LUELLE'S MATE (Shifters of the Bulgarian Bloodline Book 4)

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LUELLE'S MATE (Shifters of the Bulgarian Bloodline Book 4) Page 31

by Dalia Wright

Lynette patted her on the arm. “I’m sure they will.”

  Aiden wouldn’t have thought much of the statement a few weeks ago, but it got under his skin now. “Doesn’t Mr. Stanford own over 20 cars?” he asked. “There’s no way to make sure they’re all in running order all the time. At least not at a moment’s notice.”

  Victoria gave him a surprised glance. “It is his job, Aiden. What else would he be doing?”

  Aiden let it go, but he remembered Saige saying that she hadn’t seen her father in four years. Then he remembered that Patrick Gilmore typically worked all day and only got a half hour lunch break. He hadn’t even known that until Saige had called him out on it.

  People began to bustle around. Caterers putting last minute touches on everything, Victoria greeting her friends that had finally arrived, performers who were part of the entertainment, it all swirled around him. It was familiar and he didn’t have to think much about it. He was charming enough to Victoria’s friends for them to be impressed, but not enough for her to get upset with him.

  He drank champagne and ate hor d'oeuvres and chatted meaninglessly. No one was even talking about the charity. The men were all talking about investments and anything else that would underscore how much money they had to play with. The women were talking about how well the event had come together and complimenting each other’s hair, clothes, and men.

  None of it meant anything. He stepped out back where it was a little quieter and took a breath of the air. It was stiflingly hot, but that was summer in Charleston. He looked out at the McGarity’s backyard. They had a pool too. Like his, it appeared to be impeccable, but unused. He wondered suddenly what would happen if he dove in. Picturing the shocked looks on everyone’s faces brought a smile to his lips.

  Aiden turned when he heard the door open again.

  “Oh, I’m sorry,” the woman said. “I didn’t know there was someone...” she trailed off.


  “Hi,” she mumbled. Just her luck.

  He didn’t have to ask what she was doing there. She was wearing the same outfit that he’d seen the caterers in earlier.

  “I didn’t know you catered.”

  “I don’t. I volunteered to help a friend who was short staffed. I can use the money.” She wished she hadn’t said that last part, but he didn’t react to it.

  “That was nice of you,” he said stiffly.

  He didn’t really know how to speak with her. Seeing her so unexpectedly had rendered him tongue tied. Also, the black slacks and the crisp white button up emphasized her curves in a way that her more casual clothes hadn’t. She’d pulled her hair up into a bun instead of the more casual ponytail she’d worn the other two times he’d seen her and he admired the curve of her neck. He pictured himself kissing his way down it and had to clear his throat to bring himself back to reality.

  “I’m mostly just cutting crusts off of sandwiches,” she said. “Just came out to get some fresh air.”

  His mouth tipped slightly. “Good luck with that.”

  “I don’t really mind the humidity,” she said. “I almost missed it when I was away. I only wish I had a swimming pool.”

  She leaned against the porch railing, trying not to look at him. When his mouth had curved into that half smile she’d felt a shiver straight down to her core.

  “I’m thinking I might take a swim at my place tonight,” he said. “After this is over.”

  She looked up when he moved closer. Aiden traced her cheek slowly, running his thumb down its curve. Saige caught her breath as his thumb swept over her lips. Was he...

  As his head tilted down, the door opened again and several other party goers exclaimed about the heat. Saige used the chance to duck into the kitchen. Her heart felt like it was going to beat out of her chest, and she leaned against the door. The mention of the pool...had it been an invitation? She tried to talk herself out of the notion, but she knew she was right. All that was left was to figure out what she was going to do about it.

  Chapter Six:

  Aiden didn’t get home till after midnight. The party had dragged on and on. Victoria seemed happy with the way it had come together though, and she’d been full of plans for her next event on the way home. When he’d asked her how much money they’d raised, she’d given a vague answer and started talking about maybe having a masquerade ball next time. He wondered what charity she’d pick. Not that she gave a damn about any of them.

