Gotcha Detective Agency Mysteries Boxed Set (3 Books)

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Gotcha Detective Agency Mysteries Boxed Set (3 Books) Page 32

by Jamie Lee Scott

  The woman who eventually answered the door was average looking, average height and mousy brown hair, but somehow cute. She wore a plain white blouse with a plaid skirt that fit nicely, and hugged her hips.

  "Yes," she said, with a voice that sounded like she'd been crying.

  Nick smiled and flashed his badge. "We're here to speak to Anna Garrison."

  The woman's face hardened. "Can I help you with something? Anna isn't available."

  Nick introduced himself to the woman, who happened to be Stephanie Garrison, William’s sister, and Anna’s aunt.

  I know Nick told me to sit back and be quiet, but I thought maybe this situation needed a woman's touch. So I stepped forward and offered my hand. "Hi, Ms. Garrison, I'm Mimi Capurro. It really is imperative that we speak with Anna."

  Stephanie looked behind her into the house, stepped outside and closed the door. "Before you talk to her, do you mind if we go for a walk?"

  She didn't wait for an answer, and continued walking towards the sidewalk. Nick and I followed like obedient puppies. Once we caught up to her on the sidewalk, she started talking.

  “I’m sorry about your brother,” I said, though I wasn’t really sorry.

  "Look, I knew someday I'd have to have this conversation, and I knew it wasn't going to be an easy one. You see, I'm the one you should be arresting."

  Nick tensed. "Ms. Garrison, if you're the one who killed William Garrison, then I would be more than happy to arrest you.”

  "I should've killed him. The thing is, I've known about William since I was a little girl. I’m his sister, and I'm pretty sure I was his first victim."

  I stopped walking. Of all of the things this woman could have said, this was the last thing I expected to hear. William had started his career as a child molester with his own sister.

  “Ms. Garrison, I’m so sorry to hear this,” Nick responded.

  “The only thing you should be sorry about is that I didn’t have the guts to turn in my own brother.” Stephanie pulled a tissue from her skirt pocket.

  “I don’t know what to say to that, except it’s too late now. At this point, we have to move forward.” Nick touched the woman’s arm and she leaned into him.

  For someone who’d been molested as a child, I expected her to flinch at his touch. But what did I know? Maybe being molested made you crave attention from others.

  “It is too late to fix the past, but I’m loath to help you find William’s killer. You see, I want to wrap my arms around him and thank him for doing what I should have done years ago.”

  I kinda, sort of had to agree with Stephanie, in every way.

  “I tried to warn Anna’s mom about him, but he got to me first. William’s secret was safe as long as I was terrified of him. Believe me, I was truly terrified. William hung and skinned my cat as a warning to me when he thought I was about to reveal his dirty secret. I’ve never had another pet, or a boyfriend.”

  Stephanie sniffed, and blew her nose into the tissue.

  I concentrated on my breathing, afraid I’d start crying for the woman.

  “I was more worried about what William would do if I told people about him, or turned him in, than I was about his other victims.” She choked up a bit.

  “They called Anna’s mom yesterday. Since she’s the next of kin, Bridget had to identify and sign for the body. Anna and Crissy have been here since then. Anna told me everything.”

  Now tears welled in my eyes. I looked at Nick for a reaction. I could see he was holding his breath.

  “What did Anna tell you?”

  “Oh God, she told me about her friends. She helped her dad find other girls, through her social networking pages, so he’d be satisfied, and leave her and her little sister alone.”

  My breath caught. Catey’s best friend had set her up. Stunned, this time I stopped walking. When Nick looked back at me, I still didn’t move. What the hell was wrong with these people?

  After a moment of shock, I stopped judging. If William had scared his own sister so badly, what had he done to his daughter?

  “When did Anna tell you about this?” Nick now had his arm around Stephanie’s shoulder. He turned her around, and we started walking back toward the house.

  Stephanie was visibly shaking, and her words came in short, erratic bursts. “Please, don’t be mad at Anna. She’s a little girl. She didn’t want William to hurt her sister.”

