Chasin' Eight: Rough Riders, Book 12

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Chasin' Eight: Rough Riders, Book 12 Page 35

by Lorelei James

  Kane’s place. How hard would it be to stay where he’d met Ava and she wasn’t there? But it wasn’t like he had another choice. “Will you at least let me plug my phone in for five minutes so I can check my messages?”


  Chase had quite a few missed calls, including one from Ava last night. No voice message. Dammit. He stopped at the call from HeadGame, a sports safety equipment manufacturer. They’d only called thirty minutes ago. Intrigued, he kept his phone plugged in as he called the number, expecting to get a recording. But a live person answered. “This is Chase McKay. I received a message from this number tonight.” He listened. “Yes, sir. That sounds fine. Actually, I’d planned to be in California tomorrow. Sure. I’ll call you in the next couple days after I figure out my schedule. The event in Salinas starts Friday. After blasting my opinion across VERSUS airwaves…I ain’t sure they’ll let me compete.” Chase laughed. “No idea. I’m putting off returning phone calls to my PBR rep until tomorrow. Good enough. Thanks. Talk to you soon.”

  “What the devil was that about?” Ben asked.

  Chase unplugged the charger. “A company that specializes in sports helmets wants to meet with me about possibly becoming a spokesman. Which would be cool, since I’ve been thinking about putting my…celebrity, for lack of a better term, to good use. Advocate safety in bull ridin’. Some of the older riders ain’t ever gonna change. But if I can connect with the younger kids, the ones in high school, or even elementary kids who dream of ridin’ bulls, about the need for proper safety equipment, maybe I can save some kids lives. Save some parents from what Jackie Ackerman is going through.”

  “That’s ambitious. And it’s great to see you—”

  “Acting like a grown up?” Chase supplied with a grin.

  “No, smartass. It’s great to see you believe in a cause enough to actually do something about it.”

  “Thanks. I better scoot so your mysterious lady friend can come over under the cover of darkness.”

  Ben gave him a smug smile. “Don’t be a stranger, bro.”

  He said, “I won’t,” and meant it.

  Chase’s mind raced as he drove to Kane’s trailer. First he’d book his ticket online. No, first he’d call Ava. He wasn’t taking any chance there’d be miscommunication.

  Once he was inside the quiet trailer, he caught a whiff of flowers. But this time he didn’t attribute it to cleaning supplies. This time, he recognized the scent.


  His skeptical side warned about wishful thinking, while his optimistic side urged him to hurry the hell up.

  Chase threw open the bedroom door. There she was, standing on the bed. Just like before. Except this time she wasn’t nekkid. This time Ava didn’t look like she wanted to kick his ass.

  She looked like she wanted to kiss him.

  He hopped up on the bed and kissed her first. “My God, woman, tell me I’m not dreaming.”

  “You’re not dreaming.”

  “As much as I’m thanking my lucky stars…why are you here?”

  “When I didn’t hear what constituted a family emergency that had you pulling out of an event you were winning, I called Ben last night. He told me you were here. So I hopped a plane in LA—not a word about me using the family jet—last night and drove over from Rapid City.”

  His wily brother hadn’t been expecting a lady friend after all. “I missed you like crazy.”

  Ava rested her forehead to Chase’s. “I missed you.” She tugged him down until they sat on the bed. “What happened with your family?”

  “Short version? My teenage mom had a baby out of wedlock with my dad, and I have a brother no one knew anything about. He showed up out of the blue this weekend.”

  “Wow. That’s TV-movie-of-the-week stuff. How’s your family taking it?”

  “We’re in shock. This Gavin guy…my brother…he’s pretty tight-lipped.”

  “So there is a family resemblance,” she teased.

  Chase smiled. “Maybe.” He kissed her knuckles. “Ava. I don’t even know where to start to make this right between us again.”

  “Do you love me?”


  “Let’s start there.” She inhaled deeply and let it out. “First let me say I’m so, so sorry I slapped you. There is no excuse for my behavior but it’ll never happen again. I swear.”

