Promise Me Tomorrow: Book 3 in the Witness Series (Volume 3)

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Promise Me Tomorrow: Book 3 in the Witness Series (Volume 3) Page 12

by Heather D'Agostino

  “I have my reasons just like you do,” I shrugged and turned away. I didn’t want to tell him that growing up I had a little more than nothing. I didn’t want him to know that on some days my mom had to decide between food and toilet paper. He wouldn’t understand that Christmases were spent staring at the window displays knowing Santa was going to forget our house again this year.

  It was just my mom and me, and we barely got by. Her loser boyfriends would take whatever she made when they breezed in and out of our lives. I grew up in areas much worse than the one I lived in. It didn’t bother me, and it was affordable. I could pay for my apartment, and still have plenty of money left over each month. Having my savings to fall back on helped on nights like this one, and guaranteed that I’d have money if anything bad happened.

  “Here,” Jase tossed a bill on the bar and tucked his wallet back in his pocket. If he hadn’t said anything, I wouldn’t have noticed. I was lost in my head, and staring blankly out into space.

  “What’s this?” I picked up the bill and noticed it was a hundred dollar bill.

  “My tip for the night,” he shrugged. “I’ll give you the rest later. I don’t have enough on me for the whole five hundred.”

  My head jerked back as a scowl began to form. I shook my head, “No!” I shoved the money back at him. “I’m not taking this.”

  “Yeah, you are.” He narrowed his eyes on me. This place is dead tonight. I might want to take you out somewhere, and I’m not going to feel guilty for causing you to not make the money you would working.”

  “I’m not going to make much if I stay; I won’t be missing out if I leave.” I crossed my arms over my chest as I glared at him.

  “It’s settled then.” He stood and backed up slightly. His arms bulged when he crossed them over his chest. Dev chuckled from beside him as his eyes darted to mine. I was amusing him, and it looked as if he was enjoying whatever show we were putting on for him.

  “I’m going to step in the back for a minute,” Lena called from beside me. I had almost forgotten she was there for all this. Jase always took center stage when he was around.

  “What’s settled?” I slammed my hands on my hips as I tapped my foot. “Why does it always feel like I’m the last to know something that has everything to do with me?”

  Just then, Sam came scurrying out of her office. “Hey, Babe.” She waved at Dev as she made her way to the front door where a bored-looking Mason was perched. She flipped the open sign to closed, and Mason locked the door as he grinned at her. “We’re closed. Put everything away, bring me the drawer, and get your ass out of here. I’ve got plans tonight, and they don’t include sitting in this stuffy bar while everyone else enjoys the summer.”

  “What?” My mouth dropped open. “You planned this,” I pointed at Jase as Dev snickered.

  “I may have planned this,” Dev mused. “It’s nice out. Sam called me not long after you guys opened. She told me it was slow, and she was going to close early. We’re just here to pick you up,” he motioned to Jase.

  “Pick us up to go where exactly?” I looked between the two of them as I untied my apron.

  “He’s got his own plans, but Sam and I are going out to dinner,” Dev laughed again as he turned and began walking to Sam’s office. I knew exactly what his plans entailed. Sam had confided in me a few days ago that she and Dev were talking about having another baby. I was sure Mara would be thrilled with the prospect, but this only reminded me of what I longed for, a future.


  We arrived at the park shortly after leaving the bar. We’d stopped by my place so I could change, and then Jase rushed me into his car before whisking me off to the park. The band tonight was a cover band I’d never heard of, but the fact that I was going on a real date with Jase was all that mattered. Other than the few times we’d hung out after work, and the nights spent at his place, I hadn’t really had the chance to experience this side of him. He’d decided to give us a chance, but between work and the case, we hadn’t really had a chance to go out.

  “I’m glad you wore the dress,” he mumbled as he kissed the side of my neck. We were sitting on a blanket in the soft grass about fifty feet from the stage. It was near the back of the crowd, but you could still see and hear just fine. The sun had set when we’d first arrived, and other than the stage lights, it was fairly dark out. Jase had spread the blanket out when we’d first gotten here, and after sitting down, he’d pulled me between his legs. My back was resting comfortably against his chest, and his arms were wrapped around me.