  I couldn’t take it anymore. “Where the hell was their mother during all of this?”

  Nick shot me a piercing glance, and not the good kind.

  “That’s just it. I’m not sure what’s wrong with these women that they are in such denial.” Her breathing more normal, the tears had stopped. “I don’t know how a woman doesn’t see that her husband is more interested in touching his children than his wife.”

  “Look, this is water under the bridge. We need to know if William had any physical contact with Tiffany Anderson.”

  “Tiffany Anderson?”

  I know it was Nick’s question to answer, but I said, “She’s allegedly one of William’s victims, and she’s gone missing. Since he’s dead, we have no way of knowing if she’s been kidnapped, run away, or if she’s dead. We’re at a loss.”

  “I’m trying so hard to keep Anna isolated from all of this. She’s not even going to the funeral. She doesn’t want to.” Stephanie removed Nick’s arm from her shoulder, now standing taller. “You can talk with Anna, but please, don’t tell her that you know about what she did.”

  I wanted to break away and call Jackie, so bad. I wanted to be mad at Anna, shake her, and scream, “Why did you do this to Catey?” But who was I to judge? I didn’t grow up in the perfect family either.

  When we approached the front door, Stephanie turned and said, “Wait here.”

  I could hear Stephanie calling Anna’s name. “So, what do you think?”

  Nick looked at me. I don’t think I’ve ever seen him look so sad. “I think I wish I could call my mom and tell her thank you.”

  “Thank you for what?”

  “Even though my dad wasn’t a pedophile, he was abusive. The first time he laid a hand on me, other than for a proper spanking, he broke my arm.”

  I gasped. I had no idea Nick grew up in an abusive environment. “Oh, I’m so sorry.”

  “Don’t be. My mom was the least selfish person I’ve ever known. She called the police, pressed charges, and then filed for divorce.” He smiled at a distant memory.

  “Strong woman.” Now I knew where his personality came from.

  “And when the restraining order didn’t keep him away, she moved us. One day she packed everything we had and said she’d found us a new home.”

  “He never tried to find you?”

  “Maybe he did. But this was in the days before the Internet, and I just don’t think he found the time. It’s not like my grandparents were going to tell him anything. They lived in South Africa.”

  I was learning more and more about Nick. “South Africa? Why didn’t your mom move you there?”

  “Because she was a US citizen, and she intended to never give that up, abusive husband or not.” Nick laughed.

  I wasn’t sure what there was to laugh about, so I just smiled.

  When Stephanie opened the door to usher us in, Anna was standing next to her.

  I don’t know what I expected of Anna - tears, swollen eyes? She was the same height and weight as Catey, but she seemed frail. Her sienna hair was cut in a shoulder length bob, and looked like it had some sort of hair product, because its shine was unnatural. Her bluebell eyes were wide and clear. No signs of recent tears.

  Stephanie made introductions all around, and then said, “They want to talk to you about Tiffany Anderson.”

  This was definitely a formality, since I was pretty sure these two women were thick as thieves, and Stephanie had briefed her before opening the door.

  We followed them into the living room and Anna said, “What do you want to know?”

/>   The room was over-decorated with tchotchkes on every surface, along with dust and cat hair. I wanted to wipe off the couch before I sat down because of all the cat hair, but I sat anyway. Nick hesitated, too.

  “We need to know if Tiffany was one of Dylan’s friends.”

  “Dylan?” Anna sucked at acting.

  “I know you know your dad’s alias was Dylan. And I’m pretty sure you were in on this whole thing from the beginning.” Nick didn’t pull any punches.

  Anna sat, frozen.

  Nick continued, “We have some pretty good computer forensics techs working for the police department, and we know you helped your dad meet these girls.”

  Anna leaned forward. “Not Tiffany. She wasn’t his normal type.”

  “What was his type?” Nick asked.

  Anna looked at me. “Catey.”

  I wanted to look away, but I stared at Anna, waiting.

