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Spellbound Page 15

by Bear Matthew

His name is Huck leave him with muck

  As they said the words, Huck began to feel the pain. He started to scream and then a bright light flashed before them light a lightning bolt. They looked away and then the light was gone and he seemed to have vaporized. Savannah, Faye, and Parker all surprised by the events that just happened. Savannah did not think it would work, Faye did not think it would happen like that, and Parker is still on the edge. “I don’t think that worked” Parker said. She was looking around when she said that.

  “What? Why do you think that?” Faye asked.

  “Yeah he’s dead. We vanquished him right in front of us.” Savannah said.

  “Because of that,” Parker said as she looked back at them, gesturing for them to look. Savannah and Faye looked behind them and there he was, Huck. He lifted his hands at Savannah and Faye sending a bolt of lightning at them and they flew across the room, right into Parker.

  “Ow” They all moaned. They scrambled off each other and back up to their feet. Huck was able to electrocute Savannah and Faye but all they feel is a tiny bit of tingling. “Seriously dude” Faye said.

  “You girls don’t know a thing about being a witch!” Huck said. He moved closer to them, taunting them as if he was in control of the situation. “You think one little spell and boom I’m dead. That is pathetic. I’ve been around for over a century killing witches just like you, for him.”

  Who is ‘Him’? They all suddenly thought then said, “Him who? Who hired you to kill us?” Parker asked.

  Huck laughed one of those sinister laughs. “You guys don’t know do you?”

  “That’s why we’re asking you, you dumbass.” Savannah said.

  “The emperor of evil of course” Huck said as he threw another lightning ball at them. Savannah and Parker jumped to their right, as Faye went left. “I was commissioned by the one who rules”.

  “Someone else wants us dead,” Parker said completely surprised. “I didn’t see that coming.” They got up on their feet, Faye too. Huck came into the middle of them.

  Savannah saw an opening, “Faye” she shouted. Faye caught on and moved him to Savannah. Savannah wrapped around him and blinked. She was getting a better control of blinking on command. She reappeared in the family room, crashing into the glass table. She just needed to work on the whole landing part.

  Savannah rolled off the glass on the ground and felt a sharp pain in her side. She looked and a piece of glass was sticking out from inside her. “Oh-my-gosh, Savannah” Faye said as they came to her. Huck was trying to get up.

  “I’m okay,” Savannah said. She tightened up and pulled it out. She was bleeding but only a little bit. It would take hours to bleed out. “Let’s finish this.”

  “How do you want to do that?” Faye asked.

  “We figure out a way, we are witches, right?” Parker said.

  They all nodded in agreement. They whispered to each other and then disbursed as Huck got up.

  “Where are you witches? I’ve decided to just end it already!” Huck said. He walked to the table in the middle of the house. He looked around. It was oddly quite. “You know witches; your protector should’ve told you this by now. You do not kill Huck. Nobody kills Huck!”

  Huck started to sniff them out. He headed towards the dining room. However, it was empty. He followed that up with looking in the kitchen. He walked through the door and found Faye. “Hide and seek isn’t your best game is it?” He said with a smirk as if he was smarter than she was. Yet, he has no clue who he is messing with.

  “I’m some stupid teenage girl, remember?” Faye said. She looked at the kitchen wall where Grams had her knives on a magnetic strip and flung one at Huck. “I’m a witch!” he caught it with his hand, which was now dripping blood.

  “Nice try” Huck said.

  “That was just a warning!” Faye said. She concentrated on all the knives and moved them at Huck. Two of the six got him. He screams like a little girl, thought Faye. She ran out the kitchen door. Huck pulled out the two knives and dropped them to the floor. He went after Faye but when he got back into the open hallway, he did not see her.

  “Come out; come out, wherever you are witch!” Huck said. All his senses were on over drive, as she did not miss a beat as he looked for them.

  Parker was at the top of the stairs and as Huck came to the middle and looked away, she came down and started to chant,

  Flames to Flames

  Ignite the power

  Water and Air

  Flames to Flames

  Huck turned around as she cast the spell and he started to burst into flames. It was starting slow but spreading. Faye came out of the living room and flew him against the wall. Savannah came out and they decided to say the spell again – but this time louder,

  Hear our words,

  Hear our sorrow

  Lightning will evoke

  Strike him down with a stroke

  The pain he caused now onto him

  His name is Huck leave him with muck

  Another lightning strike hit him and he was gone. Just like that. “We did it,” they all said cheerfully.

  “Not so fast!” Huck said from atop the stairs. He was standing higher up than Parker. He stroked her with a lightning bolt and she went flying down the stairs. Savannah and Faye ran to her side. She was okay just like they were when he did it to them.

  “I have to tell you guy’s something.” Parker said to them.

  “Right now, I don’t think it’s the right time.” Savannah said.

  “There’s no better time.” Parker said.

  “What is it?” Savannah and Faye both asked her.

  “I’ve had two premonitions of this.” Parker said.

  “Of what” Faye asked her.

  “Of us and dying” Parker told them. Parker was breaking down as she said this. Huck was coming down the stairs and they were seconds away from death. Savannah and Faye could not believe it. Parker had convinced them into doing this, being witches and fighting demons. “I’m so sorry!” Parker said.

