how he knew about the cabin?”
“She claimed she never told him, but, after her parents died, she spent several weeks there during the time they were dating. But she claims they never discussed her absence. And, when you think about it, if he already knew where she was, why would he mention it?”
“So, once again all the evidence points to Chase.”
“Exactly. How did you get rid of him today?”
“If it weren’t for Tim Reynolds’ cool head, I’d have thrown him out on his ear. He went ballistic when Eddie came downstairs and left you alone in her room. He was determined to go up those steps and drag you out. The man’s psychotic with jealousy.”
Steven shook his head. “And yet she still won’t talk to me about him.”
“Well, I have some good news and some bad news,” John said. “I located Sarah’s old girlfriend, the one who knew Sarah and Chase.”
“Finally. What did you find out?”
“Nothing, because she’s dead. Patricia, the last victim, was Sarah’s college roommate—and she’s the one who introduced them.”
“Patty? No wonder Sarah reacted so strongly. Damn it, John. This is no coincidence. The violence against her. He’s holding a grudge. Shit, is there anyone else who can tell us what happened between those two?” Steven stood and began pacing the floor.
“Sarah.” John sighed. “But like you said, she won’t talk. I’ve questioned her, or tried to, but she won’t bad-mouth him. She keeps her secrets. Sorry.”
Steven thought for a few minutes. “What about this? Eddie wants some time off, so I’ll stay with Sarah tonight.”
“I already gave it to him—it’s why I’m still here. It’s an anniversary of some sort, and he had something special planned,” John said.
“Then take a break. I’ll stay with Sarah; I think I was able to break the ice with her these last few days. I think she might even trust me. I’ll get her to talk.”
“Are you sure you want to go there? You could be in for a world of hurt if your plan backfires. And, believe me, these things always do.” John eyed him.
His statement caught Steven off guard. “What do you mean?”
“You’ve changed, and not only your attitude, since Seattle. Just be honest with her. She deserves that much. And don’t hurt her, or you’ll answer to me. What you’re planning for tonight could be your undoing. Sarah’s no fool, especially if you tell her what Scott did when she attended college and have no proof.”
“I don’t plan to seduce her, just get her to open up a little, and I’ll only tell her the truth about Chase as a last resort. I promise. I don’t want to hurt her. I care for her.” Hell, I love the woman. “If what she tells me tonight saves her life, I’ll chance losing her.”
“And I’ll remind you tomorrow, when you’re crying on my shoulder ‘cause your plan failed.” John shook his head. “A can of worms, for sure.”
After John left, Steven prepared her another cup of tea, and went to Sarah’s room. She was sound asleep, so he put the tray on a side table and left her alone, glad for her peace. Steven quietly left to prepare dinner.
An hour later, he went to the bedroom to wake her, and found her brushing her hair by the fire. Her state of dress left him incredulous. In a lacy, peach-colored bra and matching panties, she looked like a model out of a Victoria’s Secret catalog despite the soft cast on her ankle and her wrist. Unnerved and yet delighted, he blurted, “Sarah, I’m sorry. I thought you were still asleep.”
“Steven, you’re still here?” Sarah didn’t seem embarrassed in the least. Instead, she continued to run the brush through her hair, as if being partially dressed was the most natural thing in the world.
Murder, Madness & Love (Detective Quaid Mysteries #1) Page 22