  “I believe you. I’m sorry I left the way I did. I had a lot of time to think between Omaha and Wichita.”

  “About us?”

  “That and some other stuff.”

  “Like what?”

  “I’ve been thinkin’ about safety issues and helmets and all that since Ryan died. And then after what happened to Dirk, I realized I wanna do more than talk about it; I wanna act on it. It’s a murky idea right now, but I have an opportunity to make a difference and I’m going to take it.” He kissed her just because he could, because she was here with him, where she belonged. “Enough about that. Tell me how long you were in LA, because Hollywood, I was headed there first thing in the morning.”

  “A couple of hours after you left, I got a casting call for a new sitcom and flew back to LA. I should come clean and let you know that my agent called me three times over the course of our road trip, after she’d lined up auditions. And every time I declined to go back to LA to audition. I didn’t know what it meant at the time, besides I didn’t want to leave you. But now I understand it was a sign I’m done with acting. Maybe not forever, but definitely for now.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “No.” She laughed. “But I feel freer and I’m taking a chance to change the path of my career. Which sounds stupid. I could’ve gotten off the path at any time.”

  “Events that force a change ain’t always bad,” he said softly.

  “True. When we met? I really was just using my camera for fun. But after we’d been on the road a couple weeks, I began to see the potential of telling a story from three different sides, from the perspective of three riders at varied stages of their careers. I started cataloguing the video segments and realized I’d shot a lot of footage. I have enough to do at least two documentaries. One with you, one without. I would never exploit Ryan’s death. I hope you know I’m not that heartless and willing to do anything to forge this new path.”

  He kissed her knuckles. “I know.”

  “But if you say no, Chase, I’ll shitcan the whole works and find something else to work on. I’d still like to put together a memorial disk for Jackie so she can see Ryan’s happiness being part of the rodeo world.”

  “I wouldn’t ask you to not to do that. This project is important to you.” He locked his eyes to hers. “Would you ask me to give up bull ridin’?”

  “No. I worry every time you get on the back of a bull, even more now after I saw what happened with Ryan. But it’s a part of what makes you, you. I’d never ask you to give it up.”

  “I’ve come to the same conclusion. You’re talented, Ava. The little bit of your film I saw was amazing. You need to make the documentary however you see fit. If you have Jackie’s blessing, and she’s the one who’s the most affected by all of this, then I’m on board.”

  Ava briefly closed her eyes and mouthed, “Thank you.”

  “With a couple of exceptions,” Chase cautioned. “I want full veto power on the personal footage you use of us. That was our time, Ava. We fell in love, and we both know it had a lot to do with our conversations on the road, both on and off camera. Since we’re both in the spotlight, we have to keep some things private.”

  “I agree. I’m sorry you saw that segment. And I swear I didn’t tape you on a secret camera. I set it down and forgot it was on. I intended to erase it, but in my frantic file switching it ended up in the wrong place.”

  “That’s good to know. Also, if you plan on using the footage, you’ll hafta out me as Bill Chase. I don’t know what the repercussions will be, as far as how the PRCA will react, not to mention the PBR. But I’m prepared to deal with the
consequences no matter what.”

  “And I’ll stick by you no matter what happens.” Ava laid her hand on his cheek. “You know that, right?”

  “I do now. Look, I’m gonna ride bulls as long as I’m able. There’s risk with that. But I’m also looking ahead to what I’ll do when I’m done. Maybe I’ll open a bull ridin’ school. I hear it’s warm year-round in California.”

  She squeezed his hands. “That’s an excellent idea. If that doesn’t work, I’m sure you’ll come up with something else.”

  “Until that time, I also plan on being very active with safety issues for riders. And to raise money, I want to host a rodeo in Ryan’s hometown, in his name. With Jackie’s permission, of course.”

  Ava’s eyes filled with tears. “That’s perfect.”

