Confusing Hearts (Westin Pack Book 4)

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Confusing Hearts (Westin Pack Book 4) Page 19

by Julie Trettel

  Maddie jumped up. “Let me help you with that, Jenna.”

  “Sure,” she said, gratefully.

  The girls disappeared up the stairs. I watched them go, talking amicably. I felt a sense of peace wash over me. Jenna and I were going to be okay. Any concerns about my family that had tried to infiltrate my brain, were being put to rest seeing the two girls already becoming fast friends.

  “She’s nice, Chase. You did good, baby brother,” Kyle said.

  I didn’t need his praise, but it sure felt good to have it. “Thanks, she’s the best.”

  “I’ll admit, I was a little concerned when we were here last,” Liam confessed, “but I was wrong. She’s really good for you. You’ve settled. I can feel the change.”

  “She’ll have you neutered in no time, but it’s not all bad,” Patrick said, and we all grimaced at the analogy.

  Shaking my head, I threw a pillow at Patrick’s head, laughing as Kyle and Liam clearly had the same idea. Pillows went flying in his direction.

  “How’re Kelsey and Zander doing?” I asked Kyle, changing the subject.

  His entire being brightened as he went into a ramble about how amazing his mate and son were. I started tuning him out immediately. He was still talking when the girls returned.

  “Who’s Zander?” Jenna asked, joining in the conversation.

  “My nephew. Kyle’s kid. He’s one year old. You’ve seen his picture taped to my computer back at the doghouse,” I said absentmindedly.

  “The little blonde with the curls?” she asked.

  “That’s him,” Kyle said proudly.

  “He’s really cute. So, the older kid with the dark hair, that’s Oscar?” she asked, remembering the pictures I kept taped to my monitor.

  “Yes,” Maddie said. “That’s our little boy, or not so little these days, I guess. He’ll be eight this year. It’s unbelievable.”

  I could see Jenna calculating, and putting things together.

  “Oscar’s the greatest kid on the planet,” Liam said matter-of-factly. “Z’s a cool kid, but he’s still got big shoes to fill.”

  “I can’t deny that,” Kyle conceded.

  It was nice catching up with my brothers, but I was thankful when they finally decided to call it a night. It had been a long day and I was ready to settle down and be alone with my mate, or as alone as one could be with four sets of wolf ears nearby. I wished I had thought to bring the dampener with me, but why would I? That was supposed to be the great thing about the cabin. No need to be quiet or worry about anyone hearing a thing.

  I took Jenna’s hand as she said good night and led her back to our bedroom. It stunk of Liam and Maddie, and I had another urge to go mark every inch of the place. It left me restless, and I knew I wasn’t going to go to sleep until it was done.

  “Sorry,” I said. “I really have something I need to do.” I didn’t want to tell her what I was up to. It wasn’t that I was ashamed, but I knew panthers didn’t have the same urges and territorial nature as wolves.

  I walked outside and stripped, leaving my clothes on the back patio, and shifted into my wolf. My leg had been aching all night and this would be a benefit to help it heal faster, too. I took off at a full sprint to the marker at the edge of the property line. I peed on it and every 500 feet around the property from there. Then I peed a trail back up the driveway and all over the house. I wasn’t proud of my actions, but it sure helped to calm my wolf and give me the satisfaction that if any shifter came near my property again, they would know this land was taken. It was something I should have done the second we bought the place.

  It had taken longer than I thought and when I shifted back to my skin, I noticed immediately how much better my leg felt. I didn’t bother putting my clothes back on, just quietly crept into the house and to my room.

  I expected Jenna to be asleep, so she startled me when she spoke. “Is your leg all better now?” she asked sleepily.

  “Much,” I said.

  I could still smell my brother and his mate on my blanket. Knowing the wild smell of wolf was still strong on my skin, I rolled around on the top cover until their scents were only a memory. Content, I crawled under the sheets and pulled Jenna to my side. She sighed and rested her head on my shoulder.

