Romance: Stepbrother Rivalry (Stepbrother Menage BBW Love Triangle) (Forbidden Taboo of Billionaire, New Adult, BBW, Contemporary Romance, Threesome)

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Romance: Stepbrother Rivalry (Stepbrother Menage BBW Love Triangle) (Forbidden Taboo of Billionaire, New Adult, BBW, Contemporary Romance, Threesome) Page 5

by Veronica Rotica

  Upon her return, she found that he had already called for the check and had been waiting on her to leave the restaurant, not even asking if she wanted some of the decadent, rich chocolate mousse that she had spied on the plate of another patron and decided she may try, but she thought of seeing Michael and would lose her appetite all over again and start pushing food around her plate with her fork again. Dean offered his elbow, which she slid her hand into and walked with him to the car that waited for them outside.

  “I’m going to have to drop you off at the hotel and head back to the office.” He swiped and poked his screen as he spoke to her and she just replied that would be fine. She would find some way to occupy her time and find something to keep her busy, she hinted, as she put her hand on his knee with a grin. He pushed it aside and said,

  “I’m working, Jennifer. Please.” She sat back in the seat and allowed him his room all the way to the hotel, where Michael was standing on the sidewalk, apparently awaiting their arrival. He opened the door for her when the car stopped and she stepped out, turned to say goodbye to Dean, who told her to be ready by eight o’clock and then she looked to Michael. He was every bit as handsome as she remembered, but she also recalled the last time they were together romantically, and it was far from flattering or satisfying and he had made her feel cheap and tawdry. Michael had allowed his money to go straight to his head and with that came a certain attitude towards women. She had been used and moved on to a better quality of relationship with Dean and she was quite please as she stepped past the doorman and walked to the elevator through the grandiose lobby.

  “So, why exactly are you here, Michael?” Dean looked to his stepbrother with a curious look. There was no business deal that he needed to be a part of. His signature wasn’t needed and neither was his presence, so Dean wanted to get down to the bottom of things as quickly as possible.

  “Well, I was actually in the neighborhood. Do you remember Giselle? My ex? Well, I decided to come see her for a few days.” Michael reached to the side and grabbed the half empty bottle of champagne from the chiller and drank directly from the bottle.

  “You just so happened to come see Giselle at the exact time I’m in Paris with Jennifer? That just strikes me as odd, that’s all.” Michael gave a short chuckle and said,

  “Oh, ‘with Jennifer’. That’s classic. We both know that the only reason you brought her along was so that you could bang Mademoiselle DuBois without her husband getting suspicious. I’ll never understand what you see in that old harpy. She’s got to be at least fifty.”

  Dean snapped his head to the side to look at Michael and said,

  “She’s forty two and still a stunning woman. What I do is my business.” Michael only shook his head and asked,

  “Is that where you’re headed now?” Dean just stared straight ahead and Michael nodded. “You shouldn’t do that to Jenny, man.”

  Dean looked at Michael. “Do what to her, exactly? She’s not my girlfriend, certainly not my wife. What do you care?”

  “Care? Oh, little brother. I don’t care. Intrigued would be a better word. Do you remember the time in Barbados with that waitress?” Dean’s mind rushed to the beach where he and his stepbrother had both fallen prey to a sultry seductress named Elena and she had taken them both as lovers on the shore at sunrise.

  Dean’s eyebrows raised and he gave a look that said he understood what Michael meant. “She would never go for that. Jennifer isn’t that type of girl.” Michael laughed and said,

  “Maybe. Maybe not. I’d bet controlling interest in the company that she would go for it. That one percent means so much, does it not?” As it stood, Michael and Dean both shared the company 50/50 but if Michael were to turn over one percent to Dean, then Dean would have controlling interest in the stocks, company and the entire conglomeration of Dunham Winthrop Media.

  “Let me get this straight. You want to bet your one percent against what exactly?” Dean and Michael had been wagering like this for quite some time now and it had gone in favor of both men on different occasions. Dean had once won Michael’s jet, which he in turn lost back to him in exchange for a yacht and two Swedish models.

  “I bet controlling interest against Jennifer.” Dean was the one who was now intrigued.

  “Go on.” Michael gave a sly grin and said,

  “Alright. If I can either seduce or convince Jenny into bed with the both of us, I win. If you say she’s not the type and you think you know her so well…” He trailed off to allow it to sink in and let Dean go over the terms. “It’s not like you are in love with her or anything. Besides, it was pretty good and I want some more. I can’t have you hogging all the good stuff for yourself. If she goes for it, you step away and you win control of the company.” Dean gave thought and was confident that Jennifer was done with Michael for good and had no interest in a threesome with him and his brother. Dean and Michael had been in bed with the same woman on numerous occasions and it was as common as sharing an order of fries. For years, the boredom that came with having it all had driven the two men to great lengths just to entertain themselves. With all sincerity, Dean looked to Michael and asked,

  “Why do this?”

  Michael gave a hearty chuckle and said, “Man, why not?”

  Dean extended his hand, which Michael shook with a firm grip and they sealed their bet with a nod.