  “You are, huh?” I turned my head slightly so I could peer up at him. He grinned and his eyes twinkled as he nodded approvingly. “Well, you didn’t really give me a choice,” I muttered as I shifted. When we’d gotten to my place, Jase had pretty much ordered me to put on the pink sundress I’d worn when he saw me out shopping with Sam one time. At first, I’d balked. I didn’t like being told what to do, but when I saw the gleam in his eyes, I knew that doing what he asked would somehow work to my advantage tonight.

  “That’s right,” he pressed another kiss to my neck, causing me to shiver. “You cold, baby?” He nuzzled into the crook of my shoulder as his arms tightened and his hands began to slowly run up and down my arms.

  “No,” I swallowed. He was turning me on, but we were out in public, and I really wanted to hear the rest of the concert. I was enjoying this date, and I didn’t want to fall back into what we always The sex was great, don’t get me wrong, but I wanted all the other things that came with a boyfriend too.

  “Come here,” he loosened his hold on me, and stood up in the center of the blanket. I giggled slightly as I took his outstretched hand and let him pull me up. His arms slipped around my waist, and he tugged me flush to his chest as he started to sway to the music coming from the stage.

  “You don’t dance,” I mumbled as I buried my face in his t-shirt clad chest.

  “I do tonight,” he mumbled as he leaned down and captured my mouth. The kiss was slow, lazy almost as one hand slid up my back and cupped my head. His breathing picked up a little, but he tamped his hunger down as he slowly pulled away.

  “I told you I’d try. I want to be what you deserve, Tiff. You deserve a guy who will take you out, show you off, and treat you like the person you are. Spending days on end in my apartment isn’t what I should be doing with you.” I pulled back, thinking he was upset with the physical side of what we had, but he tightened his grip. “I want that too; that’s not what I’m saying.”

  He pressed a kiss to the top of my head as he began swaying again. We had discarded our shoes when we first sat down, and as I felt the soft blanket under my bare feet, I couldn’t help but snuggle deeper into his embrace. “I’m in love with you, but I want to give you it all. I want to give you what my dad gave my mom. I remember sitting on the stairs at night when they thought I was in bed. I would listen as my dad would turn on the radio and hold my mom in his arms just like this. They’d sway and spin around the kitchen laughing lightly as they got lost in one another,” he paused as he swallowed.

  “I never thought I’d have that. I always thought it was a fantasy. Until you came along, that is. You’ve shown me in the last week that I can have what they had. That I deserve to be happy like they were, and that I can have it with you.” He tipped his head down and he captured my mouth once again; this time, it wasn’t soft. This kiss was heated and full promise with what the night held. He was showing me how he felt after opening his heart a little more to me.

  “I love you,” he whispered as he broke the kiss. He pecked my nose before spinning us so I could face the stage. “I love you so much...” his voice trailed off as the song that the band was playing finally registered in my mind. Lee Brice’s I Don’t Dance.

  “I love you too,” I grinned as I cupped his jaw. His eyes fluttered closed as I rose up on my tiptoes and pressed a kiss to his chin. I giggled as the stubble tickled my lips before lowering back on my feet. We stood there f
or a while just swaying to the music as couples around us went about their lives.

  Some were talking, using the concert as back ground noise. Some were locked in an embrace just as we were, and some of the younger crowd were completely immersed in the music. I sighed as Jase held me tighter, laying his claim on me anytime anyone would look our way. It felt nice. I was happy, secure, and finally getting what I longed for. I couldn’t think of a better way to spend the evening.

  We sat back down after a while, and Jase wrapped a second blanket around me when the air became chilly. We stayed in our cocoon the rest of night, offering teasing kisses and light caresses, promising each other a night to remember when we returned home. I was happy, and it seemed Jase finally was too.

  Chapter 15


  Guilty on all counts! It was plastered across every newspaper and tabloid in Chicago. We’d been waiting for over the last month for the news. Jase had been strung tighter than I’d ever seen him and snapping at me for no reason—other than the fact that his mind had been elsewhere. I’d been following the case and picking up on every little piece of information that Dev or Jase said.

