Luporum Cubilia (Regina De Luporum Book 1)

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Luporum Cubilia (Regina De Luporum Book 1) Page 5

by Carrie Hogle

  “ can’t slash wildly; you must be quick and precise.”

  Again she was given a practice weapon and the training got underway. She aimed for the areas of the arms, legs, back, and even face that would cause the most blood loss. It all worked in theory until Charles brought in dummies to simulate the impact of using knives on a body. The awareness that they were preparing her to put the practices to use was daunting. She found it easier to concentrate on technique and block out the human aspect, but every time Charles noticed she was unfocused, he stopped her.

  “It has to be a conscious decision Reina.”

  She’d nod and try to wrap her head around the concept that she’d be defending her own life, or defending someone she loved.

  No matter the copious amounts of coffee she drank, she kept finding herself being woken up by James. Her favorite places to involuntarily doze off seemed to be the couch in his office and the bathtub. Each time James would smile at her, coax her into the bed, and snuggle in behind her with soothing words against her skin.

  James stood with Charles watching Reina work her magic across the room. It didn’t matter that she was fresh from training; she held the attention of everyone around her. It was as if everyone could sense the soul she kept so carefully hidden and they were drawn to it, desirous for the merest hint of her energy. She bantered with the security team, and while they were men that would never cross the line, it was clear that she had them all under her spell. James spoke to Charles without taking his gaze off her.

  “How is she doing?”

  “If she were in danger, she’d make it out alive.”

  Reina looked over at them with a mischievous smile, as if she knew they were talking about her.

  “If you were in danger...she’d kill everyone in the room.”

  Before James could respond Charles was walking away and Reina was prowling towards him with the devil in her eyes. She’d developed a slightly more predatory sway to her walk, and it caused his inner beast to pace its cage. His own predatory instincts responded, like a fire trying to escape through his ribs. She stayed just out of range, feigning innocence.

  “I need a shower,” she smiled. Without another word she walked away and everyone in the room watched her go.

  Reina dropped her towel and glared down at the bruises covering her body. She was sore and looked like some kind of failed experiment. The moment James walked into the room his expression made it clear that he didn’t approve either. His eyes were stormy as his fingers skimmed the bruises on her ribs. Her body flared to life at the contact, heedless of his mood or intent. Her nipples ached in response, begging for his attention, but he was too busy furrowing his brow to notice. She stepped in and rubbed them against his chest; hungry need flickered in his eyes. Intensity flared between them, but he held her as if she might break.


  Her soft entreaty may have worked, but he clenched his teeth as his eyes were drawn to a bruise on her collarbone. She pressed her face to his, her body shivering with desire.

  “I need you…”

  She could feel his body humming with forced restraint. His lips crushed to hers and while his hands were persistent yet gentle, his kiss was full throttle possessive. He left her breathless, craving a heavier touch, and begging for more. His body was taut with his struggle between protecting and providing. He sat at the end of the bed and pulled her down to straddle him. His hand wrapped tightly around the back of her neck and his eyes watched hers as he slowly but thoroughly brought her pleasure. They both felt the strain of the underlying current for domination, but he brought her to begging with delicate touches. He loved her until her body was spent and her mind was quiet.

  Chapter 7

  In between training Reina mostly spent her time listening to James explain the inner workings of the syndicate, the various business aspects, and their vast amount of contacts and control. They seemed to influence a great many major decisions and policies, not only for the city, but throughout the country and beyond. Although the scale of money flow and resources was massive, Reina had experience running her own small business so was able to understand the concepts relatively quickly. Having a better perception of how far the web of the syndicate was woven into the fabric of society was unsettling and ominous. Prior knowledge wouldn’t have changed her choice and realistically she wondered if they truly would have taken James and let her go. It seemed more likely that at some point she would have been used as leverage to keep James in line, or to get something they wanted. These people were master chess players with the ability to endlessly cheat the system.

  In a couple of days she and James were attending a black tie syndicate gathering. Reina was both curious and apprehensive. As the days counted down, James became increasingly tense and slightly withdrawn. She’d find him gazing at her with haunted eyes. She knew there was something lurking in the shadows of his mind, some new disaster waiting to strike. She could see the inner conflict churning, but instead of pulling the information out of him, she soothed and distracted. As long as they were together she almost didn’t want to know. They’d been through so much turmoil, continuously tested and pulled apart. She wanted to enjoy him, to steal every moment she could and protect it. She couldn’t stop or control whatever storm would be rolling in; therefore, she didn’t want her time with him to be wasted worrying about it. They’d lost enough time. They were together; whatever was coming, let it come. The syndicate may think they had some kind of claim to him, but James was hers, and she was prepared to do whatever it took to keep him.

  She’d finally been able to lure him from behind his desk with teasing neck bites and whispered promises he couldn’t resist. With the amount of security they had, their property size seemed to have decreased, and there were few rooms that were actually private. With rows of French windows, James’ office wasn’t one of them. When James stepped close to her it didn’t matter. His scent intoxicated her logic, his body heat permeated her being, and her hands flowed down his back of their own volition. As his lips met hers she was lost to everything but him, eager to embrace the fire and be consumed.

