Lords of Ireland II

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Lords of Ireland II Page 20

by Le Veque, Kathryn

  “You are forgiven,” she wept softly. “I know it was war that drove you to do what you did. That barbarian is not the Devlin I have come to know.”

  He pulled his mouth away from her, nearly ripping himself free, and his dark blue eyes bore into her as if to reach in and clamp onto her very soul.

  “I love you,” he whispered, his mouth quivering with emotion. “I think I have known it from the start but I did not want to admit it. I did not want to admit that I could love you, a Fitzgerald, but when I look at you I do not see Irish or English. I only see joy and comfort as I have never known.”

  Emllyn’s eyes were wide with shock at his admission and, after a moment, the tears of joy fell faster. She put her hands on his face, touching the red stubble, before kissing both cheeks in a manner so tender that Devlin audibly gasped. Each kiss was like an arrow through his heart, drawing him to her even more closely until all he could think or feel was Emllyn. She kissed his nose, and finally his soft lips. They were kisses of pure and unadulterated worship.

  “I did not want to admit I could love a man such as you, either,” she whispered, her eyes glimmering with happy tears. “You were right when you said that I belonged to you, Devlin. I have always belonged to you. I love your strength, your humor, and your sense of justice. You are noble and wise. I know that you are a hated rebel, a warrior to be feared, but I do not see those things in you any longer. I only see the man that you are and I love him so very much.”

  Devlin’s emotion was written all over his face. It was greater than he had hoped for and more than he could bear. He stumbled over his words. “My God,” he breathed. “But… but what of Trevor? You followed the man into battle because you loved him and….”

  Emllyn put her fingers over his lips to stop him. “I was a fool,” she murmured. “I know he does not love me and in hindsight, I did not love him, really. Mayhap it was my pride that made me follow him, the desperation of a woman who was terrified she would be an old spinster if she did not coerce a man into marrying her.”

  “You will not be an old spinster.”

  “I realize that now,” she said softly. “Oh… my sweetest darling, I realize that now.”

  Devlin emitted a noise that sounded strangely like a giggle. Coming from a man of his nature, a serious and intense warrior, it was an odd sound. But Emllyn giggled, too, and soon they were giggling together between heated and joyful kisses. Devlin carried her over to the big bed, ended up tripping on a pillow on the floor, and fell down upon the mattress with Emllyn in his arms.

  Their kisses were passionate, fueled by emotion and fed by dreams, and Devlin knew that he very much wanted to take her. He wanted to feel her body against his, feel her respond to his touch as he had once dreamed of, but he didn’t want to make a move against her because she was no longer an object of lust or revenge. She was the woman he loved and a lady to be respected. He was about to tell her so when she suddenly began unfastening her robe.

  “Give me your son, Devlin,” she murmured as she pulled off the beautiful brocade robe and began untying the neckline of her shift. “Tell me how much you love me and give me your son. I would be filled by you and only you. Touch me as you did before only this time, I will touch you in return.”

  He wanted to so badly but he hesitated. “Are you sure?” he whispered, concerned. “The times I have done this to you… I do not want you to think I am that barbarian, Emllyn. I only want to show you the greatest esteem.”

  She smiled, running a finger over his wet, red lips. “I no longer think of you as that barbarian,” she murmured. “I want you to touch me, Devlin. Show me the man I have come to love.”

  Of course he couldn’t refuse. Her heated words had his resistance shattering and he yanked the shift over her head, his hungry gaze on her shapely body and his nostrils filled with the rose scent of her skin. Quickly, he removed his raggedy tunic and hose, tossing them aside, his big and naked body swiftly covering her softness. He lay atop of her, rubbing himself against her, as a big arm cradled her neck while he kissed her.

  His hand, so big and rough, fondled her breasts gently before his mouth moved from her lips to claim a rosy nipple. Emllyn groaned, her hands on his stubbled head, as he nursed furiously at one breast and then the other. His fingers moved to her thighs, stroking them, before moving to the junction between her legs. Like a flower unfurling its petals, he stroked her gently, feeling her quiver, opening her to his attentions, and then inserted two big fingers into her already-wet body.

