Two Masters for Samantha 2: In Their Hearts [Awakenings 7] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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Two Masters for Samantha 2: In Their Hearts [Awakenings 7] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 1

by Michele Zurlo

  Awakenings 7

  Two Masters for Samantha 2: In Their Hearts

  Focused on work, Alexei and Stefano Morozov forget about Samantha Spencer’s biggest art showing. She’s tired of coming in second on their priority list, so she moves to the island resort they bought for her and invites them to follow.

  It’s not feasible for Lex and Stef to run Morozov Industries from a tropical island, but they recognize the wake-up call Samantha has delivered. They take some time off, fly to Sanctuary, and spend a few days romancing their submissive. Samantha is in heaven as she explores pony play with Lex and salsa dancing with Stef, and business decisions the brothers make now include consideration of her growing popularity as an artist and her responsibilities as a quarter-owner of their new resort.

  When Lex receives some surprising health news, it forces the brothers to make some hard decisions. Will Samantha’s bliss last?

  Genre: BDSM, Contemporary, Ménage a Trois/Quatre

  Length: 59,730 words


  Awakenings 7

  Michele Zurlo


  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  IMPRINT: Ménage Amour


  Copyright © 2013 by Michele Zurlo

  E-book ISBN: 978-1-62740-900-1

  First E-book Publication: December 2013

  Cover design by Harris Channing

  All art and logo copyright © 2013 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  Amanda Hilton, Publisher


  Becca, Michelle, and Sylvia—Thanks for the wonderful feedback! I couldn’t do this without you.

  This is for all the people who wrote asking for more of Sam, Lex, and Stef’s story.

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page



  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  About the Author


  Awakenings 7


  Copyright © 2013


  The intercom crackled and the pilot’s voice came over the speaker. “Good evening. This is your pilot speaking. Tonight we have clear skies, and it’s a balmy seventy-three degrees outside. We’ll be landing in about ten minutes.”

  Alexei Morozov leaned his head back against the seat and exhaled a stream of air. “This has been one of the longest trips ever.”

  His brother nodded, but he didn’t speak. Stefano was just as tired, but both of them were wide awake, wired with anticipation. They’d been away from home for the last six days, though it felt like much longer since they’d seen Samantha, the submissive who had stolen both their hearts.

  Lex pictured her naked, waiting for them at the door. Her long blonde hair, sun-kissed from hours spent on the beach, streaming to the middle of her back. Her delicate throat would be exposed because she’d thrown her head back, and her breasts thrust forward to tempt Stefano. Her knees would be spread, tantalizing them with glimpses of her pink parts. Lex loved her pink parts. But then he remembered the late hour. It was already after midnight. “She’s going to be asleep in her bedroom.”

  That meant vanilla sex. They’d worked it out so that Lex was in charge in his bedroom, and Stef was in charge in his room. Anywhere else in the house, they shared Dominant duties, but in Samantha’s room, she called the shots. That meant vanilla sex, as she didn’t have a dominant streak in her body, not that either Lex or Stef would consent to being dominated.

  “Maybe we can convince her to come out into the hallway,” he mused.

  “She’ll let us take her at the same time,” Stefano said. He chuckled, probably imagining the way she’d begged them both to fuck her before they’d left on their business trip. She’d implored so prettily that they couldn’t help but give her what she wanted. “She’ll probably insist on it.”

  The plane began to lose altitude, and Lex tapped his fingers on his thigh. They were both tired, so he could go without a scene tonight. All that mattered was having Samantha in his arms.

  Stefano ignored his brother’s incessant tapping. He’d been doing it ever since the pilot had announced they were close to Miami. He was just as impatient to get home to Sammy, but the thought didn’t fill him with nervous energy. Coming home to their beautiful submissive calmed him like nothing else.

  He parked the car in the curving drive in front of the house and leapt out. Porch lights blazed, welcoming them home in the dead of night. The luggage
in the trunk could wait until morning. Inside that house, Sammy was waiting for them.

