The Sapporo Outbreak

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The Sapporo Outbreak Page 11

by Craighead, Brian

  "Here at WhiteStar, we believe this is another example of the endless possibilities created by our iSight technology. Imagine if every building were an iSight building. Better security, greatly reduced consumption of natural resources and a feeling of working with, rather than in the building.

  Sakura smiled as she observed the visitors reaction.

  "And now, I suggest you each retire to your personal quarters, where you will find your luggage, iSight lenses and everything you need to refresh. I will return in 90 minutes to begin your tour of the facility."

  Clearly impatient to leave, Sakura spun on her heels and strode into the waiting elevator. As the elevator descended, the four tired visitors muttered pleasantries and entered their respective quarters.


  As she walked toward the frosted glass door to her appointed visitor quarters, Santos heard a soft click and the door slide silently into the wall space.

  Stepping forward, Santos entered a wide ash-panelled passageway, with a black ash timber floor. She cautiously crept a few steps into the corridor and heard the whisper of the door sliding shut behind her. A waist-high table stood to the left of the passageway and behind it hung a mirror stretching from the table up to the ceiling. On the table sat a small square white box and a larger, longer rectangular box. Both emblazoned with the WhiteStar logo and the instantly recognisable iSight brand. A handwritten note was wedged between both boxes. Santos unfolded the thick parchment paper and read.

  "Doctor Santos,

  Thank you for taking the time to visit, explore and enjoy our Sapporo centre. I'm proud of what we've achieved here, and I'm sure you will find it fascinating. To fully experience the way we work, I would very strongly suggest that you wear the iSight contact lenses provided (or should you prefer, the iSight glasses).

  I look forward to hearing your thoughts over dinner tonight.

  Best wishes,

  Kaito Tanaka"

  Santos folded the note from Tanaka and placed it back on the table. She picked up the first, larger box and flipped it open. Inside was a pair of lightweight aviator-style sunglasses. Santos examined the glasses, rotating them several times until she saw a small hole inside the right hand leg.

  Santos placed the glasses on the table and opened up the smaller box. Inside was a transparent case containing two sealed contact lens containers. A small eye drop dispenser sat between the two containers.

  Santos opened the case and peeled the lid off the first container. Tilting her head back she let a few drops of the liquid splash onto both eyes. It felt cool, wet - nothing more.

  Placing her finger on the first contact lens, Santos watched herself in the mirror as she gently touched the lens onto her eye.

  Nothing happened.

  She repeated the process with the second eye.

  Again, nothing.

  Santos walked through the passageway into the large square lounge area, and blinked several times as the lenses settled.

  Suddenly, floating at head height several feet away, a spinning iSight logo appeared. The spinning accelerated for a few seconds, to be replaced by the words "Welcome to iSight" floating above the polished wooden floors of the apartment.

  A small blinking arrow flashed in the bottom right corner of her vision, and as Santos looked a voice said, "Welcome to iSight. Would you like to take a brief tour?" and two semi-transparent arrows appeared - a green arrow in the top right of her vision, a red arrow in the top left.

  Santos looked at both. Nothing happened. She held her gaze a second longer on the green arrow and blinked. Instantly, the semi-transparent image of a handsome young Asian man appeared, standing just a few feet away. Santos noticed he wasn't 'floating'. Instead it really did look as if he was standing on the oak timber floor.

  "Hello. My name is Jo. I'm going to take a few minutes to talk about the new iSight 3 system. The best thing about iSight is how intuitive it is, and so I promise I won't take too long. Would you like me to continue? You can select yes or no by blinking on the green or red arrow, or simply say 'yes' or 'no'."

  Santos was astounded. It really felt like 'Jo' was right here in front of her, smiling and nodding patiently, waiting for her response.

  A little embarrassed, Santos stammered, "Yes."

  Jo smiled and quickly bowed, "Excellent. I should first say that I'm really quite good with language, so please feel free to talk to me as you wish. We'll soon learn to understand each other.

  Jo nodded, and Santos found herself nodding back.

  "Let me start by asking your name? How would you like me to address you?"

  Santos looked at the man in front of her and shook her head. This seemed so surreal.

  "Eva", Santos replied. "You can call me Eva."

  "Alright Eva, it's lovely to meet you. I'd like to start if I may, by providing a little background."

  The hovering holograph paused for a moment before continuing.

  "ISight is the most popular online game on the planet. The iSight glasses - and more recently the iSight lenses - have become the most popular game accessory in history, with over 1.4 billion glasses in use. Several months ago, WhiteStar released a new generation of glasses and lenses, and I'm pleased to say half a billion have already been sold.

