Better Than Chance

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Better Than Chance Page 15

by Lane Hayes

  The wind picked up just as we neared our turning point. Peter issued instructions for me to dig in and lean in to the turn. I yelled an “Aye-aye, Captain” and did as he said. My paddle slipped in my hand as I was about to pull my arm up. I felt nothing but air and then a “thump” sound. I had no idea what I’d hit until I heard Peter swearing behind me.

  “Fuck! Jay, paddle down!”

  I turned in the kayak, alarmed at his tone and worried that I’d hurt him. My sudden movement caused the small craft to teeter. I panicked and tried to right the momentum while still conscious of Peter’s swift barrage of sharp-toned commands.

  “Steady, Jay! Just face forward. It’s okay.”

  It was too late. My maneuver to correct the sudden sway was overplayed, causing the whole boat to topple over onto its side. We were thrown into the ice-cold water of the Potomac like a couple of rag dolls. I sputtered as I reemerged and struggled to get my bearings. Peter popped up next to me. He appeared to be a strong swimmer, so once we each saw that the other was physically all right and able to tread water, we looked around for our kayak. It had gone renegade. I saw it drifting upside down about fifty feet or so from where we had gone overboard. Kelly and Kevin were chasing after it in their own craft.

  “You okay?” Peter shouted as he swam closer to me.

  “Yeah. Fine. I’m sorry. I didn’t….”

  “Not now. We’re fine. Let’s go get the boat. I remember you said you swim like a fish. Time to show me, babe.”

  “Don’t call me that,” I said weakly as he swam away. I thought I heard him chuckle but that seriously had to be my imagination. This was a disaster, and it was all my fault.

  Peter reached the kayak before me. His friends couldn’t do much to help without getting in the water too, so they struggled to keep their boat near us until we could right ourselves.

  “You take that end, and I’ll take the back. Ready?”

  I nodded at Peter’s instructions and pushed when he signaled. The kayak was back in business, but now we had to get on board. Not an easy feat while treading water in the frigid Potomac. Peter tried a couple of times, but it kept tipping. He looked exasperated, frustrated, and for the first time I noted the red bump on his forehead. Oh shit. Did I do that?

  “Can we guide it to the shore?” I called out to him.

  “Guess we’ll have to. You take that side.”

  We were about thirty feet out, which isn’t too far except for the fact that the current was definitely not working in our favor. It was a major struggle to get to the grassy beach area. Once we made it, we pulled the kayak out and flopped down next to each other beside it. Peter signaled to his friends to continue and tried to yell out that we’d meet them at the boathouse.

  We were both out of breath from our surprise swim in the river. Peter looked over at me and shook his head in an “I cannot believe that just happened” manner when I caught sight again of the angry red mark on his forehead. I reached up instinctively and brushed his wet hair out of the way. We stared at each other for a long minute before Peter’s entire face lit up with humor. He lifted his hand to my cold, wet cheek and still smiling widely, planted a firm kiss on my blue lips.

  “You are a fucking menace.”

  Since he was laughing, I figured he might just forgive me for smacking him with the paddle and then flipping our kayak over. I shook my head wordlessly, because really, what could I possibly say? I was a fucking menace. I tried for a conciliatory expression, which only made him laugh harder. Peter kissed me again and ruffled my hair as he stood.

  “Come on, babe. We’ve got some catching up to do. And I don’t know about you, but I’m fucking freezing.”

  I unfolded my sore limbs and gingerly stood, grabbing Peter’s ass before I bent to lift my side of the kayak.

  “What are you waiting for, baby?” I was taunting him and loving the fact that he could laugh at the ridiculous situation I’d set into play rather than be pissed. Peter smiled indulgently, but there was something mischievous in his gaze that told me he was planning retribution of some kind. I just hoped it didn’t involve another swim in icy water.

