All Mye Queen's Men Chronicles of Love, Volume I (All Mye Queen's Men, Chronicles of Love)

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All Mye Queen's Men Chronicles of Love, Volume I (All Mye Queen's Men, Chronicles of Love) Page 10

by Lee, Brenda Stokes

  "Lord, all my ass is out in this dam suit. Well, it'll have to do, because It's all I have and I am getting in that hot tube tonight." She groaned to herself. "Those Neanderthals will love this. I'll never hear the end of it. Thank God they're not here."

  To her surprise, Queen arrived in the sunroom to find Paul, wearing Hawaiian print trunks shuffling through a large pile of CDs. Although his body was relaxed every cut of his muscular, lean frame was evident. He looked like a Greek god standing tall and erect with perfect posture and a flawless, chiseled body.

  "God, I am such a lucky girl! Brains, brawns, boyish good looks, charm and a big old country dick. Who could ask for anything more?" She thought as she stood silently admiring the view.

  Well, that was until Teddy entered the room. As he swaggered into the sunroom clad only in bright yellow bikini Speedo briefs. Queen could hear the sound of her jaw as it dropped on the floor and shattered like fine glass. She tried desperately to recover and put her eyes back in their sockets before anyone noticed them roll like marbles across the sunroom floor.

  "Damn! Look at this nigga, right here!" She thought as she watched his massive frame come towards her.

  Caught like a deer in headlights Queen's eyes were fixated on his broad chest, ripped abs, powerful thighs and overstuffed trunks. And for a split second she forgot that this perfect creature even had a head. That is until it chose to speak.

  "Close your mouth before a fly flies in it." Teddy chuckled as his face brightened with a proud, wide grin. "Oh yeah, and you might want to get that drool off the side of your mouth while you are at it."

  "What? Whatever." Queen retorted quickly recovering and trying to act disinterested.

  "What's up with the towel Mye Queen? Take this shit off." Teddy said as he grabbed the towel and quickly unwrapped it from Queen's body in one fluid motion.

  "Bear! What are you doing? Stop! Give it here." Queen yelled as she tried to retrieve the towel.

  Paul looked around to see what was going on. "What are you two orangutans doing now?”

  "Bear's the damn orangutan. Give my towel back, Bear." Queen demanded. "Unlike you some of us are a little modest."

  "What do you need this big ass towel on for anyway? You can't wear it in the Jacuzzi. You might as well go ahead and take it off." Teddy responded as he held the towel high above his head while Queen tried to get it.

  "Bear, give her back her towel." Paul nonchalantly replied as he continued to look through the cds. "Leave her alone. She's shy. I don't know why. For someone who is built like a warrior princess she sure loves to cover up."

  "Bear, give me my towel." Queen growled.

  "Here take it. I just wanted to see you bounce up and down and make it jiggle." He laughed as he threw the towel to Paul. "Heads up!"

  Queen playfully punched him in his arm. "Nasty ass self. Did you hear him? Bear's just looking at my ass."

  Paul catches the towel and holds it high over his head as Queen runs over to get it.

  "Give me the towel, Paul. Stop playing. Bear's goggling my goodies."

  "What else is new?" He laughed as he keeps the towel out of her reach. Okay, if you want your towel back then give me a kiss."

  "I'm not going to let you blackmail me. Give me my towel." She demanded.

  "Wrong answer." He teased as he quickly threw the towel back to Teddy in a game of keep away.

  After running back and forth a few times Queen surrenders. She finally figured out that they were deriving way too much pleasure watching her tits and ass bounce as she jumped up and down trying to retrieve it.

  "You know what? Keep it! I don't need it now. You've already seen what I was trying to hide, so to hell with it. And Paul, you're just as fowl, common and nasty as Teddy." She snapped as she got in the hot tub.

  Paul and Teddy burst into laughter.

  "I don't know what you were trying to hide, but I know it wasn't that big ass. You can see that thing from space. Right now I bet some Russian astronaut is probably beating off to the sight of that fat ass of yours." Teddy laughed.

  "Go to hell Bear."

  "Don't get mad at me, you're the one that put on that bright ass, orange bikini." He teased. "All jokes aside though, Mye Queen you're wearing that shit." He acknowledged as he slapped hands with Paul.

