Dirty Secrets

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Dirty Secrets Page 14

by Lush, Tamara

  I rolled over.

  Leo. This was his bed.

  I sat up, glancing at the bedside clock, and exhaled. It was six in the morning, later than I usually rose, but not too late to attend early-rising, hungry guests. Stretching, I felt warmth sweep through my body, realizing I'd slept next to him all night. He hadn't tried to get sexy with me either, which was a bit of a shock.

  In an early-morning haze, I padded into his bathroom. A vague memory of him kissing my neck and cheek, then leaving the bed washed over me. His lips had lingered on my nape. He had nuzzled me with his nose. And, of course, he had held me, tight and possessive, all night.

  My smile faded as I recalled how hesitant, how scared he had looked when he'd flung open the door last night. I couldn't have left him by himself. The urge to comfort him was too strong, and I'd given in to it. And was glad I did, especially because he hadn't tried any delicious shenanigans. He was a true gentleman. Now, however, where was he?

  It didn't take long to find him. He was in the kitchen, buzzing around, drinking coffee and baking what smelled like bread. He had a bag of oranges on the counter and had found the juicer. His surplus of energy was impressive considering the night he'd had.

  "Hey...you're up early. What are you making?"

  "Banana bread. And juice."

  It was remarkable how my insides still seemed to liquefy when I heard his New Orleans accent. I grinned. "You didn't have to do all this."

  "It's no big deal. I wanted to let you sleep in a little. I figured I'd help with breakfast prep. I found your list of guests and a menu." He pointed to the fridge, where I kept a detailed whiteboard of the week's schedule. "You're very organized. It's impressive."

  I must have looked skeptical, because he laughed.

  "Jess, I can handle it, so you go back to bed. I've got this covered. It's the least I can do for waking you up in the middle of the night."

  He wrapped me in his arms, and I felt a zing of desire rush through me when he kissed the top of my head.

  "Seriously, thank you for last night," he said huskily. "It meant a lot to me. Just you being there."

  The way he said those words made my throat tighten. I almost wanted to weep from the tenderness in his voice, and I was glad to give him a little comfort. What would he have done if I hadn't been there?

  "I couldn't let you be alone," I murmured. "I know what it's like to be alone."

  After a few moments, he broke away with a groan. "I don't want to stop holding you, but I have to check the oven."

  I smiled. "Okay. I'm going back to my apartment to finish washing up. I'll return to put the food out for the guests."

  "Are you sure?" Leo asked. "You can take it easy. I don't mind. Really."

  Wow. This, more than anything, was shocking. Jacob would never have offered to jump in and help serve guests, but then, I should have learned my lesson and stopped measuring real men against him long ago.


  He flashed a glance at me. "Yes?"

  "Thank you for helping me this morning."


  His smile caused me to practically skip to my apartment like a girl, and as I readied myself for the day, I considered what it would be like if Leo's presence in my life was permanent. I reminded myself he'd said he was eventually returning to Louisiana, but I fantasized for hours about running the hotel with him. Kissing him. Sleeping next to him, naked, all night. Waking up each morning in his arms after hours of hot sexy times like we'd enjoyed all those years ago.

  Could I ever allow myself such happiness?

  Chapter 31



  Damn this guava paste.

  I was trying to wrangle the sticky substance out of its package when Leo stuck his head in the kitchen door.

  "Hey. I wanted to tell you again if you need help with anything tonight for dinner, I'm here for you."

  He'd offered to help earlier, but I'd demurred, not wanting to impose on him or press him into working when he had so much to do for his own business. Now, however, I was falling behind.

  I shot him a pleading look. "Would you mind putting together these guava and cheese appetizers while I check the roast? I thought I'd be further along than this."

  He grinned and strode over to the sink to wash his hands. "No problem."

  Today, he wore a tight-fitting white T-shirt and blue jeans. Just the act of him washing his strong hands, his forearm muscles flexing and tensing, made me flush with such intense heat, I had to turn away, otherwise I'd stare inappropriately. I wasn't used to such a sexy, masculine presence in my kitchen—or my life.

