Lords of Ireland II

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Lords of Ireland II Page 58

by Le Veque, Kathryn

  Charlie looked to Patrick, so handsome next to her in his Sunday finery. His dark eyes met hers and she forced a smile. Tomorrow was soon enough to talk about disagreeable things. Today was their wedding day and she’d enjoy it.

  When they arrived at the house, Patrick helped her down from the buggy seat and handed her the basket. “I’ll see about the horse, it won’t take me long,” he told her, his darkened eyes roaming over her face. “Are you all right? You’re a bit quiet.”

  She nodded. “Just nerves. You know…about our first night together.” It wasn’t true, she very much anticipated their wedding night. But it would not do to think or talk about Winfrow today.

  Once she placed the casserole in the larder, she made her way to her spacious bedroom and undressed, taking her new dress off with care and hanging it up on a hook beside her wardrobe. She then slipped out of the rest of her clothing and donned a light nightshift. Once that was completed, she brushed out her hair and climbed into the bed, pulling her blanket up past her chest. She fidgeted waiting to hear Patrick enter.

  Moments later the sound of his footsteps made her heart beat faster and she watched the doorway until he appeared.

  He filled the doorframe almost completely, his gaze immediately on her and he smiled. His lips curving he scanned the room. He removed his coat, vest, and necktie, then began to unbutton his shirt.

  Charlie turned to the lantern considering if he’d want the light off. Daniel and she always made love in the dark, but it seemed odd with Patrick. She wanted to see him. All of him. “Should I put out the light?”

  “If you wish. I’d prefer you didn’t.” He pulled his shirt off and her eyes widened at the sight of a broad, well-formed chest with just a light feathering of dark hair. She swallowed past the sudden dryness in her throat.

  When he began to unfasten his belt, she looked away, not bold enough to see him fully bereft of clothing.

  The bed dipped and she held her breath until Patrick pulled her against him his mouth instantly on hers. Soft and wielding, he took his time, not pushing her to anything right away and Charlie was thankful for it, as she began to tremble. Whether it was want or not, she could not figure out what caused it.

  “Relax, Charlie. Open your eyes,” Patrick’s voice soothed her to the core and she did as he asked. He lay beside her, his face shadowed as the lantern was behind him. He took her hands and placed them on his chest. “Touch me.”

  Muscles flexed as she slid her palms over the hard planes in circular motions and then moving her hands up to his shoulders and back down again. It was wonderful to watch his chest expand under each breath. When she looked into his face, he watched her with fascination. “I never imagined finding a wife as beautiful as you.” He slid closer and ran his hands down her arms, once again his mouth seeking hers.

  The kiss lingered, his tongue sliding past her parted lips, his hands moving over her body bringing with each caress a deep need for more of him.

  When he pulled her nightshift up, she could feel his warm skin against hers. Patrick was bare as the day he was born and soon she would be too. There was a slight hesitation until she lifted so he could remove it all the way off. Then he kissed her jawline, his lips trailed kisses from her face to her neck and he cupped her breasts with both hands. The combination of his touch and heavy breathing made her bolder. Charlie raked her fingers through his hair encouraging him until he took her breast tip into his mouth.

  At once a trail of heat traveled through her and desperation to join with him took over. “Oh!” Charlie gasped when he moved to the other breast.

  His right hand moved between her legs and ever so gently he slid a finger into her. He lifted his face and met her gaze, his eyes almost black with passion. “I don’t want to hurt you, Charlie. I’ll be gentle. But I can’t wait any longer.”

  A nod was all she could manage as all her attention remained at what he did with his hand. When he rolled over her, she let out a sigh at the wonderful feel of his weight. She held her breath expecting the usual uncomfortable sensation of intrusion, but unlike anytime with Daniel, she could barely wait for it.

  Patrick took her mouth, his hands at once all over her body, coaxing, kneading, drawing out every sensation until she pulled at his hips needing him inside her.

  Just as when touching her intimately, he pushed into her and it was glorious. Charlie let out a sigh of relief. Wonderful sensations pulsating as he began to move.