  Simon had been found guilty. We’d finally be able to relax and move on. I wasn’t sure what this meant for Jase and me now that he’d seen justice served, but I was hoping to see more of the real man under the tough exterior. I’d seen glimpses, but they’d always disappeared, never fully sticking around.

  “So?” I turned to place an omelet on the plate in front of Jase. I’d stayed at his place, again, and was attempting to fix us breakfast. I was hoping it would pull him out of the funk he’d been in for the last two days. Ever since the verdict was announced, he’d been sulking.

  “So what?” he grumbled as he shook his head.

  “So are we going out with them tonight?” Sam had called me and invited us to join her and Dev at the Stoplight. Now that the case was closed, Dev didn’t see any reason to avoid the place.

  “Sure, babe, whatever you want.” He picked at the eggs on his plate before leaning his head on the opposite hand.

  “You know it’s not your fault that things went this way. You can’t help it. You did your job.” I tried to soothe him, but he jerked away from me. While Simon was going to jail, his son, Jeremy, wasn’t. Jeremy had gotten off on a technicality and was now free on the streets.

  “You don’t get it,” he growled. “That asshole knows the business as good, or better than his old man did. Nothing is going to change. Things will go back to the way they were; I’ll have accomplished nothing. Jeremy will just take over like he was planning to do all along.”

  “It’s not your fault,” I tried again.

  “Yeah, well,” he swallowed as he looked up at me. “I can’t go back in. My cover’s blown, but it also means that he can come after me or the people I care about now. I helped put his father in jail.” Jase’s pained expression finally made everything in my head click into place.

  “You think he’s going to hurt me? Is that why you’ve been so quiet?” I turned off the stove and moved around the counter to stand beside him. He grabbed my hips as he turned on the stool and pulled me between his legs.

  “That’s just the beginning. There’s so much going on in my head. I’m worried he could hurt you. I’m angry that my life is here, and he might wreck it. I’m angry that it seems that no matter what I do, that family keeps destroying mine. My fucking brother screwed this up for me so long ago, and I can’t seem to escape it.”

  “I’m fine, and I’m going to stay fine.” I wrapped my arms around his neck. “I love that you worry about me, but can we try to not dwell on this? There are always going to be bad guys. There are always gonna be people out there that could hurt you, me, or both of us. Think about all the people you’ve helped put away over years.” I bit my lip as I watched him.

  “Gee, thanks,” he mumbled. “That makes me feel even worse.”

  “I’m not trying to make you worry. I’m trying to get through to you. I love you, but you’re going to put yourself in an early grave if you don’t lighten up. Let’s go out tonight with Sam. We’ll dance, drink, have fun,” I smiled.

  “Then when we get back here I’ll help you forget what you’re so worried about.” I peered up at him and waited to see his expression soften. He nodded as he gave in, and I saw the mask he tried to hide from me slip into place once again. He was going bury his true feelings and put on a show for me. It hurt that he felt he needed to do that, but I wasn’t going to push him. We’d come so far over the last several weeks, and the last thing I wanted to do was take a step backward.


  When we arrived at the Stoplight later that night, Dev and Sam had already claimed a table in the back. It wasn’t far from the corner where Jase had sat the night he’d been here with Jeremy. I was sure he’d noticed it too. He shook his head as we walked by, and mumbled in my ear. “I’m not him.” I nodded and let him lead to me to the empty seats Sam had pulled aside.

  “Hey,” I smiled as Jase pulled out a chair for me to sit. Sam grinned as Dev rolled his eyes. “What’s so funny?”

  “You’ll see,” Sam teased just as a large body took the seat to my left.

  Jase had claimed the one on the right, and I felt his body tense. I squeezed my eyes shut just as Jase leaned in next to my ear. “What’s he doing here?” I took a chance to look to my left even though I knew who it was and shook my head as Mason’s large frame filled the space beside me.

  “Be nice,” I warned them both.

  “He had his fucking hands all over you the last time you were here,” Jase growled as he fisted his hands on his thighs.

