by Joely
“Christ, fuck, oh shit. Oh fuck. Mal.”
Her teeth nipped playfully at his throat again and his body detonated. He came so hard he tasted blood. Spasm after spasm rocked him back on his heels. Gasping, he clutched at her blindly, trying to stay on his feet.
“I’ve got you, sugar.”
It should have shamed him, a full-grown man trembling and panting, holding onto a woman for dear life. But all he wanted to do was fall down to his knees. Which would have tickled her pink.
She had no idea what this meant to him. That he could come again… That he could be a man again…
“When’s the last time you came?”
He blinked, trying to focus on her. “That hard? Years.” Never. He swallowed hard, searching her face for her reaction. She didn’t seem pissed he’d come so easily and quickly. She didn’t seem to doubt his story that probably seemed pretty far-fetched when a simple caress was enough to make him blow his load. “I’m feeling like I should apologize.”
Her eyes flared and she laughed, shaking her head. “Sugar, that was the best thing I’ve seen in a long, long time.”
He couldn’t help but frown with worry. “What if I can’t do it again? I don’t want to let you down in that department.”
Her eyes gleamed, full of wicked secrets as she untied the sash about her waist. “I’m not worried.”
“You aren’t?”
Her left hand cupped his balls and his thighs quivered. Butter soft leather slid beneath his sack and his softened dick, until his junk was tied up in a neat little package. Just snug enough to stay on. Until… if… he managed to get hard again. Then it would be way too tight. Which would be…
Interesting. To say the least.
If nothing else, he would feel.
I can’t wait.
“What am I supposed to call you?” His voice sounded strange, distant and hesitant. Weak. He didn’t like it. So he put some force into it. “I suppose you want me to call you Mistress.”
“Mal is fine.” She slid her arms around him, pushing the waistband of his pants out of her way so they started to slide down his thighs. Her hand gripped his buttock hard enough that her nails pricked his skin. It made him jolt against her like a skittish colt. “Still good?”
His dick stirred and his eyes burned. Joy, hope, relief. Too much to contain. “Yeah,” he said a little too raggedly.
“When it’s not good, then tell me blackberry. Or red, if that’s easier. Red’s the universal safeword in my world. I’ll stop immediately.”
He searched her face, relieved that she gave him a graceful way to escape… but also terrified. If he walked away, would he ever feel like a man again? Could any other woman do for him what she’d just done? “I walk, it’s over?”
“Safewording isn’t walking out the door forever. Safeword just stops today. We can do something else tomorrow. It’s safe, literally. If you don’t feel good, we don’t do it. Any dom who kicks a sub out because they safeword out of a scene ought to be banned from our community for good.”
He took a deep breath, relieved that it wouldn’t be over if she pushed him too hard out of his comfort zone.
She stepped back so she could look him over like was a prime cut of beefsteak at the meat counter. Pride made him widen his stance, at least as much as he could with his pants around his ankles.
“Nice, very nice indeed.” She walked around him, trailing her fingers down his thigh, then back up to cup his buttock again in a very gentle squeeze. Right before she slapped his other butt cheek hard enough to make him jump. He almost fell with his pants tying him up. “Why don’t you show me those tats you mentioned?”
He’d been unable to take off his shirt for the commercial for fear someone on the force would recognize him. Kicking his pants and boxers off, he shrugged out of the suit coat, careful not to split a seam. He really needed to buy another, but he hated to waste good money on something he rarely wore. “Mal?”
“Yeah, sugar?”
Her voice seemed further away, so he turned and watched her sit on her bed, sliding back to lean against the pillows, though propped up like she was ready for a good show. He probably looked ridiculous, pants-less with cowboy boots, a dress shirt, and tie. With a big yellow bow holding his junk. But somehow he couldn’t make himself care. “When do I get to eat you?”
Now that’s what a Mistress liked to hear. She gave him a sultry wink and let her right hand settle on her stomach suggestively. “Let’s get you undressed first.”
A button popped off in his haste to yank the dress shirt over his head without bothering to unbutton it all the way. He wore a white tee underneath it, and as she’d seen at VCONN, no ink was visible. He stripped the white cotton off and she gasped.
So much ink. Up and down both shoulders, across his chest, his ribs, both black and color. Then he sat on the edge of the bed to jerk off his boots and socks, and she found more ink on his back. “You’ve got a whole book written on your skin.”
“Like I said, there’s no mistaking me once you see the tats.” Finally nude, he turned to face her.
She sat up and traced the eagle wings that trailed down his shoulder, so well done that she could almost feel the feathers. All that ink almost distracted her from the sheer muscle beneath his skin. He was rock hard, lean, not an ounce of fat on him. Plenty of strength to test her.
Plenty of strength to plow into her as hard as she wanted.
He dropped a big palm on her knee. She punished him with a sharp dig of her nails into his pecs.
“Rule number one: the Mistress puts her body where she wants it. The sub doesn’t touch her unless explicitly ordered to.”
“I’m undressed as you asked.”
“Rule number two: the Mistress doesn’t ask. She orders.”
His eyes narrowed to slits and he leaned in closer. “So order me already.”