  Lex had the same idea. He hurried around the car, and they made it to the entrance at the same time. It was locked, so both of them fished for keys. Stefano came up with his first, and so he was the first one into the house.

  “Sammy!” he bellowed, hoping she would come out so that he could scoop her up and carry her to his room.

  He listened for a response—the padding of bare feet down the hall or the click of her bedroom door opening—but no sounds reached his ears. He frowned at Lex, and the two of them raced down the hall. Her door was open, but even before he turned on the lights, he knew it was empty.

  “Where is she?” Lex stepped inside, a frown on his face. He crossed to the balcony and looked outside. “Her studio is dark. Do you think she’s sleeping in your room or mine?”

  Samantha wasn’t in the habit of sleeping in her studio. Though she had a comfortable sofa, she always returned to the house for eating and sleeping. She liked the separation of her work from her personal space.

  Stef frowned at Lex’s question, but he didn’t waste time debating whether or not she would sleep in either room alone. To their knowledge, she avoided their bedrooms when they weren’t home. She’d once said it made her sad to be in them knowing her Doms were nowhere nearby.

  He checked his room. Down the hall, Lex did the same. Both shook their heads at one another. She wasn’t waiting for them because she wasn’t home.

  “Where would she go without telling us?” Stefano asked. While they didn’t have the kind of arrangement where she had to ask for permission to travel, they were in the habit of informing one another of their whereabouts.

  Lex hit the speed dial on his phone. “Samantha? Where are you, honey? Is everything all right?”

  Stefano waited while Lex listened. His brother’s pinched brows relaxed, and regret washed over his features.

  “I’m sorry, honey. We forgot...No, we just got home. Call in the morning and let us know how it went? I love you, too.” Lex glanced at Stef. “Stef loves you, too. Goodnight, honey.”

  Lex ended the call. “We fucked up. Her showing in San Diego was tonight. We should have flown there and surprised her.”

  When they’d met her, Samantha had been an undiscovered artist. Though he and Lex had done nothing to advance her career—because she would have killed them if she found out—she’d worked hard to promote her work, and her star was on the rise. In the last four years, she’d sold numerous paintings and photographs, and she’d won two awards for her art. She’d shown her work in several major cities, but this gallery in San Diego was the most well-known to have invited her.

  It was a major accomplishment, and they should have been by her side.

  Stefano sank back against the wall. The back of his head hit it with a loud thunk. “I can’t begin to imagine how hurt she is. We have to make this up to her.”

  “She didn’t sound hurt,” Lex said. “She sounded busy. Lots of people were talking in the background. She’s still at the gala.”

  “Busy,” Stef said. “Brusque. She gets like that when she’s upset. It’s not like she was going to say anything in front of all those people.”

  * * * *

  Samantha slid her phone into the pocket on her skirt. She’d known they would call. She’d hoped they would show up, but after four years of living with Stefano and Alexei, she knew their work came first.

  It always had, and it always would.

  To that end, she’d given up the waiting game and started accepting invitations to show her works. Some of the first gallery showings she had been offered had been backdoor favors for either Alexei and Stefano or her sister-in-law, Sabrina. They hadn’t twisted anybody’s arms, but since nothing much had come from those events, she’d known she was being coddled.

  The first few events she’d scored for herself weren’t ones she’d told her family or her Doms about. Though they would have come to give her moral support, she had wanted to stand on her own two feet. Any success she had would be due to her efforts alone.

  After having proven to herself that she could have a successful showing, she’d gone after larger and more prestigious locations. Landing a two-night feature in San Diego had been a coup, and the three times she’d said anything to either Lex or Stef, neither of them had given her much in the way of a response. Part of her had hoped that meant they were going to surprise her by showing up unannounced.

  The rest of her was becoming used to disappointment.

  And now they’d bought an island resort for her to manage, a way of keeping her busy, she supposed. The idea of the place had appealed to her at first. She could mold it into a place where she could be with Alexei and Stefano as a triad. She could walk down the street and kiss them both, and nobody would stare at them in disapproval. There would be total freedom and no judgment.

