The TANNER Series - Books 1-3 (Tanner Box Set)

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The TANNER Series - Books 1-3 (Tanner Box Set) Page 1

by Remington Kane


  This is a work of fiction. Similarities to real people, places, or events are entirely coincidental.


  First edition. August 13, 2015.

  Copyright © 2015 Remington Kane.

  Written by Remington Kane.

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page



  CHAPTER 1 - Do you want fries with that?

  CHAPTER 2 - Hold the burka

  CHAPTER 3 - And a bottle of rum

  CHAPTER 4 - Straight out of Hell

  CHAPTER 5 - Your average porn star

  CHAPTER 6 - Those meddling kids

  CHAPTER 7 - Dumb and Dumber

  CHAPTER 8 - It’s just Tanner

  CHAPTER 9 - The 90 pound lot lizard

  CHAPTER 10 - Call me Ramone

  CHAPTER 11 - It’s personal

  CHAPTER 12 - Meanwhile, back at the ranch

  CHAPTER 13 - Partners

  CHAPTER 14 - Trapped

  CHAPTER 15 - Room number four

  CHAPTER 16 - It’s always the last place you look

  CHAPTER 17 - Just when you think you got it made

  CHAPTER 18 - That smile

  CHAPTER 19 - He must be dead

  CHAPTER 20 - And he can fight too

  CHAPTER 21- Should I, or shouldn’t I?

  CHAPTER 22 - It was an accident...honest

  CHAPTER 23 - No ifs, ands, or buts

  CHAPTER 24 - Temptation

  CHAPTER 25 - The heart wants what it wants

  CHAPTER 26 - It doesn’t work that way

  CHAPTER 27 - It’s time to get paid

  CHAPTER 28 - The illusion of security

  CHAPTER 29 - Gang Rape is icky

  CHAPTER 30 - Hard where it counts, soft where it matters

  CHAPTER 31 - Stress is a killer

  CHAPTER 32 - Goodbyes

  CHAPTER 33 - Thank God for power windows

  CHAPTER 34 - The Truth

  CHAPTER 35 - Hookers and Blow

  CHAPTER 36 - Ten is more than six

  CHAPTER 37 - One rotten, sneaky bastard

  CHAPTER 38 - Oh, now I get it

  CHAPTER 39 - Duck and cover

  CHAPTER 40 - The missionary position

  CHAPTER 41 - Inevitable

  CHAPTER 42 - You never know when you’ll need an umbrella

  CHAPTER 43 - She did warn him

  CHAPTER 44 - Fat people are handy to have around

  CHAPTER 45 - It’s been a hell of a day

  CHAPTER 46 - Sorry about that whole, ya know, shooting you thing

  CHAPTER 47 - This world’s a bitch

  CHAPTER 48 - Down time

  CHAPTER 49 - So close

  CHAPTER 50 - Revenge


  CHAPTER 1- Tanner to the rescue

  CHAPTER 2 - Batmen & Robin

  CHAPTER 3 - How much did he eat?

  CHAPTER 4 - The Sharpe sisters

  CHAPTER 5 - The Brothers Dim

  CHAPTER 6 - Go to New York and die

  CHAPTER 7 - Semper Fi

  CHAPTER 8 - Daddy’s girl

  CHAPTER 9 - That would be best

  CHAPTER 10 - I’m not normal?

  CHAPTER 11 - They should have stayed for the concert

  CHAPTER 12 - One head is better than none

  CHAPTER 13 - Say cheese

  CHAPTER 14 - Now you see it, now you don’t

  CHAPTER 15 - New Guy vs. Old Perv

  CHAPTER 16 - It’s not nice to lie

  CHAPTER 17 - A hell of a way to start the day

  CHAPTER 18 - Tasty

  CHAPTER 19 - Italian tube steak

  CHAPTER 20 - Do you find me repulsive?