“Patience, sugar. We’ve got all night to play.”
“I don’t want to wait all night to get a taste of you.”
“You will if I tell you to.”
He opened his mouth to retort, but at the steady, unflinching way she stared back at him, he must have decided not to risk it. Because as much as she wanted him between her thighs, she’d sure as hell make him wait if he thought to challenge her. His jaws clenched, muscles flinching beneath his cheek, but he didn’t say another word.
In reward, she lay back on the pillows. “Stay exactly where you are.” When he didn’t answer or acknowledge the command, she arched a brow at him.
“Yes, ma’am.”
His tone was more growl than acquiescence but she’d take it. “Good boy.”
He made another rough grumble, his upper lip curling with disgust. “I’m probably not supposed to growl either.”
“I never said that. A sub’s sweet groans and cries of ecstasy are like music to my ears.”
“I’m not a sub.”
He had a very good point. While he was attracted to her and enjoyed her commands so far, that certainly didn’t mean he’d be willing or even able to fully submit to her. Some light play might be all he could deal with, and that’d disappoint the hell out of her. “We’ll see.”
“If I’m not, you walk?”
“When it’s not good for me, I walk. Same as you.” He didn’t like that thought at all, if the grooves deepening across his forehead were any indication. Ignoring him, she stood and headed for the closet to hang up her dress. Partly a test, because she wanted to see what he’d do. Wait and stay… or follow, even though she hadn’t given him an explicit order? Either she’d deal with, but it’d tell her a lot about his personality.
Of course he followed as if determined to prove exactly how un-submissive he was. “It’ll be good for you, baby.”
Without looking at him, she unzipped the dress and let it slide off her shoulders and down her back, revealing the matching golden straps of her bra. “Oh, is that so? How’d that work for you with all those other women ov
er the past few years?”
He made a ragged sound as if she’d punched him in the gut. Or lower.
She had, in a way. No man liked to be reminded of a weakness, especially when it came to his performance and virility. But he needed to be reminded of exactly why he was here. What he needed from her. It wasn’t sex, exactly. No, what he needed from her was control.
Letting the silk slide down her hips, she stepped out of the dress, making sure to bend over enough to give him a good long look at her assets. Golden lace, barely there, and certainly light enough that the dampness of her desire would be clearly visible. He made another sound, a quick gulp of air.
Her skin tingled with the force of his gaze and her instincts told her he was going to reach out and touch her. She could almost feel the trailing of his fingers across her buttock. Or the firm grip on his hands on either hip. Exactly how he’d touch a woman. Any woman not her, not the Mistress. His Mistress. Oh, God, please, someday.
She took a quick step into the closet and she felt the barest graze of his fingers, the breeze from his fingers sliding by. “If I have to remind you of the rules again, you’ll pay the consequences.”
“Are you going to punish me?”
Despite the amusement in his voice, she could hear the underlying tightness of his need. And yes, a slight tremble of anxiety. He didn’t know what the hell he was doing.
She allowed herself a quick glance at him, drinking in his tall, lean frame propped against her closet door. Trying so hard to be casual and cool, while his eyes smoldered and his cock strained at the sash she’d tied around him. She made sure to look long and hard at his crotch, so he’d be aware of the way his body responded to her.
“That depends,” she drawled out, slowly raising her gaze back to his. “Are you wanting me to punish you?”
Chapter Five
The hell if he could think with his dick tied up in a bow. His fingers itched to jerk the sash off, throw her over his shoulder, and haul her off to bed. It wasn’t her threats of punishment that stilled his hand, though. It was fear that he if took charge, as usual, that the blessed erection he’d finally regained would seep away and he’d be right back at the beginning.
With burning, desperate need—and no ability to satisfy it.
She didn’t have to warn him that this was her game. Play by her rules, or she’d walk. And if she walked…
“If it means you’ll take me to bed, then you can punish me any way you want.” He swallowed hard and clenched his fists, fighting down the urge to seize control of the situation. “Ma’am.”
The slight sting to his ego was immediately salved by the heat of her glowing eyes. “Then you can go lie flat on your back in my bed and wait for me to join you.”
Relieved, he did as she asked. No, as she told him. I’ve got to get my mind wrapped around it. She orders. I do it. Or she walks.
“Make yourself good and comfortable,” she called after him. “You’re going to be there for awhile.”
He ground his teeth but swallowed down the retort. Fuck waiting. Fuck her. Yeah, please, soon. Shit.
Slamming his fist into a pillow a couple of times in a mockery of fluffing it, he lay down as ordered. Simmering hot, both his mood and his lust. It felt like he was careening down a freeway in the dark with no headlights in his first car. An old 1968 Mustang that was more rust than anything else until he could afford to fix it up piece by piece, leaking gas like a sieve. One tiny spark would have turned him into a fireball, but damned if he’d park that beast and walk or ride his bike to school.
He lifted his head, moving the pillows until he could see her. She still puttered in her closet, hanging up the dress, putting her shoes away, stripping off her lingerie as if they were priceless artifacts, and then slowly making her way around the room picking up his clothes he’d tossed about. He hadn’t exactly been tidy and by all accounts, Mal appeared to be a neat-freak.