  This new generation of hardware works well with the existing game, but when combined with iSight 3, the results are incredible. They connect automatically to any available wireless network and in the case of the lenses, are entirely self-powered by a natural blinking action and in effect never stop working. The iSight software responds to the members eye movements and voice commands with semi-transparent - or as we say - 'glass' bubbles of information and video - which to the member appear to float in space and blend in to the physical surroundings.

  The effect for an iSight member is that of the real world blending seamlessly with the digital. Social media and online gaming worlds merge together. iSight members can connect with friends or immerse themselves in one of the numerous game worlds, whenever and wherever they want."

  While Jo talked, Santos had been fascinated by the videos and charts animating in the space between them to reinforce the point he was making.

  Jo continued.

  "Now let me show you a little example of how the new iSight hardware and iSight 3 software working together can enhance and extend your reality. Please lift either arm and hold your palm outstretched."

  Bemused, Santos did as instructed as Jo moved to her left.

  Jo continued, "Now tell me, what would you like to drink?"

  Santos slowly replied, "Ok - I'll have a bourbon and coke."

  On her outstretched hand the drink appeared. A short crystal glass, bourbon and coke swaying with Santos hand movement. Santos wrapped her fingers around the glass and they merged into the liquid. She quickly adjusted to create the illusion that she really was holding a glass of bourbon in her hand. Santos was exhilarated - how the hell is this possible. Out of interest she tipped the 'glass' and the bourbon spilled over the edge and onto the polished wooden floor, forming a puddle on the ground.

  Jo smiled understandingly at Santos and said, "See - it's fun isn't it? Now, let me clear this up." And instantly the 'glass' and puddle disappeared.

  Jo continued, "You will have noticed already that iSight can hear what you say, and knows where your arms are. In fact, we're getting to know you, and with a little time you should feel we are simply an extension of your body and mind. It doesn't take long, and I can't wait!"

  Santos smiled at the Disneyesque turn of phrase.

  "There's so much iSight can do that it's really best to discover. Just try things - you'll soon get the hang of it. However, there are a few things you should know. If at any point you need help, just ask for me - Jo. Don't worry if you know of others named Jo. I'll get confused a few times, I often do, but I'll soon work things out."

  Jo chuckled at his own ineptness, and Santos found herself laughing with him.

  "If you want to stop iSight augmenting your
surroundings, just say 'iSight off' - or something similar. When you want it to return, just say 'iSight on' - or something similar. Once again, the first few times I might get confused, but trust me I will soon get the hang of it."

  Jo waved a hand across the apartment. "Now that you've joined the iSight family, let me reveal your new, iSight augmented world."

  Suddenly, the apartment seemed to spring to life.

  Resting on the table between the two semi-circular stairs was an open flame fire, flickering and crackling. Two large bouquets of flowers adorned the hallway. Two large Liechtensteins hung over the wall on the far right. As Santos looked over, amazed at how ... real they were Jo appeared to walk toward them and said "You will find there are a great many objects and experiences that you can alter to suit your taste. For example, if you fix your gaze on a painting, a small arrow will appear. Can you see it?"

  Santos followed Jo's instruction, and indeed a faint green arrow appeared.

  "Now, swipe your hand over the painting to scroll through other choices."

  By now, completely transfixed by the experience, Santos swiped her hand over the painting to reveal Picasso chalk art, traditional Japanese art before resting on a Salvador Dali piece. It seemed somehow fitting.

  "Finally for now Eva," Santos looked over to Jo - who already felt like a friend, "you can choose where you'd like to be."

  With that, Jo walked over to the white glazed wall at the far end of the room. Pointing to the wall, Jo said, "We want you to be comfortable Eva, and what better way than to choose your view."

  With that, the entire wall flicked instantly into the image of a glass window stretched ceiling to floor, looking out over a spectacular forest of snow-covered cherry trees moving slowly in the winter breeze. Clouds floated past while snowflakes drifted. The branches bent slightly with the weight of the snow and creaked in the winter wind.

  The effect was mesmerising.

  It was utterly indistinguishable from reality.

  Santos walked over - stepping past 'Jo' to avoid bumping into him - and touched the 'window'. It was a disorientating experience - her eyes and ears told her the window and idyllic winter scene were real, but she could feel the smooth cold glass. She knew it wasn't real. And yet.

  "Eva. I'll leave you alone now to explore the iSight system. Remember to call me if you have any questions, and once again welcome to the iSight family."

  With that Jo disappeared, and Santos felt a brief moment of panic at his leaving. What the hell? None of this is real Eva - remember - none of this is real.

