The Alien's Rules

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The Alien's Rules Page 9

by Maggie Carpenter

  “That’s a relief, and I like it. It makes sense.”

  “In Xanadu, the agreement to have offspring is one of the biggest decisions to be made, so it is recorded. You have no need of worry. I should have told you this sooner. I apologize.”

  “A man who admits a mistake. Wow, now I really am impressed.”

  “Not exactly,” he grinned. “I am male, but I’m not a man. I’m a Xan.”

  “That’s funny,” she giggled, lifting her head. “Not a man, but a Xan.”

  “Yes, I suppose it is,” he chuckled, “but you asked where we should start.”

  “I did,” she nodded, gazing around the room.

  “With that,” he said, pointing at a large, sparkling globe. “We will start with the ball.”

  Chapter Ten

  Clasping her hand, Valodar led Ellie across to the large sparkling globe. It resembled a disco ball from the seventies, but as she neared she realized the hundreds of glittering mirrors weren’t mirrors at all; the orb was covered with reflecting material. It was soft to the touch, and as it pulsed out a radiating purple hue, it emitted a low, subtle hum. Next to it she spied an ordinary black bag, and thought it completely incongruous.

  “Sit,” he said firmly. “I’ll make sure you won’t fall off.”

  She lowered herself onto the gleaming sphere, kept in balance by his hand at her elbow, and the moment she did, she could feel its soft vibration.

  “My gosh,” she mumbled, gazing up at him, “this is… ooh… like a vibrating chair.”

  “At the moment, but that will change.”

  A wicked grin curling the ends of his moist lavender lips, bending down, he opened the bag and withdrew a pair of black high heels.

  “You must wear these,” he declared, slipping the stilettos on her feet. “They may look like Earth shoes, but they’re not.”

  As he spread her feet and set them down, she immediately understood what he’d meant. Her feet were literally stuck to the floor, and when she attempted to move her feet inside the footwear, she found she couldn’t.

  “Raise your arms above your head and lock your fingers together.”

  Looking up, she saw a silver cable slowly lowering toward her. It didn’t have any cuffs attached, and she wasn’t wearing any, but as it reached her, Valodar coiled it around her wrists. It tightened, not uncomfortably, but enough to prevent her release, and it was surprisingly gentle against her skin.

  “What’s going to happen?” she asked, feeling an unexpected wave of trepidation.

  “You will be lifted, and as you rise, the globe will move with you and remain nestled against your kitty.”

  “It’s pussy, actually,” she gasped as the cable began to pull, “and how can it rise between my legs? It’s too big.”

  “It will shrink, and very soon you will experience some of what it has to offer, both its pleasure and its punishment.”

  To her astonishment, the ball did exactly what he said it would, diminishing in size as the space between her legs grew narrower, and as it rested against her sex, she could feel it exuding its tingling warmth.

  “There,” he said softly, cupping the mystical globe and pushing it into her. “Nice and snug.”

  “Valodar,” she whispered, “this is so strange.”

  “Mmmm, but exciting strange,” he breathed, then pressing his purple lips on hers, he clutched her hair, locked it around his six long fingers, and fervently devoured her mouth.

  As he crushed her in an all-consuming kiss, the orb grew warmer, vibrating more intensely, and her muffled whimpers of pleasure became muffled squeals. She was sure if it continued she would fly into an orgasm, but as he released her hair and broke their kiss, the buzzing abated. Breathlessly opening her eyes, she saw he had moved a few feet away, then suddenly the room fell into darkness, but for a purple spotlight that flashed to life above her.

  The sphere began to pulse, sending a deep throb through her sex, and she could feel a probe rising up and seeking out her entrance. She held her breath. She wanted it inside her, and she wriggled against it trying to impale herself, but it was agonizingly evasive. The more she attempted to chase it, the more elusive it became, until whimpering in frustration and panting from the exertion, she let out a groan and stopped her squirming. Seconds later it abruptly pushed itself home, and letting out a moan of relief, she sank into the gentle vibration filling her channel. It was bliss, and she closed her eyes, submitting to the deep pleasure, but then it moved, and to her joy began pulsating against the magic spot deep inside her, sending scintillating waves through her entire being.

