“Nine of ten” James Reston Jr., Defenders of the Faith (New York, 2009), 53.
“What has impelled thee” Bax, German Society, 183.
“empty windbags” Strauss, Ulrich von Hutten, 204.
“Most Serene, All-Powerful” Strieder, Jacob Fugger, 140.
“In no way will I allow” Pölnitz, Jakob Fugger, 547.
“no unseemly nor criminal” Ogger, Kauf dir einen Kaiser, 210.
“It is high time to remind the German people” Frederick Engels, The Peasants War in Germany, 3rd Ed. (New York: International Publishers, 2006), xvi.
“common riffraff” Pölnitz, Jakob Fugger, 581.
“We inform you that” Tom Scott and Bob Scribner, eds., The German Peasants’ War: A History in Documents (Amherst, NY, 1991), 153.
“A more drunken” Bax, Ernest Belfort, The Peasants’ War in Germany (London, 1899), 164.
“I have been informed otherwise” Bax, Peasants’ War, 195.
“the initiator” Pölnitz, Jakob Fugger Zeitungen und Briefe an die Fürsten des Hauses Wettin in der Frühzeit Karls V. 1519–1525. Nachrichten von der Akademie der Wissenscgaft in Göttingen (Göttingen, 1941).
“In a golden chariot” Bax, Peasants’ War, 130.
“The crime must be chastised” Bax, Peasants’ War, 195.
Not knowing when Scott, German Peasants’ War, 259.
“First I must undo” Bax, Peasants’ War, 190.
“Crush them, strangle them” Bax, Peasants’ War, 279.
“seductively and rebelliously” Bax, Peasants’ War, 268.
“the chief agitator, ringleader and commander” Walter Klassen, Michael Gaismair: Revolutionary and Reformer (Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1978), 88.
“I know very well” James M. Stayer, The German Peasants’ War (London, 1991), 48.
“a good heavy coinage” Scott, German Peasants’ War, 268.
“The new priests” Pölnitz, Jakob Fugger, 159.
“The proposal is” Ogger, Kauf dir einen Kaiser, 159.
“burden, inconvenience and toil” Pölnitz, Jakob Fugger, 642.
“He didn’t want to cause” Sender, Die Chroniken, 167.
“as if he was dead” Sender, Die Chroniken, 170.
“violence and by armed force” Häberlein, Fuggers of Augsburg, 183.
“my dear cousin” Häberlein, Fuggers of Augsburg, 73.
“Double-entry bookkeeping” J. W. Goethe, Wilhelm Meister’s Apprenticeship, bk. 1.
The Fuggers owed 340,000 Richard Ehrenberg, Capital and Finance in the Age of the Renaissance (London, 1923).
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“my credit stands” Ehrenberg, Capital and Finance, 110.
“I think as much” Ehrenberg, Capital and Finance, 110.
“The creditors are many” Ehrenberg, Capital and Finance, 115.
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Rothschild never bothered Niall Ferguson, The House of Rothschild (New York, 1998), 103.
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The Richest Man Who Ever Lived: The Life and Times of Jacob Fugger Page 25