Douluo Dalu: Volume 32: Seagod’s Trials

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Douluo Dalu: Volume 32: Seagod’s Trials Page 1

by Tang Jia San Shao

  Douluo Dalu


  Volume 32

  Seagod’s Trials

  Tang Jia San Shao


  Story Description:

  Tang Sect, the most famous martial arts sect of all. By stealing its most secret teachings to fulfill his dreams, Tang San committed an unforgivable crime. With his ambition attained, he hands his legacy to the sect and throws himself from the fearsome "Hell's Peak."

  But he could have never imagined that this would reincarnate him in another world, one without magic, martial arts, and grudges. A land where only the mystical souls of battle lay.

  The continent of Douluo.

  How will Tang San survive in this unknown environment? With a new road to follow, a new legend begins...

  Original Story can be found here: Link

  Chapter 218: Peak Seven Tests And Yellow One Test

  Hearing Seahorse Douluo’s explanation, Tang San suddenly said:

  “Wait a moment. Senior, you said Mubai doesn’t have any chance of passing the trial, that his death is certain. Then, how could you pass the trial? As far as I know, the people on Seagod Island take the trials at eighteen, don’t tell me you were stronger than Mubai is now when you were eighteen?”

  Seahorse Douluo shook his head, saying:

  “When I was eighteen I still hadn’t reached fortieth rank, quite a bit lower than he is now. But there’s one thing you have to understand. For the black level trials the lord Seagod gives us Seagod Island Spirit Masters, one must be completed every ten years. Even so, my black level for tests put me on the border of death several times. The final test I confronted, was to survive in the middle of a school of the island protecting divine beasts, the Devil Spirit Great White Sharks, for two hours.”

  Everyone went silent, but Seahorse Douluo still didn’t find any fear or discouragement from any of their faces. Zhu Zhuqing was the second to step forward, standing just where Dai Mubai stood before, a cool and beautiful smile rippling past,

  “Senior, ask the lord Seagod to bestow me a trial.”

  Seahorse Douluo frowned slightly,

  “You won’t reconsider?”

  Zhu Zhuqing calmly said:

  “Senior, we came here in order to take the trials, if the trials were too simple, wouldn’t this trip be in vain? How can there be propulsion without pressure? We’ve already done a lot of impossible things, what’s creating another miracle?”

  Zhu Zhuqing used real action to show Seahorse Douluo her determination. Just like she said, they were here to learn from experience, they wouldn’t shrink back no matter how difficult this Seagod’s experience for them was.

  “Fine. You kids really have drive. Very few can possess courage like yours.”

  This Title Douluo didn’t say anything else, blue light condensing once again. Amidst the flashing radiance of the Seahorse Sacred Pillar, another beam of light descended from the sky, enveloping Zhu Zhuqing.

  Blue became white, and without the slightest pause turned yellow, purple. Just like Seahorse Douluo predicted, the purple gradually darkened, until it finally became black. Seeing those black devil lines on the Seahorse Divine Pillar slowly clamber up, Seahorse Douluo couldn’t help sighing deeply. Having once experienced the difficulty of the black level trials, he of course didn’t believe that these youths in front of him could pass it just by relying on courage, and in his heart he felt a rare bit of regret. But as the examiner, since the Shrek Seven Devils were this determined, he couldn’t anything.

  The black pattern kept climbing, however, the black light Zhu Zhuqing caused didn’t climb as high as Dai Mubai’s, stopping approximately at the middle of the Seahorse Divine Pillar, then no longer rose. Five light screens suddenly appeared, and besides being one fewer than Dai Mubai’s, the circumstances were exactly the same.

  Zhu Zhuqing equally closed her eyes, sitting down cross legged after the black light rushed into her forehead, slowly pondering. On her forehead appeared a black pentagram.

  Black level five tests, second only to Dai Mubai’s black level six tests, the difficulty went without saying.

  Oscar rushed to step forward before Ning Rongrong, standing in the corresponding position. Before Seahorse Douluo began praying to the Sagod, he asked:

  “Senior, I have a question. With the difficulty of these trials, if we can pass, what benefits can we have? I mean benefits besides getting the corresponding authority on Seagod Island.”