  Valodar watched her. He was training her. She needed to understand the three joys of surrender: giving up, letting go, and receiving either the reward or the discipline. He would bring her to the gleaming orb and put her through the ordeal until she learned not to chase, but simply allow it to happen. He adored her, but she was still an Earth female, and their negative conditioning created issues, especially in talented, bright women like Ellie.

  “I need to come!” she exclaimed. “Please.”

  He smiled. He wouldn’t allow it of course, not yet, and he watched her face fall in disappointment as the intruder slipped out of her, returning to its home inside the sphere.

  “I don’t like that word, come,” he said calmly. “You will not use it again. It’s a vulgar Earth term. You will use the word orgasm, climax, or refer to your moment. Repeat that, please.”

  “I will not use the word come,” she panted. “I will use orgasm, climax, or moment.”

  A sudden stinging lash crossed her backside. The gleaming globe had released a tentacle and whipped it over her bottom.

  “Ow, why?” she wailed. “What did I do?”

  “That was not what I said. When I say repeat, I mean the entirety of what I said, and in addition, you didn’t begin as I have taught you.”

  “Ooh, I’m sorry.”

  “Another lash for that error, then you will repeat the phrase.”

  The tentacle whipped out, and as the hot sting sliced through her skin, she let out a loud yelp.

  “Sir Valodar,” she said hastily. “I will not use the word come again. It’s a vulgar Earth term. I will use the word orgasm, climax, or refer to my moment.”

  “Good. Now you have tasted a small sample of the punishment the sphere offers. Here’s another.”

  Four wide strips peeled away from the globe, and like slithering hands, covered her cheeks and gripped her skin.

  “What’s going to happen?” she gasped. “Please, Sir Valodar, please tell me.”

  “You will soon feel a prickling, and it will become a sting, rather like the sting of a spanking hairbrush. I can go up to level ten, but I will send it only to level four, just so you can get a sense of it.”

  “Ooh, I can feel it, I can, ooh, it hurts. Ow, ow.”

  He watched her writhe in her bondage, trying to escape the sharp pain. Unable to stamp her feet or bring down her arms, she squirmed lasciviously as she squealed out her ouches and ows.

  “Do you know why I’m going to stop it?”

  “No, Sir Valodar, but I’d be immensely grateful if you would,” she wailed. “Owww.”

  “Because you didn’t ask me to. I am impressed, you have learned that lesson very quickly.”

  The strips quickly slipped away, and to her surprise, they left no residual pain; slumping her head, Ellie let out a long breath.

  “There is much more the ball has to offer,” he murmured, “but rest a moment, and we will finish with one last thing. It isn’t painful, but it isn’t pleasant.”

  “I feel so strange,” she said breathlessly, “and weak.”

  “I know,” he said warmly, “and I’ll be there in a moment to give you what you’ve been waiting for. Let me know when you’re ready to continue.”

  Ellie’s entire body was one huge nerve ending. The globe was softly buzzing against her pussy, and she could still feel the pulsing of the intruder that had slid inside her. It was a
wonderful, sensuous, delicious cadence that was softly throbbing through her entire body. Even her nipples were gloriously sparking, and though she was desperate for her orgasm, she never wanted it to end.

  “I’m ready,” she murmured.

  Barely had she spoken the words when the orb moved against her thighs. It took her a moment to realize it was changing its shape from a sphere to spheroid, long and narrow. It began to slither behind her, and to her astonishment, feeling like a slippery snake, it pushed into the cleft of her bottom and slithered between her cheeks. As it came to rest, it didn’t just buzz, but wriggled. It was a bizarre, foreign feeling, and she hated it. She was about to cry out for Valodar to make it stop, but remembering what he’d said just a few minutes before, she bit her bottom lip. Its wriggling intensified, and she clenched, trying to stop it, but unable to suppress or control it, she let out a long, soulful moan, then clenched her teeth. It was only a few seconds later that the hideous thing abruptly stopped.