  CHAPTER 21 - Blood, boobs and blushing

  CHAPTER 22 - Comfy, but smelly

  CHAPTER 23 - The enemy of my enemy

  CHAPTER 24 - More men than the Black Death

  CHAPTER 25 - A man well versed in killing

  CHAPTER 26 - Everybody likes a fat pickle

  CHAPTER 27 - You’re never too old for toys

  CHAPTER 28 - A picture is worth a thousand wounds

  CHAPTER 29 - The one that got away

  CHAPTER 30 - The canary

  CHAPTER 31 - Cute, but scary

  CHAPTER 32 - I know just the guys

  CHAPTER 33 - No lube

  CHAPTER 34 - Stone cold sober

  CHAPTER 35 - Mama’s boy

  CHAPTER 36 - No justice, no peace

  CHAPTER 37 - So they keep telling me

  CHAPTER 38 - Half a homo and a sweet piece

  CHAPTER 39 - The guy from Die Hard?

  CHAPTER 40 - Buddy, baffles, and bodyguards

  CHAPTER 41 - Right back at ya

  CHAPTER 42 - What’s good for the goose...

  CHAPTER 43 - Ewww, that’s nasty

  CHAPTER 44 - One can only hope

  CHAPTER 45 - Psychosomatic

  CHAPTER 46 - The envelope, please

  CHAPTER 47 - Kick a man when he’s down

  CHAPTER 48 - Marone!

  CHAPTER 49 - O Romeo, Romeo

  CHAPTER 50 - Always the loner

  CHAPTER 51 - Tanner smiled

  CHAPTER 52 - It’s been a hell of a night

  CHAPTER 53 - Flirting with the enemy

  CHAPTER 54 - Kiss or kill

  CHAPTER 55 - I wouldn’t miss it for the world


  CHAPTER 1 - Two are better than one

  CHAPTER 2 - Vice versa

  CHAPTER 3 - Loose ends

  CHAPTER 4 - Never insult a man’s ride

  CHAPTER 5 - He’s back

  CHAPTER 6 - You can’t trust a weasel

  CHAPTER 7 - The ghost and the wicked witch

  CHAPTER 8 - Romeo returns

  CHAPTER 9 - What you see is what you get

  CHAPTER 10 - It’s time to get back to work

  CHAPTER 11 - Fight or flight?

  CHAPTER 12 - Blood red

  CHAPTER 13 - A very short life

  CHAPTER 14 - Intervention

  CHAPTER 15 - Hunger knows no fear

  CHAPTER 16 -Mary Ann, of course

  CHAPTER 17 - Talent will out

  CHAPTER 18 - Job perks

  CHAPTER 19 - Easy payment plan

  CHAPTER 20 - Too legit to quit

  CHAPTER 21 - One man’s loss...

  CHAPTER 22 - ...would smell as sweet

  CHAPTER 23 - Absolutely

  CHAPTER 24 - Mission accomplished

  CHAPTER 25 - You’re never too old for a quickie

  CHAPTER 26 - Minor annoyances

  CHAPTER 27 - Nyuk, nyuk, nyuk

  CHAPTER 28 - He could always eat at the Y

  CHAPTER 29 - Tick! Tick! Tick!

  CHAPTER 30- Let’s make a deal

  CHAPTER 31 - Dasvidaniya

  CHAPTER 32 - Can shadows bleed?

  CHAPTER 33 - Crocodile

  CHAPTER 34 - What are the odds?

  CHAPTER 35 - Money!

  CHAPTER 36 - Never see it coming

  CHAPTER 37 - Mystery man

  CHAPTER 38 - Security by Tanner

  CHAPTER 39 - If I wanted him dead, I’d do it myself

  CHAPTER 40 - Death is a catered affair

  CHAPTER 41 - Us goombahs

  CHAPTER 42 - The faintest of smiles

  CHAPTER 43 - About that raise...

  CHAPTER 44 - Trapped!

  CHAPTER 45 - The o
le shoe trick

  CHAPTER 46 - Hey... weren’t you dead?

  CHAPTER 47 - Hidey-hole

  CHAPTER 48 - Such sweet sorrow

  CHAPTER 49 - Leverage

  CHAPTER 50 - A matched set



  CHAPTER 1 - The greater of two evils

  CHAPTER 2 - Man on the run

  CHAPTER 3 - Scared rabbit

  CHAPTER 4 - Help from above





  Further Reading: The First One To Die Loses






  CHAPTER 1 - Do you want fries with that?

  When Tanner saw the crack beneath the door darken, he rolled off the bed, taking the sheets with him, and left the naked hooker to fend for herself.

