LUELLE'S MATE (Shifters of the Bulgarian Bloodline Book 4)

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LUELLE'S MATE (Shifters of the Bulgarian Bloodline Book 4) Page 65

by Dalia Wright

  “Because I want love and I don’t want my life decided for me.”

  “And how is you being here going to get you out of your marriage?”

  “Because the man I’m engaged to man who is a Duke, when he finds out I’ve run off he’ll be so scandalized he won’t want me anymore and he can break off our engagement.”

  “And what about me?”

  “What about you?” Bella knew exactly what he was asking but she skirted around it trying to buy time.

  “Why did you let me kiss you? Not once but twice? Why do you go on these rides with me?”

  “Why do you?” she snapped back angrily.

  “Because I want you.” He said the words bluntly with no trace of shame. Bella’s face flushed with heat.

  “I want you not just for your body or your face but because of you. You’re funny, you’re witty and I like you. But I’m just a groom and you’re a lady.”

  Bella got to her feet feeling disturbed by the conversation. Luke’s blunt words had shaken her and she didn’t know how to respond so she was cruel instead.

  “Yes, that’s right. You’re just a groom and I’m engaged to be married to a Duke.”

  “Now you suddenly want the Duke?”

  Without another word Bella got on her horse and galloped away refusing to look back. For the next three days Bella stayed away from the stables and avoided Luke at all costs. Mrs. Pumps had informed the staff earlier that week that the Clarence family after weeks of delays would be arriving any day now. Bella devoted herself fully to her getting the house ready and looking forward to Edith’s arrival. It would be wonderful to see a familiar face again. As much as she longed to get away from London, she found herself missing people.

  But no matter how hard she tried she couldn’t stop thinking about Luke, she dreamt of him every night and thought of him every waking moment, until one night a week after their unfortunate picnic, driven by an urgent need to see him, to be near him, she crept out of her room and headed to the stables. Even this late at night, he was busy doing work. She wondered idly if he ever stopped working.

  Luke looked up when he heard the sound of her footsteps. His face immediately softened and he hurried towards her. Concern etched on his face.

  “Is everything alright? What are you doing here?”

  Bella stared at him mutely for a moment, she didn’t know herself why she was here, she knew only that she had to come here. But as she stared into his eyes, an overflowing tenderness filled her and in a blinding flash she realized why she was here. She loved him. Groom and all, she loved Luke.

  “I wanted to be with you.” She said simply.

  “What about the Duke?” he asked her. “You’re betrothed. And I’m just a groom.”

  “No, there won’t be a Duke, I can’t marry him. And I don’t care if you’re a groom. Can you please kiss me now?”

  Luke needed no further invitation. He pressed his lips to hers hungrily.


  He could feel her breasts and nipples crushed against him and hot, hard desire flooded through his body giving him an instant hard on. He pushed his tongue deeper inside her mouth, wanting to devour every ounce of her. She tasted incredible! She arched her back and moaned with desire taking his tongue as deeply as she could in her mouth, sucking on it gently. The whimpering noises were chipping away at the control he was trying to hold on to dearly. The experience of kissing her was amazing and he wanted to give in to the urge and explore every inch of her body but he worried about what it

  She wrapped her arms around his neck and gently tugged on the locks of hair curling at the nape, enjoying the silky feeling between her fingers.

  “You have such soft hair.” She said in wonderment.

  Luke smiled down at her and kissed her in reply. This time she was ready for it and she didn’t want to wait for the delicious sensation of his tongue coiled around hers. She parted her lips and bit his lips softly to urge him.

  He obliged by exploring her mouth with his tongue, the sensation was electrifying. Bella couldn’t believe how wonderful it felt, she pressed herself against him, wanting more. Their tongues snaked and danced with each other, passionate and taunting. A loud moan escaped her lips, every part of her body was on fire aching for something she couldn’t define.

  Women and love making were not new experiences to Luke, he was very well versed in both and was an extremely skillful lover who had had his share of women. But Bella was something different entirely, her touch was igniting a passion he had never experienced before. The simple act of kissing and touching her was enough to undo him. She had yielded a powerful hold on him from the very beginning, from the night in the garden when he had been unable to resist kissing her, even though he knew he shouldn’t have. But she had looked so beautiful and so desirable he had given in to temptation and now he was lost.

