In the Dark

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In the Dark Page 3

by Alana Sapphire

  “Kelly, wait.”

  As tears well in my eyes, I step through the door and leave the way I came in. Walking away from him is the hardest thing I’ve ever done in all my twenty-four years on this earth. What did I think was going to happen? He would fall madly in love with me and we would elope and live happily ever after? Maybe not, but I didn’t expect to be a glorified booty call either. I drive home, mentally kicking myself for hoping this would play out like one of my fantasies. Why did I let him kiss me? How the hell am I supposed to live with that memory?

  Stupid, Kelly. Stupid, stupid, stupid!


  I watch as she walks out the door. I want to go after her but what would I say? How had I lost control of the situation? This night started out so well, how did it go down the drain so quickly? I leave the private room and sit at the bar, reminding myself this is the reason I don’t date employees.

  “A shot of your best whiskey,” I tell the bartender. “Make it a double.”

  After a few drinks, I’ll go home and forget this night ever happened. I need a diversion. After scrolling through my entire contact list, I come up with no one. There’s only one diversion I need, and she just walked out the door.


  “Kelly, honey.”

  “Yes, Walter?”

  “Be a darlin’ and run this up to McAllister for me, will you?”

  No! Anyone but him. Just my luck. A year I’ve been here and he’s never sent me to Rick’s office. Shit. I stand, trying to hide my reluctance as I take the file from his fingers. I’ll just give it to Martha.

  “I want you to put this in his hands directly, not Martha’s.”

  Fuck! “Yes, sir.”

  I have a major lip chewing session on my way upstairs. I haven’t seen him since that night, two weeks ago. He hasn’t tried to contact me and I definitely stayed out of his way. Taking a deep breath, I step out of the elevator on the top floor.

  “Hi, Martha.”

  “Kelly!” She gives me a bright smile. “Walter said you’d be coming up. You can go on in.”

  I take another calming breath and knock on Rick’s door.

  “Come in,” his voice booms from inside.

  Pushing the door, I square my shoulders and step in. Just hand it to him and leave.

  “Close the door,” he orders in a brusque voice.

  Fuck! I can’t catch a break today. “Good morning, sir. Walter –”

  “Sit down, Kelly.”

  Double fuck.

  I hand him the file, and take a seat.


  I successfully avoided her for two whole weeks. Physically anyway. When I was awake, I couldn’t stop thinking about her, and when I was asleep, her golden eyes haunted my dreams. I couldn’t do it anymore. I had to see her. When I told Walter to send the file up with her, he quickly acquiesced, ignorant to my ulterior motive.

  I watch her as she sits, her skirt inching up her thighs. There’s a hint of cleavage peeking out of her cotton top, making me want to rip the damn thing off her. Her hair is in a ponytail, a few strands framing her face. I imagine curling all that hair around my fist while I fuck her from behind. Shit. I shake the image from my mind as my pants that fit perfectly a few minutes ago, suddenly feel pretty snug around the mid-section.

  “How are you?” I ask, trying to break the ice.

  “I’m fine, sir.”

  She isn’t chewing her lip and she’s looking straight at me. There’s a polite smile on her lips – the type you reserve for strangers.

  “I apologize if I offended you, Kelly. I have no idea how things went so wrong so fast.”

  “They went wrong when you implied that you wanted me for your personal plaything.”

  “Just think about it. Would that be such a bad thing?”

  Surprise registers in her eyes and her smile vanishes. She stands and straightens her skirt.

  “Will that be all, Mr. McAllister?”

  Once again, I put my foot in my mouth. I leave my chair and approach her carefully. Standing in front of her, I take her hands in mine.

  “Forgive me. I seem to be saying all the wrong things.”

  She pulls her hands away. “Nothing to forgive. Good day, sir.”


  As I turn to leave, he snakes his hand around my waist, and pulls me against him. I gasp, holding my breath. I shouldn’t let him touch me. My mind already has me out the door, but my body won’t cooperate.