  “How could you keep this from us?” Savannah wanted to know.

  “How is he not dying?” Faye bellowed.

  “I told you, nobody can kill me!” Huck said.

  They all got up and huddled together. “We have to stop him.”

  Huck got down to the first floor and started to walk towards them. “This is where you beg for your life.” Huck told them. He formed a lightning ball in his hand and threw it at them.

  Parker flung her hands up to defend Savannah and Faye. As the lightning ball came to her hand – they braced for their upcoming death – it glowed. The lightning ball reflected from her hand, and went hurdling back to Huck; his own lightning ball struck him and he went flying back.

  “What the hell was that?” they all said at the same time.

  Huck started to get up. “We need to finish this!” Savannah said. They all ran to Huck. Savannah gave him a quick kick in the chest. He stumbled back but it did not hurt him, as it should have. Faye and Parker went to give him another kick when he threw a lightning bolt at them. It only graced them both but it still sent them back down the hallway.

  “You think that hurts me?” Huck said. He backhanded Savannah and she flew into the living room. As she tried to get up, she felt a piece of paper in her pocket that was not there before. She opened it quickly and read it.

  Savannah use this spell, when you desperately need to. It will be the only thing to stop Huck and it is highly dangerous. Remember I am always there for you.

  Power in me vanquish thee

  Power in me vanquish thee

  Summon the power of three

  Turn the power to me and vanquish thee

  Summon the power of three

  Power in me vanquish thee

  Power in me vanquish thee

  Savannah watched as Huck began to incinerate in front of her. He was becoming ashes. He reached out for her as his final breath turned to ash. Once he vanquished, Savannah ran back to Fa
ye and Parker. Savannah was starting to feel lightheaded. “Are you guy’s okay?” she asked as she it was getting hard to breathe.

  “Were fine are you okay?” Faye asked.

  “I’m okay,” Savannah said.

  “Where’s Huck?” Faye asked.

  “He’s… he’s…” Savannah was starting to feel as if she was burning inside. She collapsed to the floor and started to ache in pain. Her insides were feeling as if she was on fire. The spells backfiring, Savannah thought. “Spell… backfired…” She barely got out as she screamed from pain.

  “We have to figure out what she means” Parker said.

  “What spell?” Faye wondered. Parker looked around as Savannah is burning inside. Her breath started to breathe smoke. “We have to find that spell,” Faye said. Parker noticed a piece of paper underneath Savannah. She put her hand on Savannah’s side and it was on fire. It burned Parker’s hand.

  “Oh-my-gosh” Parker screamed. She pulled the paper out with her other hand and scanned over it. “Sebastian gave her another spell. Let’s read it out loud.”

  “Wait, if we read it backwards wouldn’t that reverse the spell and Huck?” Faye said.

  “We have to take that chance,” Parker said. They both looked at the spell and chanted it,

  Power in me vanquish thee

  Power in me vanquish thee

  Summon the power of three

  Turn the power to me and vanquish thee

  Summon the power of three

  Power in me vanquish thee

  Power in me vanquish thee

  Parker and Savannah waited for the spell to work when Savannah slowly stopped moving and her body started to cool down. It was working and that worried them too. “Go check to make sure Huck’s still dead.” Parker told Faye.

  Faye went over to the living room and the coast was clear. Huck’s ashes were still on the ground. He was dead – for good this time. Faye came back to Parker and Savannah. Savannah was sitting up, breathing normally.

  “Are you okay?” Faye asked.

  “I’m good, what about Huck? Is he still dead?” Savannah asked.

  “Still dead,” Faye finally gave her some good news.

  “How did you get that spell?” Parker asked Savannah.

  She shook her head, “I don’t know. It just magically appeared. Sebastian must have sent it. I don’t know why he didn’t just show up himself.” Savannah said. Parker knew why, or at least believed she did.

  “Let’s go and find out why” Faye said.

  “I don’t think we should. Let’s just relax and calm down a bit.” Parker said.

  “No I agree with Faye. We should go and check out and make sure Sebastian’s okay. What if he’s hurt?” Savannah was seriously worried. She cared about Sebastian more than she should.

  “Fine, but what about Grams house, what are we going to do about it?” Parker said.

  “Yeah, Grams house” Savannah said. It was bad; holes in the walls, broken furniture, blood and ashes all over. Savannah knew that this was going to be hard to explain. “What if we do another spell?” she said.

  “What type of spell?” Faye asked.

  “To clean up this mess,” Savannah said.

  “Isn’t that personal gain?” Parked wondered

  “No, I don’t think so; we killed a demon to save the world. So, I think it justifies it.” Savannah told them.

  “Good Idea,” Faye said. “Because, I’ll do a lot, including fighting a demon but I will not clean up after them.”

  “So, what spell?” Parker asked.

  “Let’s make one up,” Savannah said.

  “This mess we see, now we don’t” Savannah started.

  “From here on now, as spotless as we found,” Parker added

  “Go away and leave us be,” Faye continued

  “This mess we no longer see.” They all said together.