  She bit his lips again and sucked on his tongue, shyly hesitant. The simple gesture was his undoing, she was turning the sweet kisses into something carnal and Luke stopped fighting the feeling and embraced it instead. The feel of her was driving him crazy. He could feel the hardness of her nipples under the thin, cheap fabric of her maid’s uniform. He briefly wondered if she was wearing anything else under her dress. He pressed her closer to him and his hand snaked around her waist and slid up to rub the soft mounds of flesh rising from the low neckline of her dress. She gasped in pleasure as he slipped a finger between the valley of her breasts reaching for a nipple. With his other hand he undid the row of buttons running down her bodice, he was right, except for a very thin, silk slip, she was wearing nothing else under her dress.

  He cocked an eyebrow at her and she blushed.

  “It gets hot during the day with all my chores, besides maids don’t need to be fancy.”

  He kissed the top of her nose and pulled the laces on her shift until her soft, rounded breasts sprang free.

  “My god.” He whispered hoarsely, “You’re beautiful.” He cupped one in his hand, ready to devour her but he wanted to take it slow, enjoy every minute of it. He started along her collarbone and ran his tongue down in a slow, lazy journey until he found the warm flesh of her breasts. Bella squirmed and twisted with desire, she was moist and hot and wanted all of him. He seemed to read her mind because he wrenched his lips away from her breasts and pulled her along deeper into the barn. He took a cloak hanging on a hook and made them a makeshift bed on the hay. Bella knew now was the moment to turn back, if she stepped on to the cloak all would be lost. But in that moment all caution was thrown out the window. She couldn’t have cared less if the Duke of Chambray himself had come charging through the barn doors. All she knew was that she loved Luke and she wanted all of him.

  She looked Luke in the eyes and stepped on to the cloak. Luke knelt beside her and started where he left off, taking one rosy hard nipple in his mouth while rubbing the other with his thumb. She had the softest skin in the world. His body surged with pleasure and he wanted nothing more than to tear her clothes off and plunge himself into her but she he knew he would have to tread slowly and make it as painless for her as possible.

  But it was Bella who couldn’t wait any longer. With feverish fingers, she tore at the buttons of his cotton shirt and yanked them down his arms. He followed her cue and unzipped his pants and eased them down. His penis sprang free and Bella gasped out loud in a mixture of fear and admiration at its powerful size. She stared at it doubtfully, unsure of what would happen but Luke guided her hand towards him and urged her to explore it. To her surprise she liked the feeling of the rock hard flesh erect in her hands. Luke pulled down her dress and shift until she lay naked from the waist up. His hands found themselves under her dress searching for her warm center, when he found it he gently eased one finger inside of her and she soft rapturous scream escaped her lips. Her hands moved over his chest and stroked the crest and ripples of his hard muscles. A warm, moist heat spread between her legs and something alien took hold of her body, she arched her bac
k and thrust her breasts in his face feeling reckless and wanton. Luke knew she was almost ready for him. He pulled her skirts up and moved his lips away from her breasts to the most sensitive part of her body between her legs. He eased his body on top of hers, positioning himself carefully, his manhood settled comfortably between her legs. The long length of it sliding against her moistness. He looked at her scared he had startled her but her eyes were rolled back on her head and she was moaning with ecstasy. The feeling of flesh against hers was too much and Bella knew whatever the magical experience was she had to have it now.

  She gazed at Luke, her eyes pleading for release but he hesitated.

  “Bella...are you sure?”

  “Yes, yes,” she moaned between clenched teeth, “yes, I’m sure.”

  But still he waited a little while longer wanting to increase her pleasure.

  His tongue dipped in every crevice and swell of her body until again it reached the sweetest, most sensitive part of all. Bella gasped and cried and twitched with desire while Luke flicked his tongue in an out of her, a prelude of what was to come. When he knew she couldn’t wait anymore, he moved on top of her again, his hands wrapped themselves around her slender waist and lifted her hips towards him as inch by inch he began to ease himself inside her. The pain which followed was swift and minimal and was replaced almost immediately by shots of pleasure. She would have screamed in ecstasy but his lips crushed against hers.

