Betrayal: Immortal Protectors, Book 1

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Betrayal: Immortal Protectors, Book 1 Page 15

by H. M. McQueen

  He shrugged at her noncommittally. “I’ll consider it.”

  She huffed and stalked away. He watched his sister-in-law’s retreat. He liked Lizzie. She was the perfect wife for his stern brother, fiery and not afraid to stand up to the Fraser men. Perhaps one day he would find a wife such as her.

  Finally the door opened and his brother called him inside. Tense, he walked in to find a taut faced Malcolm sitting opposite the visitor.

  The burn in his gut told him his life was about to change.

  A month later, Cyn rode away from Fraser lands for good. Goliath whinnied barely holding back, anxious for the open road ahead.

  For the next five years, Cyn trained to be a Protector and demon slayer with the best warriors known to mankind, Gladiators and Spartans.

  Then he stopped aging.

  # # #

  Present Day

  “So it’s true.” Ian Fraser leaned back in his chair and studied his ancestors with renewed clarity. “Da told me about our secret ties to the Protectors when it became obvious he wouldn’t live long. I didn’t believe him, not at first. But he was adamant and I began to imagine it was true.”

  Kieran and Cyn sat across from him and waited for what they’d told the Laird to soak in.

  They’d taken turns explaining the Fraser Clan’s ties to the Protector army. They told him of their experiences since they’d left Scotland.

  “We try to inform each new Laird just to be sure they haven’t inherited the gifts of the Protectors. Since you have a wife and have sired children, I take it you haven’t received the call,” Cyn told him. Ian already looked to be in his early forties.

  Ian shook his head. “I can’t say I have.”

  “Have any of your sons?” Kieran asked him.

  “No… maybe. My first born, Tristan, has changed drastically since he turned twenty. I figured he was trying to find himself. You know prove his manhood. But he has become increasingly distant and brooding of late. He’s got his mother and I worried.” Ian confided.

  “Then, we will talk to him. Can you tell us where we can find him?” Cyn asked. “After we speak to him, we will let you know if it’s the call.”

  Ian nodded. By the dazed look he sported, it was obvious he was still overwhelmed by all the information. “He’s probably in the stables. He’s home from the University for his grandfather’s funeral.”

  The laird rubbed the bridge of his nose. “It must be something to be immortal. I am not sure I envy your calling. But I know it’s an honor to be chosen. Yes, go to my son and help him.”

  # # #

  Tristan would be a Protector. He showed all the distinct signs. The Fraser brothers knew what it was like for the young man, not knowing what was happening to him. After they’d explained his destiny, a relieved Tristan had jumped into the air excited to know that all the dreams and strange pains were for a purpose.

  For now, Tristan would remain in Scotland and wait for Julian to contact him. Since he just turned twenty, it could be only another year or two. Already at well over six feet the strapping young man, with golden hair and bright green eyes, would be an excellent Protector.

  They drove away from Fraser lands in silence until the village came into view.

  Cyn tore his eyes from the abundant green lands they passed.

  “Time to go home, aye Kieran?”

  “Aye, back to face our demons.”

  Cyn snorted at his double entendre.


  The demons had moved. The warehouse buildings were gutted and abandoned. The few humans they’d found did not remember anything.

  Cyn kept vigil from a short distance away and watched several police units and ambulances drive away. The Protectors had called them in case any of the humans needed medical assistance.

  “The bastard got away,” he mumbled under his breath.

  Maybe he should do the same. Once they found the demons’ new location, he’d ask Julian for a transfer. Blue was old enough to adjust to a new place. He was sure the boy would welcome the adventure of a new city or even country.

  Fallon’s silver jaguar pulled up and the British Protector climbed out of the car. He ambled over to where Cyn stood.

  “Julian is worried,” Fallon told him, after they greeted each other. “Quite a few high-level demons remain in Atlanta. He wants us to find them before more people die.”