  Their dinner was actually not as tense and awkward as Jennifer had feared it would be, for Michael seemed to be making every effort to be nice to her. Though Dean sat to her left, it was Michael who would touch her on the arm when speaking to her and lean in to her when she was speaking. Dean was preoccupied with his phone, as usual, and would only set it down when the waiter would come to bring the next course or another bottle of wine. Michael ordered a sinfully decadent dessert and offered Jennifer a bite, even though she had a fruit filled fritter of her own and she couldn’t help but feel giddy with him feeding her the chocolate soufflé. She had often turned her attentions to Dean to find that he was in the middle of sending an email or reading a text, so she and Michael enjoyed the dinner while Dean more or less held his chair down and took up space.

  Back in Dean and Jennifer’s suite, the three of them made themselves comfortable in the main sitting room and Jennifer kicked off her shoes.

  “They may be the biggest thing in footwear, but they sure do pinch.” She was sitting on the end of the long sofa and had her legs pulled beside her, absentmindedly rubbing her feet with her right hand as she surfed the television with the remote in her left. Dean made them some drinks at the bar in the corner of the room and Michael slid next to Jennifer and took her feet in his hand, extending her legs out straight from their bent position under her. She repositioned herself to face him and tossed her head back and let out an exaggerated sigh.

  “Wow. You have no idea how good that feels. Thank you.” Dean returned with three glasses of champagne and distributed them. Michael sat his on the table behind the couch and returned his attentions to Jennifer’s ankle, which he followed up her thick calf with his caresses and massage. Jennifer sat up and put her feet to the floor and said,

  “Thank you, Michael. That feels so much better.” Her heart was racing from having his hands on her and she was afraid that she would forget that Dean was there if she allowed Michael to continue. Dean sat in a large plush chair that was sitting beside the sofa and raised his eyebrow to Jennifer as he took a sip of his drink. Michael leaned back on the couch, which made Jennifer comfortable enough to sit back as well. Dean watched her body language as it spoke with that of Michael’s body. He seemed to be trying to tell her hello but her body said that it didn’t want to talk to his right now. Dean was confident that the wager would fail and Michael’s trip would have been for naught. He noticed how she kept looking in his direction as if she were seeking approval or reassurance that he was still there. He had known that she was once so enamored by Michael that she had the inability to see anything else, including himself. Dean had wa
nted Jennifer at the time when Jennifer had wanted Michael and the three of them had made such a mess of things that nobody knew where they stood with the other. Did he really know Jennifer as well as he had thought? Was her heart and mind still focused on Michael and he had been but a distraction? Maybe Jennifer would sleep with Michael, but there was no way that she would want Dean there too. Perhaps his youthful infatuation with the buxom beauty had run its course, for he felt no jealousy or discontent about the possibility of his stepbrother seducing her in the name of a good wager. He wanted no harm to come her way, but he didn’t see himself settling down or ever getting married, especially not at this time in his life. He and Michael both possessed the same detrimental flaw: they are never satisfied. No matter how much they once wanted something, once it is attained, they both look for something new and exciting. Jennifer had been that for them. A shiny new toy.

  Jennifer had finished her champagne, so Michael refilled it and lingered in her personal space for a moment before returning the bottle to the ice and sitting closer to her on the couch.

  “Jenny, let me break it down to you like this, sweetheart.” Dean had to listen closely because he couldn’t believe that Michael would lay his cards on the table. “You are a magnificent woman.” He raised his glass and looked her in the eyes when he said, “I want to let you know I’m sorry if I made you feel any less than so.” She brought her glass to his, making a slight clinking noise before saying,

  “That’s ok. No harm done. We’re all adults, right?” Michael put his hand on her knee and said,

  “Yes. Indeed, we are.” She took a sip of her bubbly and looked at Michael, then to Dean, who sat with his right leg crossed over the left and was watching them with a look of arousal and enjoyment. Though he would not admit to being bisexual, Dean had always been aroused by Michael’s ability to seduce and had even watched Michael make love to a woman before just for the pleasure of watching. He didn’t necessarily have to join in to have a good time but if it came to that, which he was now hoping it would, he would thoroughly participate. Dean shifted his trousers, which had become tight in the crotch and raised an eyebrow to Jennifer, a trait that she had come to find rather sexy on the younger brother.

  “Okay. What’s going on here?” She looked back and forth to each one and Dean stood up to join them on the couch. She scooted over to make room for him and he leaned in to kiss her while Michael ran his hand slowly up her inner thigh. She timidly tried to remove his hand, but instead allowed his own to cover hers, pick it up and place it on his growing member. Jennifer massaged Michael’s hardening cock while she kissed Dean deeply, allowing them both to fondle her breasts. Michael unzipped the back of her dress while Dean tugged it gently from her shoulders, freeing her from the garment. Her head was spinning and racing out of control from the excessive imbibing of champagne to the thrill of having both of their hands on her body. She had never made love to two men at the same time before and wasn’t sure about the rules, if any. For now, she decided that she would let the moment happen until something may happen that she didn’t want. Not having to choose between Dean and Michael had been a welcome change from the constant push and pull she had been doing internally and welcomed this new experience openly, in every sense of the word.