  He walked into the back yard, loosening his tie and shrugging out of his suit jacket. He let his clothes fall one by one onto a lounge chair near the pool. He left his boxers on. It wasn’t really much different from swim trunks

  Aiden eased into the pool and sighed as the cool water washed away the muggy feeling he’d gotten from standing around outside for too long. He closed his eyes and ducked down under the water, holding his breath until his lungs burned. There was no way that Saige was going to come, obviously. But he hadn’t been able to resist asking her. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d actually been attracted to a woman. It was probably because he only dated girls thrown at him by his parents.

  He came up, gasping in air and pushing his hair off of his forehead. He blinked twice before he realized that Saige wasn’t a figment of his imagination. She was still wearing what she’d worn at the party and this time she looked a little nervous.

  “Hey,” he said, his voice rough with surprise.

  “Hi.” She crossed her arms over her chest and stared determinedly down at the deck.

  It was pretty boring, just wooden planks, but it kept her distracted. The view in the pool was magnificent. Water droplets had beaded on those broad shoulders and his hair was a little darker when it was wet, bringing out the color of his eyes even more. She felt almost shaky. What on earth was she doing here? It had been way too long since she’d been involved with anyone. And to jump right in with a man like Aiden? It had mistake written all over it.

  “You were right,” he said, to break the silence. “I’d never even been for a swim in it before.”

  She nodded. “Well? How do you like it?

  “I like it a lot,” he answered. Then after a small pause to gather his nerve, “Why don’t you join me and see for yourself?

  Saige glanced at him. She’d never exactly been a party girl, but she’d had some good times. Swimming with Aiden seemed like juice that was worth the squeeze, if only to make him see that a woman didn’t need money to be desirable.

  She began unbuttoning her white shirt. “Turn around, please.”

  Reluctantly, he did as she’d asked. He hadn’t seen much, but the swell of her breasts as the shirt had parted was enough to send his imagination racing. Saige laid her shirt on top of the clothes he’d left on the lounge chair and slipped out of her shoes and pants. Then she shook her hair down out of its bun and, taking a deep breath, dove into the sparkling pool.

  Aiden turned and watched her swim across the pool. He’d been right about her athleticism. She moved through the water easily, quick and powerful and when she came up in the deep end, she wasn’t breathing hard.

  “So why don’t you swim?” she asked as he moved out to join her.

  “I don’t really know,” he answered, determined to be honest with a woman for the first time in his life. “I keep telling myself I don’t have time.”

  “What do you do?”

  He laughed humorlessly. “Nothing.”

  Saige hooked her arms over the edge of the pool, still facing him. Aiden’s eyes moved for a split second, looking at her full breasts. Since that was exactly what she’d wanted him to do, she didn’t mention it.

  “You must do something,” she said practically.

  Aiden shook his head. “Nope. Not a thing.” The water lapped at her breasts as he moved just a little closer, putting his hands on either side of her arms. Her bra was surprisingly frilly for a woman as practical as Saige seemed to be. The lacy fabric was thin and he could see her tightened nipples through it. He tightened
his hands on the deck boards to stop himself from doing something she wasn’t ready for.

  She noticed that his breathing had grown more rapid and his voice a little rougher. She had to work to keep her voice casual. “Not even with a degree in...”

  “I don’t have a degree.”

  Now that genuinely surprised her. She’d attended college with so many rich kids that she’d assumed it was compulsory for the breed.

  “A person doesn’t need a degree to be rich,” Aiden said, bitterness creeping into his voice.

  “Sounds like you wanted to go,” Saige ventured.

  He shrugged, his tense muscles bunching and tightening. “None of that newfangled tech crap for William Cross’s son.”

  “You wanted to do something techy?”

  He looked down. “Yeah. I’ve always been fascinated with all of that stuff. But you know, when your old man can’t even figure out how to get online, it kind of sours him on your chosen profession.”