  My pulse sped up the second I realized she was naked and waiting for me. I pulled her further up my body until our faces aligned and I kissed her. I meant to keep it sweet and loving, but my wolf had me in an agitated state for much too long. I had marked my territory and I desperately needed to mark my woman.

  She moaned into my mouth as I aggressively ravished her.

  When I pulled back to catch my breath, she giggled. “Did you mark the entire perimeter?”

  I stared at her, my mouth slightly ajar before dropping my head back on the pillow. Busted. “No comment.”

  “I’m not sure you should try marking me, too, with so much company and sensitive ears around,” she told me.

  I stared back at her and laughed. I rubbed my body against hers until my scent covered her. I could smell her arousal when I was done and as I leaned down and kissed my bond mark on her neck and blew my scent on to her sensitive skin, it spiked, filling the room and combining with my own.

  “Hopefully they’ll be leaving first thing in the morning,” I whispered.

  We snuggled back down and tried to go to sleep. Much to my surprise, after a bit of restlessness, my body finally relaxed and I was out like a light.

  The smell of fresh eggs, bacon, and coffee woke me the next morning. To my disappointment, the bed was empty and Jenna was nowhere in sight. I went to the bathroom, dressed, and followed the scent of coffee.

  “Morning, sleepyhead,” Jenna said, giving me a quick kiss on the lips and handing me a mug of steaming coffee.

  Grateful, I took a long sip, letting the heat seep through my body and slowly revive me. I closed my eyes and sighed.

  “Damn, it’s been a long time since a cup of morning coffee and a night with a sexy woman was that satisfying,” Kyle teased.

  “Speak for yourself,” Patrick said. “Elise is . . .”

  He was cut off with a synchronized chorus of, “Nooooo!”

  “She’s our sister, you freak. We don’t want to hear about your sex life,” Liam told him.

  Patrick shrugged, completely unaffected. “Your loss.”

  “Gross, man. It’s bad enough I lost my office chair, don’t make me lose my breakfast too. Jenna, this looks amazing,” Kyle said, trying to change the subject.

  It disturbed me that I knew the exact chair they were talking about. I had noticed over winter break that it now resided in E’s living room. Ewww, I thought. Way more information than I ever needed to know.

  Maddie handed out plates that Jenna dished up, and we all sat around our kitchen table. After discovering what Patrick had done in Kyle’s office, I wasn’t too sure he’d want to hear about what Jenna and I had done at the exact spot his breakfast now sat.

  I chanced a look at my mate and when our eyes met, she blushed furiously and I knew she was thinking the same thing. We both cracked up, ignoring the inquiries from the others.


  Chapter 22

  Meeting Chase’s family wasn’t as weird as I’d expected. I’d already met Liam and Patrick before, but only very casually. That whole night had been a bit of a blur. It was the night Chase realized I was a twin and that he wasn’t going crazy, just mixing us up.

  My life had been such a whirlwind since then, but getting to spend time with Maddie and his brothers, gave me hope that our future would work out okay. I was envious of their closeness. A part of me wished Tessa and I could be that close.

  Kyle and Patrick spent most of the morning securing the land and installing a surveillance system around the house. Liam stayed close to Maddie, who I now realized was pregnant. I wasn’t sure how I had missed her protruding baby belly sooner, but they were ridiculously cute together.

  Kyle walked back in just in time f
or lunch. “Damn you, pup. Did you have to mark the entire property line? You’re disgusting. I told you we’d secure it for you.”

  Chase shrugged. “Had to do what I had to do.”

  After lunch, they said their goodbyes when an Uber car arrived to take them to the rental car they had booked, to return home in. Maddie hugged me close and told me she couldn’t wait to see me again. We made plans to get together over spring break.

  “Take care of that boy,” Kyle told me as he hugged me, too.

  Wolves were far more touchy-feely than panthers. It would take a little getting used to, but it didn’t feel awkward or uncomfortable, either. Their scents were comforting with similar smells to Chase’s, but not exactly.

  “Why do you all smell similar?” I finally asked Chase when everyone had left.