  “Tiffany wasn’t really pretty enough, but she pursued him. She wanted me to introduce her to Dylan, because she said Catey wasn’t good enough for him. She said she’d be much better. I mean, we were all friends on that site. But Tiffany contacted Dylan, my dad, in other ways.” Anna looked down to her lap and shook her head. “He said he only wanted to flirt with them, because they make him feel young again. He said that would be enough.”

  “Enough for what?” Nick gently probed.

  Anna looked down at her hands. “Enough for him to leave my sister alone.”

  I just didn’t understand. This man had custody rights?

  “Anna, your parents are divorced?” I asked.

  “No, they’re just separated.”

  Nick stepped in. “And you and your sister would stay with your dad?”

  “Sometimes. But mostly, Crissy would scream, cry, and beg not to have to go. Then Mom would give in, and Dad would be pissed.” Anna smiled at the thought.

  “Do you know if your dad ever had physical contact with Tiffany?”

  Before Anna could answer, Nick got a phone call. “I’m sorry, I have to take this.” He walked out of the room.

  “Does Catey hate me?” Anna looked worried for the first time.

  “Honey, Catey doesn’t even know.”

  “Are you going to tell her?” Anna’s eyes pleaded with me to say no.

  “I think it’s your place to tell her, not mine.” And I hoped she’d be a good enough friend to ‘fess up, or I’d be talking to Jackie about it soon enough.

  “Absolutely. I tried to tell her before. I did everything I could to keep them from meeting.” Now Anna was biting her nails, which I hadn’t noticed before, were already nubs.

  “I know you did. Jackie and I had a talk with Catey. And I want to thank you for not letting it go too far. But, you see, it easily could have escalated if someone hadn’t killed your dad.”

  Seeing the fear in Anna’s eyes, I realized I shouldn’t have mentioned William’s murder.

  “Someone had to stop him,” Stephanie, who’d been quiet and still, interjected.

  “It’s not like he didn’t deserve it,” Anna said.

  There was a loud bang as the front door opened and slammed shut. I looked, expecting to see that Nick had left.

  A woman, who looked to be in her thirties burst into the room. She was an older version of Anna, apricot skin and sienna hair flowing down her back in loose curls. She was beautiful, a glimpse of what Anna would look like in twenty-plus years.

  “Mom!” Anna jumped up.

  “Bridget.” Stephanie stood.

  “How are the girls?” I noticed the dark circles under her eyes.

  “We’re okay, Mom.” Anna hugged her. “We’re just talking to the police. Crissy is in Stepanie’s office, playing video games.”

  She looked across to Nick. “Have they found his killer?”

  I went to stand near Nick, who was now off the phone.

  Nick approached the women. “We’re still working on it.”

  Bridget stared him up and down. “And you are?”

  Again, Nick flashed his badge and introduced himself.

  “I just came from the morgue. I had to identify what’s left of William.” She looked at me. “I thought the woman I was with, Detective Mason, was your partner?”

  “She is. This is a private detective. We’re working on a missing person’s case and thought Anna might be able to help us, since she knew the girl.” Nick fidgeted with his phone, but didn’t put it away.

  Not really concerned, she asked, “Who?”

  Anna said, “I don’t think you know her mom. It’s Tiffany Anderson.”

  “So you’re a homicide detective. What are you doing to find my husband’s murderer?” She seemed only slightly more concerned about Williams murder than she did the missing girl.

  “Like I said, we’re working on it.” Exasperated, he said, “You’re Anna’s mother?”

  A bit more resigned, she said, “I’m Bridget Garrison.”

  “Mrs. Garrison, where were you yesterday morning?”

  Bridget’s jaw dropped. “Did you really just ask me that?”

  “Yes, ma’am, I did. He’s your husband, and he was a predator, so I can see how you may not care for him much.” Nick spoke as if Bridget was a small child.

  “What does that have to do with where I was yesterday morning?” Bridget was indignant.

  “It’s just a question I have to ask Mrs. Garrison.”

  “Well, you can ask your partner. I’ve already spoken to her at length.”

