All Mye Queen's Men Chronicles of Love, Volume I (All Mye Queen's Men, Chronicles of Love)

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All Mye Queen's Men Chronicles of Love, Volume I (All Mye Queen's Men, Chronicles of Love) Page 12

by Lee, Brenda Stokes

  "Logic did what? He pulled on you?"

  "Logic came strapped with a nine millimeter. He didn't pull it, but he let me know that it was there and that he didn’t have any reservations about using it."

  "Damn! He came at you like that?"

  "Yeah, but Queen was pretty upset. I can’t believe how hurt she was. He was just trying to protect her. I tried to explain but Queen wasn't fucking having it. When I finally let her go she slapped the monkey shit out of my ass."

  "What'd she do to Zoey? Please tell me that she knocked her the fuck out!"

  "She yelled something at her. My shit was too fucked up to even comprehend what was going on. I was done once I saw her walk away with Logic. I don’t remember shit after that. I was so distraught I don’t even know how I drove home. Just the thought of loosing Queen fucked my world up."

  "Queen's going to fuck Zoey up. As soon as she finds out what really went down she is going to stomp Zoey's trick ass!"

  "That's if she believes me. She wasn't trying to hear a damn thing I had to say."

  "You have to admit that it is a thin ass story. That shit is like a Ridgley’s Believe it or Not, type story. There's no way Queen is going to buy that bullshit. You might want to come up with something else, cause that bullshit you just told me is so thin it's transparent."

  "Bear, I swear to God it's the truth. I can't believe it myself, but it's the truth. Fuck! This shit is all fucked up! You're right, Queen ain't going to believe a damn word I say."

  "Did you call her?" Teddy asked as he pulled out his cell phone and called Queen. "Let me call her and see if she's okay."

  "About a hundred fucking times. I called and I texted. She must have turned her phone off."

  "Wait a minute, it went right to voicemail. I'll leave her a message." Teddy replied. "Hey Queen it's Teddy. Hit me back. I'm worried about you. I need to talk to you. Call me back when you get this."

  "She's not going to call. She knows you'll put me on the phone."

  "Fuck that shit. I want to talk to her. I need to know that she's okay. Shit, matter fact, I'm going to take her some of her things over to Logic's."

  "I'm going with you. Let me hit the shower and I'll be ready to go."

  "Yeah, go take a shower and wash Zoey’s pussy off. But, you're not going with me. Stay your ass right here. I'm not getting in between the three of you tonight."

  "What? Why can't I come? I got to tell her what really happened. Maybe she'll see me if I'm with you."

  "Paul, you got to let her calm down. She's not going to hear a damn thing you have to say until she does. Give her some space."

  "Fuck space! I'm not giving Logic the opportunity to fuck her. You know he's been waiting for a chance to slip back in. Queen's hurt and vulnerable. Hell, she might even want some pay back. Fuck that, I got to get her out of there tonight."

  "Come on. You know it ain't even like that. He was just looking out for Queen. You can't hold on to something that don't want to be held. What are you going to do? What, you just going to go over there and drag her back? This shit ain't going to be settled overnight. So, you need to chill the fuck out."

  "Bear, I can't lose her. I just fuckin can't. I know that nigga's over there seducing her out of her panties right now. Fuck this, I'm going over there!"

  "Paul, if Queen wants to fuck Logic, then she's going to fuck Logic. There's nothing you can do to change that. That girl loves you, but she's hurt and confused right now. Just give her some space you'll get her back."

  "I hope you're right. Cause I'm going over there to get her the first thing tomorrow morning. Fuck Logic, he ain't the only nigga with a fucking gun." Paul declared, extremely agitated.


  Queen's tears stung like acid as they ran down her face. Hurt, confused and mad as hell she silently wiped tears as Logic drove her away from the man who forced her love him only to betray her for a lack luster fuck in the back of his truck. She couldn't believe that Paul actually cheated on her with that nasty ass skank, Zoey Chandler.

  Her phone instantly begin to ring nonstop. Call after call went to her voicemail. She knew it was Paul. She looked at the phone, saw his name and simply cut the phone off. Logic said not a word he was as stunned and perplexed as Queen. He drove with a purpose, frequently checking his rear view mirror for Paul's truck. Thank God, Paul chose not to pursue them.