  Emllyn groaned and brought her knees up, her legs opening wide in preparation for welcoming him inside her. Devlin didn’t wait; he mounted her swiftly, driving his massive erection deep into her body and listening to her gasp. Her hands caressed his arms, his shoulders, until he took one and put it on his buttocks. She was timid at first but as he thrust into her, she gained in confidence and tenderly caressed his buttocks as well. In fact, she got a good grip on him and pulled her to him as he thrust, as if urging him onward.

  Her hands on his buttocks were driving him mad with lust. He bit gently on her upper arm and shoulder, suckling her nipples as he drove into her sweet and yielding body, being very careful of her bandaged left leg as he moved. Emllyn seemed to be very interested in touching him everywhere, even his heated phallus as it plunged into her body, but the moment she touched him there, he erupted in a powerful climax.

  Feeling his manhood twitching and pulsing inside of her caused Emllyn to explode in a euphoric release. She began to gasp loudly and Devlin covered her mouth with his, kissing her passionately to drown out her cries of passion. After all, he had promised Lady Elyse he wouldn’t molest Emllyn. He didn’t want the woman to hear evidence that he’d broken his promise.

  “I love you,” he whispered against her lips. “With all that I am, I am yours, Lady Emllyn Fitzgerald. Never forget that.”

  Emllyn snaked her arms around his neck, feeling him as he continued to thrust into her, gently now after their passion had peaked. His massive member was still hard, still stroking her sensitive core, and she trembled again as a weaker climax rolled over her. It was an overwhelming sensation, so raw and delightful. As the ripples died away, she kissed his mouth tenderly.

  “Everything I am belongs to you,” she murmured. “I will love you until I die.”

  Exhausted, emotional, Devlin lay on top of her, struggling to catch his breath and feeling her body heave breathlessly underneath him. It was an experience liked he’d never imagined, something beyond the lust or need he’d experienced in the past. Nay; this was something far different.

  This was joy.

  Devlin kissed her hair, the side of her face, eventually shifting himself off of her and holding her tightly. There was a warm and gentle silence between them as they held each other close, lost to their own thoughts. Devlin thought she might have actually fallen asleep because she was so still and silent. However, the moment he closed his eyes, she stirred.

  “Why is de Noble sending you away?” she whispered. “Where are you going to go?”

  Devlin’s eyes opened and took on a distant look. “I told him that I was a farmer who sold my wares at Black Castle,” he murmured. “We discussed a great many things, including you. He was clear in his opinion that I am no longer responsible for you now that you are under his roof, but I resisted him. I asked to see you and to inquire on your health. De Noble is a clever man, however. He knows how to get what he wants. Since I am able to move in and out of Black Castle freely, as a farmer selling wares, he intends to use that to his advantage. He told me that if I return to Black Castle to gather information on Black Sword, then he would let me see you again and even speak with you. Somehow, I have agreed to spy on myself.”

  Emllyn didn’t react for a moment. Finally, she shifted enough so that she was gazing up at him, her face very close to his. He smoothed her lovely mussed hairstyle with a big hand as he gazed back.

  “You agreed to do this because of me?” she asked, incredulously.
br />   “You have a great deal to do with it,” he said softly, smiling at her to let her know that he wasn’t upset by it. “I am afraid de Noble intends to separate us and this I will not tolerate. In order to remain in his good graces, while you remain here and hopefully are able to discern elements of his plan against me, I have agreed to supply him with information from Black Castle.”

  She was still amazed. “So you are returning to Black Castle to spy for the English?” she clarified, an expression of increasing disbelief on her face. “I still do not understand why has he ask you to do that. Does he fear an attack from you now that my brother’s fleet has been destroyed?”

  Devlin nodded. “He has heard rumor that Black Sword has called the clanns together to launch an attack against Glenteige Castle.”

  “And you have heard that the English are banding together to attack Black Castle.”

  “Odd how rumors twist and turn until they become one and the same.”

