In the Dark

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In the Dark Page 1

by Alana Sapphire



  Copyright 2016 Alana Sapphire

  This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to persons living or deceased is entirely coincidental. Names, places, and characters are fictitious or, if real, used fictitiously. The author recognizes the trademarks and copyrights of all registered products or works mentioned.

  Thank you for purchasing this eBook. This eBook remains the copyrighted property of the author, and may not be redistributed to others for commercial or non-commercial purposes. This eBook, or any portion thereof, may not be reproduced or used in any manner without the express written permission of the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a review.

  Cover designed by Alana Sapphire © 2016

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8


  Also Available from Alana Sapphire

  About the Author

  Chapter 1 of Ivy Stone’s Exposed

  Chapter 1 of LeAnn Ashers’ Protecting His Forever

  Forbidden (Death Dealers MC, Book 1)


  I stare at him from across the room, deep in conversation with my manager and his wife. Rick McAllister is an absolute dream come true. Tall, handsome, lean muscles, dark, wavy hair, and eyes as blue as the ocean. Not only is he hot, but successful, too. Quite a heady combination. He’s a financial wiz. He started from scratch, and is now, at thirty years old, the CEO of one of the biggest companies on Wall Street – the company where I also work. Yes, he’s my boss; my boss’ boss actually.

  Rick apparently says something funny, making Walter and his wife laugh uncontrollably. I watch with a goofy smile. He’s the love of my life. Too bad he doesn’t know I exist. Many might call it an obsession, but I don’t see it that way. The first time I saw him, my heart waved the white flag and surrendered. Yes, at first it was physical. Rick is Carolina Reaper hot, and I’d gladly take a bite of that pepper any day. Looks and brains aside, he seems to be a great guy. He’s smart, funny, generous, caring...well, from what I’ve heard. He has this air about him that says ‘I’m the fucking boss’…not cocky, but confident. With every speech I heard him give, every article I read about him, everything people told me about him, my admiration grew. If only I had the courage to talk to him.

  Trust me, I don’t believe for one second there’s any way he’d be remotely interested in me. He’s so far out of my league, he’s a different sport altogether. Even if the Heavens were to grant my heart’s desire, I couldn’t take the chance. I’m just a lowly assistant but I don’t plan on remaining in that position for long. That’s not why I busted my ass getting a degree in Human Resources, and working full time while I studied for my MBA. All I need now is the experience in order to get my HR certification. There’s no way I could allow my reputation to be tainted by a relationship with the boss. Or any co-worker for that matter. With a sigh, I avert my gaze.

  “Hey, Kelly.”

  Turning in the direction of the voice, I see Jimmy walking toward me. “Hey, Jimmy.”

  “It’s a party. Why so glum, chum?”

  “It’s an office party. I can’t exactly go wild.”

  “If you wanna get wild just say the word,” he replies with a smirk.

  “We’ve been through this, Jimmy,” I warn him.

  “I know, I know. You don’t date people you work with.”

  I covertly observe Jimmy. For the better part of this year, he’s been trying to get me to go out with him. He’s cute – thick blond hair, brown eyes, but his lips are a little thin for my liking, and he’s a little on the skinny side. He’s a nice enough guy, too, just not my type.


  I flash a grateful smile at Rosalinda as she approaches. She always knows when I need to be rescued. Rosa places her hands on her hips, and pins Jimmy with a warning glare.

  “Jimmy, are you harassing Kelly again?”

  Rosa’s a supervisor, but I forget it sometimes because she never treats me like a subordinate. Rosa’s mixed – Puerto Rican and Trinidadian. She’s also a little fireball, all sex and attitude, with the looks and body to pull it off – long, black tresses, caramel complexion, hazel eyes, small waist, and broad hips. Not to mention her boobs and booty. Without heels, she’s 5ʹ6ʺ, a whole two inches taller than me. Not that anyone would know. Rosa never wears anything less than a four inch heel. I’m nothing like her – too short, too much hips, too much breasts, too much everything.

