Book Bitch

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Book Bitch Page 17

by Ashleigh Royce

  “She’s an attorney. She’s really smart, and fantastic.”

  “That’s great, Con. I can’t wait to meet her.”

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  The next morning, I woke up on the couch, to the sound of Rebecca being sick. I knocked lightly on the bathroom door. “You okay?”

  I heard the water run and then she opened the door. Her hair was a mess and her make-up ran down her face. “I think I drank too much.”

  “I’ll make you some breakfast. You take a hot shower. There are clean sweats and tee shirts in the drawer. Take whatever you want. You’re going to relax today. The boss gave us the day off.” I laughed.

  She nodded. A few minutes later, I heard the shower run. Thoughts of joining her danced through my head, but she wasn’t feeling well, so I decided to leave her alone. I made grilled cheese sandwiches and a cup of tea for her. She walked out of the bathroom in just one of my tee shirts.

  “How is that fair?” I asked. “I’m trying, with great difficulty, to leave you alone because you’re dealing with a hangover. How am I supposed to stay away from you when you know how I feel about you in my tee shirt?”

  “Who said I’m dealing with a hangover?” Her voice was playful and suggestive. Careful steps brought her to the half wall that separated my living room and kitchen. “And, who said you have to stay away from me?” She lunged over the counter and kissed me. I turned the toaster oven off and pulled her by the waist until she was up against me. Every nerve in my body came to life. Her hips gyrated against me as her hands ran through my hair. When our lips connected, a tingle ran through my body. She lifted my shirt over my head. She kissed my chest on each pectoral. Her hands skimmed down my stomach and stopped at the top of my sweatpants. She looked up through her lashes as she pulled the string that held them securely around my waist. Her palms pressed against my hips and she pushed the fabric down my legs, taking both my pants and briefs down. I stepped out of them and stood naked and ready in front of her. She pulled the shirt from her body, revealing her perfect figure.

  “You’re so beautiful,” I said in a breathy voice.

  She placed her lips on mine. I lifted her leg around my waist. She raised her other leg until she was wrapped around me. I shifted my frame until I was positioned at the apex of her legs. I waited for her eyes to give the silent command.

  I pushed in. Skyrockets went off inside of me. This is where I loved to be, inside her. Moving closer to the counter, I rested her on the surface. I shifted back and forth, pushing in and out as she built. Both of us were breathing heavy. She grabbed at my shoulders and I felt her close around me. I knew she was near climaxing. It was exciting, drawing me nearer to my own peak. She clutched and pulled me. I felt the warmth of her orgasm cover me. I thrust once more and reached my own.

  Through ragged breath she said, “You always make me feel so good.”

  Trying to harness my own breath, I replied, “Funny, I was going to say the same thing.”

  “We make a good team, both professionally and privately,” she said.

  I couldn’t agree with her more.

  We dressed and walked through the theater district, which was only a few blocks away from my apartment. I bought her a hot dog from a street vendor and a rubber bracelet that said “I (heart) NY,” which she proudly wore from that moment on. Any phone calls that came through her cell phone were forwarded to voice mail. We enjoyed being together. Although I had only been involved with Rebecca for weeks, I envisioned myself with her always.

  We stood in the middle of Times Square, staring up at the huge neon signs as if we were tourists. I wrapped my arms around her and brushed my nose against her hair. It smelled like my shampoo. I could have stayed like that forever; let time wash over me as I reveled in her. Rebecca moved her mouth to my ear. Her breath brushed my neck. I felt it in my groin. “Take me home. I want you to do me again.” I grabbed her hand and practically sprinted back to my apartment.

  I had barely enough time to lock the door when Rebecca had stripped down to just her lacy underwear. She reached behind her back and opened her bra, letting it slip down her arms. It landed on the top of the pile of clothes now on the floor. Immediately, I took the cue and stripped off my own clothes. I followed as she backed up toward the bedroom. She stopped at the foot of the bed and slid her panties down. Then she lied on the bed and spread her legs, waiting for me. I crawled over her and positioned myself between them. I looked at her. Her large brown eyes silently begged me to begin. I eased into her. She gasped as I filled her.