  After a few moments of assembling the little appetizers, he walked over to me and held out his hand. "It's the last of the guava," he said, wagging his finger coated in pink, sugary fruit paste. "It's all yours."

  Grinning, I opened my mouth. He offered his finger. I quickly licked it, like a hesitant feline, then took his finger all the way in and sucked. We each simultaneously raked in a breath and locked eyes. Swallowing, I caved first, turning away from him, my cheeks aflame. Maybe being in a hot kitchen with a scorching man wasn't such a good idea. I certainly didn't feel like cooking.

  Over the next hour, my libido on a slow boil, we prepared dinner and talked about everything from our favorite foods to books to movies. We'd talked about so much, and yet it always seemed like there were new topics to explore. Like how we both wanted to see the Grand Canyon someday, how neither understood the appeal of a certain presidential candidate, and how we each loved The Black Keys.

  "Do you know how many nights as a teenager I thought about how much we had in common? And it's still true," Leo said as he cut limes into little wedges.

  "Does that surprise you?" I retorted.

  He shook his head. "Not really. We had the same likes and dislikes five years ago too. Now we're just a bit more mature about them."

  "Is there anything 'mature' about loving Pixar movies?" I asked, laughing.

  "Probably not, but I don't really care."

  Smiling, I excused myself to get ready. Leo said he, too, had to shower, but before he walked out, he stopped in front of me and kissed me full on the mouth. The kiss was hungry but soft, his tongue exploring, demanding, promising.

  He stopped himself with a groan. "This isn't the time, I guess. Later? I'm ready. Are you?"

  I nodded vigorously, and he laughed, so I tilted my face and brushed my lips over his once more. And when I got back to my apartment, I closed the door and grinned with happiness.

  I had originally planned on wearing regular clothes because, after all, it was just my family and Catalina coming over. But I wanted to put in a little more effort now, so I donned one of my more form-fitting maxi dresses—the one that matched my eyes—and tamed my curls with a flat iron.

  When I walked into the kitchen to pick up the first tray of appetizers, Leo was already there. His biceps tested the seams of his white, button-down oxford, which was paired with well-fitting khakis and interesting tan leather shoes.

  I was happy at how he reacted to me—with a downward sweep of his blue eyes so his long lashes almost skimmed his cheekbones. I always melted when he looked at me like that, all languid and sexy, as if all he wanted to do was slowly peel off my clothes. Like he would be doing in a few short hours.

  "Damn, you're gorgeous," he said. "Just when I think I've seen you at your most beautiful, you go and surprise me and look even hotter."

  I beamed. Leo had a way of complimenting me that didn't seem fake or contrived. No, the way he treated me seemed genuine, and with each shared moment, I became less skeptical of the possibility of a future.

  "Thank you," I said, curtseying. "Oh, um, we're eating upstairs on the rooftop tonight."

  We busied ourselves with carting the appetizers and drinks into the hotel's small elevator up to the rooftop, which I'd decorated with tropical plants. This had always been Mom's favorite spot in the whole building, and I knew she would have loved how i
t looked now, like a lush oasis in the sky, what with the view of the ocean and setting sun, and the little twinkling star lights I'd strung around some of the larger potted palms.

  "We have a couple more things to grab," Leo remarked as I straightened the punch bowl on a nearby table. "I'll handle it."

  I looked up. "No, I'll ride downstairs in the elevator with you. I think I need more club soda."

  We got into the small elevator, and Leo slid the grate shut and pressed the old-fashioned button. He was tall and broad, and the elevator was so tiny, I felt as though I had nowhere to stand but close to his body. When he glanced down, I detected a hunger, a look of pure lust, and that's when I surged toward him, stood on my toes and slid my hand to his neck, my thumb stroking his strong jawline. His lips parted into a small, expectant smile.

  "I think I just wanted to be alone with you," I whispered.

  We kissed, a fiery, passionate joining. There was no hesitancy this time, just pent-up want. It was too much, our need for each other, and we'd denied it too long.