  This was passion in its rawest form, the wonderful union between two people made perfectly for one another. Charlie could understand now what the poems were about as she flew higher and higher.

  As her body responded to each caress with a heightened sense, she felt like a vessel through which beautiful music played. When she fell from the precipice, it was like no other experience. Her body exploded into fragments. In the midst of it, she heard Patrick’s hoarse cry and knew he fell too.

  Charlie snuggled against Patrick, her head on his chest. Both sated for the moment. He pressed a kiss to her brow. “We should get some sleep.”

  “Mmm hmmm,” she replied her eyes already refusing to open. “We should.”

  They’d made love again and once again she marveled at how wonderful it could be between a man and a woman. Why had she never known? Of course it was not a subject easy to speak of, yet she wondered how many had this. What she’d discovered with Patrick? Certainly she’d not ever soared like this with Daniel. He’d rarely even took her nightshift completely off. They’d fumbled in the dark, him entering her without preamble. And yes, after a few uncomfortable moments, it had been somewhat enjoyable, but never had she splintered again and again. Never had she reached such heights.

  When Patrick’s soft snore sounded, she allowed slumber to pull her in.

  A nudging woke her and she opened her eyes to find Patrick nuzzling her neck. His lips on her skin instantly sent her body to life and she stretched her arms before moving closer to press against him.

  They made love, slow and tenderly, each still discovering the other’s body. His larger one a combination of smooth skin over tight corded muscles. It astounded her to find pleasure so soon after the night before, but before long she urged him to move faster and deeper within her until once again she reached the wonderful peak from which to let go.

  Patrick rolled to his back and pulled her against him. “Are you hungry?”

  She nodded and considered the options in the kitchen. “We can eat the bread and fruit from the basket. It’s late morning by all the light in the room.”

  “I’ll go see about food and some coffee. Take your time and do what you wish. Don’t overdress.” He gave her a playful wink and butterflies fluttered in her belly. “Once we eat and such, we’ll come back here.”

  When he left, Charlie went to the mirror. Her cheeks were flushed, her eyes bright. She gasped at her hair, it was a mess. Once she brushed the tangles out, Charlie donned another nightgown and slipped downstairs to find Patrick.

  He’d already poured two cups of coffee and was cutting the bread when she walked into the kitchen. “Sit. I’ll serve.”

  It was a very nice sight she decided, her new handsome husband shirtless only wearing pants. His biceps bunched as he worked and a lock of hair fell over his brow. Patrick must have felt her eyes on him because he looked up at her and raised a brow.

  “I’m admiring you. You are a handsome man, Patrick,” Charlie told him leaning her chin on her palm.

  He stopped what he did and gave her a playful look. “Did you marry me because you could not resist my good looks?”

  “It helped,” she replied honestly. “I was afraid, we’d end up in my bed eventually. With or without a marriage certificate.”

  They ate and chatted. Mostly small talk. Charlie wanted to ask him how he wanted to handle the running of the ranch, but couldn’t find a way to bring it up without seeming she was suspicious of his motives. It was interesting that the thought he married her for her land never crossed her mi
nd. She trusted him. Something deep in her believed him to be a good and honorable man.

  “I don’t want my name on the title to this land,” Patrick told her and swallowed from his coffee cup. “No need for any of that. Any financial issues, we’ll discuss and come to an understanding together. Do you agree with that?”

  Relief at him broaching the subject made her nod with enthusiasm. “I’d like that, yes. But as my husband you should have your name on the land as well. If something happens to either of us…”

  “Let’s give it some time. No need to rush into that.”

  Charlie let out a breath. “All right. Thank you for that. Although I know eventually, you will handle everything, I appreciate you not pushing us to hurry into making changes.”

  “This land belonged to your husband, so it’s rightfully yours. I can’t presume to swoop in and own everything. I’m considering if I should give you some money and treat the ranch more like a partnership.”

  Charlie got up from her seat and rounded the table then threw her arms around his neck and kissed him. “Thank you, Patrick. I appreciate it.”