  After several minutes Logic pulled into the parking lot of the mall. "Wait here I'll be right back."

  "Logic wait..."


  "Leave the gun."

  "Shit! I forgot about that." Logic said as he removed the nine millimeter pistol from his waistband and placed it in the glove compartment.

  "Look at you looking all gangsta." Queen teased as she wiped her eyes.

  "Yeah, I know. I'll be right back Mye Queen." Logic replied as he prepared to get out of the car. "Do you need anything special?"

  "Yeah, just a dozen boxes of tissues." Queen joked.

  "You'll be okay after one." Logic smiled and winked. "Be back in a minute."

  As Queen sat in the car waiting for Logic to return a slow easy calm came over her spirit. The casual words of Logic rang true and grounded her at her core. Suddenly she knew that she would in fact be okay. Yeah, it hurt like hell and it probably would for a long while, but she was convinced that she'd get through it. She made it through after breaking up with Logic and look at them now. Who would have ever thought that he would be her knight in shining armor when the same shit happened again.

  Actually who the hell would have thought that the same shit would happen again in a new state with a new man in less than a year. "What the hell is the problem? Why do these bitches keep coming after my man?"

  Queen in fact knew the answer to that question. If she didn't the answer was obviously clear as she watched Logic swagger back to the car. Tall, handsome and a delicious chocolate frame were just a few of his many attributes. Logic was also athletic, intelligent, gentle, attentive and extremely sexy. In retrospect Queen realized that most of the men that she dated possessed the same general qualities.

  They all were high profile, extremely swaggerlistic hunks of chocolate packing a whole lot of junk in their swimming trunks. Queen realized that the only way that she'd ever avoid a repeat of this scenario was to date fugly, fat, broke ass, semi-retarded men or to completely stop dating.

  "Like that shit would ever happen. Fuck that! I love dick too much." She thought out loud.

  "Everything alright?" He asked as he got back in the car.

  "Yeah, I'm okay. Only you would stop to shop in the middle of all this damn drama."

  "I know, but I had to get a few things." He smiled. "So,where to Mye Queen?"

  "Well one thing’s for sure I can't go home." Queen laughed through tears. "I mean I could but you'll need to bail me out. Well, that's if they set bail for attempted murder."

  "Damn, you wanna kill the man? It's like that."

  "Says the man who threatened to shoot his ass if he didn't let me go."

  "That's different. I wasn't mad at him. I was just defending you. He's cool and shit. I don't know what went down but it seemed out of character for him. I mean not that I'm defending him and shit."

  "How is it out of character for a man to capitalize on an opportunity to get his dick sucked and to get some pussy?"

  "Look, you know I'm not even going to speak on that, for obvious reasons. But Queen, he seemed really upset..."

  "Yeah upset that his ass got caught." Queen snarled.

  "I know, but don't you think that there's something more to the story than what you saw? I mean are you sure they actually had sex."

  "Yes, I'm pretty sure they did. Zoey was naked from the waist down and Paul was struggling to put his mouse back in the house. So yeah, I fucking can't believe it but yeah, he fucked her."

  "Look, I can put you up in a hotel room, or you can stay with me. It's up to you."

  "What's best for you. I know you have a life, so
I don't want to mess up anything for you."

  "Mess up anything like what, with who? I'm not seeing anyone, Queen. My objective in Atlanta hasn't changed. This is the only reason why I’m even asking you do you want to go to a hotel. I don't know if you're comfortable with staying with me."

  "So, what do you want to do?" Queen asked searching Logic's eyes for an answer that he may not be willing to admit.

  Logic hesitated and then spoke. "Queen, I want you to stay with me. We're friends. I can put my feelings aside while you sort out what you want to do about Paul. I just don't want you to feel pressure to reciprocate my feelings for you."

  "I don't want to stay at a hotel. Hell, I can't afford to stay at a hotel. And I can't stay with Jade. So, if you'll have me I'd like to stay with you. I just need to be around a friend."