  And there was the fact that there really hadn’t been any money for him to go, but he didn’t want to tell her that part. He’d already laid himself bare enough.

  “So there you have it,” he said, trying to speak lightly. “The reason I do nothing.”

  Saige looked into his eyes. He did a good job of pretending everything was okay. She assumed the he probably fooled most people. But she knew what it was like to want something. Something that you thought you’d never be able to have. The difference was that, with her father’s hard work and her own dedication, she’d gotten it.

  She leaned forward; they’d inched closer and closer together through the whole discussion, so she didn’t have far to go, and pressed her lips to his. Aiden groaned and gripped the back of her neck, holding her in place as he took the kiss deeper. Saige wrapped her arms around his shoulders and her legs around his waist and he pressed her back against the edge so that they didn’t sink.

  She was amazed to find him already hard against her and she loved the way his hand tightened on her neck when she moved against him, trying to measure the size of him. He had nothing to be ashamed of, that was for sure.

  Aiden pulled back, burying his face against the side of her neck, willing himself to slow down. It had been a long time since he’d slept with anyone, but that wasn’t really the issue. He’d never felt such a strong need for anyone before.

  Saige moaned in disappointment when he stopped kissing her. Then she felt his mouth move along her neck. When he nipped just under her ear she couldn’t hold back a cry of pleasure. None of the men she’d been with had ever found that spot. He felt her nails dig into his shoulders and it sent a purely masculine thrill of pride through him. This wasn’t going to be polite love making. This was going to be heated and just the right kind of rough and he couldn’t wait anymore.

  He boosted her up the ladder and then pulled her down onto the lounge chair so that she was straddling him. Her water slicked skin slid against his, spiking his desire even higher and he finally cupped her breasts in his hands. She arched her back, offering more of herself to him and he took it, unhooking her bra with one hand, and then cupping her once more. She was smooth and firm and all he wanted to do was taste her.

  Saige buried her fingers in his hair when he lowered his head, drawing one of her nipples into his warm mouth. When his tongue moved slowly over it, sensation flooded her whole body and she squirmed on his lap, trying to get closer to him.

  Aiden slid his hands down to the small of her back and jerked her closer, feeling her grind down onto him. He couldn’t remember ever being this hard. It actually ached. As if she’d heard his thoughts, Saige reached down and closed her hand around his straining shaft.

  She started out gentle, testing what he wanted. She moved up to the tip and dragged her thumb over the sensitive crown. His hands tightened on her ass and she felt him groan against her skin. She began pumping her fist slowly and felt him shudder under her. Maybe it had been as long for him as it had been for her.

  The slow strokes were killing him. She wasn’t moving fast enough for him to be in danger of coming too soon, but it was enough to keep him near the edge. He stood up and dropped her gently back down to the lounge chair, tugging her panties off. She didn’t pretend to be shy; instead she sat up and yanked his boxers down before pulling him on top of her.

  “Don’t make me wait anymore,” she whispered against his neck.

  He pushed inside her in one smooth, deep thrust and she caught her breath. He fit her perfectly, filling her to capacity but not in a painful way. Aiden braced himself with one hand and cupped the back of her neck with the other, kissing her as he started to move inside her. She wrapped those mile long legs around his waist and arched into his thrusts, her fingernails digging into his shoulders once more.

  “Aiden, you feel so good,” she murmured against his lips.

  He moved faster, wanting more of her...needing more of her. She moaned as he picked up the pace and she knew that it wouldn't take long for him to push her over the edge. She loved feeling his muscles slide under his damp skin and the way he had to muffle his groans against the side of her neck. She was making him feel good too.

  Aiden moved one hand down to the small of her back, dragging her even closer. He could feel her tighten up around him as he moved even faster. He needed to feel her come because she felt too good for him to deny what he wanted much longer.