  KELLY AND Kevin were waiting for us back at the boathouse. They looked anxious, and I admit I was more than a little embarrassed at what had transpired. Great first impression, I mused. They must have thought I was a complete moron. The plan had originally been to go out for a quick bite to eat after our adventure, but Peter and I obviously needed to shower and get into some dry clothes. Plus I doubted they’d be excited for the afternoon to go on. They had probably been planning their exit strategy while they waited for us to return.

  “Oh my gosh! Pete, are you boys okay?” Kelly hurried over to us and gave us both a worried-looking once over, biting her pretty, full lips.

  “We’re fine. Wet and cold, but fine. Right, ba—?” He caught himself, but I had a feeling that was more for Kelly’s sake than mine. She gave him a sharp look before turning back to her husband.

  “Hon, it looks like you were right. They’re fi….” I heard a faint snickering sound, which quickly morphed into a full-on belly laugh. Kevin joined in, leaving Peter and I staring at the two of them as they surrendered to a bout of hysteria.

  “Well, it’s good to know we’ve amused you idiots.” Peter scowled.

  They quieted for a second before taking in his bedraggled state and bursting into another round. They held onto each other, wiping away tears of mirth. I couldn’t help but join in. Peter shook his head at the three of us.

  “When you three are finished cackling, can we please get a move on? I’m soaked to the bone, I’m cold, and my head fuckin’ hurts!”

  We all quieted as Kelly went over to inspect the boo-boo on Peter’s forehead. Then she doubled over again, shrieking in laughter.

  “You should have seen yourselves! That had to be the funniest damn thing I have seen in a good long time!”

  “Yeah, yeah. That was the entertainment for the afternoon. Glad you enjoyed it. We’re going back to my house to change. You guys coming? We can either go out to eat from there or bring something in. Come on, baby. You are shakin’ like a leaf.”

  I noticed two things as I followed my lover back to his truck. His southern accent made a strong appearance when he got flustered, particularly around his friends. And he’d called me baby in front of them twice. Well, technically one-and-a-half times. And yes, I was counting.

  When we got back to Peter’s house, he directed me upstairs to his master bathroom. I couldn’t wait to get my nasty river-slimed clothing off and jump into a steaming hot shower. He left me in his huge modern bathroom while he went to let his friends in. I was luxuriating under the scalding hot spray when he joined me a few minutes later. A naked Peter Morgan was a thing of beauty. I couldn’t help my body’s instantaneous reaction to his muscled perfection.

  He smiled at me sweetly as he nudged me aside and kissed my lips softly in greeting. The water sluicing between us made the moment seem sexier than it really was. He kissed my nose and picked up the soap.

  “No more. We can’t play while they’re downstairs waiting for us.”

  “Do they know about us? I mean, you know….”

  “I haven’t said anything one way or another. They’re old friends, though, Jay. They’ve probably figured us out by now.”

  I wasn’t sure what that meant other than maybe they knew we were sleeping together, but I wondered if Peter made a habit of having “friends with benefits” and I was the next in a long line. It wasn’t a pleasant line of thought, so I filed it away in my mental spam box and stepped out of the shower to dry off and properly meet Kelly and Kevin.

  Our impromptu change of venue from a café to Peter’s place turned out to be a good thing. And falling into the Potomac was an inspired, though unintentional icebreaker. Once we were all in warm, dry clothes with full stomachs, we kicked back in Peter’s kitchen with a couple of beers, laughing easily at the calamity of our kayaking adventure.

e a good sport, Jay,” Kelly commented, her beautiful dark eyes twinkling with merriment.

  “If you don’t laugh you cry.” I shrugged.

  “So true.” She raised her beer bottle in a toast and cuddled into her husband’s side on the small loveseat in the living space off of the kitchen. On the big-screen television, there was a baseball game on mute that captured Kevin and Peter’s attention every once in a while. But for the most part, we chatted about jobs, hobbies, and life in the big city. I liked Peter’s friends. They were warm and welcoming. I enjoyed our afternoon together.