  “Ava. I don’t have a lot to offer you. I’m sure the heiress to the Cooper conglomerate could find a much more socially acceptable match than a height-challenged Wyoming bull rider.” When she started to protest, Chase put a finger over her lips. “But them other guys? The suit-and-tie and stupid-wearin’-shoes types? They’re too late. You’re mine now, Ava Rose, mine, through and through, and I play for keeps.” He let his lips cling to hers in a kiss filled with promise. Then he eased back and smiled. “So. Were you serious about getting married on an island with just your intended and a preacher? Because I’m all over that idea. As soon as possible. Heck, I’m free next weekend.”

  “Stop right there if that’s your way of asking me to marry you, Chase McKay.” She poked him in the chest. “First of all, we’re going to a Dumond Racing event with my family next weekend.”

  “We are?”

  “Yep.” Ava gave him a haughty look. “Be aware that I’m doing this marriage thing once in my life and I expect a real proposal, with a ring, you on bended knee, spouting words of love, holding flowers.”

  “Always setting the scene, aren’t you?”

  “Only because you need so much help.”

  “A lifetime of help.”

  Author’s Note

  I’ve taken quite a bit of artistic license in using the Professional Bull Riders Association and the Professional Rodeo Cowboys Association organizations in this book. Events, actions and persons are entirely fictional and the characters comments are no reflection on either of these fine organizations, nor the cowboys and cowgirls who compete in them.

  About the Author

  To learn more about Lorelei James, please visit Send an email to [email protected] or join her Yahoo! group to join in the fun with other readers as well as Lorelei:

  Look for these titles by Lorelei James

  Now Available:

  Rough Riders

  Long Hard Ride

  Rode Hard, Put Up Wet

  Cowgirl Up and Ride

  Tied Up, Tied Down

  Rough, Raw, and Ready

  Branded As Trouble

  Shoulda Been A Cowboy

  All Jacked Up

  Raising Kane

  Slow Ride

  Cowgirls Don’t Cry

  Wild West Boys

  Mistress Christmas

  Miss Firecracker


  Wild Ride: Strong, Silent Type

  Three’s Company: Wicked Garden

  Beginnings: Babe in the Woods

  Running With the Devil

  Dirty Deeds

  Good girls can play rough too…

  Cowgirls Don’t Cry

  © 2010 Lorelei James

  Rough Riders, Book 10

  Jessie McKay has accepted her marriage to Luke McKay wasn’t perfect. After two years of widowhood, she’s ready to kick up her bootheels—until Luke’s younger brother shows up to spoil her fun. But if Brandt thinks she’ll ever take orders from another McKay male, he’s got manure for brains.

  Brandt McKay has avoided his sweet, sexy sister-in-law ever since the night he confessed his feelings for her weren’t the brotherly type. Unexpectedly faced with proof of Luke’s infidelity, Brandt is forced to ask for Jessie’s help in taking care of Luke’s young son. Jessie agrees on one condition—she wants Brandt’s boots exclusively under her bed for the duration.

  The sexual heat that’s always simmered between them ignites. Brandt is determined to make the temporary situation permanent, proving to Jessie he’s a one-woman man. And Jessie is shaken by feelings she’s sworn never to have again for any man…especially not a McKay.

  Warning: Contains branding-iron-hot sex, the one McKay on earth who wants to be tamed, and a woman who’s decided tame is for nice girls who finish last.

  Enjoy the following excerpt for Cowgirls Don’t Cry:

  “Landon is down for the count.”

  “Thank God,” Brandt muttered. “You have the magic touch. I swear the kid looked like he’d punch me in the face if I so much as touched him.”

  She rolled her eyes. “He’s a little young to start brawling. But he is a McKay, so I wouldn’t be surprised.”

  Brandt took another pull off his beer and gestured to the couch. “Sit down and take a load off.”

  Jessie paced to the door, peering out the window, cursing her nervous energy. Hah. Who was she trying to kid? She was just plain nervous. This seemed like such an easy idea in the truck on the way home from work. Get naked. But it was two hours later and she still had her clothes on.