  "Okay, well let's go home." Logic said as he started the vehicle. "You know Paul is going to shit a brick when he finds out you're staying with me."

  "Fuck him! Maybe he'll know how I feel. Besides, he's Zoey's problem now, not mine."

  "So, how are you going to get your things?"

  "Jade will get them for me. Oh shit! I didn't tell Jade."

  "I'm sure Paul's called her looking for you by now. Did she call?"

  "I don't know I turned my phone off. I'd better call her."

  Queen pulled her phone out and turned it on. The phone indicated that she had twenty five voice messages. Queen ignored the prompt to listen to her messages and dialed Jade. Jade answered on the first ring.

  "Queen where are you? Are you okay? Why didn't you call me?" Jade asked as she bombarded Queen with questions.

  "Jade slow down. I'm okay. I'm with Logic. I'm alright. I guess Paul called you? Fucking bastard!"

  "Yeah, he's pretty torn up Queen. You need to talk to him."

  "Jade if I talk to Paul right now I'll end up on death row."

  "Queen, sooner or later you're going to have to talk to him. So, just talk to him and hear what he has to say."

  "I don't give a fuck what that ass clown has to say. So, I'm going to choose later."

  "Queen, he told me what happened. I think Zoey set him up. Why would he want Zoey when he has you? Just listen to his side story before you do something stupid."

  "Something stupid like what Jade?"

  "You know what I'm talking about Queen."

  "Yeah, I know what you're talking about, but just say it."

  "Okay, I'll say it. Something stupid like sleeping with Logic." Jade whispered.

  "Why are you whispering? You're over there with them aren't you?"

  "Queen, Paul called me because he was worried about you. So, I came to get some of your things."

  "That's funny. Paul was worried about me. Ask him was he worried about me when he was fucking Zoey."


  "No Jade! Queen my ass. Fuck Paul! And as far as me doing something stupid... Trust me, that's a given. Cause I'm about to get into some real ignorant ass shit in about an hour."

  "Queen, I'm your friend. I'm not your enemy. I just don't want you to do anything that you'll regret."

  "Look Jade, I just called to let you know that I'm okay. Got to go. Smooches!" Queen said as she abruptly hung up the phone.

  "Queen.... Queen... I can't believe this bitch hung up on me. Jade said as she attempted to call Queen back, but got her voicemail.


  It's a well supported fact that people who experience a death, a loss or even a break up go through five distinctive phases. At some point in the process they will experience denial, anger, depression, bartering and acceptance. There is no specific order that these phases will occur. And sometimes two or more phases may overlap, but the person will inevitably go through these five stages.

  Mye Queen, jumped from anger, right to acceptance. Fuck denial, fuck depression and fuck bartering! In her mind it was over, finished and done. And frankly, she was already making plans to move the fuck on and to be out.

  Logic had a beautiful condominium in an affluent neighborhood. His two bedroom apartment was tastefully decorated with black art and expensive contemporary furniture. Queen didn't expect anything else. Although Logic was only twenty two years old he had a flair for the finer things in life and a sophisticated eye for quality. That was one of the reasons he fell so hard for Queen.

  "Well welcome to my humble abode."

  "Thank you. You have a beautiful place, Logic."

  "Thanks. Make yourself at home. Are you hungry?"

  "Yeah. But, can I take a bath? I need to get out of these clothes and try to relax."

  "Sure, grab a menu off the table over there and order some food. I'll draw you a bath."

  "What do you want?" Queen asked as she flipped through the stack of menus.

  "You know what I like to eat."

  "Yeah but I don't see it on these menus." Queen joked.

  Logic laughed. "Okay, now you're just starting shit. Don't start nothing that you're not willing to finish."

  "You don't have to worry about that. Cause I have every intention of finishing what I'm about to start." Queen mumbled.

  "What'd you say?" Logic yelled back from the bathroom. "I couldn't hear you.

  "I said I'm going to get some pizza and some hot wings." Queen lied.

  "Sounds good to me." Logic responded as he headed to the bathroom to run Queen a bubble bath.