  Reina emitted a low growl when the security intercom buzzed. James chuckled at her and nipped her bottom lip as he unceremoniously answered it.


  “The Carnifex is here to see you,” Mark’s voice answered.

  Instantly she saw the shield drop over James’ eyes and his body tension do to red alert.

  “Process him and bring him to my office,” James replied gruffly.

  With a soft touch to the side of his neck Reina turned to make her retreat, but James lightly grabbed her wrist.


  Reina couldn’t quite read his tone of voice, which was troubling. He’d never force her to do something, and yet he didn’t seem to be asking.

  “Of course,” she nodded.

  With a heavy sigh he was walking to the door, clenching and unclenching his hands. She settled in the chair to the right of his desk, where she sat while he explained paperwork and such. The only syndicate member she’d met thus far was the judge, and she felt a precarious curiosity as to how the current encounter would play out.

  The moment the Carnifex stepped in, she didn’t need anyone to tell her there was a calculating predator lurking behind his cool blue eyes. As his gaze landed on her, there was no mistaking his displeasure tinged with hostility. James walked away from him dismissively, sat behind his desk, and gestured to the chair in front of it impatiently. The Carnifex took his eyes off Reina as he sat, but the first words out of his mouth let her know exactly where she stood with him.

  “Is the female staying?”

  “Yes,” James replied, his tone made it clear that he was waiting for or perhaps expecting opposition.

  “I didn’t realize that bedmates were privy to syndicate business.”

  James leapt out of his seat and leaned across the desk. Reina was grudgingly impressed that the Carnifex didn’t f
linch; the flow of aggression and violence was so thick she could feel it prickling her skin. She hoped that she was successfully guarding her eyes, because her heart was beating out of her chest with uncertainty at the open animosity.

  “You will address her as Mrs. Kartel or Regina, as her position denotes.”

  The Carnifex’s mouth curved into a small smirk, making him appear cruel, “Or face your punishment I presume.”

  James scoffed and shook his head, “The Regina is perfectly capable of fully defending her own honor.”

  The Carnifex looked at her, clearly assessing her, and she maintained eye contact until he looked back to James.

  James sat back down nonchalantly, as if the matter had been resolved, but adding in a chilling tone, “Make no mistake, I will use any means necessary to protect what is mine.”


  “Good. Now, why are you here?”

  The Carnifex all but ignored her. She tried to slow her heart as they returned to business, but she was so in tune with James that she knew he was barely contained.

  “It would seem that one of our narcotics distributors is making an unauthorized play for more power, and trying to extend his territory. Unfortunately, deaths have already occurred and are regularly being covered by the media.”

  James looked down with a nod and she could feel the energy shift in him, whatever was about to happen, he was being forced to do something that he didn’t want to do.

  “The law dictates…”

  “I know the laws,” James snapped.

  The Carnifex gave a sarcastic, “please continue,” hand gesture and in her mind Reina entertained a fantasy of punching him in the face.

  “Take care of it,” James ordered with authority. “Re-direct the media, compensate the families of the deceased, cover the trail, and evaluate his organization for anyone worth keeping.”


  James stood as he spoke, “Anything else?”

  “Nothing imperative,” the Carnifex replied arrogantly.

  “Good. Get out.”

  At the push of a button men filed in to escort the Carnifex, but he paused to look at Reina.

  “Regina,” he smiled smugly.

  “Carnifex,” she tilted her head and let the threat of her ferocity shine through her eyes. She was rewarded with the look of a challenge accepted.

  “Imperator,” he addressed James as he turned and left.

  James was so still that as Reina stood and stepped to him she found herself holding her breath. She spoke softly, unsure of how to proceed.

  “James...why did you tell him to call me Regina?”

  He took several deep breaths and wondered if he was going to answer.

  “It’s Latin for Queen.”

  His answer gave her pause; the title could have multiple meanings depending on context, but her thought process was interrupted as she noticed a tremor in his hands. She laid her hand on his arm gently. His eyes met hers, and there was so much pain in their depths that tears formed in her in response.

  “Reina...I just authorized the execution of countless men…”

  For a few seconds his words stopped her heart because she didn’t know what to say. She tried to keep her eyes neutral as the wheels were spinning in her brain. She wasn’t naive, she’d been aware of the decisions being made, but she’d been too embroiled in the emotions of the moment to develop any feelings about it. Even now she didn’t know how to feel. It was no small thing, yet that was the position they were in. They were fighting for survival in a world of money, power, and corruption that they couldn’t escape.

  “James...they had a choice to join the syndicate. They know the rules. They knew what they were getting into.”

  “Did they…”

  He began to turn away from her until she grabbed his arm and physically put herself in front of him.

  “James...I still know you…”

  He clenched his teeth and took a step back. He was obviously struggling and all she could do was reach out to him. She moved with him and placed her hands on his face.

  “Don’t do this,” she said quietly. “It’s still you hear me…”


  She wrapped her arms around him, afraid he was going to withdraw, but he buried his face in her neck.

  “I know you,” she whispered.

  He was silent; she concentrated on the rise and fall of his chest as tears escaped down her cheeks. She didn’t know how to handle a situation of this magnitude.