  “I can’t stop thinking about that kiss…hoping I’ll be able to taste those sweet lips again,” he whispers against my ear.

  My knees threaten to buckle. He slowly turns me around to face him, but I keep my eyes on his chest. He strokes my cheek gently, and I start to melt.

  “Will I, Kelly?”

  Slowly, I tip my face up to meet his intense gaze. Not waiting for an answer, he swoops down and catches my lips between his. His hand slides to the small of my back, pulling me closer. I stand perfectly still, determined not to let him see the effect he has on me. That is, until he nips at my bottom lip with his teeth. All my resolve goes out the window. Placing my hands on his arms, I part my lips, whimpering when his tongue touches mine. His hand moves along my spine, inducing a shiver.

  “Say yes,” he implores between kisses. “Say you’ll be mine.”

  My heart leaps at his words. He wants me to be his. I’ve always been yours!

  Pulling back, he stares down at me, eyes desperate.

  “I need you, Kelly. Please say yes.”

  He’s changed his mind! He wants more. He wants me. “Yes, Rick. Yes.”


  I’m still smiling long after she’s left my office. She said yes. She’s mine. I realize I need to be careful. She’s right about what people will think, and I have to protect her reputation. I’ve never been the type of man to indulge in secret relationships but I’ll do it for her. I want her that badly. With a swivel of my chair, I turn to look out over the city as I plan our next date. I can’t afford for it to end up like the first one. If I’m going to make it special, I should find out what she likes instead of forcing my preferences onto her. Turning back to my desk, I glance over at the folder she brought up. I’m supposed to go over the contents for a meeting in the morning but it can wait. Can it? When have I ever pushed work aside for a woman? Never. I pick up the folder and try to push Kelly out of my thoughts. I didn’t get to where I am by allowing myself to be distracted by women or anything else. I certainly don’t intend to start now.


  I practically float back to my desk. After a year of hoping and praying, Rick is as good as mine.

  “What’s got you so happy?” Rosa asks as she walks in.


  “Nothing my ass. I know that look. Who is he?”


  “Don’t play that innocent crap with me, Black. Spill it.”

  “Okay,” I give in with a grin. “There is someone, but it’s too early. I don’t wanna jinx it. I promise I’ll tell you everything soon.”

  “Okay. Is he hot?”

  “The hottest.”

  “The best kind. Good luck, girl.”

  “Thanks, Rosa.”

  “Is Walter in?”

  “Yeah. I’ll let him know you’re here.”

  The rest of the day passes by in a blur. An extremely happy blur. At home, I find a package waiting at my door. I’m not expecting anything so I pick it up and inspect it. While opening the door, the box does something very strange. It vibrates. Throwing my keys on the table next to the entrance, I rip open my vibrating box. There’s a note on top.

  Keep this with you at all times.


  Rick! I launch into my happy dance. It’s not a cute or sexy dance. More like a cross between the Carlton and the Urkel, but it’s mine. I’d have to kill anyone who ever saw me doing it. Below the note, lies a brand new iPhone. Picking it up, I see I already have three messages.

; Rick: I understand your need for secrecy, so from now on I will contact you on this phone. Likewise, you will contact me on this number.

  I read it with a goofy smile. So businesslike! I move on to the next two messages.

  Rick: Waiting to hear from you.

  Rick: Aren’t you home yet?

  Carefully, I think about how to reply.

  Kelly: Just got in. Imagine my surprise when I came home to find a vibrating box :)

  His reply comes seconds later.

  Rick: When can I see you?

  Anxious are we? Who am I kidding? So am I.

  Kelly: ASAP.

  He doesn’t reply so I change into my workout gear—white sports bra, and black and white shorts—then pop in my earbuds, and hop on the treadmill. I step off an hour later and head to the kitchen for a bottle of water. As I wipe the sweat from my body, there’s a knock on the door.

