Romance: Stepbrother Rivalry (Stepbrother Menage BBW Love Triangle) (Forbidden Taboo of Billionaire, New Adult, BBW, Contemporary Romance, Threesome)

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Romance: Stepbrother Rivalry (Stepbrother Menage BBW Love Triangle) (Forbidden Taboo of Billionaire, New Adult, BBW, Contemporary Romance, Threesome) Page 1

by Veronica Rotica

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  Alpha Billionaire Romance

  Stepbrother Rivalry Collection

  By: Veronica Erotica

  Stepbrother Rivalry Collection

  Table of Contents

  Part I

  Part II

  Part I

  Michael Dunham had known money and power since before he was born. He was destined for greatness and had never known what it was to hear “No” or not be able to have any and everything he wanted. His father, self-made millionaire, Dietrich Dunham, had turned a small business loan into a multi-million dollar corporation before he turned forty. By the time the man had reached his sixtieth year, he was worth over eighty billion dollars. The elder Dunham had married a widow named Evangeline Winthrop, whose late husband happened to be tycoon’s only major competition and shortly after the untimely demise of Daniel Winthrop, the couple wed and spent a month long honeymoon traveling the world. One stop in Tokyo and a few flicks of the pen later, Dunham International Media and Winthrop Worldwide Communications merged to form the largest media conglomerate in the world, Dunham-Winthrop Media Worldwide. The large logo was recognized far and wide and they had their hand in everything from Morse code to digital encryption and Dietrich Dunham made sure that ten percent of the annual profit was donated to various charities each year. The world shook the day that the loving philanthropist and his wife experienced technical difficulties in their private plane en route to Alaska and met their end in a fiery crash in the middle of the Canadian wilderness. The corporation was divided into equal shares between the couple’s two sons, both of which were already active members of the company and held seats on the board of directors. Michael Dunham took head of the television division where Dean Winthrop was President of Internet Distribution and the two stepbrothers stepped right up and continued to lead the company to successful new heights. Michael had been groomed for this since birth and knew one day that he would be in charge of the company, making him heir to the throne and kingdom. He hadn’t planned on his father marrying the widow Winthrop, putting him in the position to share what should be rightfully his. One of his father’s cruel jokes. He would admit that Dean was smart and had a good business sense about him, he just never thought his empire would only be half his. Had the elder Winthrop not dropped dead of a heart attack, his father would have continued with the take-over on his company and owned it outright but instead he had to fall in love with the lovely Evangeline.

  Dean Winthrop emerged from the elevator and headed towards his office. He scrolled through his phone as he walked and gave random “good morning” and “yeah, you too” responses when they were called for and when he reached Tiffany, his ever so bubbly assistant, she ran through the morning’s scheduled appointments and reminded him of drinks with his stepbrother to go over the upcoming acquisition of a Canadian broadcast station.

  “Yeah, that’s great. I forgot all about that. Thanks, Tiffany.” Dean sat down at his desk and turned on his computer so he could check his emails. Most of the time, Dean spent his day initialing here, signing there and staring out the window wondering if this was all life had to offer. He had more money than he could send in ten lifetimes, yet he felt like he had nothing. All he did was work. He never took time for himself to do anything other than what was required of him and he was beginning to feel the effects of being spread too thin. He wished he was more like Michael in some ways. Michael was prone to take a week off and hop a jet to Barbados without having the courtesy of telling anyone he won’t be returning. Dean had once had to fly all the way to Paris because he needed Michael’s signature and Michael didn’t have time to leave Fifi or Phoebe or whatever her name was. Michael changed women more often than he changed his socks and it often sickened Dean how nonchalant he could be with these women, using them then throwing them away.

  Jennifer Trask had been employed with Dunham-Winthrop for almost six months and had hoped that within another year to be promoted to Vice President of Marketing but her ambition was to eventually run the entire marketing department. She had always kept her mind set on her goals and was not prone to let anything get in her way. Maybe she got her job because of who she knew instead of being the most qualified for the position but she wasn’t going to let that thought run her crazy. Sure, she had known Michael Dunham since high school and had even slept with him on occasion, but she also had a bachelor’s degree and had done an extensive internship under Dietrich Dunham prior to his death and was more than qualified for her position. She hated to think that she was the girl who slept her way to the top, but in her own defense, it had been years since she had Michael Dunham in her bed and her employment was based on the decision of the elder Dunham. She walked through the lobby, towards the elevator and pressed the button indicating “Up”. When the door opened, she was face to face with Dean Winthrop, Michael’s stepbrother and partner in the company.

  “Mr. Winthrop.” She said as she entered the elevator. He walked out and turned to her and said,

  “How many times do I have to tell you to call me Dean?” She smiled to him and replied,

  “As long as I’m inside this building, you’re Mr. Winthrop. Maybe one day you will take me up on that tennis game and then you can be Dean.” She smiled as the elevator door shut and she rested against the rail.