  “Look Mrs. Garrison, your pedophile husband is dead, which is probably better for the world in general, but a girl is missing. She may be a victim of your husband’s. Why won’t you answer my question?”

  Behind Bridget’s back, Stephanie was shaking her head violently, seeming to silently scream, “No! Don’t do this.”

  “I think it’s time you leave.” Bridget spat the words.

  “Mrs. Garrison, I just got off the phone with my partner. She tells me you don’t have an alibi for the time frame in which your husband was murdered. You do know what your husband was, don’t you?”

  “Get out. Get out now!” Bridget screamed.

  Stephanie stepped in front of her sister-in-law. “This is my house, and as long as you’re here, you may as well hear what the detective has to say.”

  Now Bridget turned on Stephanie. “No, I don’t want to hear anything this stranger has to say. He doesn’t know our family.”

  Bridget spun around toward the front door, only to find Anna standing in front of it. “Mom, please, for once just listen, because I’ve been too terrified to tell you all these years.”

  Bridget’s face went slack.


  “Are you hungry?” Nick asked, as we got back in his car.

  I was, but I was also tired of this case. As much as I enjoyed spending time with Nick, I needed a break. “Not really. You can just drop me off at home on your way.”

  Nick didn’t respond, and was quiet for the rest of the drive.

  I walked in my house, closed the door and leaned against it. What kind of world did we live in, where men preyed on young teenage girls? I wondered if most parents had any idea how dangerous the Internet could be. Then again, it’s dangerous for adults, too. Being smart was the only way to protect yourself.

  I didn’t have the energy to prepare a meal, so grabbed a bottle from the fridge and poured myself a glass of wine. Hair of the dog, so to speak.

  And speaking of dogs, I looked in the backyard, sipped my wine, and watched Lola as she slept peacefully in her dog house. I wanted her life at the moment.

  I thought about calling Charles to see if he was okay, but I really wanted to be removed from the case for at least a few hours.

  Suddenly, my clothes felt dirty, so I went into the bedroom and changed into gray yoga pants, a snug sports bra, and a fitted black workout shirt. Workout clothes, they aren’t just for working out anymore.

  Walking back into the living room, I grabbed a novel I
’d been reading and curled up in my favorite club chair with a blanket.

  Several pages into the novel, I realized I hadn’t comprehended anything I’d read. My mind kept wandering. Sebastian, and why he’d disconnected and not returned my call. Charles, and what had caused him to lose it at the Anderson house. Nick, and what the hell was going on between us.

  With Charles, I knew better than to breach the subject of his tirade. When he was ready to talk, he would, but more than likely, he would never bring up the subject again. There were things in Charles’ past that would stay there forever. I was good with that.

  Nick, why did he have to keep showing up in my life? He seemed to care, but just how much, I didn’t know. Was the ball in my court? Maybe I needed to be the aggressor and let him know I wanted to take things a step further. How could I when I didn’t know the answer myself?

  One thing I did know, Sebastian had approached me. Whether or not I wanted to pursue it was another matter. I wasn’t going to let him off the hook that easy.

  I put my novel on the table next to my chair and pulled out my cell phone. One deep breath to gather my nerve, then I dialed.

  I couldn’t believe it; he’d ignored my call. I know, because it only rang two times before going to voicemail. I hesitated for a split second, contemplated leaving a message, and then hung up. Fucker!

  Why did I put myself out there like that? I should have just let it be. Now I felt like shit for calling, and being so stupid as to believe he was really interested.

  I slammed my phone on the table and it rang.

  “Sorry, I have a new phone and I accidentally hung up on the call instead of answering.” Sebastian’s voice was low and sexy.

  Inside my ego was screaming, “Yes! He called back.” On the outside I was playing it cool.

  “No big deal. It’s just that you left so abruptly last night.” Did I sound cool, or desperate?

  “Things are nuts at work, too. We just picked up a huge account, and I’ll be leaving for Paris in the morning.” He sounded apologetic.

  “Oh.” My sixth sense told me this was the kiss off. I’ll be out of town for the rest of your life, sorry.


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