  "Thanks but, all jokes aside, the first one I catch talking to my titties instead of to me is getting slapped. So keep your eyes up here." Queen replied as she framed her face, like a picture frame, with her hands.

  "Shit... You might as well smack me now and get it over with. Those things look like two giant fresh Navel oranges. Who the hell can look anywhere else?" Teddy confessed.

  "I can't be responsible for where my eyes or my hands go when it comes to Mye Queen, so I am exempt. You, nigga, on the other hand better find somewhere else to look, or I might slap you my damn self." Paul warned Teddy as he joined Queen in the hot tub.

  "You might as well go ahead and slap my ass too. You two can host a damn smack fest if you want, cause I'm not making any promises where my eyes or hands might wander to." Teddy laughed.

  "Okay, you know I'm not playing right? Matter of fact, don't you have something else to do. Mommy and daddy need some alone time." Paul replied as he kissed Queen.

  "You two must have lost y’all damn minds. Daddy better take mommy up to his room or down to hers because Baby Bear is getting in the damn Jacuzzi. And as long as you two keep it down over there I don't care what you two do." Teddy declared as he climbed in the hot tub with them. "Unbelievable, Queen's going to squeeze those big titties and that fat ass of hers in a skimpy ass bikini and expect me not to look..." Teddy grumbled. "The damn astronauts can see that ass from space, but I can't look. What the fuck ever!" Teddy mumbled.

  "They can also see the socks that you stuffed your Speedo trunks with, from the space shuttle, but you don't see me looking." Queen countered.

  "Oh hell no! No, she did not say…. Did she just say what I think I heard her say?"

  Paul laughed. "I'm not sure what you heard, but I thought I heard her imply that, that ain't all you. Maybe you're over compensating for a tiny, little shortcoming."

  "You heard me, or did I stutter?" Queen retorted. "There's more stuffing in those briefs than a Thanks Giving turkey."

  "Okay... Man I know this is your woman but there is only one way to straighten this bullshit out." Teddy declared. “There ain’t a damn thing little or tiny about me.”

  "Don't do it man. She was just playing." Paul laughed

  Queen was suddenly horror struck as she realized what Teddy's devious mind had contrived. There was no place to run or to hide. "Don't you even think about it!" She barked in an attempt to evade the inevitable.

  "I can play about a lot of things but the ding dong ain't one of them." Teddy announced with a malevolent voice. "Because this is some of God's finest work."

  "You wouldn't dare!" Queen challenged.

  Teddy devilishly grinned as he hooked his right and left thumbs in the waistband of his bright yellow bikini trunks and rapidly slid them over his tight, chocolate ass releasing a deadly anaconda which purposely slithered from side to side a little better than midway his thick muscular thigh. Then he stood there, arms raised high for the world to see his spectacular physique. "What's up, Mye Queen?"

  The good girlfriend in her told her to close her eyes tightly and look away. But the naughty side of her said, "Fuck that, this I have to see!" She watched in unbelief as Teddy stood proud before her butt crack, ass out, naked.

  Shocked and speechless Queen sat there gawking, with her jaw unhinged. It was almost like time had stopped as she gazed upon, argumentatively one of the finest bodies she had ever seen. The size- length and girth of his dick alone was enough to make the average girl weak at the knees and wet in the bush. But, the total package, including his body, charisma and swagger was more than enough to make Queen wish that she was single. "This man is a fuckin freak of nature!" She thought.

  Paul who was laug
hing hysterically finally recovers enough to put his hands over Queen's eyes. "Okay! Show's over. Put your damn draws on nigga. And put that damn thing back in its cage before you poke my girl's eye out."

  "Right after Queen apologizes. What's up Mye Queen? Tell me something."

  Queen who was still trying to regain her ability to speak somehow sarcastically conceded, "Words cannot say just how sorry I am." But, in her mind she finished that statement with, "Sorry I didn't meet you at another time and in another place."

  Queen didn't really realize just how sorry she would be. The image of Teddy's nude body haunted her thoughts, her dreams and her fantasies for weeks and even months to come. Occupying her every idle thought she was convinced that she'd never get it or him out of her head.