  “And you were letting some skank touch you; we’re even.” I narrowed my eyes as I turned to glare at him. His jaw was tight as he ground his teeth together and tried to rein in his temper.

  “Listen, man,” Mason turned. “I wasn’t trying to step on your turf. I’m sorry if I overstepped.” He held out his hand to Jase as he shifted in his seat.

  Jase huffed as he grumbled something under his breath before he clasped Mason’s hand and shook it. “Wow. It’s nice to see you can both be so mature about this,” Dev laughed as he watched the awkwardness around me.

  “Dude,” Jase released Mason’s hand and pointed at Dev. “Shut the fuck up. If some asshole,” he glanced at Mason before muttering an apology, “touched your woman like he did her, you’d be pissed too. I’d probably be bailing you out.”

  “I don’t know about that,” Dev rolled his eyes. “I like to think I’m pretty level headed.”

  Sam’s mouth dropped open as she turned to face him, “Excuse me? Level headed? What about just last week when we were grocery shopping and you flashed your badge at the bagboy?” She grinned as she flipped her hands in the air. “He couldn’t have been more than sixteen, and this one made sure to lay claim.”

  “I did not flash the badge.” He wrapped his arm around her possessively. “He was staring at your ass. I mean I know it’s a nice ass, but it’s my ass. I get to say who stares at it.” He gave her a loud smack with his lips against her cheek, and she giggled as she leaned into him.

  “Ugh, enough with the PDA. I need a drink. Anyone wanna accompany me to the bar?” Mason stood and began walking away. Jase mumbled in my ear that he would be right back and he stood and started to follow. I figured he was going to either apologize or threaten him.

  “I’ll go and make sure he doesn’t kill him,” Dev murmured as he too followed the group.

  After the guys disappeared into the crowd, Sam leaned forward like she had a secret. “So, how are things going with you two?”

  “Pretty great,” I grinned. “We have our moments, but for the most part, I think whatever this is it’s going somewhere.” I bit my lip before I giggled like a school girl. “He told me he loved me.”

  “Really?” Sam giggled too, but then the expression on her face turned to confusion.

  “What’s wrong?” I looked around, but did
n’t see anything out of the ordinary.

  “That man over there keeps staring at us,” she nodded her head to the side pointing in the direction of the far corner, but didn’t use her hands. “I didn’t think anything of it when he started. Thought maybe he was looking for someone, but he’s staring right at you.”

  “Well, I am pretty hot,” I teased.

  “That you are,” Jase’s voice came from behind me as he wrapped his arm around my shoulder and placed a drink in front of me. “It’s some fruity thing they had on special. Figured you’d like it,” he shrugged as he slipped back into his seat. Sam cuddled into Dev’s side, and the strange man I’d yet to see was forgotten.

  As the hours ticked by, we immersed ourselves in the atmosphere of the club. It was the first time we’d all gone out, and nothing had gone wrong. The guys talked about sports, as Mason opened up a little bit about his ex. She’d broken things off about three months ago, and he’d been slowly trying to date again. He seemed a little lost as he laughed at what being single again meant. He and Brittany, his girlfriend, had been together for three years. He said he’d almost forgotten how to flirt. I’d assured him that he hadn’t, and that, of course, brought out the green monster in Jase again. I loved how much he loved me, but he still seemed to have a hard time believing that I loved him back just as much.

  Finally, as closing time began to approach, Jase agreed to accompany me onto the dance floor. He’d been drinking most of the night, and seemed to be in that state of mind that he didn’t care if he made a fool of himself. Jase wasn’t a bad dancer, it was more about the fact that he seemed to lack the ability to let go. He always had to be in control, and something about dancing made him feel he lacked it.

  “Are you having fun tonight?” he whispered into my ear as he wrapped his arms around me from behind.

  I nodded, “Yes, very much.”

  “Good. Let’s see if we can keep that up.” He nipped at the shell of my ear as his hands slowly slid down my ribs, stopping at my hips. I moaned low and quiet as I leaned my back into his chest. One of my hands lifted to wrap around his neck, and I worked my fingers into the hair at his nape. “Fuck! You don’t know what you do to me,” he growled.


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