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Spellbound Page 7

by Bear Matthew

  “Can you believe that?” Parker asked Savannah.

  “Believe what?” Savannah said.

  “She thinks being a witch won’t change her life. Like her destiny won’t get in the way of going to homecoming or prom.” Parker said.

  For the first time since two years ago, Savannah found herself feeling sad. She never wanted to go to dances when she was in California, but now that she is back and she and Trey are going on a date again, she was kind of hoping that they could have those memories together. Those moments that everyone remembers. She looked at Parker and said, “Yeah I know.”

  Chapter 12-

  Parker came out of the school to see Micah running laps around the track. She watched him for a minute and then decided to join him. She had been so busy lately that a love life was hard to handle but she desperately wanted to try. She jogged over to him and he noticed her. He started to slow down as he approached her. “Hey” Parker said.

  “Hey back at you” Micah said. Micah was trying to keep his pace, “You want to join me?”

  “Um, sure” Parker said. She started to jog with him. He kept his pace slower than what he was doing before. Parker was a fast runner – she needed to be quick on her feet on the court – but she was not multitasked when it comes to running and talking. “So how’s your day going?” Parker asked him.

  He took his headphones out of his ears, “It’s been good, how about yours?”

  “It’s good.” They jogged together for a moment of awkward silence when Parker finally got up the nerve to say, “I’ve been thinking of that kiss.” She could see Micah smiling from the corner of her eye.

  “Really?” he said. He liked her but was not the type of person to get all jittery about it.

  “Yeah, I think it was a mistake.” Parker lied. If anything, she thought it was right. Kissing Micah felt normal to her – something she had not felt in a while.

  Micah stopped running as Parker passed him for a few steps. He started to smile as he tried to come up with a response. “You think… you think it was mistake?” He finally said.

  Parker stopped and turned around. They walked up close to each other. “I just… I don’t know if it was the best thing.”

  “How do you mean?” He asked her.

  “I don’t know.” Parker said.

  Micah was reading her face. He could tell she was lying and said, “You’re lying.”

  Parker was appalled – not because he said it to her face but because he knew the truth. “Excuse me?”

  “You… are… lying. You’re a liar.” Micah said with a smile. He was happy about this. Sure, it bothered him that she would lie about it but he was just happy she was a bad liar.

  “I’m not lying…” She so was. “I can’t believe you would say that.”

  “Then tell me why you think our kiss was a mistake.” He said.

  Parker was lost for words. She could not stop smiling from her guilt. She looked at Micah and kissed him. It took Micah by surprise – but he liked these kinds of surprises. They kissed for a few minutes. One of those kisses teachers would tell the slutty kids in the hall to cut it out. Parker could not believe it as she stopped kissing him. She pulled away and instead of saying anything – or letting him say anything – she ran. She went and finished her jog, looking back at Micah – who was a little, lost now – and smiled.

  Parker finished with her jog and went over to practice. Tennis practice was her favorite time of day. She went into her court and played a few matches with a fellow team member. Parker was friends with all the girls on the team but they were not that close. Parker has not had a close friend like the ones she did with Savannah, Hayley, and Faye.

  As she hit the ball back to her teammate, her thoughts were racing. The first thing on her mind was magic. She could not help but wonder about her powers. About the book, Savannah, and Faye are they ever going to want to come around to the fact that they are witches. Parker just did not know. Then there was Micah. He was bright spot in her life lately. She did not know too much about him but she wanted to learn. He was cute, funny, and just as good a player as she was. Parker had a lot to work through during practice, so that is what she did.

  Chapter 13-

  “Can I get a chocolate milkshake please?” Savannah asked the server at the diner. The diner was one of Savannah’s favorite places – everybody’s favorite. They would sometimes sneak off in the middle of the night to meet up at the diner. They had all ordered milkshakes – Faye would get the “world famous” cherry pie – and they would talk, sharing their secrets and dreams.