  Leo's big hands slid down my back and cupped my ass, drawing me forcefully into his hips. I gasped a little when I felt his hardness pressing into my body, then rested my other hand on his chest as our tongues mingled. I shuddered, desiring him right here and now. No one, not even the Leo of five years ago, had ever built a heat in me like this.

  "I want you. Tonight. I can't hold off anymore, Jess."

  His words made me hot and desperate. I wanted to drown in his voice, wanted to beg him to whisper the details of every wicked thing he'd like to do.

  "What do you want?" I murmured.

  With a groan, his hand cupped my jaw, and he spoke soft against my cheek while the other slid slowly to my breast. "I want this," he whispered, caressing me. "I want you."

  I pressed my mouth against his, unable to listen more. Hell, he could have me right there if he wanted.

  We hadn't noticed the elevator had stopped, we were so consumed with tasting each other's tongues, but we broke away abruptly when the door slid open to slowly reveal Nicole and Grace.

  "Oh!" I said, flustered. I stepped away from Leo, but Nicole still might have seen us kissing. It was obvious enough what we were doing, since Leo's hands had been roaming over my butt. I awkwardly pulled at the fabric of my clothes, and Leo cleared his throat.

  "Hey," he said.

  Nicole arched an eyebrow. We'd been caught.

  We stepped out of the elevator. Nicole and Grace stepped in.

  I glanced at my sister. "Oh…uh, hi. Where's Daniel?"

  "I told you about five times earlier. He has Florida Department of Law Enforcement training in Tallahassee."

  "Guess we'll have leftovers," I muttered.

  "Mommy, they were kissing," Grace whispered.

  Nicole just smirked as the door closed.

  By the heat in my cheeks, I knew my face was bright red. "I guess our secret's out."

  "Is that a bad thing?"

  "No. Not at all." Then I beamed, because I didn't care who knew about us. As long as he didn't, I didn't. We were both adults this time.

  In the kitchen, we tried to gather the rest of the food, but paused twice to kiss. Two more blazing exchanges.

  "We have to stop," I said weakly. "I hear the elevator. It's probably Catalina, and we've got to serve dinner."

  He stole another kiss from my lips. "This is the only dinner I want. And then dessert."

  Chapter 32



  “So, have you told him?"

  I sipped my mojito and watched Leo chatting with my sister across the rooftop terrace. "Told him what?"

  "About your vagina?”

  I rolled my eyes. Catalina could be so crass. "No. God. Shhh," I hissed.

  "Are you going to tell him?"

  "No! That's not the kind of thing a guy wants to hear, Cat. Jesus." Was it? "And it hasn't come up."

  "So, you guys haven't done it?"

  "No. But..." my voice trailed off, and I couldn't help thinking about how he’d touched me in the water and how we practically inhaled each other's mouths downstairs in the kitchen. And then he'd talked about dessert, but not the kind you eat. Well, not exactly. I just hoped I could deliver when the time came and not crumble like a dry cake.

  "But what?"

  "Nothing," I said quickly, deciding not to tell my friend the details of her near-orgasm in the Gulf of Mexico. Still, I grinned at the memory. "We've been getting to know each other. Going out on dates and stuff. Talking. Taking it slow."

  "Slow? Did he explain why he disappeared on you five years ago?"

  I shrugged. "Yeah, he said it was because he enlisted with the Marines. He was worried he'd break my heart if he died in war, didn't want things to get worse after the whole pregnancy crisis." I paused. "That's kind of vague, I guess."

  Catalina shrugged. "I dunno. Could be legit. That's how guys think. They want to protect us women in weird-ass ways. They're not always as logical as we are."

  I laughed. "You're probably right."

  "Do you feel comfortable with him? Do you trust him?"

  I nodded slowly. "Maybe it's a mistake, but I've forgiven him for what happened before. I think he's worth it. And he's a good guy. I know he is."

  Catalina sighed. "You are so fucking lucky. I hope you know that."