  “More humans went missing last week,” Cyn told him. “I’m sure a lot of them are being kept as a food source. Once we find their new location, we will increase our patrol of the surrounding areas.”

  Fallon didn’t reply, instead he looked around with disdain at the neglected area overgrown with weeds. Old decaying barrels and wooden spools lay strewn haphazardly over the old parking lot. Several smaller buildings looked about to fall over from neglect and the air was putrid from the chemicals that had been dumped haphazardly.

  The Brit frowned at him. “This place is horrid.”

  Cyn followed Fallon’s line of vision. “Yep, this area is pretty ugly. But Atlanta as a whole isn’t that bad. You might as well get used to it, your highness. You’ll be living here for a while.” Cyn liked to banter with Fallon, who was easy to irritate.

  “You can address me as My Lord,” Fallon replied haughtily.

  Cyn punched him in the gut, knocking Fallon back a few steps.

  “Or Lord, Lord Fallon is fine,” Fallon wheezed, and threw a punch back, across Cyn’s jaw.

  Cyn flung himself at the Lord, satisfied at hearing Fallon’s “umphf” as they tussled to the ground.

  “I can’t leave you two alone for long, can I?” Kieran walked up. “Why don’t we just shoot up a flare and let the cops know we’re here?”

  Cyn removed his hand from Fallon’s throat and the Brit lowered his fist. He jumped up and held his hand out to help Fallon up. But Fallon slapped it away, got up, and then proceeded to brush debris off his pants. Cyn stared at him for a moment and then shook his head. “Sissy.”

  Kieran glared at them but didn’t comment, seeming to understand this was their way of getting to know each other. His brother had been on the other side of the area keeping an eye on the activities. If any demons were left behind, he would have followed them.

  “Did you see any blood-breaths?” Cyn asked already knowing the answer.

  Kieran kicked at the dirt. “No, I didn’t see anything. When did they leave? Roderick and I have been patrolling around here for weeks. We never saw any movement.”

  Cyn shrugged. “Who knows, but they got past us. It’s all right, we’ll find them.”

  “Where are you staying?” Kieran asked Fallon, changing the subject.

  “I bought a house in the area called Druid Hills. It will do for now.” The British man gave them a bland look that told them he found his new home sub-par. Fallon was quite wealthy. The Protectors were well compensated by Julian. However, Fallon’s wealth exceeded that of most of the Protectors.

  It was obvious the Brit did not like the idea of being forced away from his beloved England. But he’d been in the country almost twenty years and it was past time for him to relocate.

  The first rays of sunlight rose on the horizon. It had been a long night. Cyn regarded the other two. “I’ll talk to Roderick, he knows Sebastian better than the rest of us. Maybe he can talk the Incubus into getting some information for us.”

  # # #

  Sebastian leaned back in his chair in the office at Inferno, and pressed his fingertips against the bridge of his nose. Although the last twelve hours had been tense, he was still surprised to find he had a headache.

  An Incubus with a headache.

  If not for the stiffness in his shoulders and the throbbing at his temples, he would laugh.

  Detectives had just left, after they questioned him and all the staff for hours. Inferno was closed down until the local authorities finished their investigation of a murder on the premises the night prior.

  A demon had slaughtered a woman in the
middle of his packed club. Several panicked humans started a hysteria, which ended in the police arriving before he and the staff could contain the situation.

  He knew the media would have a grand old time once the coroner released the report of bite marks on the victim’s throat and death from blood loss at Inferno. The press would call the young demon a vampire wanna-be or some sort of exaggerated name that would bring unwanted attention to Inferno.

  “Oh great,” he mumbled at his security monitor. He watched the two Protectors as they made their way toward his office. Cyn and Roderick walked past his already nervous staff. “The day just gets better and better.”

  The Protectors strolled into Sebastian's office and remained on their feet. Roderick approached him. “Hello Sebastian, you look like shit.”

  Sebastian stood after looking at each of them for a moment. "Fuck you, Roderick. What do you want?" He didn’t bother to hide his irritation and glared at them. "I am not in the mood for visitors today."