  Savannah sat in the back of the diner – the girl’s former booth – and reminisced. The diner was a 50’s theme diner, with the employee’s wearing traditional 50’s diner uniforms. It would always give the girl’s a laugh it still did for Savannah.

  The place was not packed. A few people sat at the counter and some others in booths. There was only one server working and according to her nametag, her name was Doris, she was a little heavier with dyed red hair and wrinkles. She must be new, as Savannah had never seen her before. She came back to Savannah’s booth and placed a chocolate milkshake on the table. “Anything else I can get for you?”

  Savannah took a sip of the most delicious milkshake a girl could ever have and said, “Maybe a piece of cherry pie with whipped cream.”

  “Coming right up” Doris said. She left Savannah alone with her milkshake and memories.

  “Cherry pie now that sounds absolutely delicious” a recognizable voice said to Savannah. She looked up from her milkshake and saw Sebastian sitting in front of her. She did not hear him walk up or sit down he was completely silent.

  “Now what do I owe this visit for?” Savannah said. He charmingly smiled.

  “I guess I just wanted to see you again.” Sebastian said.

  “Oh really” Savannah asked.

  He looked straight at her with a serious face and said, “Nope. I came for the cherry pie.” It got a laugh from Savannah followed by one from Sebastian.

  “Very funny, you should really try the milkshake.” Savannah told him. She leaned down to take another sip from her milkshake when Sebastian swiped it from right in front of her. He took a sip from Savannah’s straw and said, “Yum.”

  Even though he just took her milkshake, the way he said “yum” made Savannah blush. He was not like the normal guys she has ever met. Something about him is enchantingly dark and its drawing Savannah right in. His eyes were green, pass the darkness in them.

  She stared into his eyes and he stared into hers. “So why are you in town?” Savannah asked him.

  “I’m here for business and what about you?” Sebastian asked.

  “I just moved back from California but you already know that.” Savannah said. “Which reminds me, how do, you know that?”

  “You told me.” He said.

  “No, I told you I just moved back, but you said from California. How do you know that?” Savannah asked him.

  “Can I show you something?” Sebastian seemed more serious than his usual charming self did. He got up from the booth and reached his hand out. “Go head, take it.”

  She hesitated for a moment but then took his hand. She got up from the booth and they slowly walked towards the exit. “What about my cherry pie?” she said.

  He opened the door and the bell above it rang, “I’ll get you some later.”

  “You promise?” Savannah joked.

  “Cross my heart” he said.

  Savannah followed him right out the diner. They started to walk. It was dark outside, moon out along with the stars. “So where are you taking me?” Savannah asked.

  “You’ll see.” Sebastian coyly said.

  “You’re not gonna kill me or something, right?” Savannah was just covering all her bases.

  “No, I could never kill you.” Sebastian said. He did not let go of her hand as they walked under the stars. If she had some clue about where he was taking her or who he really was this walk would
seem romantic.

  “So what is it that you want to show me?” Savannah asked Sebastian.

  “It’s a surprise, just hold tight.” Sebastian told her.

  Savannah and Sebastian walked through the moonlight, holding hands, and not saying anything to each other. Savannah decided to let this be a surprise, to let the pieces fall as they may.

  “We’re almost there,” Sebastian told Savannah. “It’s time for you to close your eyes.”

  “Close my eyes?” Savannah asked.

  “Yes, it’s a surprise remember?” Sebastian stepped behind Savannah and placed his hands on Savannah’s eyes. She reacted by putting her hands on top of his.

  “What are you doing?” Savannah chuckled at Sebastian.

  “I’m making sure you don’t ruin the surprise.” Sebastian said.

  They kept walking for a minute or two, when Sebastian steered her to turn right. They walked for a few more meters when Sebastian said, “Now there’s three steps in front of you, and be careful.”