  Dean Winthrop couldn’t get Jennifer’s green eyes out of his mind today. She looked absolutely radiant, her red hair worn loose and parted in a way that it framed her face in a particularly charming manner. Jennifer was a bit bigger than the girls Dean usually chose to go out with whenever he dated but she seemed to have more intellect than most of them put together. He never saw her without a smile and even though she was a bit larger, her face was quite pretty. The skirt she was wearing today accentuated her round hips and he couldn’t help but take notice of her. He headed to his car so he could meet Michael for lunch and allowed his thoughts of Jennifer’s emerald eyes take a back seat to his upcoming meeting.

  The brothers met at an upscale, private bar called “O’Dehr’s” to have a few drinks and talk about the station in Canada. Then they had more drinks while they talked about Michael’s recent ex, then they just had more drinks. It was Michael who noticed Jennifer first, saying,

  “That’s an ass I’d like to slap a few more times. She was quite the firecracker back in school, I wonder if she’s tamed that down any or not. Excuse me, baby brother.” Michael walked towards Jennifer and struck up a conversation, learning that she was waiting for friends who had yet to arrive. He invited her to s
it and wait with him and Dean so the two of them returned to the table.

  “Dean.” Jennifer greeted him with a smile and a wink and he replied with a raise of his scotch and a nod. She was breathtaking. Dean had found himself staring at her and had to make a conscious effort to look away. He listened to her and Michel chit-chat and the conversation turned to sex, as it always did with Michael.

  “Now, don’t think I’ve forgotten you, Michael Dunham. I’m not that naïve girl you used to know.” Turning to Dean, she said, “Can you believe his father paid me to tutor him in math but instead he ended up tutoring me in sex-ed.” She gave a chuckle and a shrug and said, “I’ve had worse.” Dean smiled at her open nature and good hearted sense of life and tried to get the mental image of her and Michael’s teenage hormones all over the Dunham estate out of his mind. Her friends arrived and she told them that she would see them around and she left them to enjoy their night. Michael looked at Dean and said,

  “Oh yeah. I think I’m going to try that out again. If I remember right, she’s not so bad, for a fat chick.” Dean shook his head at Michael’s remark and said,

  “She’s a good looking woman. There’s nothing wrong with her size.” He took a sip and noticed Michael stifle a laugh.

  “Okay. Yeah, sure. Man, getting her in bed is like laying up with a walrus who really knows what to do in the sack. I’d take her to bed but I doubt I’d take her home, if you know what I mean.” Yes, Dean knew exactly what he meant. He meant that he would emotionally destroy this girl, just like he had so many before her. Before leaving the private bar, Michael stopped by the table where Jennifer and her friends were sitting and leaned down to whisper in her ear. Dean saw her flash a quick smile and try to hide the blush of her cheeks but whatever it was that his stepbrother had told her made quite the effect on the slightly inebriated red head. He took her hand and kissed the top of it, winked to her and smiled to her friends and slipped her one of his business cards before departing the table. When he was back with Dean, he laughed and said,

  “I give it an hour, maybe two, but that girl will be in my bed before the night is over.” Dean just rolled his eyes and said,

  “You never learn, do you? There’s more to life than just sex, brother.” Dean’s mother had married Dietrich Dunham when he was twelve years old and Michael, just thirteen. The boys grew up together and knew the bond of brotherhood as well as any stepbrothers could. They were as close as natural siblings when they were younger and Dean knew Michael better than Michael knew himself sometimes. Dean could already tell that Michael was only interested in Jennifer for the thrill of the chase. He liked that he could flash his smile or his money and get any woman he wanted and the feeling of knowing that with a snap of his fingers he could control the world around him and that meant women, as well. Dean cast another glance towards the table and got another glimpse of Jennifer’s smile before walking out the door.

  Jennifer woke up and stretched, looking around the unfamiliar room and rubbed her eyes and that’s when it all came rushing back to her. The cocktails with the girls, the chance encounter with Michael and Dean and the irresistible offer of climax by oral sex that Michael had given her before he left the bar. She recalled that he had come to her table to invite her to his apartment, saying

  “I remember your taste and I’ve missed your sweetness. Come by later and let me remind you of the magical things I can do with my mouth.” She had not been disappointed during her romantic interlude with Michael Dunham, for he was a very skilled lover. She had had a crush on him since her sophomore year and had wanted to be his for so long that she relished any opportunity she had to be with him. She had always felt insecure about her size but Michael never seemed to care. He never seemed to mind that she couldn’t wear a size 2 or that her hips and thighs were round and thick. She felt that if she didn’t drive him away with her insecurities that she had a real shot with him but she had been down this road with him in the past. In high school, he just wasn’t ready for a long-term relationship but now maybe he had grown up a little bit and was ready to deem her “girlfriend material”. She quickly gathered her clothes and got dressed, hearing the shower stop in the bathroom. Michael emerged wearing nothing but a towel as she finished with the last button on her blouse.