  Time past quickly and Queen and Paul enjoyed and endured a unique love based on trust, honesty, respect and of course, sensational sex. Their appetite for each other was only surpassed by their passion and determination to please. Their bodies meshed nightly in a symphony of good loving that can only be classified as splendiferous.

  As perfect as they were together there still remained those persistent bitches from the Hater Nation who truly believed that they were destined to be Paul's queen. After Jaydan's fake baby mama trauma was exposed she gracefully bowed out of the stiff competition for Queen for a Day. This propelled Zoey to the front of the pack of jackals determined to steal Queen's man.

  Zoey was a spoiled little rich bitch whose daddy bought her everything she ever wanted. The problem was that what she wanted most was not for sale. Zoey had been crushing on Paul since her freshman year at FDC. Now, a senior she was desperate to hook up with him and lock him down before he was drafted into the NFL. Unfortunately, Queen was his reigning Boo and he had no intentions of replacing her. So, needless to say dethroning her was going to require some sneaky, freaky, download, back door, grimy shit. And Zoey was not above getting low and dirty to get the blow job done.

  When opportunity knocks you have to be prepared to answer. Zoey was a manipulative little opportunist who somehow had a way of spinning every adverse situation in her favor. And there was absolutely no way that she was going to miss her chance to finally get her hands in Paul's pants.

  It could only be attributed to destiny or fate the way a seemingly unrelated chain of events, somehow, perfectly aligned themselves to create an opportunity of a lifetime for Zoey's dreams to finally come true. It started earlier that morning when Zoey overheard an innocent conversation between Queen and Paul.

  "What's up with that scarf?" Paul asked as he watched Queen drape a bright multicolor scarf around her neck.

  "What, you don't like my scarf? What's wrong with it?"

  "It's nothing wrong with it. I'm just trying to figure out what it's for."

  "Well, apparently somebody, who will remain nameless, in their zeal to please left a mark on my neck. Need I say more?" Queen sarcastically responded.

  "Let me see it."

  Queen pulled the scarf off to reveal a small red hickey on the side of her neck, near her shoulder. "See, what you did?"

  "Queen you can hardly see that shit. Besides, do you really believe that people don't know that we're having sex? Nobody's going to even notice that little spot. The scarf will just bring attention to it. Matter of fact give it here." Paul said as he pulled the scarf out of Queen's hand."

  Queen quickly tried to grab it back. "Give it back."

  "No, not until you make me a promise."

  "What's that?"

  "Promise me that I won't ever see this scarf again unless you're using it to tie my ass up?"

  "What?" Queen laughed. "If you don't like the scarf then just say so."

  "It's not that I don't like this particular scarf. I just don't like scarves. They creep me out. So, unless you're using a scarf to tie me up, blindfold me, or some other shit, then I don't won't see one."

  "Let me find out your big ass is afraid of a little silk scarf." Queen joked.

  "I didn't say I was afraid. I said it gives me the Willies."

  "So, if I were to blindfold you and do some utter, gutter, down low hoe stuff..."

  "Then that damn scarf would be my best friend."

  Queen laughed as she retrieved the scarf from him and tucked it in her purse. "Give my scarf back before you lose it. My mother gave me this scarf. You big freak."

  "You like it." Paul grinned.

  "No, I don’t! I love it." Queen admitted as she kissed him.

  Zoey pretended not to notice the two of them as she stood directly behind them in line at the campus' Coffee Shop. Still, she couldn't stop thinking about what she would do to Paul if she could blindfold him and tie him up. Suddenly a two hundred watt bulb went off in her devious little head as by some twist of fate Queen's scarf slipped from her purse and fell at Zoey's feet.

  "There's a God and he loves me." She thought as she discreetly picked up the scarf and shoved it in her bag.

  Somehow she knew that an incredible opportunity had just presented itself to her. Although she had Queen's scarf she still needed a way to get Paul alone and convince him that she was Queen. Her mind raced a hundred miles a minute for a solution. It didn't take long until she had one.