  He fell beside his shotgun, took hold of it and crawled forward, to take aim at the door. It burst open and two guys with guns stood in the threshold, gazing at the hooker.

  Tanner fired both barrels of the shotgun at an upward angle, hitting the big man in the gut and the short one in the balls. They both let out screams that rivaled the hooker’s and slid to the floor of the hotel hallway.

  Tanner rushed over, gathered up their weapons and smashed them both in the forehead with the shotgun barrel. The short one raised a hand up to fend off the blow and wound up with four broken fingers besides.

  Not that it mattered; they would both bleed out before the ambulance came.

  The hooker had stopped screaming and was sitting back against the headboard with her eyes locked on the shotgun.

  “I won’t hurt you, but don’t say shit to the cops.”

  The blonde said nothing and Tanner snapped his fingers at her.

  “Did you hear me?”

  She nodded, causing her breasts to jiggle.

  “Yes, yes, yes.”

  Tanner was as naked as she was, however, her body was pale and soft, while his was hard, scarred, and baked brown from the Mexican sun. Tanner threw on his jeans, along with a black hoodie and tossed the hooker an extra hundred as he slipped into his boots.

  Someone in the hall said, “Holy shit!” and Tanner fired four shots from the Beretta he had taken from one of Rossetti’s thugs, causing the Looky-Loo and any other nosey types to run back to their rooms.

  He didn’t know how Rossetti had gotten onto his trail so soon, but he had a good idea and if he was right, that meant he would soon be going to war with The Conglomerate.

  He had reloaded the shotgun and given the room a quick wipe down for prints, when the first cop car pulled up out front.

  He was on the third floor of the hotel and had to get away before too many cops showed. He had been out of prison for only two days and he sure as shit wasn’t going back.

  There was a utility closet at the right rear of the hotel and beside it was a laundry chute.

  Tanner flipped up the lid and peered down inside a narrow metal tube.

  He nodded to himself. He would fit, for he was down to nothing but muscle and gristle.

  He was in Brownsville Texas, inside the Victory Hotel, but had spent the last ten weeks in a Mexican prison.

  Tanner sent the shotgun down first, but only because it couldn’t be helped. He needed both hands free. The gun made a muffled sound as it hit bottom and he reasoned that there was a cart full of dirty sheets awaiting him.

  Tanner leapt up, grabbed onto a cold water pipe and slipped his legs into the chute. When he let go of the pipe, he slammed his shoulder against the edge as he went in, and knew that he’d have a beauty of a bruise where it hit.

  The chute was tighter than it looked, but it turned out to be a good thing as it slowed his descent. He hit bottom, landing in a cart full of soiled table cloths, and saw that one of the laundry workers was holding his shotgun and gawking at it as if it were a piece of alien technology.

  The man was a young Asian and the eyes behind his glasses widened in wonder as Tanner slid into view.

  Tanner yanked the gun away from the man and shoved him backwards to the floor, when the other workers saw this, they scrambled away to safety, and Tanner headed towards the daylight streaming in from the loading dock.

  The laundry was hot and humid and permeated with an odor that smelled like a mixture of soap, steam, and old socks.

  Someone had been about to have lunch, because Tanner found a pristine Big Mac sitting in an open carton beside a bag of fries. He scooped up the food, walked out onto the loading dock, and smacked the driver of a linen truck in the back of the head with the butt of the shotgun.

  The man groaned, dropped to his knees, and made feeble sounds of protest as Tanner walked through the open rear doors of the truck, past metal shelves and wheeled carts, and into the driver’s seat.

  The keys were in the ignition and Tanner started the truck and drove off. As he made a hard stop at the exit to let a car pass by, the back doors slammed shut on their own and Tanner was on his way.

  He took his first bite of the Big Mac as he made the left onto a side street, while in the background, a chorus of sirens began.

  CHAPTER 2 - Hold the burka


  FBI Special Agent Sara Blake read the memo her boss handed her and smiled.

  The SAC, or Special Agent-in-Charge, Martin Brewer, also smiled, while letting his eyes roam over her body.

  Sara was standing before his desk in a dark, conservative women’s business suit. The suit was designed to be conservative, but Sara’s body ruined the effect. A burka couldn’t hide her curves.