  Savannah slowly stepped up the steps, each making a crack. Sebastian moved his hands away from her eyes and she saw where she was. It was dark, rotted wood, and the Blackwell Manor. Savannah paused in place as Sebastian reached for the door handle.

  “Wait!” she shouted at him. “What is this?”

  “What’s what?” Sebastian said.

  “This! Why did you take me to the Blackwell Manor?” Savannah wanted to know.

  “Because you need to see this” Sebastian said to Savannah.

  “I can’t go in there.” Savannah said. She turned around but Sebastian grabbed her hand.

  “I need you to see this. It’s important for you.” Sebastian said to her. He batted his green eyes at her and smiled. “Don’t worry, I’ll protect you.” Somehow, Savannah was not feeling so safe with him anymore.

  “I just… cant. My best friend died in there. I can’t.” Savannah told him.

  “Don’t worry about that. This is about something you need to see. Just relax.” Sebastian said.

  He pulled her to him and he slowly walked her inside. Savannah was dying inside. Going back in there, back to where Hayley died. Savannah had not been in there since that night.

  Sebastian brought her inside and switched on a light switch. The lights turned on and Savannah seemed stunned.

  “How can the lights work? There’s no power.” Savannah said.

  “There’s power in everything if you look.” Sebastian told her.

  Savannah and Sebastian walked into the house. There were still the marks from where the chandelier hit Hayley and then the ground. The chandelier was gone but the marks were clear as ever. Savannah just stared at the marked ground. Sebastian walked to a table filled with things and picked something up.

  Savannah looked up just as something started to fly at her. She blinked and went to darkness. Less than a minute later, she blinked back to place. The first thing she did as she blinked back was look at what was coming at her. In the wall behind her was a very sharp knife, and Sebastian had just thrown it at her.

  She twisted back to look at Sebastian. He was just standing there, smiling. “What the hell is wrong with you!” she shouted.

  “Just what I thought, you have your powers.” He said to her.

  “What?” she mumbled. She was becoming disoriented and confused. “I… I…have… I have to go.” She stumbled back and headed for the door when she saw a bright light. It stunned her for a second. It was as bright as what people assume heaven must be like, thought Savannah. It did not blind her – but could have. The light went away as quickly as it came and standing in front of her was Sebastian.

  “What the…” Savannah said as she looked at Sebastian. He had just appeared from one place to another by the flash of light. He was not normal, he was not human, he was… Savannah did not even know what he was.

  Chapter 14-

  Parker had finished tennis practice and headed into the locker room. She took a shower and changed into jeans and a tank top. She put her wet hair into a ponytail, grabbed her bag and then heard something. It was coming from the halls of the school. Someone was here – besides Parker.

  Parker opened the door from the locker room that leads to the hall and looked. She did not see anything so she put it off. She started walking down the hall when she heard it again. The sound was someone whistling, but something about it put Parker off. Nobody was ever here this late, especially on the second day of school. The noise was coming from behind her, so she headed towards it.

  There are a number of halls in Charm Harbor High. One large building housed the entire school. She turned down one hallway and went down another. The sound seemed to get louder as she went down this hallway. A classroom was to her left and two others on her right. A hallway divider was coming up. She could go straight, left, or right, or go back the way she came.

  As she crept up to the divider, the whistling was as loud as ever. She looked right and walking down the hall was a six-foot tall man with long dark hair. He was wearing raggedy old clothes. Parker looked down the hall and stared at him as he was walking in the opposite direction and stopped. He rapidly turned around and saw Parker. He opened his palm and Parker began to see something indescribable. It looked like lightning in his palm. As if, he has the ability to possess lightning.

  He threw the lightning ball that was in his hand straight at Parker. Parker stood in despair and shock as it hurdled towards her. She knew she was facing death and decided to fight back. She jumped down the hall, out of the way of the lightning. It hit a wall and blew a whole straight through it. Parker quickly scrounged up the ability to move – and fast.