  Seahorse Douluo said:

  “Obtaining rights on Seagod Island is the greatest benefit you can receive. If we’re talking about other benefits, then, your purpose of raising your strength faster under pressure would count.”

  Oscar smiled and nodded,

  “Then, senior, please begin.”

  According to Seahorse Douluo’s experience, even though this young Spirit Master in front of him had a somewhat strange spirit, and also definitely had spirit bones, as a food system Spirit Master, the trials he would face would definitely be a bit lower than the two preceding people. But after the magic lines clambered up, Seahorse Douluo still discovered his mistake. Finally appearing in front of Oscar was, just like Dai Mubai, actually also six black light screens. The highest trial of the black level, black level six tests.

  The light fading, a black hexagram appeared on Oscar’s forehead. He didn’t enter contemplation like Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing did, but on the contrary somewhat excitedly opened his eyes,

  “Very good, I also have six trials. Haha.”

  Seahorse Douluo looked distracted a moment,

  “You’re very happy to have black level six trials?”

  Even he felt that the lord Seagod’s trials for these youngsters was a bit too difficult. A food system Spirit Master also suffered black level six tests, then how could there be a chance to pass?

  Oscar grinned, saying:

  “It seems the lord Seagod grants trials according to the examinee’s comprehensive quality, so if I also have black level six tests, then that proves my potential is the same as boss Dai’s, even one step higher than Zhuqing. Is that right?”

  Seahorse Douluo watched as Oscar retreated to a side, and helplessly shook his head. He discovered that he truly didn’t understand the way these youngsters thought. Could it be he hadn’t explained it clearly? The result of failure was death!

  His thoughts still hadn’t disappeared before Ning Rongrong walked up. Hearing what she mumbled to herself, Seahorse Doluo didn’t know whether to laugh or cry.

  “Beyond six tests, beyond six tests……”

  Before Ning Rongrong reached the Seahorse Sacred Pillar, she bowed slightly to it,

  “Revered lord Seagod, you have to let me surpass six tests!”

  If two words could describe Seahorse Douluo’s current mood, then, choked speechless would be most suitable. Even if your spirit is the Nine Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda, you’re still a support type Spirit Master, you still want to surpass black level six tests? He gave up on arguing with Ning Rongrong, directly beginning Ning Rongrong’s trial.

  But in fact, Seahorse Douluo was once again taken aback.

  The Seagod’s light without hesitation stepped from white to yellow, from yellow to purple, swiftly entering the bizarre black world. The black magic lines climbed sharply upward, and as Seahorse Douluo stared as if his eyes would pop out, the black magic lines slowly passed the middle of the Seahorse Sacred Pillar, which already meant Ning Rongrong would undergo the difficulty of the black level six tests. However, that black magic line still didn’t stop, climbing towards the top. Very soon it reached the two thirds mark, which also represented the black level six te
sts position.

  Heavens! I’ve gone insane. With so many years without the appearance of a black level trial, but in this moment, there were six. Seahorse Douluo’s lamented inwardly. But at this moment, that black magic line that seemed to have already stopped, suddenly moved up one step. Immediately afterward, the black washed magic line originally covering the Seahorse Sacred Pillar, instantly changed color, completely turning a dazzling crystalline red. A line of red light also subsequently soared upwards, piercing the sky.

  That was a ray of light the color of blood, perfectly straight shooting towards the sky, making the clear blue sky flash with a bloody light.

  On Seagod Island, several thousand pairs of eyes turned to the sky practically simultaneously. Among them, after six black clothed elders sitting equally in front of different obelisks saw this red light, their eyes revealed an unstoppable intense radiance. Almost at the same time, they all exhaled the same words.

  “Peak—— level—— seven—— trials——.”

  Even at the center of Seagod Island, within a special shrine, a pair of eyes that had already been closed for ten years, also opened because of this red light. A faint astonishment and even more pleased meaning filled the face, and the body that hadn’t moved for ten years slowly stood.