  Santos turned away from the idyllic winter scene and entered the remaining frosted glass door next.

  Inside was a sprawling king-size bed, a walk-in wardrobe further to the left (opened and with her luggage sitting just inside). A large vase struggled to contain a massive bouquet of flowers. The wall behind the bed was painted a dramatic red, with enormous white Japanese calligraphy above the headboard. Next to the wardrobe was what look liked the entrance to a marble-lined bathroom. The same remarkable winter's scene played on the wall opposite the bed - as if she was looking out over a winter fairytale.

  Santos sat on the edge of the bed and gazed out at the beautiful winter scene stretching far into the distance.

  Santos slowly scanned the room, then said, "iSight off."

  Instantly, the winter's scene was replaced by a stark wall of white glass. The flowers, the paintings, the dramatic red and white calligraphy - all gone. In its place, a modern, well furnished white box room, devoid of colour.

  It felt cold. Unwelcoming. Wrong. Santos wanted it all back. She wanted to look again at the beautiful snowy park and those distant figures walking through the snow.

  "iSight on!"

  The room sprung instantly back to life.

  Santos spread her arms wide and fell backward onto the enormous, soft mattress, felt its springs bend and shape to her small form.

  "I don't care if this isn't real. It's absolutely gorgeous."

  She felt a shiver of excitement and a childlike wonder at this newly discovered world. It was thrilling, exhilarating and completely addictive.

  Santos had experienced iSight 3 for less than 15 minutes and already she was hooked.


  10am Thursday, Visitors Lounge, Sapporo (Minus 5 Hours)

  "I've never experienced anything like this before Ben. It's so ... real."

  Skinner and Santos sat on an oversized red leather couch in the main visitors lobby. They'd been excitedly comparing notes for the last 15 minutes, but try as they might, they couldn't disguise their childlike wonder.

  "It's unbelievable Eva. We've both joined in with earlier versions of iSight 3, but I can't remember it being anywhere near this advanced."

  "Yeah, I know," Santos drew out her words, "either the whole thing's jumped forward an awful lot in the last couple of months, or Tanaka's been holding out on us."

  "Judging by Hill's reaction to the 'iSight in a building' thing, I suspect there's quite a lot Tanaka's been keeping close to his chest."

  A heavy thud caught them both by surprise, and they turned together to see Andy Harper join them on the couch. Santos noticed that he'd changed into an expensive, too-tight chalk-striped Gucci suit. Harper adjusted the cuffs of his pale blue shirt, and said, "Well, I don't know about you two, but I think Mr Tanaka is about to change the world. I've never seen anything quite like that."

  As Harper looked up, Santos could see his eyes were bloodshot, clearly the lenses weren't too comfortable. He could've used the glasses instead, she mused, but I guess he's a little too vain for that.

  Skinner twisted to face Harper. "Doctor Santos and I were just saying that the system seems to have taken an enormous leap forward. It was remarkable before, but this ... this is something almost magical."

  "Yeah, to be honest I figured as much. I know Tanaka better than just about anyone, I could see how he'd split the development so that no one saw the whole thing. I guess the reason he and I are so successful is because we can see the big picture."

  Impressed with his summary, Harper slouched back on the sofa as Hill hustled from his room. Santos saw that, predictably, he had changed into another, near identical Hugo Boss suit and that he'd chosen the glasses rather than the lenses. He approached the group of three, jerked his head left and right before deciding on a single armchair facing the sofa. Without warning, he launched into an angry diatribe.

  "What in the hell is this man doing? We're meant to be launching in less than a week, and he's been keeping the board - some of the most powerful men in the world - in the dark about the game." Subconsciously the lawyer wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. Skinner noticed a slight tremble - he seemed to be a man under enormous pressure.

  Harper smiled reassuringly back at Hill. "I don't know what you're worrying about Alex. All he's done is manage our expectations - then blow them away. The whole world will want this. I don't know about you, but I was hooked after a few minutes." All to predictably, Harper glanced at Santos and leered, "The whole thing is seductive."

  Hill sprang to his feet. "For Christ's sake Harper, what if this thing is riddled with problems. How can he possibly have tested it without any of us knowing. And you? You're supposed to be the security man. Aren't you meant to know what's happening?"

  Harper slowly got to his feet, walked over to the slight lawyer and nudged him on the chest. "You have no idea what the hell you're talking about. You're just a lapdog. A man here to add up the success of others."

  Tanaka's bull-necked security guard Itou appeared from nowhere, and in a rumble of impeccable English asked, "Excuse me, but is there a problem here?"


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