  She ran down the hall and quickly popped into a classroom. She scanned the room, trying to find a plausible hiding spot. She heard from out in the hall the man say, “Come out, come out, where ever you are, witch!” Parker took a deep breath and found a hiding spot behind two desks.

  Parker rummaged through her bag for her phone and found it. With her fingers trembling, she scrolled through her contacts looking down for Savannah’s name. She pressed on it and the phone started to dial. She pushed her phone to her ear and waited for Savannah to answer, but it just went to voicemail. “Shit” she whispered.

  She heard it again, from in the hall, “I know you’re here witch. Come out and play!”

  Parker looked for Faye’s number and sent a text. She needed help or she would meet her maker.

  Chapter 15-

  “Would anyone else like to share tonight?” A woman said. Her name is Trish Noles and she is the one in charge of these meetings. “Faye would you like to?”

  Faye sat in one of the folding chairs in front of a small podium. She had skipped cheer practice this afternoon for some alone time. She was not sure she was going to come but she realized it was the right thing to do before she went overboard. She looked up at Trish and politely smiled. She stood up and went to the podium.

  She cleared her throat and said, “Hello, my name is Faye and I’m an addict.”

  Everyone in the chairs in front of her said, “Hello Faye” at the same time. It was comforting in some twisted way.

  “It’s funny. I have been up here a countless numbers of times, trying to piece together my life in the least judging room I know. However, tonight is different. For the first time since I became an addict, since I realized I was an addict, I talked to two of my former best friends. See two years ago, our best friend died and it caused a riptide in our friendships. Savi moved away, and it became too much to be around Parker. I tried, oh trust me I tried. However, I could not do it. I had turned into an addict, I was determined to become popular, and I did. I’m one of the most popular girl’s in school but it doesn’t really seem to matter anymore.” Faye said. She wiped away some tears in her eyes and said, “I guess I want to be friends with my former friends again but I don’t want to lose my new life. I am torn. I do not think I could ever tell them about my addiction without them judging me. I became an addict at
the lowest point in my life and this last summer I got clean. I have been clean for almost three months and I still every moment miss it. The feeling I would get when I would take it. The moment it set in. When I did it, it felt as if I could do anything and be anyone and my past wasn’t there to haunt me anymore, but now I feel haunted.”

  Faye’s phone buzzed and she went to turn it off when she saw a new text from Parker, SOS HELP AT SCHOOL.

  She quickly re-read the message and looked back up at her audience. “I’m sorry I have to go. I guess the real world is calling. Thank you.” Faye told them as she rushed out of the room. She had become an addict after she could not be around Parker anymore, after things were getting too much. She turned to the one thing that was not going to let her down, was not going to make her feel guilty for Hayley’s death. However, things changed last summer and she has been clean since.

  Faye flung open the doors to the high school and went inside. Parker had only told her about the school, but not where in the school. She started rushing down the hallway looking everywhere. She did not know what she was looking for or what type of help Parker needed but whatever it is, Faye is going to be ready – she hopes.

  “Parker” Faye called her name. She was frantically searching for her when she heard whistling. “Parker is that you?”

  She turned the corner and coming down the hall is the same man who could possess a lightning ball in his hands.

  “Hi have you seen…” Faye started to say when the man cut her off.

  “Witch” he said. Faye stalled in place when he said that. She took a hard swallow and knew whoever this was in front of her; he was probably the reason for the SOS.

  “Um… I should probably go.” Faye said.

  “You’re not going anywhere witch.” The guy said as she opened his palm. It was happening again, only for Faye this time. A bright shining lightning looking ball formed in his hand. He threw it right at Faye – who was not getting out of the way. She took a deep breath and closed her eyes for a split second. She opened them back up and focused on the incoming lightning ball. Suddenly it flung away from her and into a locker that busted open when it made contact. It sounded like a lightning storm in the hallway. “Finally a witch with some fight in her, my type of girl” he said.


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