  When I open it, I’m face to face, or rather face to chest, with Rick.


  “Rick! What are you doing here?”

  Even in jeans and a T-shirt, he looks every bit the business man. An extremely sexy business man.

  With a smirk, he replies, “To my understanding ‘ASAP’ means ‘as soon as possible’. I got here as soon as I could.”

  “I’m sorry. I just wasn’t expecting you…here.”

  “May I come in?”

  “Of course!” I step aside and allow him to enter.

  “I brought dinner,” he says, dangling two bags hanging from his fingers.

  Rick McAllister is in my apartment and he brought dinner! And had a package delivered to my door. Wait…

  “How did you know where I live?”

  He smiles. “As your boss, I have access to all kinds of information.”

  “Sounds like gross mismanagement of said information.”

  “Only if this weren’t mutually beneficial.”

  I return his smile. “I see your logic. Please, sit. Can I get you something to drink?”

  He pulls a bottle of Krug from one of the bags. “Just two glasses.”

  “Do you mind if I shower first?” I ask, becoming self-conscious of my sweaty, semi-clothed state.

  His eyes roam over my body with an appreciative smile.

  “If you must. I’ll be waiting.”

  I take note that he stressed the word ‘waiting’. He’s such an impatient man. I hurry to the bathroom, unable to believe what’s happening. My happy dance makes a second appearance as I hop in the shower.


  Without shame, I watch her ass as she walks away. Perfection. I can’t help thinking the gods smiled on me when she got that flat tire. When she opened the door earlier, and I saw her outfit, and the way the sweat ran down her skin, I wanted to drop the bags and fuck her right there. The little butterfly tattoo above her hip had screamed ‘kiss me!’. I try to push those thoughts aside by venturing into her kitchen to get some plates and glasses. I find them easily because everything in here is organized. I like that. As a man who likes a controlled environment, I love that about her. After setting the implements down on her coffee table, I move to her stereo system to find some mood music.

  “I’m starving! What did you bring?”

  I turn at the sound of her voice and my cock instantly rears up. I don’t know what turns me on more – her wet hair hanging down her back, the hint of cleavage, her bare stomach, or her insanely lovely legs. No, it isn’t just one thing. It’s the combination of all four; a combination of every physical attribute. She is simply exquisite. As she approaches, she puts her hair in a ponytail, before dropping down on the couch. I think dinner may have to wait.


  Bingo! The look in his eyes means my outfit had the desired effect. My goal was to make him stand up and take notice, and I achieved it. All it took was my new booty shorts and a stomach-baring, shark bite top that hangs off my shoulder, showing a bit of cleavage, too. As he walks toward me, I see it also had an effect elsewhere on his body. He grabs my hand, pulls me to my feet, and crushes me against him. When his lips find mine, my hands automatically dive into his thick, silky hair.

  The way his tongue dominates my mouth, and the way he sucks on my bottom lip prove that he wants me as much as I want him. I want him now. Why wait? I’ve already waited an entire year. Reaching down between our bodies, I stroke the erection pressing against my stomach.

  Yes! Rick McAlister is perfect in every possible way.

  He moans and slips his hands under my top, his fingers roaming across my back. Stupid top! Stepping back, I drag it over my head, and throw it carelessly behind me.

  “Your turn,” I tell him.

  His eyes grow wide and he draws a sharp breath, looking down at the barely there, lace fabric that covers, or rather doesn’t cover, my breasts. I move toward him once more, and grab his shirt. He helps me to remove it, and sends it flying somewhere across the room. I giggle at his enthusiasm, but stop short at the sight of his defined muscles and washboard abs. The man looks like an Abercrombie model, and I’m itching to touch him. Before I can, he scoops me up into his arms. As he hustles to my bedroom, I trail my tongue along his neck.

  “If you keep doing that, we won’t make it to the bedroom,” he warns.

  “I don’t care.”