  He laughed and hugged her tightly. “I’ll keep talking about business if I get a kiss in return.”

  Happiness filled her as she hugged him and kissed him until both breathed hard. “Should we go back to bed?” Charlie slid from his lap and took Patrick’s hand.

  He stood, picked her up and dashed towards the bedroom while she giggled in happiness.

  The house was silent when Charlie slipped from the bed early the next morning. She padded from the bedroom to the kitchen and found it empty. From the front room, she could see the stables. Patrick was not in sight. An uneasy feeling rolled over her and she grabbed her robe and dashed out.

  The stables and bunkhouse were both uninhabited. Patrick’s horse remained in one of the corrals. She rushed back to the front of the house and looked toward the road.

  On the floorboard wet droplets caught her attention. She bent and ran her fingers over the liquid. When she turned her hand, they were stained red.


  “Oh God!”

  Her new husband was gone.

  Chapter Twelve

  “It has to be Winfrow who took him. There is no other explanation why Patrick is gone sudden like,” Joe repeated while pacing the front room.

  Sherriff Dane McKade walked in with a deputy. He looked to Charlie who sat dazed in a chair beside the fireplace and then to both Joe and Jerrick who stopped walking in circles.

  “I spoke to Winfrow. He denies seeing Patrick Callahan. Supposedly hasn’t left his ranch in days. I’m sorry, Charlie.” His kind eyes met hers and she nodded numbly.

  Of course, Winfrow would not admit to it. And he probably told the truth about not leaving his ranch. Had his men do the dirty work.

  “I warned him if Callahan turns up dead, he’ll be the first one I’ll be looking at,” the sheriff continued and flushed at her gasp. “Sorry to be so blunt. Everyone knows how much he’s tried to court you. Seems too convenient your new husband would suddenly disappear.”

  Another men came in the door and touched his hat at meeting her gaze. “Sheriff I found some tracks headed northeast. I say we follow and see where it leads.”

  “I’ll go with you,” Jerrick grabbed his hat from the kitchen table. He looked to Charlie. “I’ll find him. He’ll come back to you, Charlie.”

  The men left after assuring her they’d not return without Patrick. She followed them to the door and watched as they rode off, only Joe remaining with her. If only she could believe Jerrick. There was no guarantee they could find Patrick, even less that they’d find him alive.

  She went toward her bedroom ignoring Joe’s watchful gaze. “I’m going to pray.”

  When she sunk to her knees beside her bed it was hard to hold back the tears. “God, where is he? Please protect him.” The tightness in her chest barely allowed her to breathe as she cried. “Not again please, Lord. I don’t want to be a widow again. Don’t take him from me so soon.” She clutched a handkerchief against her chest and sobbed, each one tearing from the depth of her soul. “I love him. God, I love him.”

  The daylight dimmed yet she remained there beside the bed on her knees. Joe came to the door once to ask if she wanted something to eat, but she refused. Instead she kept vigil looking through the window while continually praying for Patrick’s safe return.

  Charlie wasn’t surprised when Winfrow appeared just as the sun set. The man had the gall to look at her with concern as she emerged from the house with Joe beside her. “What do you want?”

  “I came to see about you. Heard what happened. Offering my help.” He motioned to the four men with him.

  Her eyes narrowed, she watched as he dismounted and neared. “The sheriff and Jerrick are already looking.”

  “You need to get back on that horse and go on home, Winfrow. You ain’t foolin’ no one,” Joe said and spit on the ground. “We know darn well you have somethin’ to do with that boy disappearin’.”

  “I’m here to talk to Charlotte, you old fool,” Winfrow snapped then turned to Charlie. “Why’d you marry him? To spite me?”

  “It may come as a surprise to you, Jessup, but I do things without you in mind.” Charlie let out a breath. “Please, leave. This is not the time to come chide me. Unless you tell me where Patrick is, there is nothing for us to talk about.”

  Winfrow threw his head back and laughed. “Did it occur to you that I hired him? He’s gone cause I told him to get?”

  “I don’t believe you,” Charlie said, angry that her stomach tightened at his words.