  His next deep thrust pushed her past her limit and she clapped her hand over her mouth to muffle her cry of pleasure. As her head fell back against the chair, Aiden pressed his face against her neck, feeling her pulse pound as she writhed against him, riding out her orgasm. He gripped her hip to keep her still, but she moved too perfectly for him to really want to stop her. He could feel her tight channel gripping him as each wave tightened her more.

  “God, Saige,” he groaned. “Saige, if you don’t stop...”

  “Come with me,” she begged. “I want to feel you too.”

  He couldn’t deny her or himself any longer. Covering her mouth with his, Aiden kissed her as they came together. Her nails raked down his back as he plunged deep into her heat. The orgasm went on and on, dragging him deeper into the spiral of pleasure with each move either of them made. By the time it was over, it was all he could do to roll onto his side and pull her against his chest.

  She rested her forehead on his firm chest as she caught her breath. So this was why people made such a big deal about sex. She’d never really gotten it before. He was content to stay where he was, with her in his arms for a long time, the two of them just relishing lying there together, naked and totally satisfied.

  After a while, Aiden traced his thumb down her cheek and smiled down at her. This time, his smile was real. Slightly proud, but he’d earned the right to some pride.

  “That was amazing,” he said, his southern accent low and rough.

  Saige ran her fingertip down the center of his chest, through the trail of dark hair on his flat stomach, until she could cup him once more. “You’re telling me,” she said with a grin. “You’re not going to break my heart and tell me that this is a one-time thing, are you?”

  “Hell no,” he said, stirring under her touch once more, amazing even himself. “I think I might just be addicted to you.”

  Chapter Seven:

  Aiden walked a knife’s edge that summer. He and Saige hadn’t stopped seeing each other. Neither had he and Victoria. He consoled himself with the fact that he and Victoria weren’t sleeping together, but he wasn’t dumb enough to believe that that made it right.

  Every time he thought about telling his parents that he wanted to break things off with Victoria, there was some new financial crisis. Apparently his father’s stocks had plummeted once again. And his mother was planning a new charity ball. And then, after a party at a friend’s house, she wanted to redecorate. And Victoria was the key to all of that.

  But Saige...God, he couldn’t imagine how he’d lived without her for so long. It was like seeing th
e sun after decades of rain. She challenged him at everything. Races in the pool at night. Knowledge of computer hardware and software. The idea of finally going to college. And, when she’d gotten his mind in a complete whirl, she moved on to his body. He had no idea how she’d gotten so imaginative, but she kept him up in more ways than one.

  When he wasn’t with her, he was thinking about her. When he was with her, he was thinking about how he could spend more time with her. He’d even taken to helping her father in the garden. He’d surprised himself by discovering that he didn’t mind the work.

  He also liked talking with Patrick. The man was intelligent and quick witted, and he loved to tell stories about Saige. That was how Aiden learned that Patrick had raised her on his own. Her mother had died when Saige was only two. She’d had leukemia. Patrick had never married again.

  “Didn’t have time,” he’d said when Aiden had hinted at it. “Had to take care of my doodlebug...and don’t you dare tell her that I told you her nickname.”

  She’d been away at college for the past four years and she’d worked summers to keep from having to take out student loans. Saige was the only graduate he knew that wasn’t up to her eyeballs in debt.

  She was still working odd jobs like the catering one, but she was applying “all over God’s creation,” according to Patrick.

  Aiden wondered what he’d do if she got a job on the West Coast. Hell, what was he going to do anyway? He picked absently at a rose that was climbing the trellis. He couldn’t keep seeing Victoria. Not when he’d fallen in love with the gardener’s daughter.

  He clenched his hand too tightly on the rose and a thorn dug deep into his finger. The stray thought had slipped into his mind so naturally that there was no denying it. He wasn’t just having a good time with her. He was in love with her.

  He knew know that he’d never really been in love before. He also knew that there was no way he could let her walk out of his life.


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