  But the varnish had worn through on that idea rather quickly after she realized their real objective. She didn’t need to be kept busy. She redoubled her efforts to sell her paintings and photographs, and recently she’d been seeing results that had nothing to do with her powerful connections.

  Not that they’d notice.

  They’d have to be home to take note. They’d have to do more than stop by for sex once or twice each week. Their phone calls and texts would need to contain substance instead of just asking how she was doing. It was annoying when somebody began every single fucking conversation with “How are you?”

  It wasn’t a real question. It was just a way to pass the time. Often it was followed by “Change of plans. We have to go to New York.” Or London. Or some other city that wasn’t close to home.

  She was jolted from her thoughts by someone slinging an arm across her shoulders. Looking to her left, she smiled at Hunter Lipton, the owner of the prestigious Lipton Gallery of San Diego. She’d been courting him for months. He’d been cordial at first, and when he’d called to say he was doing a sunset-themed show, she’d been floored that he’d included her as one of the four featured artists.

  “Darling, this is fabulous. Simply wonderful. We’ve sold seven paintings tonight, and I have some people who want to meet you.”

  She’d only brought eight. Speechless, she followed him to a small group of people who had been glancing and smiling in her direction when Lex had called.

  Hunter presented her with a flourish. “May I present the lovely and talented Samantha Spencer?”

  For the rest of the night, Sam shook hands and made small talk with people. By the time she arrived back in her hotel room, fingers of dawn were peeking around the curtains. She fell into bed and slept soundly.

  Chapter One

  As Samantha followed the line of passengers into the terminal, she scanned the waiting crowd for a familiar face. Stefano had said one of them would pick her up, but he hadn’t indicated who. From the first time she’d met them, Samantha had been able to tell Alexei and Stefano apart, which was something of a novelty. Nobody else, not even their father, could figure it out, not unless they chose to differentiate themselves.

  For those who knew the subtle clues, figuring out whether they were face-to-face with Lex or Stef took time. As mirror-image identical twins, Lex was left-handed, while Stef’s dominant hand was the right. Other than that, no physical marks betrayed who was who, and forget about figuring it out over the phone. Their voices were exactly the same. Voice-activated locks couldn’t even make that distinction.

  But Samantha had always been able to figure them out—even before she’d known they were twins. She’d met Alexei first, at her brother’s wedding, but when Stefano had followed her onto the patio and tried to kiss her, she’d halted him. A nagging feeling told her that the man kissing her wasn’t the one with whom she’d been dancing.

  Shaking away the nostalgia of their first meeting, she found him quickly. He stood out in the crowd, and not merely due to his height. He had a striking presence. It was in the way he held himself—th
e broadness of his shoulders, the confidence in his posture, and the hint of a smile hovering over his lips. The suit helped define his clean lines and lent to his air of authority. He was handsome, too. Hair so dark it was almost black, and eyes blue enough to evoke images of the summer sky. She’d painted him, though she hadn’t shown him any of her attempts.

  Her heart sped up, and she altered her trajectory to take her to his side. The moment he saw her, that promise of a smile was fulfilled. His expression softened, and he reached out with one arm.

  Samantha launched herself at him, and he caught her up, pressing her chest tightly against his. She smacked kisses over his cheeks and lips until he took over, and then she relaxed into his masterful kiss.

  When he broke it off, he let her slide down his body. He somehow managed all that while relieving her of her carry-on bag.

  “Stef, I missed you so much.”

  With a grin, he pressed a brief kiss to her lips. “I’m sorry I wasn’t at your show, Sammy. I won’t miss the next one.”

  He already had, but she didn’t see a reason to bring that up.

  “It’s all right. I had fun in San Diego. I’d never been there before.”

  He slung his arm around her waist and steered her toward the exit. “I’m glad you had a nice time. We’ll all have to go back there soon. I’ve only been there once, but I think Lex has been there three or four times. He should know some good places to eat and things to do.”

  She’d been squired around town by two different gallery owners, so she hadn’t been left to languish in her hotel room until the shows started. “They want me to send some more paintings.”


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