  Altering my rhythm, Rebecca climaxed three times before I came.

  I ordered in a pizza for dinner. Just as it arrived, Connor got off the elevator. “Hey, Dude.” I greeted him. “What are you doing here?”

  “I figured I haven’t seen you in a while. Thought I’d come by and hang, tell you all about that girl I’m seeing. See I’m just in time for dinner.”

  I moved away from the door to allow him entrance. Rebecca was curled up on the couch.

  His expression became serious. “Oh, sorry. I thought you were alone.” He turned to leave, but I stopped him.

  “Connor, this is Rebecca.”

  His eyes widened. “THE Rebecca?”

  She stood, wearing my tee shirt and sweatpants. “The one and only.” She laughed.

  The two shook hands.

  “Come in before the pizza gets cold.” He walked in and took a seat on the opposite end of the couch. I passed out paper plates and plastic cups. Rebecca started distributing pizza slices as I went to the kitchen for beverages. Connor sat on the couch, his plated pizza in hand, staring at Rebecca.

  Rebecca looked back at him. “You’re the guy who sort of dated Lindsey, right?”

  That snapped him out of his trance. “Well, it was only one date. But yeah.”

  “Sorry that didn’t work out,” Rebecca said.

  “Nah, that’s okay. I’m seeing someone much better now.”

  “Well that’s good.”

  The three of us sat around, talking and joking. We ordered a second pie and Connor didn’t leave until ten o’clock. Rebecca stretched as I locked the door. I wanted her again, but she looked exhausted. I tucked her into bed and cuddled up next to her. It was the best place to be.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  The next morning, I woke to Rebecca being sick again. “Maybe it’s the stress finally coming out. You haven’t been relaxing. Maybe you should take a few days off.”

  “No, I’m fine,” she insisted. “I did have that hot dog from the vendor yesterday, followed by pizza. My eating habits have been totally off since I’ve been with you. You’re a bad influence on me.” She smiled. “But maybe you’re right about the stress. There has been a lot going on. Now that all of the difficult stuff is out of the way, I promise to be less stressed. I’m going to look at new office space over the weekend. That should be relaxing. Wanna come?”

  I purred. “I do want to come.”

  She pushed my shoulder. “I mean to look at the spaces?”

  “I thought you were going to wait a year to see how it all panned out with the merger.”

  “It will take several months to get a new space organized. Plus, I need to get out of that office. I want to launch the new and improved Stratford Literary as quickly as possible. I don’t want anyone to doubt us. And, I can’t keep track of all the agents if they’re in two different places.”

  I kissed her forehead. “No one can ever doubt you. You’re the best.” She smiled.

  It was Friday. Since Rebecca told everyone to come in late, we took our time and walked to work. On the way, we stopped to buy coffee and bagels for everyone. No one worked. We all talked about some of the plans for the expansion. The open sharing made the employees connect with Rebecca. The atmosphere was very relaxed. There was no way they thought of her as a bitch now.

  The next day, Saturday, I accompanied Rebecca on several appointments to look at available office spaces. She said I was a good second se
t of eyes and that I brought up some good points with regard to the logistics of certain things like photocopiers and the all-important coffee pot. By the end of viewing the fifth space, she had narrowed it down to two, both very appropriate for the new and improved Stratford Literary.

  Eric, the real estate agent who showed us the properties, repeatedly asked Rebecca to join him for dinner “sometime.”

  “That’s very sweet of you, but this is my boyfriend. I don’t think he’d be okay with that.”

  Eric looked at me, apologetic for encroaching on my territory. “Sorry, man. Way to go.”

  “Thanks,” I said.

  We went back to her apartment to rest before going out to get something to eat. We sat on the couch and talked a little. Rebecca shared her excitement and apprehension about moving forward with the company.

  “I just hope it’s not a mistake. I’ve wanted this for so long. And now that I have such great people working for me, and those we represent, I can’t wait to get started. It just seems too good to be true. It makes me skittish about what might happen next to mess it up.”