  His shoulders lifted and fell in a careless shrug. “Believe what you will.”

  The slap she delivered stung her palm. It shocked her to have struck him, but Charlie was not sorry she did it. “Where is my husband? Return him to me or I’ll ensure you pay for every deed you’ve committed.” She screamed now, no longer able to keep her emotions under control. “I’m tired of this. Your constant threats. I hate you, Jessup Winfrow, I hate you!”

  Winfrow leaned closer and spoke so only she could hear. “Move in with me and I’ll let him live. Say no and tonight is his last night alive. You’ll never find him either way so trying to get the sheriff to help you won’t matter.”

  Charlie stepped backward, until she felt Joe’s hand on her upper arm. “You are evil, Jessup Winfrow. I’m not a fool. You’ll kill him no matter what my reply is.” Her voice shook with a mixture of rage and sorrow. Deep in her heart, she felt Patrick was still alive, but fear began to rear its head. An icy chill traveled down her back as she maintained Winfrow’s gaze.

  “I’m giving you the choice, Charlotte. What is your reply?” There was coldness in his eyes, like she’d never seen.

  Joe patted her arm. “He’s bluffin’. I don’t believe he’ll kill Patrick. He’ll be the main suspect.”

  “Not if the body ain’t found,” Winfrow replied never looking away from Charlie. “Make a choice.”

  Charlie turned to Joe and he let out a deep sigh. “Don’t do it, Charlie. He’s a lying snake. No matter if you go with him or not. He won’t keep his word.”

  There was a gleam of satisfaction when she rounded her shoulders and allowed her head to fall forward. If there was a chance Patrick was alive, she had to try to help him. What if Winfrow kept his word and allowed him to live? She wasn’t sure she could live with his death on her hands. Of course, how would she know?

  “How will I know he’s alive and you’ll let him live? I’m not going to take your word for it.”

  His lips curved. “We’ll tell him together, you’ve decided to come live with me. Then you’ll watch him mount up and ride away.”

  “I need a guarantee…”

  “That’s all you get. There are no guarantees in life.”

  “Don’t do it, Charlie. At least wait until the sheriff comes back,” Joe told her once again taking her by the arm. “What if they found him?”

m waiting. Answer me. Once I get on my horse, I won’t turn around.” Winfrow glared at Joe. “You need to stay out of this. None of this is your concern.”

  Joe puffed out his chest. “I’m the only one she’s got. No one else to stand on her side now that you took her husband. Takin’ advantage of a woman, always badgering her. Don’t know how you can stand yourself.”

  Charlie was shocked at the vehemence in Joe’s voice. The older man’s defense of her made her eyes sting with tears.

  “Now,” Winfrow held out his hands, palms up. “Time to make your decision.”

  “I—I…” Charlie looked to Joe who shook his head. “I’ll go get a few things.” She swung around and rushed into the house.

  “What are you doing, Charlie?” Joe was on her heels. “That man is lying. He won’t keep his word.”

  She motioned for him to keep his voice down and looked over his shoulder. “He promised to take me to Patrick. I’m taking my sewing kit and drop buttons marking a trail for Jerrick and the sheriff to follow. It’s the only chance we may have to save Patrick.”

  “We can’t trust him.” Joe took her shoulders and turned her to face him. “Charlie. Patrick is probably dead already. Nothing you can do by leaving with Winfrow.”

  She crumpled onto the bed, and covered her face with her hands. “I don’t know what to do. I have to try, don’t you see?”

  “I do understand.” Joe was quiet. He walked to the window and peered out. “Wish that sheriff and them would come back.”

  “Stay here and tell them my plan. She hurried about the room, stuffing things into a carpetbag. Don’t let my sacrifice be for nothing.”

  His shoulders ached from being pulled back, his arms were bound at the wrists and above the elbows. It was impossible to do more than attempt to roll them. Patrick sat on a dirt floor in what looked to be a barn. When he’d come to, he found himself propped against a wall behind a barrel. Gagged and tied up, he could not move more than a few inches as his legs were bound too.


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