  “Oh, thank goodness,” she whimpered as it began to slowly slide back between her legs. “I don’t think I could have stood another second.”

  “Such a good girl,” he purred, stepping up to her from behind and kissing her neck. “I’m so proud of you.”

  She’d had no idea he’d been so close, but how could she? It was dark. He could have been circling her the entire time.

  “Thank you, Sir Valodar,” she murmured, leaning back against him.

  “Stay still, I’m going to release you.”

  She could feel his fingers at her wrists, and as the cable slipped away, he placed his hands on her shoulders.

  “Lower your arms slowly. Don’t worry, you won’t cramp, my hands are protecting your muscles.”

  She could feel the comforting warmth radiating through her, and as her arms fell to her sides, to her relief, he reached between her legs and removed the ball. Was her experience in the den over, or was there more?

  “Do you want me?” he whispered, kissing her ear as his hands moved around her body and kneaded her breasts. “Do you want to feel me inside you? Do you want your orgasm?”

  “Please,” she whimpered. “If you want me to have it, I would be so grateful.”

  He swept her up, and the room’s darkness gave way to the now-familiar, soft lavender glow, and though she was feeling utterly weak, she had never felt more alive. Her entire body was tingling, her pussy was drenched, and she was aching to feel his powerful member plunge into her depths.

  Lowering her onto a padded bench, he pulled her hips to the edge and raised her knees, and as the table silently rose to the desired height, he dropped his trousers and stepped forward, touching his fingers to her silkily soaked seam. He could feel the need inside him; it was always there, belying its power, sitting patiently waiting to be brought to life.

  He loved to harness its energy and control the madness that swept through him. Learning how to master the might of his injector had been a rite of passage, and after four weeks of suffering through the intense training, he had come out the other side filled with joy, and a deep understanding of all he could offer the females who would cross his path. Earth males were forced to stumble through their growth alone, many never learning how to use their gifts, not just to bring pleasure to their females, but to help women find their true submissive natures: yielding, surrendering, and accepting. It was how they were made. The reason behind their frustrated and confused lives on the pretty blue planet was no puzzle to him.

  As he gripped her thighs, standing between her legs and allowing the fever to surge through his loins, his injector emerged from his protective pouch and searched out its target, but as it found her slick entrance, Valodar held it at bay. Teasing a female was always a pleasurable moment, and waiting until he found her wriggling and soft pleading satisfactory, he took a breath and sent it forward.

  It stiffened as it thrust, and he allowed it free rein, then gripping her ankles, he closed his eyes, relishing the sensations rippling through his body as it explored her hot, wet channel. It wasn’t just moving in and out of itself, stroking her with gusto; with each plunge, it was seeking out the mystical area that would shoot orgasmic sparks through her sex, but he wanted their coupling to last! He wanted to ride her until his injector was so loaded it would erupt in an explosive orgasm. Taking a deep breath, he summoned his strength and brought it to heel. Manipulating his injector was sometimes like controlling a petulant, disobedient female, and as he forced it back into its pouch, he thought as much as it reluctantly obeyed.

  “Oooh, Sir Valodar, please,” Ellie bleated. “Please, I’m so close.”

  Releasing her ankles, he climbed onto the soft, inviting bench, stretched out beside her, and pulled her against him.

  “Hush,” he whispered, holding her tightly. “Worry not, you will have your moment.”

  “Is this some kind of torturous patience lesson?” she whimpered. “I have never felt so desperate.”

  “Then I must do something to ease your suffering,” he crooned, moving his lips to her neck and his hands to her nipples.

  As the delicious tingling emanated from his fingertips, and his lips and tongue devoured her mouth, she basked in his attention, lifting her chest to meet his warm fondling. She could feel herself settle, and moments later, as his kiss journeyed to draw in her breasts, and his hands traveled to caress the inside of her thighs, she let out a long, low, profound moan.