  Brewer was fifty-two, old enough to be Sara’s father, but not so old that he couldn’t appreciate her beauty.

  Sara handed back the paper.

  “So, not only has Tanner escaped prison, but he’s back in the states and doing what he does best, killing.”

  “Yeah,” Brewer said, while raising his gaze to meet hers. “However, it appears he killed those two men in self-defense.”

  “Any ID on the dead men?”

  “Oh yeah, they were two hard cases that worked for a thug out there. The local cops say that these guys were probably loaned out for a hit, only they were the ones that got hit. I’ll email you all the pertinent facts, but right now I want you on a plane for Texas.”

  “Good, this time I’m coming back with Tanner’s scalp. When do I leave?”

  “You’re to meet Jake Garner at JFK Airport, and there will be a jet waiting.”

  Sara made a face, as she ran a hand through her long dark hair.

  “Garner? Really Marty?”

  “What’s wrong with Jake Garner? He’s a hell of an agent.”

  “Maybe, but he also thinks he’s God’s gift to women and he can’t go five seconds without staring at my breasts.”

  Brewer chuckled.

  “Hell Sara, even I’m guilty of that. You’re a beautiful woman, one of my best agents, but still a beautiful woman. Take Garner, he’s someone you want at your six when things get heavy.”

  Sara let out a long breath. Brewer was right. If things went bad, Garner was the agent she’d pick to watch her back, still, the man could be annoying.

  Jake Garner was so good looking that he couldn’t understand why Sara wasn’t attracted to him, and he let it be known in subtle and not so subtle ways that he wanted her.

  Sara wasn’t looking to start a relationship, or even have a one-night stand. There was only room for one man in her life and his name was Tanner. Once she dealt with him, then she could think about the future, about starting over, but until she found Tanner and paid him back for what he did to her, the rest of her life was on hold. />
  “I’ll take Garner, hell, I’ll work with anyone if it helps me capture Tanner.”

  “One more thing, the Organized Crime Unit has gotten intel from an informant. There’s a mobster in Vegas named Albert Rossetti that wants Tanner dead. It’s likely that it was this Rossetti who sent the two thugs after Tanner at that hotel.”

  “Rossetti? Why does that name sound familiar?”

  “Because of Johnny R, the head of the Giacconi Crime Family here in New York. The R stands for Rossetti.”

  “Is he related to Albert Rossetti?”

  “Albert is Johnny’s uncle, he moved out to Vegas twenty years ago.”

  “Why does Albert Rossetti want Tanner dead?”

  “The informant didn’t know, but he did find out one interesting tidbit. It seems that Tanner was framed on the drug charge that landed him inside that Mexican prison, and it was Rossetti that framed him.”

  Sara nibbled at her lower lip as she thought things over.

  “Rossetti must have been Tanner’s target when the Mexicans captured him. If so, he’ll be looking to carry out the contract,”

  “Still, after all this time?”

  “Tanner never gives up until he’s fulfilled his contract.”

  Brewer tapped his desk with a fist.

  “We tried to get him transferred back here to face murder charges, but the Mexicans kept delaying because all our evidence was based on supposition, and now it’s too late.”

  “We should have two agents from Vegas watch Rossetti. It will help to know where he is at all times.”

  “Why should we keep tabs on him?”

  “Because he’s Tanner’s next target and you can be sure that the bastard will go after him.”

  CHAPTER 3 - And a bottle of rum

  Tanner wanted to kill Rossetti as soon as possible, but Rossetti would have to wait.

  Tanner’s first priority was to get transportation and money and he was on the prowl for both when he spotted a pimp backhanding one of his girls.

  The pimp was white, his bodyguard black, and the girl was a child, although, Tanner had to admit, with the makeup and high heels, the girl could pass for thirteen.

  The girl nodded her head in acquiescence and trod back towards her corner to search for more strangers to pleasure, as the pimp climbed in the back of his silver Mercedes, with the bodyguard behind the wheel.

  Tanner followed. He was still driving the linen truck but knew he had to ditch it soon or else deal with the cops. He had already wiped the linen truck down, erasing his prints, and was wearing a pair of brown cotton gloves that had been lying atop the dashboard.


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