I won’t leave my crap around for her to pick up again. Not happening on my watch.
Not that she seemed to mind. In fact, she hummed softly as she walked around the room, fully aware that he tracked her every movement. He’d never known a woman so comfortable in her skin. She didn’t flaunt her body. She just owned that fine ass and sweet tits like a she was a queen and she knew it, just like she knew he was looking and getting harder by the moment. In fact, she loved every moment of his attention if the knowing smile on her lips was any indication.
Finally, thank God, she came to the side of the bed, but instead of joining him, she rummaged around in the drawer of the nightstand. Condoms he expected. A hank of white cotton rope gave him pause. Thick enough he wouldn’t be able to snap it no matter how hard he tried.
She gave him a wink. “In case you need some help keeping your hands where I tell you to put them.”
His heart pounded and sweat broke out on his forehead. Anxiety? He wasn’t sure. “I don’t think I’d like being tied up.” Helpless. A spasm rocked through his body and he still didn’t know if the idea terrified him, pissed him off, or… sent him into overdrive. His dick was still hard, so he wouldn’t complain. Yet.
She cupped his balls and he hauled in a hissing breath. Fuck, it felt like fire bloomed in his guts. “You didn’t think you’d like that big cock all tied up either, but he’s looking pretty happy.”
Her fingers roamed higher and it was all he could do to lie there and pant and hope he didn’t come again.
“Not too tight yet, but I’ll keep an eye on it. You ready for your orders?”
Blinking hard, he focused on her face. “Ma’am?”
“It’s simple, really. You know the first rule already.”
At her lifted brow, he managed to answer, though his mouth felt like it was full of rocks. “Don’t touch you unless you say.”
She nodded, trailing her fingers up his stomach, so light and teasing it made him hop around like a June bug on hot pavement. Then suddenly she was on top of him, settling down high on his chest, her knees planted on either side of his ribcage. His hands lifted reflexively, but he caught himself just in time and slammed his arms back down hard to the bed.
But her pussy. It was right there. So close, open and glistening, her musky scent filling his nose. If a drug lord had barged in with guns blazing, Colby doubted he’d have been able to drag his gaze away in time to save them both.
“Push your hands back a little and grip the bar of the headboard. It’ll be easier for you if you have something to hang on to.”
It took a few moments for her words to sink in, but then he did as she suggested and wrapped his palms around the cool round metal bar.
“You ready for the second rule?”
He figured that she’d want him to look up at her face, some confirmation that he heard and was paying attention, but she edged closer, sliding her knees up over his biceps, giving her some leverage—but also widening up her thighs and bringing heaven closer to him. Opening his mouth, he started to lift his head and get his first taste of her, but she pressed his forehead back down. Refusing him.
He groaned with frustration and she laughed with a husky catch in her voice. Her folds were so wet. She wanted him, even knowing his problem. Even though he might not be a submissive that suited her style of domination.
She wants me.
He growled and pushed his head against her fingers, but Mal was no little cream-puff girl. She rose up, putting more of her weight onto her knees, pinning his arms and his head at the same time, and he couldn’t get his mouth on her. At least not without risking banging her head on the wall or tossing her off the bed if he heaved with all his strength. He couldn’t risk hurting her.
Somehow, when he’d imagined her thighs wrapped around his head, he hadn’t pictured it quite this way.
“Don’t come until I tell you. That’s the second rule. Got it?”
He nodded his head as well as he could under her hand, but that wasn’t good enough for the Mistress of Dallas.
“Say it. Now. Out l
“I won’t,” he panted. “Come. Until you say.”
“Good boy.” But she still didn’t let his head up. “Take all that need, all that frustration, and let it growl in your voice as you say my name.”
Rock hard muscle beneath her, pinned, waiting for her command. Fuck. Was there any bigger turn on?
She lifted her hand from his head and he immediately leaned up and sucked at her flesh like a starving man. Letting her head fall back, she held herself still and allowed herself to simply feel. It’d been too damned long since she’d had a man’s tongue beneath her, and she couldn’t fault his technique or his enthusiasm. He wasn’t afraid to get messy and dove right in, nose deep, tongue flattened against her, eager to explore. It was easy to come. Easy to let the pleasure pour from her lips on a deep purr of satisfaction—especially when his enthusiasm, and yeah, desperation, increased exponentially.
He worked his face harder against her, putting those neck and shoulder muscles to good use, but he managed to keep his hands locked around the lower bar of the headboard. Even more importantly, he didn’t come. She glanced over her shoulder and checked the condition of his cock. Painfully hard, deep purplish red, still fully engaged in their play. So far so good, though she’d need to get that belt off him soon to avoid compromising blood flow.
But first…
With the edge of her desire knocked down a bit, it was time to play, at least a little. She shifted her weight forward, making sure he felt the force of her knees holding him down. She sat deeper on him, pushing his head back down to the pillow, both to give his neck a break, and to make him feel her dominance. The first time had been light, pleasant, fun. Immediate gratification. This time when she came, she was going to detonate his kink cherry. He’d know once and for all that he’d been well and truly dominated.