  Once he was fully inside of her, she could feel him moving within and the sensation released the wild animal in her and she bucked against him roughly, purely guided by instinct. Her fingers dug into his shoulders and she arched her back, grinding up against him. He pushed in and out of her slowly at first but following her cue, he began to increase the speed of his strokes, pounding in and out of her skillfully.

  The roughness gave away to sudden sweetness and they began to move slowly, with Luke guiding her they were in perfect harmony. She felt him harden and swell even more and she instinctively clenched. He slid a hand down between their sweaty bodies and reached for the hard nub of desire hidden between her thighs. He matched the flicks to the rhythm of his strokes, tremors swept over and rocked their bodies, she yelled out, a loud, carnal moan and then there was peace. He burst within her a mere few seconds after. They lay unmoving and silent, wrapped up in each other’s arms, slowing coming back to reality. Bella felt shocked by the violent passion of the experience, she had never imagined something so taboo could feel so delicious. Outside the sun had set and the sky was darkening around them but they didn’t move, they spent the next few hours wrapped up in cloaks talking and making love again. At some point they fell asleep, Bella with a smile on her face. When they woke up it was past three in the morning. They made love once more and fell back into an exhausted, contented sleep. They woke up at the break of dawn and hurriedly got dressed before Bella snuck back into the mansion, hoping nobody had noticed her disappearance.

  “I’ll see you later?” She asked Luke as he kissed her goodbye.

  “Of course.” He said with an easy smile, but he turned away quickly so she didn’t see the sudden darkening of his eyes.


  She didn’t get a chance to sleep at all once she was back because she was woken up by a flurry of activity. The Clarence family had just arrived! Bella leapt to her feet and rushed to get ready, at last she would see her friend! The servants all clattered out to the front to greet the three carriages, which were just pulling in. To Bella’s enormous shock it was Mavis who popped out of the first carriage.

  When Mavis recognized her she screeched in delight and jumped down from the carriage to hug her friend but stopped in her tracks when Bella shook her head quickly. Edith followed her out of the carriage. The two sisters grinned in Bella’s direction and smiled at each other. Edith quickly issued orders for Mrs. Pumps and the children’s nanny before she trooped into the house with Mavis. At the entrance she turned to Bella and asked her to bring in a small valise into her bedroom. Bella meekly obeyed and once they were safely hidden inside Edith’s bedroom the three friends laughed, hugged and asked for explanations.

  “When Edith was delayed I begged her to stop in London first and get me because I’ve been dying to see you.” Mavis explained when Bella asked her what she was doing here. The reunion was cut short as Mrs. Pumps needed her urgently but later that night once everyone in the house had gone to sleep Bella made her way to Mavis’ bedroom where the two friends spent hours catching up on all the gossip.

  “Nobody quite knows what to say about your disappearance.” Mavis said to Bella, “Your parents have put out the story that you’re visiting some relatives and will be back well before the wedding. But I don’t think anyone believes that, the nosy matrons know something is wrong but nobody knows what.”

  “So there’s still a wedding being planned?” Bella asked incredulously. “Does the Duke know?”

  “He was the one who insisted that everything to ahead as planned.”

  Bella was flabbergasted by this news,

  “How is that even possible? What have my parents told him?”

  “They told him the same story that you’re visiting relatives but he didn’t believe that one bit from what I’ve heard. Jane, your maid told mine that the Duke of Chambray finally got the truth out of your parents and he told them to go ahead with the wedding plans as though nothing had changed.”

  “Well that was foolish because there won’t be a wedding.”

  “Oh Bella, I don’t know about that, apparently he’s a formidable man and he swore to your parents he would not only bring you home but that the wedding would go ahead as planned.”

  A bitter anger swept through Bella at the man’s audacity.

  “Doesn’t he care about the scandal? And his own reputation? Have you met him? What’s he like?”