  “I need you,” he murmured.

  She felt her heart relax its beat. Coming from James those words held as much, if not more, than “I love you.” They were an admission that she protected him as much as he protected her.

  “I’m yours,” she answered.

  His arms tightened around her and she sighed in relief. Sink or swim, they were still in it together.

  Chapter 8

  Amy wasn’t there to help Reina with her hair. She obviously could have hired someone, but she just didn’t have the heart. She also had no interest in making small talk, so she pulled it into a loose curly bun and let it be. After the meeting with The Carnifex, she had brought someone in to make a few alterations to her dress. It was amazing how quickly someone could get things finished when money was no object. The idea grated on Reina’s nerves. Money had come in handy, but she’d be happier on an island with James, blending with the locals, living off the land, with nothing but each other and time. Nevertheless, Reina turned in the mirror to survey the results.

  The dress managed to be both classy and provocative. She wasn’t trying to bring attention to herself, but wasn’t above using her femininity if it suited her purposes. Originally floor length, she’d had it shortened to just below the knee. The material appeared flowy, but was still enough to not wrap around her legs when she moved. The attitude of The Carnifex, and his perilous relationship with James, had put her into fight or flight mode, and her days of running were long over. She didn’t want to show too much leg, but the cut gave her free range of motion, should she need it. The hidden gem was in the simple yet very functional design of the top. With spaghetti straps, and a mostly squared front, it didn’t show any cleavage, but it sloped down the sides in a way that showed a good portion of her back. A white strip of satin framed the top and ended in a small bow with long tails at the small of her back. It was slightly ostentatious, but the bow concealed a polycarbonate push dagger she had tucked in a specially designed sheath type pocket. It would pass through any metal detector and was in a spot that made it easy for her to access.

  It was unlikely that she would need to use it at such an event, but she was prepared to defend if necessary. If this was the position the syndicate dictated they take, then they needed to stop pushing. When she’d made the choice to come, she was all in. If it affected James, it affected her, and she refused to let them decide everything about their lives. She was logical enough to know that the atmosphere of this gathering would affect all future dealings with them, and she was ready to let them know where they stood. How subtle she was about it, would depend on them.

  Reina turned from the mirror and stopped to watch James slip on his suit jacket. She let her mind wander to devilish thoughts of unbuttoning his shirt and begging him to ravish her. He was always irresistible, like a perfectly tailored, decadent, drug. As they both dressed and donned their proverbial armor, an animalistic hunger flared to life between them. It hung in the air like a provocative fog trying to ensnare them. He glanced up and she smiled seductively while she stalked across the room. He had that look in his eyes again, an indication that he felt compelled to tell her something she didn’t want to hear.


  “Don’t,” she cut him off.

  His hand grabbed the back of her neck; he pulled her in, trying to make her listen.

  “Reina,” he repeated forcefully.

  She wrapped her fingers around his wrist and squeezed.

p; “No,” she commanded quietly.

  He clenched his teeth and the grip on the nape tightened.

  “Whatever it is, let it go. It doesn’t matter…” she stepped close enough that their bodies touched.

  “Because you’re mine. We’re together, and I’m keeping you.” She teased his bottom lip with her teeth, “nothing else matters.”

  His eyes slowly faded from worried concern to intent predator.

  “ mine…”

  She ran her fingers along the buttons of his shirt. When she could feel him tensing to pounce, she twisted out of his grasp and smiled.

  “Come on...we’re going to be late.”

  She laughed as he growled. At some point she’d likely pay for it, but for now he was back to where he needed to be.

  The entire bottom floor of a syndicate owned business had been transformed into an elaborate party space. It reminded Reina of an underground 1920’s nightclub. It was a masculine blend of wood mixed with black, gold, and hints of red complete with card playing, cigar smoke, and men patting themselves on the back. Everyone that entered had to pass through a metal detector, as well as a pat down from a member of security; everyone except Reina. One look from James and the security officer folded his arms behind his back with a nod. Her weapon was well hidden; he was simply not keen on the idea of someone running their hands down her body.

  As they stepped in Reina had no doubt that they had stepped into a room full of carnivores. Under the guise of congenial conversation, they circled each other scenting for weakness. Eyes shifted to them simultaneously, almost as if choreographed, and she reminded herself to breathe. The next thing she noticed was that she was one of perhaps a handful of women, and the only one that seemed to be present in the capacity of a date. She’d already come to the conclusion that she was much more, but it made her stand out like a full moon in an empty sky.

  She, James, and their security flowed together seamlessly, like water. They remained standing but settled in a relatively central location, drinks that they had no intention of drinking in hand. The undercurrent of danger helped keep Reina focused and control her social anxiety. She liked these people even less than she liked most, and she prayed that none of them tried to touch her. Oddly enough they all seemed to maintain a respectful distance and spoke in hushed conversations behind their glasses. Her eyes met those of The Carnifex across the room. He raised his glass mockingly and she responded by giving him a once over before turning away dismissively. The only people that actually approached them were council members. They neared one at a time, in regular intervals, introducing themselves to Reina as if paying their respects.


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