  She wasn’t in an alien craft, she was in heaven, and she’d been such a good person, God was now rewarding her with this super-being who knew how to bring her joy beyond anything she could ever have imagined. Lost in the plethora of salacious sensations, she was barely aware of him rolling her onto her side, and as his arms cradled her, and she felt his member push inside her, she cried out as the hard, powerful snake began to vigorously thrust. Every few strokes it would rub against her magic spot, shooting flashes of pleasure through her pussy that then sprinted through her limbs. She knew her moment was close; she knew, even if he were to withdraw, it would not stop the powerful orgasm rushing to overwhelm her, then suddenly, the coil was around her clit, squeezing and agitating. The coil… she’d forgotten about the coil.

  A thousand pinpricks danced through her brain. Her body was convulsing, her screams were echoing through the hedonistic chamber, then there was nothing… nothing but a dreamy, weightless floating.

  Chapter Eleven

  Valodar had expected it. Ellie had taken flight from the power of her pleasure, and as he wiped the hair from her face, she stirred, blinked, and gazed up at him.

  “What happened?”

  “You took a detour,” he smiled. “On Earth some call it subspace. Here we call it melting into ekstasis.”


  “Ecstasy. What happened to you, we call melting into ecstasy.”

  “That’s the perfect description,” she sighed. “It was heaven.”

  A red light flashed on his necklace, and she saw a frown cross his face.

  “What is it?”

  “I must go to my commander,” he urgently replied, sitting up and slipping from the bench. “If you need to rest, I can take you back to my chambers on the way.”

  “I feel super-relaxed, but I’m not tired.”

  “You can come with me, but you’d have to sit outside his office and wait. Why don’t you explore? It’s completely safe, or if you decide to go back to my chambers, they’re just a short distance from here.”

  “I remember. There was a sort of shield thingie above the door.”

  “My Crest of Stature,” he chuckled, “though I think I like the phrase ‘shield thingie’ better.”

  “Maybe you can rename it,” she smiled, then thoughtfully added, “Walking around on my own, though. Wow. It sounds a bit scary, but fun.”

  “Remember, there’s an implant in your ear that works with an interpretation device on the necklace. Everyone who works in an embassy will have them as well, so you can communicate with anyone you meet.
When I’m finished, the yellow stone on your necklace will pulse and make a soft chiming sound. Touch it and we can talk.”

  “Does it work in reverse?”

  “It does. It’s exclusively for you and me, but my summons from the commander is an urgent one, so it’s probably best if I’m not interrupted, but if it’s important, yes, definitely you can.”

  He had pulled on his pants during their conversation, and stepping forward, he softly kissed her.

  “I must go. Enjoy the area. It has much to offer.”

  “And what is this area?”

  “Didn’t I say? It’s the Xanadu Embassy. That’s why everything is bathed in a soft purple light. We are sensitive to light. In other areas of the station I must use special drops in my eyes.”

  “Oh, I see. This is probably a silly question, but are there shops here?”

  “Such a female,” he grinned. “There are a couple for necessities, but the shopping is on the other side of the station. Best wait for me though,” he added hastily, wanting to be with her in case Raven was about. Humans were rare on the station, and Raven wasn’t stupid. “There’s a very nice place to eat just down the hall, or you could catch a pod for a quick trip outside the station if you want.”

  “Outside?” she repeated, her eyes widening. “You mean, out in space by myself?”

  “If you want. Just look for a sign with an oval shape. Push the blue button on your necklace and the door will reveal itself. Just tell the dock master you want to circle the station. Now I really must go. Hopefully I won’t be too long.”

  “May I have a quick hug?”

  “A quick one,” he said, wrapping her up. “Try to stay out of trouble.”

  “What sort of trouble can I get into?” she laughed. “Besides, I wouldn’t dare, not after sitting on that globe.”

  “There are many such items in this room, and you will meet all of them,” he whispered, then after kissing her neck and making her toes curl anew, he strode from the room.


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