  Michael stood and pulled her up with him, allowing her dress to fall to the floor while kissing her savagely, allowing Dean to snag her panties with his nimble fingertips and slide them over her plump ass and down her shapely thighs. Standing before the two of them, she felt desired and beautiful. There were no insecurities about her shape or weight with them, especially now that they both ran their hands from her breasts to her ass and thighs and up to her warm pubic region, which had grown quite moist in anticipation. They made their way to the bedroom and laid on the bed, Jennifer in between the two men. She laid her head back and kissed Dean, running her fingers from his face to his head and pulled him in for a kiss, then to Michael, who kissed her with the intensity of a madman. Dean ran his fingers to her dripping pussy and inserted two of them into her slowly, then pulled them out to rub her clit while Michael explored her large breasts with his hands and tongue. Dean made his way to her opening and began to lick her slowly, then quickened his licks to pulsating suction mixed with the swirling of his tongue on her clit. Jennifer had never known such pleasure, her body firing off in every direction from the touches of the two expert lovers. She took Michael into her hand and began to jerk his dick while kissing him, then he positioned himself by her face so she could suck him. His massive erection staring her straight in the eye, she took it in her hand and pumped it as she sucked the head of it, working more into her mouth as she pumped it and feeling the intense sensations of Dean between her thighs. She was close to climaxing and her body began to stiffen as she arched her back.

  “Hell yeah, Dean. She likes that. That’s it, brother.” Michael urged as he took himself from her mouth and leaned in to kiss her, pinching her nipple as she began to climax. She grabbed the back of Dean’s head as she threw her own backwards into the pillow. Dean told Michael,

  “Go on and get it while it’s still hot” and moved switched places with him. Dean smiled to Jennifer as he sidled up next to her as Michael positioned himself between her legs. Looking to Michael, she bit her lip and placed a hand on his shoulder then looked to Dean, who placed his hand gently on her face to stare into her eyes as Michael penetrated her. As she closed her eyes and gasped,

  “Oh! Yes!” Dean began jerking his cock and kissing her breasts then he would stop to look at them as they bounced softly with each of Michael’s thrusts. Dean kissed her deeply, delivering to her the taste of her own juices, which sent her to another level of aroused.

  “I want to taste you, now” she told him.

  Dean got on his knees beside her head and she took his dick in her mouth with a fierceness he had never seen within her, as if she had the hunger of a pack of wild dogs and the only thing that could sate her appetite was his jizz. Dean looked to Michael as he fucked Jennifer, watching how his muscles flexed and reacted to movement, how his hips seemed to be on hydraulics and how his back arched as he delivered each thrust. Watching that combined with the ferocity of the blowjob provided by Jennifer, proved to be more than he could stand. His eyes locked on Michael and Jennifer’s fucking, he removed his dick from her mouth and shot his load all over her large, round breasts, rubbing his fluid around the nipple with the head. Michael’s thrusts quickened as he felt the tightening in Jennifer’s most precious cavity and put his thumb on her clit to bring her over the brink and into her orgasm. Dean leaned down and kissed Jennifer, slightly pulling her hair to tilt her head towards him as her body stiffened underneath Michael. Dean pulled away and watched Jennifer’s full body arch off the bed then fall back down and he took in the sight of all the beauty that she had to offer, so full of pleasure at this precise moment, skin flushed and sweating. It was one of the most beautiful things Dean had ever witnessed. She truly did orgasm quite beautifully.

  Michael finished thumbing her clit as her orgasm faded and delivered hard, precise strokes, entering her deeply and with such power it caused her head to hit the headboard. The look in Michael’s eyes said that he too was about to deliver a spectacular ending to his role in the sex-capades and as he gently closed them, he reached down and pulled his pulsating cock from Jennifer’s still quivering pussy and aimed it to her stomach, but over-shot and the first shot landed right on her face. There was no turning back now, so he continued to shoot his seed onto her, hitting her tits, stomach and pubic hair. Dean had already reached for his shirt from the floor to hand her for her face and she just laughed and said,


  Jennifer never really talked to Dean or Michael about what had happened between them. The plane ride home was not awkward or tense and there were no embarrassment issues or feelings of jealousy. Jennifer wasn’t sure where her future headed or what it may hold for her, but she did know one thing. She knew that she had never fe
lt more alive in her life than the night she had shared with Dean and Michael. It was almost like the pieces of a puzzle fitting together. What she couldn’t get from one is what she had gotten from the other. The two of them together made her perfect man. She wouldn’t say that she was in love with Dean Winthrop OR Michael Dunham but what she had no doubt in her mind about was the fact that she loved Dean AND Michael. Together. Maybe the day would come when she would have to choose between the two of them, but for now, she just leaned back in her seat, took Dean’s hand in her left and Michael’s in her right, closed her eyes and listened to the hum of the jet engine as it took them back to their lives in America, where everything was sure to change.


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