  Her mouth popped open in surprise. “What will you do?” she asked. “Are you indeed gathering the clanns to launch an attack on Glenteige?”

  He shrugged vaguely. “There is always that possibility, but I have no immediate plans. My priority is banishing Kildare from Wicklow completely. After that, I will think about de Cleveley lands.”

  “What will you tell him, then?”

  Devlin sighed faintly, reaching up to toy with a stray tendril of hair around her ear. “I am not certain yet,” he murmured. “But one thing is for sure; de Noble believes me to be a farmer and he believes that I will return to Black Castle and gather information for him. That is all you must know and all you must ever speak of. If they find out who I am, it could reflect very badly on you because you have known my identity all along. They will think you a traitor.”

  Emllyn gazed at him a moment before averting her gaze, thoughtfully. “I am,” she murmured. “If I had to make the choice between you and Glenteige, my brother’s ally, I would choose you. I am indeed a traitor to my own people.”

  He kissed her forehead tenderly, not knowing what to say to that, mostly because she was correct. Lacking a comforting response, he changed the subject.

  “I am not certain how long I will be gone, but it will not be too long,” he said softly. “I cannot stomach the thought of being away from you, not even for an hour. My one and only thought will be of returning to you.”

  Emllyn smiled faintly, reaching up soft, white fingers and running them over his perfect lips. “And my thoughts will only be of you,” she whispered. “But there is something else you should know; Elyse said that her father met you once when you were young. It must have been some time ago if he did not recognized you immediately. Still, you must be cautious. It may suddenly occur to him one day where he has seen you.”

  Devlin cocked a thoughtful eyebrow. “Now it makes some sense as to why the man stares at me so intently,” he said. “He recognizes me but does not know from where. I will have to be very careful, indeed.”

  It was a fearful thought. Emllyn fell silent, snuggling up to Devlin and burying her face against his shoulder. His skin was so white, so warm, and immensely comforting. She would relish this memory of her body against his, his heart beating in rhythm with hers, for the rest of her life.

  It was a tender and wonderful moment, one that she never wished to end. Her hands moved up his arms, to his broad shoulders, acquainting herself with the feel of him against her palms. She never knew she was capable of emotions such as this, emotions that had been developing quite steadily over the past two days. When they erupted, it was with the unbridled restraint of an exploding star and now the only thought that occupied her mind was Devlin. Her captor had managed to capture not only her body, but her heart as well, and she did not regret it.

  Devlin could feel her hands moving over his skin, touching him, and it was wildly arousing. He put a finger under her chin, tipping her head up and kissing her sweetly until a knock on the door startled them both. Devlin was already out of the bed, gathering his ratty hose and tunic, heading for the mattress that was near the door. Emllyn grabbed her shift from where Devlin had tossed it, pulling it swiftly over her head.

  “Who comes?” she asked, hoping she didn’t sound as breathless as she felt.

  “Merradoc,” came the boom. “Open the door before I am set upon by cutthroats out in this corridor. It is dark and terrifying out here!”

  Shift over her head, Emllyn pulled on the lovely brocade robe as she made her way to the door. “A moment, please,” she said, swiftly fastening the robe.

  A glance at Devlin showed that he was fully dressed as he sat upon the mattress. He winked at her and she grinned. Taking a deep, steadying breath, she opened the door.

  Merradoc barged in without a word, practically shoving her aside. When he was about halfway into the room, he sniffed the air suspiciously.

  “It smells as if animals have been mating in here,” he said. “What have you…?”

  He turned and caught sight of Devlin sitting on the mattress near the door. Gazing down at the big, bald man with the enormous arms, he wriggled his eyebrows. “That explains quite a bit,” he muttered, turning away from Devlin and moving for the table. Setting his satchel down, he began to rifle through it. “I do not suppose you would take my advice if I told you to refrain from, shall we say, physical activities until you are completely well?”

  Emllyn couldn’t help it; she flushed a dull shade of red. She didn’t dare look at Devlin. “I do not know what you mean,” she said primly. “John is my watchdog and nothing more. He protects me from snippy old men who come banging at my door at all hours.”