  “I’m actually surprised you noticed. Your nose is more sensitive than you let on. That smell is pack. All Westins have a similar scent; it’s one of the ways we recognize each other as pack.”

  “Will I smell like that too?” I asked curiously.

  Chase leaned in and sniffed, sending shivers through my body. “Yup, it’s a little faint, but I’m pretty sure it’s not just me.” He trailed kisses down my neck, tickling my skin and making me giggle.

  A knock on the door interrupted things before they could escalate. I went to answer it.

  “Are we interrupting something?” Anita asked. “You’re looking a little flushed there.”

  I knew I was blushing, but I didn’t care. “Come on in. His brothers just left, so no, you weren’t, for the record.”

  “Wow, this place is huge!” Anita said, looking about in awe. Matt was with her but had kept quiet so far.

  “Hey, who is it?” Chase yelled from the kitchen as he worked on washing the lunch dishes.

  “Matt and Anita are here,” I hollered back.

  “Hey, man, welcome to our humble abode,” Chase said, walking around the corner, then stopping to shake hands and bro hug Matt.

  “I still can’t believe you bought her a house. You said a cabin. This is not a cabin,” Matt said, shaking his head.

  I left the two guys and grabbed Anita’s hand. “Come on, I’ll give you the grand tour.”

  We started upstairs, four bedrooms plus the office that we already set up with desks and work areas for both of us in the loft. We originally considered each taking one of the upstairs bedrooms for offices, but neither of us wanted to be that isolated from the other.

  “I really thought there was no way we needed four extra bedrooms, but we filled three of them last night, so I guess they’ll get some use after all,” I confessed.

  “This is amazing, Jenna. I can’t even believe it. I’m so proud of you,” Anita said, getting a little emotional.

  “You are?”

  “Yes. Look at you, you’re following your heart instead of your head. I never thought in a million years you’d defy your father like this.”

  “I’m not trying to defy anyone, Anita,” I said sadly. “I just—I just can’t do what’s expected of me. It’s been kind of freeing actually, not living up to anyone’s expectations, but mine.”

  Anita hugged me. “I just don’t want to see you get hurt. Chase Westin isn’t exactly the model image of boyfriend. I’m worried about you.”

  I laughed. “He’s not my boyfriend, Anita. He’s my mate.”

  “I know. I think I’m still in shock.”

  It seemed odd to me that I was more comfortable with Chase’s brothers and Maddie than I was with Matt and Anita’s visit. My panther was restless while they were there and when they suggested going to see a movie, I quickly encouraged them to go but said I had a headache and wanted to rest instead.

  “What was that all about?” Chase asked as our guests left. “Are you okay?”

  “Yeah, I’m fine. Sorry. If you really want to see the movie, we can go. I don’t know I was just done. I don’t know why, but having them here was stressing me out,” I admitted. “I don’t understand why having virtual strangers here was perfectly fine. I enjoyed having your brothers and Maddie stay, but Anita and Matt just felt off. She’s my best friend, Chase, what’s wrong with me?”

  “Nothing is wrong with you, princess,” he said lovingly. “Remember that smell you were asking about? You said my brothers smelled a little like me.”

  I nodded.

  “That’s because they’re pack, sweetheart. That smell should always bring you comfort. Being part of a pack is very different from what you’re used to, but I can already see the signs of your panther reaching out and accepting it. Over the semester you’ve gone from tolerating my fraternity brothers for an hour or two, to pulling all-nighters playing video games. It’s not quite the same there, but wolves do lean towards each other. They are my pack away from home, I guess you could say. That feeling of comfort is only magnified with our actual pack. You’ll see when we go home for spring break.”

  “About that,” I hesitated. “Do you really think that’s a good idea?”

  “Uh, yeah, I do. I think it’s really important for us, for you,” he said.

  “I don’t know how to get out of going to Cabo with my sisters,” I admitted, biting my lip in frustration.

  Chase started to speak and then hesitated. “Is that what you want? Be honest with me, because I can sense when you aren’t, you know. Would you rather spend the week in Cabo with Tessa and the other girls?”