  “Yes, I am and, as usual, she shot me down.”

  “Take a hint, Romeo.” Rosa rolls her eyes as she grabs my hand. “C’mon. There’s someone I want you to meet.”

  Once we’re out of earshot, I whisper, “Thanks, Rosa.”

  “No prob, hon. Some guys are just clueless.”

  After spending an hour with Rosa, mingling and engaging in small talk with our co-workers, I decide to head home. I spent most of the time searching for Rick anyway. I say my goodbye’s and make my way to the elevator. As I watch the numbers light up, I scold myself. You need to get rid of these stalker tendencies, Kelly Black. You and Rick ain’t gonna happen.

  As I usually do, I survey the dimly lit parking structure carefully while I head to my car. A woman can never be too careful. As I open the door, I glance down, and then slam the door with all the strength in my body.

  “Fuck! Just what I need…a flat tire.”

  I check the time, but I can probably have it changed and be on my way before Triple A even gets here. With a frustrated sigh, I retrieve the jack and lug tool from the trunk of my Camry. Kicking off my heels, I remove my jacket and get to work.


  Three hours is more than adequate time for making small talk at an office party. It’s time for me to go home. Not that home is much better. It’s somewhere to go after hours because I can’t sleep or shower in my office. I loosen my tie, regretting giving my driver the night off, as I head to my car. A sound draws my attention and I stop in my tracks. Listening carefully, I hear singing, and the clank of tools. Cautiously, I walk in the direction they’re coming from.

  As I get closer, the sound becomes clearer. It’s a small voice—a woman’s voice—singing Bruce Springsteen’s “Dancing in the Dark”. With a smile, I move around the car. What I find, almost takes my breath away. Crouched by the driver’s side front tire, is a brown-haired beauty, proficiently removing a flat, and bopping her head to her own voice.

  “Do you need some help?” I ask, when I find my voice.


  She’s so startled, she drops the lug tool and loses her balance, teetering backward. I rush to her aid, catching her before she lands on her ass. As she stands, I note it’s a gorgeous ass, too.

  “Don’t you know better than to sneak up on a lady like that?” she snaps at me.

  I would have been upset at her outburst if she wasn’t actually right. She turns around furiously—no doubt to give me a piece of her mind—but her mouth falls open, and she stares down at her feet instead.

  “Mr. McAllister! I’m sorry. I didn’t realize it was you.”

  “No need to apologize. You’re right. I shouldn’t have snuck up on you.”

  She gives me a nervous smile. As I look her over, I wonder why I haven’t seen her before.

  “Are you new here?”

  “No, sir,” she answers. “I’ve been here a year now.”

  “A year? Who’s your manager?”

  “Walter Banks. I’m his assistant.”

  “You’re Kelly?”

  “Yes, sir,” she replies, a little taken aback.

  “Ah, Walter was just r
aving about you. I’m surprised we’ve never met.” If I’d known his assistant was so beautiful, I would have had all our meetings in Walter’s office.

  I drink her in from her pretty, stocking clad toes, to her silky mane of brown hair. She’s a petite thing, but what she lacks in height, she certainly makes up for in other places. She has a perfect hour glass figure, and her silk top is barely keeping her ample bosom in check. Her skin is flawless, and she has the most perfect lips I’ve ever seen – red and plump. I can’t see her eyes because she’s kept them trained on my chest, probably still embarrassed by her outburst.

  She glances nervously at her tire.

  “Why don’t you let me give you a hand?” I offer.

  “I couldn’t –”

  “No objections. Take it as my apology for sneaking up on you.”

  She finally meets my gaze, and I lose my senses at the sight of the most amazing pair of eyes I’ve ever seen – eyes almost the color of gold.


  “Mr. McAllister?”