  On Thursdays Queen had a late lab and Paul would often take a quick nap in the backseat of his truck while he waited for her to get out. Zoey knew this because she secretly stalked Paul's every move in an effort to get close to him. So, it occurred to her that if she could slip into the truck and blindfold him while he was sleep she could pretend to be Queen and make her wildest fantasies come true. Unfortunately there was no way to get into the locked truck which was undoubtedly armed with a car alarm.

  When there is a will know that a true hoe will always make a way. Zoey knew for a fact that Queen had a key to Paul's truck. Now the problem was to get the key from Queen's purse. Every campus has at least one if not a few thieves that can steal the stank off of flea shit. On this campus Zoey's best friend Destiny, just happened to be one of them. It only took a little coaching and a crisp new one hundred dollar bill to get her to relieve Queen of her keys.

  It was a simple plan. Destiny would accidentally bump into Queen, and steal the keys. The plan worked like a charm. Queen was oblivious to the fact that her keys were even gone. Fore warned by everyone that Destiny was a light fingered little thief, Queen quickly checked her purse for her wallet after the collision and was satisfied that nothing was missing. Unfortunately, she mistakenly assumed her collision with Destiny was merely an accident.

  Zoey waited all but patiently on the other side of the campus for Destiny to bring her the keys. She held her breath and prayed as Destiny approached. "Please God let her have those damn keys."

  Destiny grinned as she held up the keys. "Did somebody lose a set of keys.

  Zoey screamed, "Oh my God! You did!"

  "You doubted that I could?"

  "You know what this means right?"

  "Yeah, it means you owe me a hundred dollars." Destiny laughed.

  "This is the best hundred dollars I've ever spent." Zoey said as she went in her wallet and produced a one hundred dollar bill in exchange for the keys.

  "So, are you really going to go through with this?" Destiny asked as she inspected the authenticity of the bill before stuffing it in her bra.

  "Hell yeah! I've waited for this opportunity for a long time. I have one shot and I've got to take it. Besides what's the worst thing that could happen?"

  "Queen could whip your little ass." Destiny joked.

  "So what? That won't change the fact that I fucked her man." Zoey countered. "Besides, who's going to tell her? Certainly not Paul." She countered.

  "Yeah, you got a point there. But, he's going to be pissed though Zoey when he finds out it's you."

  "Maybe, maybe not. By the time he finds out who I am, we will be finished doing the do. And my shit is a weapon of total mass destruction, so I know he'll want to do it again and again."

  "Well, I hope Queen doesn't find out because she's going to fuck you up. You know she don't like you anyway."

  "Fuck her! I don't like her arrogant ass either. If she can't control her man then she don't really need him. I can't help it if my shit's better than hers."

  "So when and where is this going down. Cause I've got to see this."

  "Uh, no you don't. You think I want you to see us fucking. You're nasty as hell."

  "I wasn't going to watch and shit."

  "I know, because I wasn't going to tell you. The less you know the better. Don't think Queen won't tax your ass too if she finds out that you were involved."

  "Fuck that! Bennett ain't in it and Small ain't involved at all. I heard that she's a kick boxer or some shit. They say she can knock out big ass grown men. I need my damn teeth. I don't have a rich daddy to buy me some more." Destiny joked.

  "You got jokes and shit, don’t you. I'm not thinking about Queen. Whatever happens, happens. And I'm just going to happen to fuck the hell out of Paul Crown."


  Zoey went home early to prepare for her rendez vous with Paul. She changed from jeans to a slinky, sexy dress that allowed easy access and a quick and dirty entry. She also showered away the scent of any perfume that would give her away and alert Paul that she was not Queen.

  Although she had fantasized about this day many times she couldn't stop the butterflies that wildly fluttered in her stomach as she drove back to campus. She pulled in the lot and parked a few spaces away from Paul's truck. Nervous, she remained in her car just watching the truck for activity for another fifteen minutes before she got up the nerve to get out.

  "This is crazy." She thought to herself. "He's going to wake up just as soon as I click the alarm off."

  So, Zoey wisely decided to click the alarm button while still in her car to see if there was any activity in the truck. To her surprise nothing happened. Convinced that he probably wasn't even in the vehicle she slowly approached the truck and cautiously peeped in. She was startled to discover that Paul was sound asleep in the back seat as usual.


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