  For the first time in forever, I had to agree.

  Chapter 33

  A Whole Life


  “Leo, c'mere. I wanted to talk to you a minute."

  Jessica's sister gestured with her head, indicating I should join her near the rooftop terrace railing overlooking the beach. She leaned with her back to the view, and I stood next to her, gazing at Jess and Catalina, who sat next to each other on the other side of the terrace.

  Jess looked so happy and relaxed in her lounge chair, talking to her friend.

  "Drink?" I asked, holding up a pitcher of mojitos. My heart hammered a little, thinking of how Nicole's husband was a cop. They'd all eventually know about me. Hell, her husband might even be asked to arrest me at some point.

  Nicole nodded, and I filled their glasses. I set the pitcher down on a nearby table. "What's up?" I asked evenly.

  "I'm not sure if you know this, but I'm aware of everything that went on back when you and your dad were here years ago."

  I cocked an eyebrow. "Everything?"

  "Yeah. Everything. How it all went down. That you and Jessica had a connection, that you promised to return, and how when my mom found out Jessica thought she was pregnant, she lost her shit. Then, because my mom was so upset about your dad being...well, less than honorable, she forbade you from ever coming down here. That you knew everything that was going on but never told Jessica."

  I swallowed. Yep. That was everything.

  "So, my question for you is, does Jessica know?"

  I shook my head. "I don't think so. I haven't talked about it with her."

  Nicole stared. God, her eyes were intense. Pretty, but not as pretty as Jessica's. "What do you think she'll say if she finds out that you knew about our parents' relationship back then?"

  I pushed out a breath. "What's the difference? Regardless, I made a huge mistake by going along with them. By doing what my father wanted me to do, which was go into the Marines. I was eighteen, and I should have followed my heart. I should have fought for Jessica. That's what she should be mad about."

  Nicole sighed and shook her head. "I don't think Mom would have gotten so pissed that you and Jessica were together had your dad...not been your dad—someone she'd been in love with who broke her heart more than one time. And then you guys were kids. Having sex and almost getting pregnant...?"

  I grimaced. "I know. I'm not saying we were smart about what we did, but I did love her and didn't want to hurt her. That's why I didn't call. I didn't want to be the one to tell Jessica I couldn't see her. I didn't want the confrontation, didn't want to...well, I just didn't have the balls to be a man. Espe
cially not since I loved her and thought what our parents decided was wrong."

  "To throw our mom and your dad's own issues on you..." Nicole smiled sadly, "in hindsight, it all seems stupid, doesn't it?"

  It sure did.

  Nicole chewed on the inside of her lip. "Here's the thing. Jessica's been the baby of our family her entire life. Our mom coddled her, which has benefitted her in some ways, but not in others. Jessica's always felt like everyone has left her out of major decisions and kept her in the dark about all important information, and I don't want her to feel that way about you. I'm worried she's going to be super angry once she finds out everyone but her knew about this."

  I inhaled long and sighed. I hadn't considered that. There were enough other reasons for her to be mad.

  Nicole lowered her voice. "If she asks, well...maybe it's best not to bring this up. I'm not saying you should lie, but maybe you should hide the truth. I can only imagine how this news would piss her off. She was so upset with my mother for not allowing her to contact you or visit you, and then she was heartbroken and thought there was something wrong with her because you didn't try to contact her secretly. She thought she'd done something wrong."

  That was exactly what I didn't want to hear.

  "I'm not going to lie to her if she asks, Nicole. Maybe at some point I'll even volunteer the information. Enough time has passed. Surely she'll understand. We're adults now."

  Nicole's lips twisted into a dubious smirk, and she sent a hard and reflective look toward the ocean. "You don't know my sister. She holds a grudge. She takes things hard. When she was a ten-year-old, she didn't talk to me for a month because I wouldn't let her play dolls in my room. I mean, she was devastated about that idiot Jacob for months, at least until our mom died. And, trust me, anyone could see Jacob was a douchebag. I tried to tell her." She snorted. "Could spot him as a loser a mile away."


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