  Figures! I finally get to meet him and I’m covered in grease! Not only that, but I’ve probably insulted the man!

  “Sir, are you all right?” I ask. He doesn’t look so well.

  After a slight shake of his head, he smiles. “Please, call me Rick.”

  Ooh…first name basis!

  “Okay…Rick. Are you all right?”

  “I’m fine, it’s just…your eyes…”

  “I know. They’re weird.” I look away in embarrassment.

  “No. They’re…unique. I’ve never seen eyes that color before.”

  I consider his assessment. That’s one way of putting it. “I guess they are unique.”

  “Yes, well…let’s see to this tire, shall we?”

  He removes his jacket and tie, and places them on the hood of the car. After rolling up his sleeves, he picks up the lug tool. I don’t know what else to do, so I stand nervously next to him, and watch as Rick McAllister—the star of all my erotic dreams and fantasies—changes my flat tire.

  “Why didn’t you just call for help?” he asks.

  “I figured I could have it changed before they even got here.”

  “Weren’t you scared? Being out here alone, at night?”

  Great. Now he thinks I’m a dumbass. Hell, I probably am. “A little.”

  He goes quiet, working on the lug nuts, so I follow his cue, awkwardly inspecting my nails.

  “So, you have a thing for The Boss, huh?”

  Oh God, how the hell does he know? “E-excuse me, sir?” I stutter.

  “Springsteen. You were singing ‘Dancing in the Dark’ earlier.”

  Oh, that Boss. “Oh. Yes, I do.”

  “Me, too. Well, not for him. I like his music.” He smiles up at me, and I can’t help but smile back. “I guess we have something in common.”

  “I guess we do,” I agree with a shy smile.

  God, even his teeth mesmerize me. They’re so white and…perfect.

  “How do you like working for Walter?” he asks, changing the subject.

  “He’s a good boss. We’ve never had any problems.”

  “That’s good to know.”

  He goes quiet again, concentrating on the tire. In no time at all, he rolls the flat to the back of the car, and places it in the trunk, along with the tools. While he’s back there, I reach into the glove compartment, and grab the pack of wet wipes I keep there. When I hand one to him, he smiles, and my heart melts at the sheer beauty of the man.

  “Always prepared I see, Miss…?”

  “Black. I try to be.”

  “Well, Miss Black, you’re good to go. Drive safely,” he says as he retrieves his jacket and tie.

  “Thank you, Mr. McAllister.”

  “Rick,” he corrects me. “Besides, I was just being a gentleman. I can tell you’re very capable of changing a flat tire, and certainly didn’t need my help.”

  I give him a flattered smile. “My grandfather taught me. He always said ‘there’s no such thing as a man’s job’.”

  “Smart man.”

  “He is.” I climb into my car, and roll the window down. “Thank you again, sir. I appreciate your help.”

  “No worries.”

  He watches as I back out of my spot, and drive off. I’m in a daze the entire journey home. At least he knows I exist now. I desperately hope I didn’t make a complete fool of myself.


  Despite the fact that I got grease all over my Armani suit, I whistle on the way to my Mercedes. I can’t remember the last time I changed my own tire, let alone someone else’s. It’s her. I want her. The problem? I’ve always adhered to a strict ‘no dating employees’ rule. Workplace romances are never a good idea. They affect the balance of power – my power. You never know what a jilted lover will do. I’ve never encountered anyone who tempted me to break it…until her. Not that anyone has tempted me at all lately. And tempt me, she does. I had a hard time keeping my lustful thoughts at bay, especially when I was crouched by the tire, and her lovely legs called to me from where she stood beside me. Her eyes were my undoing. Those eyes…a man could drown in those pools of liquid gold.