  I looked up into his beautiful brown eyes and slowly shook my head. “No, I would rather spend it with you.”

  He grinned, popping out those dimples. “So, are you saying you’d rather just stay home and hang out here alone with me all week instead of going to my parents’?”

  I knew he was teasing me, and it made me blush anyway. I also knew the answer was a most definite “YES!” When his grin deepened, I knew he knew it, too, without me having to make the confession.

  “Okay, so how about this, a compromise. I already know our Friday classes are cancelled, again, so we’ll head out Thursday night and make the drive back to San Marco. We’ll stay through the weekend, and then play it by ear. If you want to come home early, we’ll drive back on Monday, though Mom may harass us to stay for her Tuesday night family dinner. Just leave her to me if she starts to guilt you.”

  “Okay, I can do that, except that the girls aren’t leaving until Friday and it may draw even more attention my way if I leave before them.”

  “Fine, we’ll leave on Friday as soon as the girls make their exit for Cabo. Deal?”

  I nodded, feeling a little relieved. On the one hand I was excited to see his family again, at least those I had already met, but on the other hand I was terrified to meet his parents, especially his mother. I couldn’t imagine any mother being happy her wolf son would choose a panther for a mate.

  “Don’t worry so much. They’re going to love you,” Chase said, and my eyes shot up to meet his.

  “Can you hear my thoughts?” I asked. I knew it was a stage of bonding, but I didn’t think it should happen that quickly. Then again, I’d been able to feel his emotions and his location since almost the beginning and that was one of the final stages of a fully bonded pair.

  “No, I can’t. I hope to someday, but that’s one of the final stages of a sealed bond,” he told me. I looked at him like he had two heads.

  “No, it’s not. And we’re already exhibiting signs of a sealed bond, Chase.”

  “We are? Like what?”

  I hesitated. Could he really not feel it? “Um, I can feel your emotions, Chase. I can sense your presence and always know where you are. It started happening even before we met, and it totally freaked me out. That’s one of the final stages of the bond.”

  Chase laughed, “Um, maybe we should go through the stages. I think maybe they are different for different animal shifters. That’s the only thing that would make sense. For a wolf, emotions and presence are among the first signs of a bond beginning.”

  “Really?” I said curiousl
y. “Panthers are more touch driven. Our first signs can be the feel of presence, too, but also the physical connection.”

  “What do you mean?” he asked.

  I picked up my knife and pressed the blunt end hard into the palm of my hand.

  “Ow,” he said, staring down at his own hand in disbelief.

  I shrugged. “I knew you were injured before I got here yesterday. It’s one of the reasons my panther was so aggressive. I could feel it. That should strengthen over time where if you get hurt it physically hurts me too, but that part takes a lot longer. The sensations begin at the start of the bond.”

  “This is so cool,” he said excitedly. “It’s like our bond signs are in different orders but we’re getting hit with both at the same time. Telecommunication usually takes longer for us, but it typically happens before physical feelings.”

  “And for panthers it’s the emotional connection that comes towards the end,” I said. “So, you can imagine that all this really had me freaked out. That first day of calculus I knew you were there. I could feel your presence and I shouldn’t have been able to do that.”

  “I was looking all over for you. I knew you should have felt my presence and yet you didn’t react at all. I scanned that entire room waiting for you to turn around or show some sign of recognition and nothing. I mean I could hone in on your general location, but I didn’t understand why you wouldn’t react to the mating call.”

  “I guess because I shouldn’t have felt it that way. The mating call for panthers, or so I’ve been told, starts with a physical connection. You usually have to be in close proximity and it’s described as feeling a brush across your skin. My mom always called it the shivers. Like when goosebumps break out on your skin for no reason. I do get that with you too, just the added emotional stuff had me weirded out at first, but I guess if we’re each experiencing both of our mating signs, that makes sense.”

  He thought about it and nodded. “I know that feeling you’re talking about. I never really attributed it to the bond though. It’s kind of cool how our bond is merging both wolf and panther traits.”


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