by Karen L. Cox
Tobacco farming, 9
Toelle, Frederika. See Dockery, Frederika Toelle
Tourism: in Europe, 9; at Glenwood, 84–85, 118–20, 124–29, 148–50, 149; in Natchez, 6–7, 117, 147–49, 169
Trains, to Natchez, 7, 12
Trial: of Burns (See Burns, Emily, trial of); of Dana, 156–57, 160; of Dockery, 156–60, 164; of Geiger, 157
Trinity Episcopal Church (Natchez), 38, 80, 170
True crime stories, popularity in Great Depression of, 4, 103–4
Truly, Everett, 155
Tucker, Clay: in Burns’s trial, 134–35, 137, 138; in Dana and Dockery’s trial, 157; on indictment of Dana and Dockery, 132, 147, 155, 156, 199n5; in murder investigation, 92, 101; in release of Dana and Dockery from jail, 86, 132
Tullos, Chester, 146, 201n47
Twenty-Five Village Sermons (Kingsley), 48
Two Years before the Mast (Dana), 35
Union army: black soldiers in, 11; in Natchez, 11, 18–20, 25; in Port Gibson, 37–38; in Vicksburg, 17–18
United Press International, 124
Vagrancy laws, 58–59
Vanderbilt University, 39, 111
Vardaman, James K., 162
Vicksburg, Miss.: in Civil War, 17–18, 37, 40, 42; Freedmen’s Bureau in, 60
Violence, mob, 97
Virginia, slave trade in, 10
Walden, Fanny, “My Prison Life,” 164
Washington, Booker T., 74
Washington, George, 36
Wealth: of Dockery family, 40; of Merrill family, 11, 17, 20, 66, 95, 171–72; in Natchez, during Civil War, 11; of Surget family, 17, 25
Wells, Homer G.: “The Crimson Crime at Glenburney Manor,” 14, 150–51; Master Detective, 150–51, 189n16
Wells, Zaida Marion: on black vs. white suspects, 81; on Burns’s sentence, 200n43; on Burns’s trial, 140, 142–43; on fingerprint evidence, 140; The Merrill Murder Mystery, 14, 191n16; on Merrill’s life, 105–6; on night of murder, 71, 105, 142–43
Whale display, 103
White, Hugh, 165, 166
White women: in aristocracy, expectations for, 17; vs. black women, as ladies, 99–100; at Parchman prison, 161–62; service clubs of, 23
Wilds Pond, 77, 87
Will, of Merrill, 95, 103, 107, 170
Williams, Lawrence (alias George Pearls and Pinkney Williams): aliases of, 58, 88, 93, 194n13; birth of, 53, 58, 188n1; Burns’s introduction to, 58; Burns’s relationship with, 5, 62; in Chicago, 5, 53, 60–61, 94, 194n19; childhood of, 58; clothes of, 68, 98, 135, 138, 139; criminal record of, 94; Dana and Dockery’s introduction to, 62, 63, 89, 172, 190n1; daughter of (Amelia), 61, 91, 94, 194n13; death of, 5, 87–88, 91, 93, 108; family of, 58, 61, 188n1; funeral for, 92; injury to hand of, 89–90; jobs held by, 61, 62, 172; move into Burns’s home, 5, 58, 61–62; photograph of, 59; physical appearance of, 58, 189n15; search for work with Minor and Merrill, 61, 62, 63, 82, 88, 89, 108; second wife of (Meadie), 61, 62, 91–92; trunk of, 59, 68, 89, 90–91, 189n16; use of nickname “Pink” for, 58, 189n14
Williams, Lawrence, in Merrill murder, 87–94; Burns’s confession on, 97–102, 135; at Burns’s trial, 135–39; Burns threatened by, 65, 90, 98, 190n5; at Dockery’s trial, 158; fingerprints of, 92, 94; flight after, 5, 68, 87–88, 98; grand jury on, 132–33; gun of, 66–67, 68, 88, 93, 100, 137; identification of, 92–94, 137; as murder suspect, 5; postmortem conviction of, 5, 133, 134; press coverage of, 104, 107–8; role of, 63–68; search for, 82, 86, 87–92; true bill against, 133
Williams, Meadie. See Pearls, Meadie
Winston, Louis, 89, 90, 136
Wisner, La., lynching in, 97
Women: double standard for, 99–100, 173, 195n32; at Parchman prison, 161–62, 163, 164. See also Black women; White women
Wright, Richard, 12–13
Yazoo and Mississippi Valley Railroad, 127
Young, Stark, So Red the Rose, 13
Zeeland, SS, 22
Zerkowsky, Charles, 56, 150, 169
Zerkowsky, Isaac, 156–57, 170, 171
Zerkowsky, Sam, 171
Zerkowsky, Seaman, 170, 171
Zerkowsky family, 169–71