  My brain has been out of commission since Friday. The weekend did nothing to ease the effects of what happened that night. It’s Monday, and I’m sitting at my desk, my thoughts still frazzled. After a year of admiring him from afar, Rick just waltzed up to me. The only explanation I can come up with is that fate has finally brought us together. Anyone could have walked into the garage, but it was him. However, I’m no idiot. Just because he helped me doesn’t mean he wants me. He was only being a gentleman, as he said, and probably doesn’t even remember my name by now. I try my best to put it out of my mind and get some work done. Walter has a big meeting coming up and I need to work on his presentation. I’m knee deep in the PowerPoint file when I receive a call from Martha, Rick’s assistant.

  “Hey, Martha.”

  “Hey, Kelly. How are things on the fourth floor?”

  “Same as usual. You know how it is.”

  “Yeah, girl. Listen, Mr. McAllister wants to see you in his office at two.”

  “Me? Why?”

  “I have no idea. He just told me to pencil you in.”

  “Okay, Martha. Thanks.”

  “See you later.”

  Well, he remembers my name after all. But…why would he want to see me?

  I take calming breaths, trying to convince myself it’s not for the reason I hope it is. He scheduled a meeting. Obviously this is business. Yeah, after a year of no contact, he suddenly wants to discuss business with me. My heart can’t take this. Fix it, Jesus.

  By lunchtime, I’ve exhausted all the possible reasons he would want to see me. None of them made me feel any better. Oh, God! Maybe I did insult him and he’s going to fire me. No. That can’t be it. That’s just stupid. Shit. I don’t know if I should dread the next two hours or eagerly await my meeting on the top floor.

  At one-fifty pm, I begin my journey upstairs. I don’t think I’ve ever been this nervous. Pulling my bottom lip between my teeth, I start chewing on it the way I always do when my nerves get the best of me.

  “Hey, Martha,” I greet her as I approach her desk.

  “Kelly, dear. He’ll be with you shortly. Just have a seat.”

  I nod and take one of the chairs opposite her.

  Martha is a nice, older woman, who looks like she could be in her late fifties. Her black hair has turned almost completely grey, and her green eyes are framed by wrinkles. She’s tall and imposing, which is probably why she’d landed this position. You have to be tough to be Rick McAllister’s assistant. I once heard that Rick only hires men and older women for the position just to avoid temptation. Everyone knows about his strict policy of not dating employees. Being reminded of that only makes me more nervous about why I’m here.

  The door to his office swings open and he steps out, followed by three men. They shake hand
s, making promises to play golf sometime. As Rick watches them leave, his eyes meet mine and he smiles. I stand on uncertain legs and move toward him.

  “Miss Black! Come in.” He flashes those perfect teeth.

  With a nervous nod, I enter the office, and he closes the door quietly behind us.

  “Please, have a seat.”


  I walk around my desk and drop down into my huge chair. I can’t help staring at her, but her gaze is pinned to the floor. She drags my attention to her legs as she crosses them at the knees. Fuck, she has amazing legs. She’s chewing on her bottom lip, and the action only makes her more enticing. It should be me making her lips swollen with my kisses. What a picture she paints – fully dressed and still able to send blood rushing to my groin. I groan inwardly at the sight. All the women who readily make themselves available to me, fade into insignificance. They’re all just means to an end. None of them arouse me the way this little woman does.

  I clear my throat, trying to get my thoughts in line. “I trust you are well?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “And you got that tire fixed?”

  “Yes, sir. On Saturday. Somehow the air just ran out.”

  “I see. Next time, you call for help. There are some sick people out there.” God forbid anything should happen to her.

  “Um…okay, sir,” she replies, slightly confused.

  I suppose her reaction is appropriate. After all, she doesn’t know me. I want to know her. Especially now when she’s chewing her lip, I want to know her intimately.

  “May I ask why you’re chewing on your lip like that?”

  Her head jerks up toward me and she releases it. Her eyes glitter, and her lip – red and swollen – beckons me.

  “Nervous habit.”

  “No need to be nervous,” I assure her.

  “Sir, I don’t mean to be rude, but…why have you asked me here?”


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