  I didn’t think it was possible but he moves just a little faster.


  She lets out an excited squeal as I throw her on the bed. Now that I have her here, I don’t know where to start. Every part of her body is begging for my attention.

  “Are you gonna stand there staring at me all night?” she asks.

  Moving to her knees, she crawls over to me, licking her lips as she unbuckles my belt. She pulls it out and tosses it aside. When she reaches for the button on my jeans, I push her back onto the bed, grab her ankles, and pull her toward me. A part of me wants to rip off her remaining clothes and fuck her senseless, while another part wants to drink her in slowly. She seems to want the former, impatiently unclasping her bra and throwing it at me. I catch it and bury my nose in it, closing my eyes as I inhale her scent.

  A soft whimper brings my gaze back to her, and I toss the bra aside as I look down at her exposed breasts. My cock jumps, begging to be released. Has there ever been a more perfect pair? Too big for my hands, I push them together and bury my face in them. Fuck. They’re real!

  Turning my head to the side, I kiss and nip at one with my teeth. She squirms beneath me and I pull her nipple into my mouth. Her fingers move against my stomach and I know she’s unbuttoning her shorts.

  “Impatient little vixen, aren’t you?”

  “I want you inside me, Rick. Now.”

  That does it. I remove the pack of condoms from my pocket before kicking off my sneakers and jeans. By the time I’m done, she’s naked, legs drawn up, her delectable pussy staring back at me.

  I need a taste.


  I can’t look at him. I can’t believe Rick is actually going to make love to me. Closing my eyes, I wait for him. I hear the rip of the condom packet, and my breathing accelerates. Then, he touches me. He trails a finger over my mound, down my lips, and I moan as my body quivers.

  “Are you ready, Kelly?” he asks in a low voice.


  With a smirk, he slips his finger inside me. “Yes, you are. So ready.”

  “Now, Rick!” I plead.

  “Slow down, Kelly.”

  He moves his finger slowly, in and out, his thumb pressing on my clit. He’s driving me crazy. How can I want him to continue this pace, and speed up at the same time?


  “Open your eyes.” When I do, it’s his face I see. Eyes, a darker blue, stare down at me. “How long has it been?”

  How does he expect me to talk when his fingers are rendering me senseless?

  “Mm…umm…a year.” Not since I saw you.

  “Jesus!” he exclaims in wonder.

  I groan in
disappointment when he pulls his finger out of me, gliding it down my stomach, leaving a wet trail. With his tongue, he follows that trail, licking up my juices. My stomach muscles jump and I grab a handful of his hair. Moving to my hip, he drops a gentle kiss on my tattoo. He then makes his way south, and I can already feel the tingling of my orgasm. It’s been way too long; too long since a man has touched me anyway. Rick falls to his knees and lowers his head.

  “I bet you taste as good as you look.”

  All it takes is one strategically placed lick on my clit and I’m gone. “Oh, God!”

  As soon as I start to spasm, he stands, and is inside me with one fluid stroke.


  Opening my eyes, I think I actually see fireworks...fireworks against the backdrop of the Aurora Borealis.


  Fuck! I stand still, marveling in the feeling of her muscles contracting around me. When she opened her eyes and I saw the sheer awe within them, I wondered how I’ve survived this long without seeing that look in a woman’s eyes. Sure, I’ve seen lust, satisfaction, even exhaustion, but the way she looked at me made me feel as if I’d just solved all the problems of the world. I stare back at her, absolutely lost in her eyes. She raises her hips off the bed and I snap out of my daze. Wrapping my hands around her thighs, I start to move slowly. She’s so tight. I don’t know how the hell she’s gone a whole year without sex. A part of me is glad. I am, after all, reaping the benefits right now.

  “Rick McAllister, stop treating me like I’m some delicate flower,” she demands, tightening her legs around me.

  I freeze, staring at her in disbelief. Where did the shy, nervous Kelly disappear to?


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