  "What can you tell us about Gerard’s current dive?" Cyn returned the glare, cutting straight to the reason they were there. "As one of his high-level minions we’re sure you know where they moved."

  "I am not exactly in Gerard's inner circle,” Sebastian replied staring at the ceiling while he clenched his jaw. It proved hard not to lose his temper. "After you two got away, he was beyond pissed and suspected that I might have helped in your escape. I took a big chance and returned for Emma after I found out he planned to kill her too."

  Sebastian noticed Cyn tense at the mention of her name, a slight frown formed and his eyes snapped to meet his. Interesting.

  "I don't think he saw me, but someone might have. So as you can imagine, they are not sharing any information with me at the moment."

  Roderick glanced at Cyn who narrowed his eyes at Sebastian. "Why was Gerard going to kill Emma? She brought him Cyn."

  "He never planned to let her live. I am told the sister was the one that planned the whole thing. Briana is full demon now and remains with Gerard voluntarily."

  Sebastian turned his full attention to Cyn. "Emma believed her sister's life was in danger. She was stupid to believe Gerard, of course, but her sister is her only family."

  "Only a fool believes the word of a demon." Cyn's voice was flat as he turned the conversation back to the original subject. "Have you heard talk about Gerard’s preferred hangouts? Perhaps from some of your customers?"

  "As you just said, only a fool believes the word of a demon, so why waste your time and mine?" Sebastian brushed past them out of the office.

  # # #

  Roderick stared after Sebastian. " That went well." The Spartan motioned to the monitors showing the bar and dance floors.

  In the monitor, Emma walked up to Sebastian and hugged the incubus. The Protectors walked out of the office.

  "I heard what happened and came as soon as I could. I'm so sorry. Want to go have a cup of cof..." she stopped talking when she saw Cyn and Roderick. Her eyes widened. Sebastian placed a protective hand on her arm and held her in place.

  Cyn’s eyes honed to where Sebastian touched Emma and he fought the urge to ram his fist into the male’s face.

  "Coffee would be nice Emma,” Sebastian told her. He wrapped a possessive arm around her shoulders.

  Although his stomach pitched, Cyn set his jaw and ensured his expression remained blank as he neared them. Emma looked down and shuffled her feet. She seemed uncomfortable, but didn't move away from Sebastian. The thought of her with the Incubus filled him with rage.

  He didn't realize he’d stopped moving forward until Roderick elbowed him.

  Thankfully, Emma stepped away from the Incubus to go sit on a barstool nearby.

  “Hello,” Roderick acknowledged Emma before he turned his attention to Sebastian. "I never got a chance to thank you for helping us escape Sebastian. Thank you."

  "It was a job Roderick. No thanks are necessary. But, I am glad to see you are well."

  Roderick didn't respond, just held out his hand. Sebastian took it and they shook hands. The Protectors started toward the door.

  “One minute.” Sebastian stopped them from leaving. “I think perhaps there is something we can do to help one another.”

  Sebastian looked to Emma whose gaze flickered to Cyn and back to him. Her brow crinkled.

  His torn expression grabbed Cyn’s attention. “The girl that was killed here last night had an uncanny resemblance to you, Emma. I am almost certain that the demon thought he was killing you. This was not a random or accidental death. You need protection.” Then Sebastian turned to the Protectors. He was quiet for a moment, his lips pressed together in thought. “Perhaps, we can work together on this. You can provide protection for Emma and I can find the demon’s location through my sources.”

  Automatically, Cyn stepped toward Emma. She eyed him warily as she slid off the barstool and then glared at each of them. “I have a say on this decision.” She moved to stand at Sebastian’s side. “I don‘t want to be under anyone’s protection. I can take care of myself. I can stay here,” she said as she pointed to the ceiling to Sebastian‘s apartments above.

  The men remained silent and listened as she continued, “Maybe if I find Briana, she will help us find the Master demon’s location and….” She stopped talking when Cyn glowered at her and Sebastian gave her a stunned look.