  The red light slowly faded, seven screens of red light one by one entering Ning Rongrong’s forehead, turning in a bizarre red heptagram, giving her originally extremely fair skin a faint red luster.

  Seahorse Douluo was already completely lifeless. Red, that actually meant peak level red…… Different from the high mortality rate of the black, this peak level red appeared far, far too few times.

  At Ning Rongrong’s laughter like silver bells, Seahorse Douluo came to himself, just in time to see Ning Rongrong joyfully self-satisfied make a face at Oscar. And Oscar’s expression was discouraged, as if in pain from having one fewer trials than Ning Rongrong, and being one overall level lower.

  “Miss, may I ask for your full name?”

  Seahorse Douluo bowed slightly, saluting Ning Rongrong.

  At the change in Seahorse Douluo’s manner, the Shrek Seven Devils couldn’t help looking distracted. By now, Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing had also opened their eyes.

  As a Title Douluo, and also as one of the guardians of the Seagod’s seven sacred pillars, even though this Seahorse Douluo hadn’t been rude before, he’d still been indifferent, cold and aloof. He was only polite to the Shrek Seven Devils because of their talent. But the expression that now appeared on this Title Douluo’s face could even be described as deferential. Even though this deference was only aimed at Ning Rongrong alone, it still shocked the others. In fact, he was a Title Douluo!

  “Senior, I’m called Ning Rongrong. This is?”

  Ning Rongrong said astonished.

  Seahorse Douluo swallowed,

  “I’m very honored to be your examiner. Even though I don’t understand why the peak level trial would appear for you, but for a very long time in the future, if you have anything you need on the island, please come find me. I will help you deal with it as far as possible.”

  Oscar blinked, and couldn’t help saying:

  “Senior, the difference here is a bit too much. Me and her are only one trial apart, how come the difference is this big? What’s the difference between six and seven tests?”

  Seahorse Douluo didn’t glance at Oscar, the deference on his face growing a bit deeper,

  “Different from the black level trials, from the start of the first peak level trial, there has never been an instance of someone not passing. And the last time the peak level trial appeared, was the trial for the island’s high priest. As long as miss Ning Rongrong passes the peak level trial, she is the high priest’s successor. She is also the future ruler of Seagod Island.”

  Hearing Seahorse Douluo’s explanation, everyone understood. Looking at each other, their gazes at ning Rongrong grew strange.

  Tang San muttered:

  “Senior, don’t tell me the peak level seven tests is easier than the black level six tests?”

  Seahorse Douluo shook his head:

  “Of course not, the peak level seven tests are a whole level higher than the black level six tests, however, every time the peak level trials appear, they all symbolize the appearance of someone capable of completing it, and moreover a formidable Spirit Master to inherit the position of priest. Even if it’s difficult it will definitely succeed.”

  Ning Rongrong burst into giggles, slapping Oscar’s shoulder,

  “It doesn’t matter, you follow me in the future.”

  Oscar indignantly said:

  “Unfair, too unfair. I want peak level seven tests too.”

  Due to his change in manner towards Ning Rongrong, Seahorse Douluo’s manner towards the others also softened a lot, faintly telling Oscar:

  “There is only one chance to receive the Seagod’s light.”

  Tang San said:

  “Senior, then we’ll continue. Xiangxiang, you go.”


  Bai Chenxiang stepped forward without the slightest hesitation, standing next to Seahorse Douluo.

  Right now, Seahorse Douluo’s mind was practically heaving, but he still showed the calm of a Title Douluo, inwardly thinking, even if it’s another black level six tests, I still won’t be shocked.

  Under the charge of Seahorse Douluo, the Seagod’s light descended once again. Bathed in the beam of blue light, Bai Chenxiang’s radiance clearly changed slower than for Dai Mubai and the others. Blue slowly turned white, then again from white very slowly turned to yellow. The radiance also stopped at this yellow color. Flickering, one yellow light screen appeared in front of Bai Chenxiang.