  The girls watched as the house started to sparkle and was now as it was before the demon showed up.

  They headed for the car when Savannah asked, “So what was that back there?”

  “What?” Parker said.

  “You have a new power? How is that?” Savannah wanted to know.

  “I don’t know. It just happened. I wanted to protect you girls and then my hands glowed. I guess it was some type of shield power or something.” Parker told them.

  “It was weird,” Faye said.

  “Yeah” Savannah agreed.

  “Trust me. I had no clue what so ever any of that was going to happen. I’m glad it did though.”

  “Me too” the both said at the same time.

  “Jinx” Faye yelled.

  They laughed and got into the car.

  Chapter 31-

  Faye, Parker, and Savannah got to the Blackwell Manor and as Savannah went to knock on the door, it slithered open. They all looked at each other with worry. Savannah went inside, pushing the door all the way open. “Sebastian? Are you here?” Savannah called out. However, there was no answer.

  They started to spread out and look around. Faye went to the kitchen and did not find him; Parker checked the rooms, while Savannah went to the table. She noticed it was oddly empty. She reached the table and the only thing on it was the book. She looked at it for a second and seen that attached to the cover was a piece of paper. She read it,

  If you are, reading this than that means you survived and for that, I am forever grateful. I wish I were able to be there to celebrate your first vanquish but I sadly cannot. Just remember that I will always be there for you when you need it most. You are beautiful witches, and I hope one day that we meet again. Forever your lives have changed and nothing should get in the way of that. I am sorry I cannot be there with you but remember this is only just the beginning, with many more battles to come. Practice your magic and be careful with the book. It will guide you when you need guidance.

  P.S. Savannah I truly did like you and I hope we might meet again in another life. Just remember to move on, to forget me, and be happy without me. Life is short and your destiny has already begun.


  “Guy’s you don’t need to look anymore” Savannah told Faye and Parker. “He isn’t here.”

  “Where is he?” Faye inquired. Savannah grabbed the book and met them by the door.

  “He’s gone,” Savannah said.

  “What, just like that?” Parker acted sincere.

  “He left a note” Savannah handed the piece of paper to Faye and Parker. “I guess it’s my own stupid Dear John letter. How pathetic huh?”

  “Well at least he left you a note. It’s kind of sweet,” Faye said.

  “More like cowardly.” Parker said. Parker knew that Sebastian was just going to leave and not tell Savannah the whole truth. People did that. People always leave, thought Parker.

  “Well at least he left us the book. We can try out some spells and catch up with the whole, magic universe. Like who, the hell is the emperor of all evil?” Savannah said.

  “I guess we will find out, hopefully in that book.” Parker said.

  “How about we don’t do that tonight, we’ve already done so much and we missed the second half of the game. At least we can go to the bonfire, right?” Faye said.

  Charm Harbor High always had a back to school bonfire the night of the big game. It is for everyone to come together, have fun, be happy for winning or losing, and be glad that the first week of school was over. Everyone at school would go.

  “I guess we can go to the bonfire,” Savannah said.

  “Okay let’s go” Faye rushed out of the Blackwell Manor and headed to the car. Parker followed her, while Savannah got one more look. Sebastian was gone but magic and life was not. She has to move on, just as Sebastian told her. She closed the door and went to the car. She was letting Sebastian, the Blackwell Manor, and Hayley all go. This was the new Savannah, or at least she hoped it was.

  They got to the bonfire and it was like a big party on the beach. They made their way down th
e pathway to the beach and the light from the fire was floating to the sky. “I see Crosby I’m gonna go and see how they did.” Faye said. Parker and Savannah let her go.

  “I see Micah I should probably say hi to him,” Parker told Savannah.

  “Okay” Savannah said. Parker left to say hi to Micah and Faye went to see Crosby. Savannah looked around. These are her people, although she did not feel like one of them now, but she was going to make the best of it. She found Trey in a group of people. He spotted her and smiled. He waved her over. She hesitated for a moment but then walked over. She passed the bonfire and felt the embers land on her skin. They did not seem to bother her at all. She had been literally on fire inside; nothing was going to bother her much anymore.

  “Hey you” Savannah said as she got to Trey.

  “Hey, I didn’t see you after the game. Where’d you go?” Trey asked her.

  “I just had to do something, nothing special. Did you guy’s win?” Savannah asked him.

  “Yeah we won.” Trey said.

  In the hype of the good news, she gave him a big hug. He kissed her and she kissed him back. It did not feel like the magical one that Sebastian gave her, but it felt normal. Savannah was okay with normal – besides Sebastian was gone and he was not coming back any time soon.

  “Do you want a drink?” Trey asked her.

  “Sure a drink would be good.” Savannah told him.

  Trey went to get Savannah a drink as she looked around. This was normal life and Savannah liked it. After vanquishing her first demon, she felt like this was the perfect way to feel normal again. She found Parker and Faye in the crowds on different sides of her. Faye was on her right and Parker was on her left. They all looked at each other and they all realized the same exact thing. They were not just normal teenagers anymore, but powerful witches. They all smiled at each other and as they did that, they realized what was happening. They were accepting the fact that their lives have changed, forever.




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