  “Morning. There’s coffee in there if you want some” he said as he opened his closet.

  “Good morning. I’m really glad I decided to come over last night.” She smiled as she stood up to walk towards him and he just said mumbled “mmm-hmm” and browsed through his closet, deciding on a light blue shirt with a dark blue paisley tie and dark slacks. Jennifer walked behind him and put her arm around his waist and kissed him on the shoulder. Michael just shrugged her off and took a step away, tossing his outfit on the bed and walking to the bureau for a pair of socks.

  “I can get Lewis to drive you home, if you want. I have to get ready for an out of town meeting and I’m in a rush.” The genuine smile left Jennifer’s face and was replaced with a feigned look of approval.

  “That’s alright, I have my car.” She began looking around the room for her purse and spotted it in the plush chair next to the window. “I guess I’ll be going, then. I have things to do, as well.” She picked up her purse and retrieved a hairbrush, which she quickly ran through her auburn locks and replaced safely within the confines of the leather pouch.

  “Alright. I’ll see ya.” Michael didn’t even bother to look up from flossing his teeth to bid her farewell, just threw her a wave and a nod in the mirror.

  Closing the door to Michael’s penthouse apartment behind her, Jennifer allowed herself to feel the tiniest bit of remorse for her actions last night but shook them off and told herself that he was just distracted and preoccupied with his meeting and he would probably call her when he got back in town. She pushed the elevator button and waited for her chariot to escort her to the parking garage, glancing back one last time to make sure he hadn’t come to kiss her goodbye.

  Dean Winthrop had allowed Jennifer Trask to invade his thoughts all night and couldn’t shake the image of her gleaming eyes from his mind and when he walked into his office and saw her sitting in the reception area, he was taken aback.

  “Hey, there. Is there something I can help you with, Jen?” She flashed him a dazzling smile and stood up, pulling her skirt free from clinging to her legs and said,

  “Well, I had these presentations ready for the China partners and thought you may want to go over them before I give the green light to my team to run with it.” She had a flash drive in her hand, which she extended to Dean and when he took it from her, he allowed his fingers to linger a bit longer than required for the transfer. Her skin was so soft under his fingertips and he could smell the faint fragrance of lavender.

  “Thanks, Jen. You want to come in here and I’ll just download it and you can take your drive back with you.” Dean turned to enter his office and Jennifer followed him to his desk and took a seat in one of the chairs that sat before it while she waited. Dean started up his computer and asked Jennifer if she wanted a drink, which she refused.

  “No, thank you. I don’t think I’ll be drinking any time soon.” Dean knew that Michael had promised her to be in his bed a few days before and wondered if he had succeeded. He’d been in Canada for three days now with no word other than that sent through assistants and emails. Dean hadn’t had the chance to speak directly with his stepbrother since that night and was slightly curious as to the events that took place on that night. Not details, just verification that she had indeed been to see him.

  Dean poured himself two fingers of scotch and asked, “You sure?” before placing the glass stopper back into the carafe. She just smiled and nodded in reassurance. Her hair was swept up today and held in place by a strategically placed assortment of bobby pins. He wanted to reach up and pull one of them out and allow her hair to fall down around her face. He thought her hair down accentuated the natural beauty of her face, allowing her eyes to shine from behind a se
a of fire. The paleness of her skin helped her eyes pop, as if she were a mere pale backdrop for the main attraction on her face. Dean could get lost in those emerald gems if he wasn’t careful. He was drawn to her like the tide but was afraid to make it known, especially if she was interested in Michael. Women who tangle with Michael usually needed therapy and medication to fix the emotional damage he could cause. His stepbrother had never treated other people like people, more like possessions or assets. He got what he needed from them and when they were no longer of use to him, he would simply toss them aside and get a new one. Business associates, employees and especially women. Dean could never understand how a person would have the capacity and capability to willingly harm another person and though the men were similar in many ways, this was one area where the two were polar opposites.

  “Let me take you out to lunch.” Dean blurted it out without knowing where it came from or thinking about it at all. It was only nine in the morning, much too early for lunch, but he had to say something. She looked surprised at first, then her face softened and she replied,

  “OK. When?” Dean was very charming and had always been nice to her and she felt confident that she could eat a meal with him without constantly warding off sexual advances and innuendo.

  “Are you free today?” He asked, rather hopeful she would say yes. Jennifer picked up her phone and began sliding her finger across the face then tapped it, wrinkled her nose and said,

  “Eh. I’m kind of swamped today for lunch but I’m free tomorrow.” Dean could care less about when or where, he only wanted to spend a little time with her and get to know her better.


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