  A hopeless romantic, Logic had stopped at the mall specifically to get Queen some things that would make her stay with him more comfortable. He knew Queen loved to take a hot bubble bath when she was stressed. So, he got some aroma therapy candles and a bottle of Queen's favorite bubble bath. He also got her some sexy pajamas and a fluffy robe with slippers.

  Logic took his time to make the bathroom as tranquil and relaxing as possible. Naturally, the romantic candles and the scent of fresh rose petals infused romance in the atmosphere. But actually, Logic was merely trying to set the tone for Queen to decompress, unwind and relax. He realized that Queen was masquerading her pain. He knew that she was severely wounded but trying to put on a brave face. She was his friend and he just wanted to be a strong shoulder that she could cry on.

  "Mye Queen, your bath is finally ready." He announced as Queen opened the door for the pizza delivery guy.

  "Hold on I got it," he said.

  "Don't worry I got it." Queen said as she dug in her purse for her wallet. "I don't know how I lost my damn keys. And where the hell is my scarf?" She mumbled as she paid for the food.

  "I'll take care of the food. Go get in the tub while your bath's still hot."

  "I need something to change into. Do you have anything I can fit?"

  "Yeah, I think so. I left it in the bedroom for you."

  "Thanks Logic."

  "You're welcome."

  "No I mean thanks for everything. You saved my ass today and I really appreciate you opening up your home to me."

  "No problem. That's what friends are for."

  "I'll be out in a minute."

  "No, don't rush. Take your time and relax in there. If you get hungry, call me and I'll bring you some food."

  The sound of smooth contemporary jazz and the lure of flickering candle lights welcomed her as she entered into the master bathroom. Logic had spread a path of rose petals that lead through the bedroom to the extra large spa bath tub. The scent of vanilla from twenty candles permeated the room and instantly relaxed Queen as she slipped out of her clothes into her hot, sensual bubble bath.

  "I forgot how well he knew me." She sighed as she relaxed in the tub. "Thank you God for sending him to Atlanta to be here for me tonight."

  As she finished her prayer Queen had made up her mind. She knew what she really needed to relax. "Logic, come here for a minute." She yelled.

  Moments later Logic stood outside the bathroom door. "Queen, do you need something?"

  "Yeah, you can come in."

  "Are you sure?"

  "Yeah, I'm sure. It's nothing you haven't seen befo
re, anyway."

  Logic cautiously entered the bathroom with his hands over his eyes. "Yeah, what do you need?"

  "I need you to stop being silly. Put your damn hands down. You act like you've never seen me naked before."

  "Queen stop playing. What do you need?" Logic asked still covering his eyes.

  "Can you wash my back?"

  "Yeah... sure... okay..." He stuttered.

  "Logic, I'm in a bubble bath. It's okay, you can take your hand away from your eyes. Since when did you get so damn shy?"

  "Okay, but I can't..."

  "Logic, the water's getting cold. Are you going to do it or not?"

  Logic removed his hand from his eyes and discovered that the bubbles completely covered Queen's body. No, you couldn't see her breast or ass or anything else, but to Logic Queen was still erotic as hell. Just washing her back had his dick as hard as a raw, uncut diamond. Yes, of course he wanted to be with Queen, but on her terms. He didn't want to put her off or upset her by getting hard at an inappropriate moment. After all, he was suppose to be there as a friend. Real friends don't screw their friend when they're vulnerable. Do they? Well yes, but only if they want them to.

  "Queen, I can't do this..." Logic confessed as he methodically scrubbed her back with a bath sponge.

  "What?" Queen asked as she enjoyed the soothing sponge as it glided over her back. "That feels good. Go lower."

  "Queen, you don’t understand. I haven't been with anybody since the last time I made love to you."

  "I know." Queen quietly conceded.

  "Then you know what this is doing to me, right?"

  Queen is silent for a second. "Okay look, I'm just going to put it out there. I didn't really call you in here to wash my back. I want to make love to you. I know I'm asking you to put yourself in the middle of all my bullshit. And I can't give you any guarantee that it'll go any further than sex. I understand how you feel about me. I respect that. But, tonight I just need to be loved, made love to and held. So if you can do that for me I will be eternally grateful. But if you can't, then I'll understand."


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