  “We need to get a move on, honey. Jack and Shane are having that barbecue later tonight. Are you coming, Pete?” Kelly poked at her husband’s side playfully as she stood to leave.

  “No. Say hi for me.” Peter’s tone was firm. It didn’t brook room for cajoling, that’s for sure.

  Kelly simply nodded, but I thought I saw a meaningful look pass between them. Aaron and I did it all the time. I wondered what they were secretly saying with their eyes. And then I got it. Jack. The old boyfriend. Geez, I felt like a private eye, so close to solving a mystery. Except, I had no idea if there really was a mystery or if it was just a simple case of having other plans and not being able to attend. Somehow I didn’t think so.

  “It was great to meet you, Jay. I seriously haven’t laughed that hard in… I don’t know. That was fun. Are you game to try it again sometime? Maybe without the swim?” Kelly’s teasing tone let me know she was playing with me.

  “Let me get a little practice in first. Maybe in a swimming pool rather than the river next time.”

  The minute the door was closed Peter turned toward me. He was wearing a pair of gray sweats that hung low on his hips and a T-shirt that hugged his body just so. His feet were bare and his hair was still slightly damp from our shower earlier. I licked my upper lip, then bit my lower one thoughtfully. Suddenly he was on me, all over me. His hands were in my hair, his mouth was at my neck, then over my jaw before he bit my lips and forced his tongue in my mouth. It was an assault to my body and to my senses. I marveled again at his ability to go from us standing across the room to glued to one another and practically having sex within a minute. For that matter, I was surprised by my body’s burning response to him. Peter was magnetic. I couldn’t deny him what we both craved.

  We made love on the small sofa in the living area. I say “made love” because that’s how it felt. As hungry as our joining started, by the time we were naked and ready to go, Peter slowed the tempo. He entered me slowly, staring deeply into my eyes. When he rocked his hips into me, moving within my body, he kept his gaze fixed on mine. He was speaking to me through this physical act. It was sublime and almost magical.

  I fell asleep in his arms and woke up with my sweaty head plastered to his chest a short while later. He looked down at me and kissed my forehead, brushing my hair out of the way.

  “How are you, baby? It’s been a rough day.” He grinned and gave me a small wink.

  “A bit rougher for you by the looks of that bruise on your forehead.” I traced my fingers gently over the slightly raised bump above his left eye. “I’m really sorry about that and the tipping the kayak part too.”

  Peter’s smile was wide as he hugged my body tightly to his and kissed my head again.

  “Don’t be. Kelly’s right. It was fun.”

  “You don’t think they’re worried about me being a total dweeb, then?”

  Peter chuckled softly.

  “No. They liked you.”

  “Cool. I liked them too.” I shifted my weight off of his chest and looked for the sweat pants he’d given me to borrow. I made a show of getting redressed when I asked my next question.

  “So you have plans tonight?” I asked as nonchalantly as possible.


  Inwardly I rolled my eyes. The guy was a tad high-maintenance. I looked over my shoulder at him and caught his smile. He was sprawled out naked on the loveseat with his flaccid penis lying gracefully between his legs. Fuck, he was insanely hot.

  “No. Do you?” He finally answered.


  “Have plans?”

  “Oh right. Um. Nothing set. I haven’t checked my phone but… why aren’t you going to your friend’s barbecue tonight, then?”

  Peter tilted his head to the side as though thinking about how to answer my nosey question. He didn’t look bothered one way or another.

  “I just don’t feel like it.”

  “Is it ‘complicated’?” I teased. I tried to go for lighthearted, but I knew I was crossing a line by asking in a way.

  “Not really. The truth is… I’d rather be with you.”

  I gulped audibly and bit at the inside of my cheek. No words were necessary. It’s what I wanted too.