  “Something on your mind?”

  She couldn’t un-stick her tongue from the roof of her mouth.

  “Jess? You know you can tell me anything,” Brandt said.

  Yeah, just spit it out. You turned him down once. What’s to say he won’t do the same to you…just to even the score?

  She closed her eyes, trying to slam the door on the self-sabotaging portion of her brain. “This…the way we’ve got this set up isn’t working for me any longer.”

  He exhaled a frustrated burst of air. “Okay. What’s the problem?”

  “I’m tired—”

  “We both are. That said, I can probably pick Landon up earlier and take him back here until after you get off work so it’s not—”

  “This isn’t about Landon. It’s about…us.”

  “Us?” he repeated.

  “Yes, us. Living in the same space. Sharing everything.”

  Another one of his thoughtful pauses. “I’ve tried to keep to myself and not cause you extra stress.”

  Jessie whirled to face him. “That’s what’s not working, Brandt. I am stressed and it’s because you’re everywhere. In every part of my life. In every part of my house. We eat together. We do chores together. We take care of Landon together. We watch TV together. You’re the first person I see when I get up in the morning and you’re the last person I see before I go to bed at night. We’re acting like a married couple.”

  The muscles in his jaw rippled and he gritted out, “And that bothers you?”

  “Yes, dammit, because we’re doing all the hard day-to-day couple stuff without the benefit of the good couple stuff.”

  “Such as?”

  “We’re not sleeping together. And if we’re gonna act like a married couple then I want you naked in my bed every night.”

  Brandt’s mouth dropped open so fast Jessie swore she heard his jawbone crack. Then his eyes tapered to fine points and his entire posture changed. “Since when?”

  “You want an exact moment? How about last night when you gave me a backrub? I wanted you to stay with me all night and rub more than just my back. I know you’re probably thinking I’m crazy since I freaked out last year when you told me you wanted more than friendship.”

  “What’s changed?”

  “Honestly? Me.” Jessie briefly closed her eyes. “I’m not as emotionally raw as I was even four months ago. I’ve also realized I don’t want to spend my life unwilling to take a chance because I’m scared.”

  “I scare you?”


  Embarrassment flickered on his face.
br />   “You don’t scare me physically. There’s an intensity to you that is intimidating as hell. There are no half measures in your world, Brandt. It’s all or nothing. Being with a man like you would be unlike anything I’ve ever experienced.”

  That muscle in his jaw continued to jump in an agitated manner. “How do you know that?”

  Now that she was floundering, she realized getting naked in body was a helluva lot easier than stripping herself emotionally bare in front of him.

  “Jessie. Answer me.”

  “I figured it out last summer when you warned me about Mike, but you didn’t pull that highhanded McKay attitude and drag me out of there. Even though that situation ended in my humiliation, the way you forced me to accept the consequences of my rash decision proved you weren’t the gentleman I thought you were. But you didn’t leave. I know you wanted to finish what Mike couldn’t. But I was too—”

  “Shitfaced?” he supplied with a soft snarl.

  “No, I was too mortified you’d witnessed yet another man who found me as sexually lacking as my husband had,” she said without flinching.

  But Brandt flinched. “Jessie that’s not—”

  “True? Yes, it is. Yet, I know you would’ve tossed me a pity fuck if I’d asked.”

  That shocked him. But he recovered quickly. “You sure?”

  “No. I’m not sure of anything. Except I can’t get you out of my head since you’ve moved in. All that mundane household shit that oughta be boring and I hated doing by myself? I look forward to doing it with you. Even when you’re driving me crazy with lust.”

  “Crazy with lust?” His dark eyebrows winged up. “That’s a stretch, ain’t it?”

  His skepticism might’ve sent old Jessie scurrying to her room to hide. But new Jessie soldiered on. “Every night after you get out of the shower and the scent of your shaving cream drifts out of the bathroom I fantasize about you rubbing your face and that scent over every inch of my skin.”


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