  Mavis shook her head, “I haven’t seen him but I guess he’s one of those rare men who doesn’t give a fig about his reputation. To be honest Bella, he sounds a little terrifying from everything I’ve heard…maybe it would be best if you went back home now.”

  “He sounds like a great big bully Mavis. He doesn’t own me; he can’t make me do things.”

  “He is your fiancée,” Mavis pointed out, “legally he can.”

  “And that’s exactly what I don’t want in a husband, someone who will exert legal authority over me to make me do what he wishes. I’m not marrying him Mavis, he won’t find me down here. He can plan a wedding all he likes but when he gets jilted at the altar he’ll have to face the truth then.”

  Mavis was both appalled and a little proud of her friend’s resolve. She didn’t like the sound of this Duke too much either but she felt it was her moral duty to stop Bella from ruining her life. She had a feeling the Duke wasn’t the forgiving type and he wouldn’t take kindly to Bella’s insult. She tried explaining all of this to her but before she could finish, Bella dropped her second bombshell.

  “I especially can’t marry him Mavis because I met someone and I’m in love.”

  Mavis stared at her blankly, trying to imagine whom Bella could possibly have fallen in love with down in the country.

  “What do you mean? Who did you meet down here?”

  “The groom.” Bella said with a wide, happy smile.

  “I’m sorry…the what?” Mavis had difficulty forming the words because she wasn’t sure she had heard correctly.

  “The groom.” Bella repeated more firmly, her eyes sparkled with joy and she scooted closer towards Mavis on the bed, “Except he’s not just a groom, he’s also the gardener.”

  “Bella, what are you talking about? You’re in love with a groom that’s a gardener?” Mavis croaked.

  “Yes, I suppose. Well you see he’s the gardener I met in the garden that night, remember? The night of the kiss? It turns out he was employed by Lord Clarence as the groom here. And we’ve spent these last few weeks together and Mavis, I’m in love with him. I love him. I can’t marry t
he Duke.”

  “Bella, do you realize what you’re saying? You are a lady! The daughter of a Lord. You can’t marry a commoner! Certainly not a groom!”

  Bella jutted out her chin stubbornly,

  “I can and I shall.”

  “What are you planning on doing, spending the rest of your life working as a maid? Or do you intend to bring this yours back to London and set him like a gentleman?”

  Bella who hadn’t thought this far ahead in to the future was momentarily at a loss for words. She didn’t know exactly how the logistics would work but she knew it was something she had to do. Instead of answering Mavis’ question directly, she said softly,

  “I can’t explain any of it Mavis, all I know is I’ve never been as happy as when I’m with him. He’s everything I’ve ever wanted in a man. Let’s not talk about this anymore, tell me about what else in going on in London.”

  Mavis hated to drop the subject but she also knew Bella well enough to know now wasn’t the time. So she obliged by delving into the latest ton news instead.

  It was hours before the two friends were done talking and it was only as the sun started to rise on the horizon did they finally fall asleep.


  Early the next morning Bella made her way to the stables for her morning ride and found that Luke was nowhere to be found. An eerie silence hung in the air and a horrible feeling settled into the pit of Bella’s stomach. She searched every corner of the stable softly calling out Luke’s name. Then from the corner of her eyes she caught sight of a piece of paper pinned to the saddle she normally used for Star. It was from Luke saying he was sorry but he couldn’t commit to marrying her and for her to please forgive him. She read the note over half a dozen times, trying to absorb the words but she felt numb. Had Luke really left her? Had he really stolen her virtue and left her?

  Over the next week Bella lived in a haze, only Mavis knew about what had happened. Within a few days a new groom was found since Luke had abandoned his post without explanation or warning. Heartbroken at Luke’s deception and betrayal, Bella didn’t care about what happened to her. All the fight was gone from within her leaving her with a soul filled with bitterness and anger directed towards herself for her foolishness and naivety. She found it impossible to believe she could have been so wrong about someone but Luke’s desertion proved she had indeed been wrong. And what a price she had paid! She cringed every time she recalled the night of their lovemaking when she had given herself to him willingly, wantonly. He had taken what she had given so freely and he had left her.


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