  Yellow level one test. Only yellow level one test. The Seagod’s light wouldn’t lie. Bai Chenxiang numbly felt that yellow light enter her body. In a disappointed mood, she truly understood just how large the difference between her and the Shrek Seven Devils was. Talent, potential, they were all too far apart. Under the light of the Seagod, she didn’t even reach the purple level trials.

  However, after the yellow light entered her forehead and turned into a round yellow dot, Bai Chenxiang’s complexion changed once again, turning from her previous disappointment to shock. She stared in a daze at the Seahorse Sacred Pillar in front of her, as if she had discovered something incredulous.

  The one most concerned about Bai Chenxiang was naturally Fatty, and seeing Bai Chenxiang’s expression as if she’d seen a ghost, he hastily stepped forward to ask:

  “What? Xiangxiang, is the trial too difficult?”

  Bai Chenxiang raised both hands to push at Fatty, a difficult to conceal blush rising on her face, and the unfathomably mystified Ma Hongjun was pushed two steps back. Bai Chenxiang instantly looked at Seahorse Douluo, asking with a somewhat strange expression:

  “Senior, if I can’t pass this trial, what will the consequences be?”

  Seahorse Douluo said:

  “The yellow level trials are generally fairly simple, absolutely not difficult. If you can’t pass it within one month, you won’t be harmed, but you must leave Seagod Island, and may hereafter never set foot here again.”

  As the examiner, he knew the contents of Bai Chenxiang’s trial, and right now he also had an extremely odd expression, as if forcing back a smile.

  Seeing Bai Chenxiang’s expression, Tang San also felt something was wrong,

  “Xiangxiang, what trial is so embarrassing?”

  In his impression, Bai Chenxiang wasn’t someone who would retreat from difficulties. Even more, if the yellow level trial was that difficult, wouldn’t the black level and peak level trials of their comrades be as difficult as climbing the sky?

  Bai Chenxiang forcefully drew a few deep breaths, making her ample chest heave. Looking at Fatty to the side she couldn’t help secretly swallow, eyes blinking.

  As if making some decision, and even more as if stepping onto her execution ground, Bai Chenxiang’s beautiful big eyes
displayed an unhesitating resolve. She told Ma Hongjun:

  “Fatty, come here.”

  Seeing Bai Chenxiang’s expression, Fatty also had no idea what she was doing, and probed:

  “Xiangxiang, are you alright?”

  Bai Chenxiang angrily said:

  “Are you coming here or not?”

  Right now, her mood was quite unstable.

  Ma Hongjun hurriedly took two steps forward, standing in front of Bai Chenxiang. Just as he was about to say something, Bai Chenxiang leapt at his chest like a whirlwind, both arms circling his neck, puckering her fragrant lips, she somewhat obsessively kissed Fatty.


  Tang San, Dai Mubai, Zhu Zhuqing, Oscar, and Ning Rongrong all stared wide eyed at the same time. They were currently unable to believe what was happening in front of them was real.

  “Fuck me, too bold.”

  Oscar couldn’t help saying.

  Ma Hongjun also stared blankly by Bai Chenxiang’s sudden kiss, he just felt Bai Chenxiang’s ice cold lips stick to his, somewhat shuddering and shaky, but it was this immature feeling that stupefied Fatty. He’d kissed a lot of women, but had never had such a soul stirring feeling.

  After a moment, Fatty’s otherwise always brazen face unexpectedly blushed. At a loss, he spread his hands, wanting to embrace Bai Chenxiang, but still didn’t dare, nor did he dare respond with his lips in the slightest, afraid he would scare the figure leaning against his chest.

  Dai Mubai whispered to Tang San:

  “When did Fatty get this shy? Look at him, doesn’t even dare hold her, how come he seems like a virgin when their relationship has progressed to this stage?”

  Tang San smiled wryly:

  “How would I know? Boss Dai, I’m the real virgin.”

  Dai Mubai stared looked shocked at Tang San, then again to Xiao Wu in his arms,

  “No way. Brother, how about big bro teaches you a couple of moves?”

  Tang San shot him an angry glare,

  “Leave it, I can get by on my own. With Xiao Wu not yet recovered, how can I desecrate her body?”


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