  Merradoc sniffled loudly, wiping at his nose to hide his grin. “Mayhap,” he conceded, “but do not let de Noble find him here.”

  Emllyn didn’t have a witty response for him. She ended up looking over at Devlin, who by now had stood up and was hovering in the shadows. Their eyes met, expressions of apprehension passing between them, before Emllyn returned her attention to the old physic.

  “It is none of de Noble’s business what I do,” she said. “I am not under his command.”

  Merradoc was pouring a measure of the rotten tea into a cup. He handed it to her. “Drink this,” he ordered. As Emllyn made a face and downed the entire thing in one swallow, he took the cup away from her and set it aside. “Nay, it is not the man’s business, but he is no fool. He is a man of decorum and propriety. If he discovers what you and your lover have been doing, he will more than likely have something to say about it.”

  Emllyn had her hand to her throat, her face twisted with disgust as the remains of the rotten tea slid down her gullet.

  “You are not to worry over that,” she said, raspy from the terrible medicine. “And you will not say anything to him, do you hear?”

  Merradoc snorted. “I see nothing and I hear nothing,” he said. “I am a physic, not a gossipmonger. Oh, and beware of Connaught, too. He is the suspicious type.”

  Emllyn licked her lips, still overcoming the taste of the medicine. “Of me?”

  Merradoc shook his head, pointing at Devlin. “Of him,” he replied. “I may not be a gossip, but I hear things. I’m not particularly fond of Connaught because the man it too self-righteous. He is also arrogant, thinking that he is with surety to be pledged to the Lady Elyse. Mayhap he will, mayhap he won’t; in any case, he believes he will be the commander of Glenteige someday. If that is the case, God help us. He does not have the patience and cunning that de Noble does.”

  Devlin didn’t say a word but he was listening carefully; he often found the best intelligence came from outside observers. He was curious to know in what direction Emllyn would take the conversation.

  “It matters not to me,” she finally said, turning for the table where a pitcher of wine and two cups sat. She poured herself some wine to get rid of the rotten taste. “I will be leaving soon and returning home. I am not concerned for the politics at Glenteige.”

  Merradoc watched her drink
. “I heard de Noble say that you would be a fine companion for his daughter,” he said quietly. “This is not gossip, mind you, for I heard him say this to the Lady Elyse. His daughter is lonely here and she has taken a liking to you. I believe that de Noble will write to your brother and ask that you remain here.”

  Emllyn looked at the man. She wasn’t particularly surprised to hear that but she didn’t protest it. She was coming to think that perhaps Merradoc wasn’t as tight-lipped as he said he was, which concerned her. What she said might make it to other ears. Therefore, she didn’t react one way or the other.

  “Lady Elyse is a very sweet woman,” she said neutrally, sipping at her wine. “I like her a great deal.”

  Merradoc’s gaze lingered on her a moment before returning his focus to his satchel. He began packing items away. “I will return in the morning,” he said. “In the meanwhile, stay off of that leg and limit your nocturnal activities. You need your rest.”

  He was looking at Devlin as he said it. But Devlin didn’t react and the old man collected his bag, pushing past the two of them on his way to the door. Hand on the big iron latch, he paused before leaving.

  “I would not sleep in the same bed if I were you,” he said quietly, looking between the two of them. “Lady Elyse is an early riser and unless you want her to find you together, I would suggest you sleep in separate beds.”

  Emllyn gave one last stab at maintaining a proper illusion between her and Devlin. “We most certainly will not sleep in the same bed,” she said firmly. “You are a nosy old man with unclean thoughts.”

  Merradoc’s lips tugged with the beginnings of a smile. “And you, lady, smell like a man has been all over you.”

  Emllyn’s eyes narrowed. “How would you know what such a thing smells like? I would wager it has been centuries since you last saw companionship.”

  Merradoc snorted as he opened the door. “Mayhap, Lady Emllyn,” he said, shaking a finger at her. “Mayhap indeed. But you must be careful nonetheless.”


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