  “Briana cannot be trusted Emma.” Sebastian’s aggravation was evident as he spoke. “You will have to stay with a Protector. I cannot keep you safe here. Too many demons come here nightly. And I have to leave in order to find their new location.”

  Roderick held his hand up. “I have to make a call, wait a sec.” He walked a short distance away, speaking into his earpiece. “Julian?”

  Cyn and Emma looked at each other and then immediately looked away. He didn’t trust anyone else to watch over her, but at the same time wasn’t sure he trusted himself to be near her.

  Roderick returned, and interrupted the awkward silence.

  “Julian is okay with Sebastian’s idea. He thinks that Emma should stay with you Cyn, but we can ask Kieran or Fallon to guard her.”

  Cyn was grateful to his friend for giving him an out. But the thought of Emma alone with any other man, even his brother, didn’t sit well with him. What the hell was wrong with him? He didn’t even trust the woman. “That’s all right, I can handle it.”

  “It is standing right here and it can hear you,” Emma told him through gritted teeth. “Why can’t I stay with you and Rachel?” She asked Roderick while ignoring Cyn’s stare.

  “Rachel’s gone skiing with the boys. I doubt she would look kindly on me inviting a beautiful single woman to stay at the house while she’s gone,” Roderick answered her, his face soft.

  “Oh. Well then I will to return to my apartment and take my chances.” She turned and walked toward the front door, all three men followed the soft sway of her hips. Sebastian and Roderick promptly looked away when Cyn cleared his throat.

  # # #

  “This can’t be happening,” Emma whispered under her breath for the third time as she grabbed clothes and threw them in a small overnight bag. She took a quick inventory, not sure how many days she would be gone. She collected t-shirts, several pairs of jeans, a sweater, and an extra pair of flats. She opened her underwear drawer, grabbed a bunch of panties and bras, and tossed them in the bag.

  Cyn’s presence was overwhelming. Not yet ready to face him, she sunk into the bed.

  He waited in her small living room. She’d known that once the three males made up their mind that she needed protection—she had no chance. Although, she still argued with them for almost an additional hour. Once becoming aware that a woman was in danger, they all turned into knights in shining armor and insisted on saving the damsel in distress.

  It was dreadful to be near Cyn. He’d barely spoken to her on the drive to her apartment. He’d hardly even looked at her. Just the fact that he was in her apartment, made her stomach chur
n with anxiety. She patted her midsection to keep the butterflies at bay.

  Perhaps this was a second chance with Cyn. There had to be a way for him to understand how much she loved him, and maybe she’d find a way to gain his trust again. Emma grabbed the bag’s strap and swung it over her shoulder. She gave her bedroom one last glance and came to a decision.

  He is going to know how I feel about him and I am going to gain his trust again, even if it kills me.

  Easier said than done.

  On the drive to his place, he stayed on his cell phone the entire time. He didn’t disconnect once they arrived, but merely threw her bag on the bed in the spare bedroom and then headed straight for his own. She heard the distinct whirl of his security shields as they lowered.

  Later she sipped a cup of tea in the kitchen, and waited to talk to him. Cyn walked right past her, set the security alarm, and left without a word.

  She groaned out loud.

  She was not going to let him get away without hearing what she had to say. He would not continue to ignore her. Emma understood his keeping a distance. Her colossal mistake could have cost him his life. So it was unlikely that he would ever be her friend or even fully trust her. But more than anything, she wanted to give him her side of the story, get him to understand her desperation to save Briana.

  Even though she didn’t expect it, she still needed his forgiveness.

  Emma walked around the empty house and touched the surfaces as she went. Cyn and Blue’s home was definitely all male. No pictures, knick-knacks, or décor of any kind on his walls.

  She practiced what she was going to tell Cyn when he returned. He hadn’t given her a chance to talk since he took her under his protection. She would be ready when he came home and would somehow get him to listen.


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