  A PATTERN began to form over the next few weeks as spring gave way to the humid, sultry months of summer. Peter and I rarely crossed paths at work. He traveled a lot, and my new project kept me busy. During the week, we usually found a way to spend time together. But more and more often we began to see each other at least one day over the weekend as well. Most of the time it was a Friday night. We would have dinner together, sleep together, and spend Saturday morning doing something. Usually it was exercise of some sort. A trip to the gym or a game of tennis. We even went back out to the river to try kayaking again, and I managed to pull my weight paddling without injuring my partner and capsizing our boat.

  Peter always seemed to have new ideas of things to do. One morning, he decided I needed to make amends for my atrocious coffee-making, though he hadn’t had a sip of my less than savory brew in a while. I knew it was a ruse to get me to do something he knew I probably wasn’t excited to try.

  “I’ll let you make it up to me.”

  “Oh really? What did you have in mind?

  “Something physical.” His eyes were twinkling playfully. “But not what your dirty mind is thinking.”

  “And what is my dirty mind thinking?”

  “Sex, sex, sex. Am I wrong?”

  I put on my best “let me think about it” face as though I were quietly considering his question.

  “No, you’re correct,” I conceded.

  Peter laughed out loud. He stood suddenly and pulled me to my feet in one graceful motion. I stepped into his arms, holding him in a light embrace around his middle. He sighed heavily before wrapping his arms around me tightly, nearly squeezing the breath out of me. I pushed away from him and gave him an evil glare.

  “Have you ever gone rock climbing?” he asked conversationally.


  “Rock climbing. You know, like at a gym that’s specifically for that purpose.”

  “And that purpose would be for… rock climbing?”


  We considered each other quietly while I wordlessly told him I had never done such a thing nor was I particularly interested.

  “It’s fun.” He gave me a lopsided grin, which should have warned me that a challenge was about to be issued.

  “I’m sure. Well, have fun, then.” I turned away from him and headed back toward my kitchen, making a big production of washing my hands.

  “We will. Come on, chicken. You can do it,” he taunted.

  “Chicken? Did you really just call me a chicken?” He nodded, still grinning like a madman. “How old are you again?”

  “Hmm. Classic sign of avoidance is changing the topic. I guess that’s my answer,” he singsonged.

  “I’m not avoiding anything. I’m simply pointing out that name calling is a tad immature.”

  “I apologize. I’ll rephrase my subtle inquiry into a direct inquiry. Better?”

  “What’s with you and your fixation with all things grammatical?” I put my hand on my hip indignantly.

  “Evasive. See? But let me address your point quickly. Grammar and flow are important when you are trying to convey a message. Particularly when said message is attached to eight-digit dollar si
gns. Capisce?”

  “So you’re saying I don’t get my point across clearly?”

  “Not at all. I’m just asking if you’d like to go rock climbing.”

  We’d come full circle. At least I thought we had. Truthfully, I wasn’t sure what our verbal sparring had accomplished other than me agreeing to do something I’d never tried outside of my seven-year-old nephew’s birthday party at one of those bouncy warehouse places with the miniature wall for the super beginner set. I had an uneasy feeling the wall would be a fuck of a lot taller where Peter wanted us to go.

  Of course I went, and it was scary at first but more than anything, it was fun. We laughed the entire afternoon. I looked ridiculous in the safety gear get-up and even more ridiculous when I fell time and time again. Thank goodness the walls were padded because I wouldn’t have survived climbing actual rocks out in the open. On the drive back to my place later that day I stole a glance at my smiling companion. He was wearing a silly grin on his sinfully handsome face. It was the same grin he’d sported all day. He caught me staring and asked what was on my mind.

  “That was fun. Thanks.”

  Peter’s eyes twinkled, and his smile widened. He was obviously quite pleased with my admission. He didn’t say anything at first. He just picked up my hand and kissed my palm before twining our fingers together, resting them between our seats. We held hands all the way home. That was when I knew my fall was imminent.

  MY FRIENDS began to notice something was up. They would throw out the occasional teasing word or two about wanting to meet my new beau, but Aaron was the one who delved a little deeper. He was worried, and he had no qualms letting me know how he felt.


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