  “Well, you deserve all this good stuff,” I said. “I’m going to take a quick shower before we go out.”

  “Okay. I’m going give my mother a call to see how she’s doing since, well, you know.”

  I nodded. Then I placed a kiss on her forehead and headed to the bathroom.

  During my hot shower, I found myself singing as I lathered up the soap. I was on my third song when I got out of the stall and dried off. Hoping Rebecca would be in a playful mood, I walked out into the living room in just a towel. It was quiet in her apartment. I expected to see her sitting on the couch, reading through a pile of submissions. Instead, I found she had fallen asleep on the couch, with her closed cell phone in her hand. I lifted her up and carried her to her bed. I covered her with the extra blanket she kept in the closet and I ordered in Chinese food. I guess office space shopping wiped her out.

  That night, I thought about how much I cared for her. She really did make me happy. I loved everything about her. I called my mother to tell her how serious I was about this whirlwind of a girl who rushed into my life.

  “… That’s fantastic, Alex. You seem to be happy. When can we meet her?”

  “I don’t know, Mom. Now that she’s expanding the agency, I’m sure she’ll be busy with all of the details. But I do want you guys to meet. I think she’s the one I want to spend forever with.” Although I couldn’t see her, I heard my mother’s smile through the phone.

  “Well, Dad and I have some vacation time coming. We could come to New York for a visit.”

  “That would be great, Mom. Let me find out what the scheduling is with the new space and I’ll call you back.”

  “Okay, Dear.”

  “Tell Dad I said hello.”

  It was always good to talk to my mom.

  I slipped into bed, next to Rebecca. I watched her chest rise and fall with each relaxed breath. Each inhale drew me in deeper to her. And then, I fell asleep.

  The next day, I woke to cool sheets. I jumped up and ran into the living room. She was on the couch reading the newspaper. “Did I wake you?” she asked.

  “Wake me? No. You aren’t even making any noise.”

  “I was. Before.”

  “You were sick again?” She nodded. “Maybe you should see a doctor. What if you have an ulcer or something from everything that has happened? You’ve been under so much pressure.”

  “I guess I could go to rule it out. It might be a virus. I have some body aches also.”

  “You haven’t been sleeping well either. Runs the immune system down. How about I run a hot bath for you. You can soak and just relax today.” She nodded. I brushed my teeth and took care of the morning necessities and then ran the hot water. I found a bottle of lavender bath salts and sprinkled some in. It smelled nice, like her.

  While she soaked, I made her some breakfast and she ate once she got into a pair of my sweatpants and the tee shirt I had worn to bed.

  “I thought you didn’t like my clothes.”

  “I never said I didn’t like them,” she said. “But even Rose and Craig agree with me that your handsome looks deserve more expensive labels. But lazy-day-Sunday-sweats work for me.” She giggled.

  We watched television curled up on the couch the rest of the day.

  Monday morning, I dressed in the work clothes I had brought and made coffee while Rebecca got ready. We took a cab to the office. When we walked in, Rose looked concerned. “Didn’t you sleep last night? You look exhausted.”

  “We ran around and looked at office spaces,” I explained. “It took a lot out of her.”

  “I think I have a stomach bug,” Rebecca said. “Can you call my doctor and see if he can squeeze me in today?”

  Rose nodded.

  Rebecca and I started our usual routine of sorting through queries and manuscripts. Mid-way through the stack, her face drained of color. She held her head.

  “What’s wrong?” I asked standing up.

  “I’m just a little light headed.” She held her hand out. “Don’t get too close. I don’t want you to catch it.”

  “I’ll go get you some tea.” She nodded. As I walked out past Rose’s desk, I asked if she was able to get an appointment with Rebecca’s doctor.

  “Yes, he can see her at six tonight.”

  “She’s been over stressed lately with all of this Donovan crap. I’m going to get her some tea. Keep an eye on her.”

  Rose smiled. “I’m glad she finally has you, Alex.” I returned the smile.

  I raced to the break room and made a cup of tea the way Rebecca liked it. I hurried back to the office and insisted she sip it and take a few nibbles of one of the donuts someone left on the counter. She seemed to be better after that. We made it through the rest of the day without her feeling queasy again.

  “I’m going with you to the doctor’s.”

  Rebecca held up her hand to protest.

  I shook my head. “What if he insists on someone taking care of you?” I smiled. “That’s my job.”

  “You’re a good boyfriend,” she said, caressing my cheek with her hand.

  Just before collecting her things to leave to go to the doctor’s, Rose announced that Mrs. Richards was on the telephone.

  “What do you mean you aren’t divorcing him?” Rebecca yelled into the phone. “You don’t need his money mother. He cheated on you, and who knows how many times? I discovered this indiscretion quite accidentally… Missy and Chip are grown and have lives of their own. They don’t need you and Donovan to stay together… Fine, do whatever you want, Mother. Just know that if you stay with him, I don’t ever want to speak to you again. You’ll have to choose between him and me once again, just like before, but this time I will not make any concessions about overlooking him for your sake… I can’t talk about this any more, Mother. I have an appointment. Good-bye.”

  When she hung up she took a moment to collect herself. I knew she was trying hard not to cry. I said nothing until she was ready.

  We held hands in the waiting room as we waited for the nurse to call her into an exam room. I flipped through several magazines while she was in with the doctor. It seemed longer than an average appointment. I managed to read three issues of Glamour and thumb through three-quarters of a Vogue before she came out. I asked if everything was all right.

  “I’m fine. You’re right. Doctor said I have too much stress. I need to go home and rest.”

  “Is the dizziness from the stress? Are you sure you don’t have an ulcer? What about the vomiting?” I questioned her the whole way to her apartment, but she kept telling me that the doctor said she was fine. We picked up some sandwiches and I pulled out some plates and cutlery as she changed her clothes. As we ate, Rebecca turned toward me. She leaned into my arms. I wrapped them around her.

  She spoke into my chest. “I know I’ve told you this before, but I love you.”

  I leaned over and kisse
d her nose. “I love you, too.” Hmm, this could lead somewhere, I thought. “In fact, I’d like you to meet my parents.” I leaned my head back so I could see her face. “They want to visit New York so they can meet the girl who’s stolen my heart. Would you be open to that?”

  A big smiled covered her face. “I’d love that. When are they coming?”

  “I wanted to check with you first. I know you have a lot of things that need to be taken care of with the expansion and all.”

  “Can they come next weekend?”

  “Um, I can ask.”

  “I’d love to meet them.” As if she was infused with a new energy, Rebecca bounced in her seat.

  “Okay, okay. I’ll ask if they want to come out next weekend.”

  She kissed me, and I was right; it did lead to something… something fantastic.

  Her mouth moved across my jaw, down my neck, to my collarbone. My skin pimpled as she trailed kisses along the way. My insides stirred and my blood went from zero to eighty, in two seconds. Rebecca’s hands streamed down my body until she reached what she was searching for. She cupped my waiting erection and squeezed gently. It was controlled and hot. Desire welled up inside me. She slid her body down off the stool and knelt in front of me. Her hands worked fast as she pulled open my pants. With quick movements, they were pushed down to my ankles. The sudden warm wetness of her tongue caused me to harden. Her mouth covered me. It sent a ripple down my spine. As she sucked, she cradled me underneath, tugging just slightly, driving me to a place I knew there was only way I could return from. The combination of sensations drove me into a torrent. Looking down at her, watching her take me, made it even more exciting. Every muscle in my body was tense. I was close, but I didn’t want to come yet. I wanted to be inside of her.

  Lifting her gently by her arms, I searched her eyes. She wanted me, maybe almost as much as I wanted her. My hands skimmed down her legs, taking her pants and panties down with them. She stepped out of the clothes. I turned her around and bent her over so that she was across the stool. I placed my throbbing erection where I wanted it, closed my eyes, and savored the feeling of sliding into her. She moaned and it resonated between my legs.


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