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by Jennifer Kacey

  Zeke’s Surprise

  Book four in the Fantasies A-Z Series

  Copyright Never Settle Publishing 2016

  Discover more titles by Jennifer Kacey

  at http://www.jenniferkacey.com/

  e-book - ISBN - 978-0-9970141-3-6

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  Formatted by Wizards in Publishing

  Cover Graphics – Syneca Featherstone

  Zeke’s Surprise

  By Jennifer Kacey

  Zeke’s Surprise

  By Jennifer Kacey

  Text Copyright Jennifer Kacey 2016

  All Rights Reserved

  Discover more titles by Jennifer Kacey at www.jenniferkacey.com


  To You – For all of our surprises…

  Table of Contents

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Zeke’s Surprise

  By Jennifer Kacey

  A surprise he’d waited years to give to his wife Aslan.

  A fantasy he’d waited a lifetime to share.

  Zeke always had his line in the sand when it came to his spouse. More than one line, when it came to some of the sexual experiences and fantasies shared between them. Lines that could be about emotion or connection or ownership. One of Zeke’s deepest fantasies was one of those lines he never wanted to cross, because it would shatter those lines. Throwing their relationship into some kind of no man’s land he didn’t know if they could navigate.

  Jeopardizing everything they’d unearthed in their new-found kink relationship set off warning sirens in his head. Maybe he was pushing too far? Risking too much? Demanding more than he had a right to ask for? But Aslan assured him she was more than willing to explore all his decadent fantasies. Never a no. Ever.

  A bag full of delicious toys waits for her in the engine room of their newest cruise ship, but that’s not all.

  Zeke’s brought in someone else to help him with his latest surprise.

  Chapter One

  Driving home after taking Aslan in her office, Zeke tried in vain to process the emotions pumping through his veins.

  Taking her had been mind-blowing. Truly… He shook his head. Fuck.

  She had been submissive, giving, beautiful, delicious.

  The urge to take her had been overwhelming and it was the first time in a very long time that he hadn’t fought the need to fuck her. He normally fled her office and threw himself into another project to keep the monster at bay.

  But this time he hadn’t redirected it. He simply claimed her, exactly how he wanted to.

  It hadn’t been sweet.

  Not kind or gentle.

  No, it had been rough and dirty. The mixture of their cum all over the corner of her desk hadn’t even dried by the time they’d locked her office and left in separate vehicles to go home. Talk about a shitty week at work. A shared business venture on a new cruise ship line they’d built from the ground up kicked ass on most days. Today hadn’t been most days. Everything that could have gone bad on the newest ship build had.

  Aslan’s week had been awful from the word “Monday” and his hadn’t been much better. Before, he’d left her office with the flitting notion that she didn’t need his cravings in her face while she had a million other things to focus on. But weeks before, she’d told him she wanted to feel his desire. To be taken, simply because he needed her. As he stalked away from her office he’d paused. He wanted her, needed her, ached for her.

  So he’d gone back, locked the door and told her to strip.

  Her eyes. The green had turned almost neon with the instant pleasure racing through her.

  His frustration at work morphed into sexual frustration and walking away had no longer been an option.

  In his defense, it hadn’t been completely his fault. He ran his tongue along his bottom lip where he could still taste his wife’s pussy.

  She’d been wearing his favorite pair of high-heeled boots all day. And a gray sweater dress that reminded him how amazing her tits are. Not to mention, some kind of silver hooped belt, highlighting her tiny waist.

  She’d been feisty and mouthy and kick ass, which made him want to take his cock in hand and jerk off until he came.

  What did he do instead? Made her remove her clothes, piece by piece. Then he’d striped her ass because he’d needed to see his marks on her while she wore her little, white knee-high socks.

  Fuck, she did it for him in ways he never imagined could be real.

  And she’d called him Daddy.

  No more than thirty minutes had passed since he’d emptied his balls inside of her sloppy, wet pussy and his cock was hard and ready to take her again.

  Something shocked him as he took her, though. Something he hadn’t seen coming, and one of the reasons he’d avoided attacking her with lust in the past.

  It had been as much for her as it had been for him. He’d always thought it would be all about him. That she would have been doing it for him and nothing else.

  But he was wrong.

  She’d needed it just as much as he had. Maybe even more, which completely took his knees out from under him.

  Maybe she really did need his monster as much as he needed her to. The fact that she thought he didn’t want her the way he had when they’d first gotten married?

  Stretching his neck, he gripped the steering wheel. Hard.

  He’d thought that she hadn’t loved him anymore and that was why she’d been acting so distant. He’d been wrong about that, so what else could he be wrong about?

  The muscles in his jaw cramped and he physically had to relax before he cracked a tooth.

  He shook his head, downshifting as he exited the highway. Aslan’s vehicle was in front of him. He followed her home, always. He kept her safe, always.

  Protecting her from everything, that was his job.

  Light from a street lamp glinted off his wedding ring as he turned the wheel.

  What a gift she had given him. One he vowed never to take for granted.

  The fantasy of hers, of him needing her, taking her, not fighting the impulse to claim her? That wasn’t something he would do once and walk away from. Not even the couple times he’d already been lucky enough to make it happen. It wasn’t enough. Not ever.

  He renewed his vow to continue that particular desire ’til the day he died.

  They turned onto another street and his mind wandered to his next fantasy.

  One he’d had for a very long time.

nbsp; Something he’d wanted to do for as long as they’d been together. But he’d never tried it.

  A fantasy he’d never broached with her because the concept was such a distinct line in the sand. One of those choices people made with an inability to see what lay beyond that decision.

  He could never undo it.

  They could never undo it.

  His decision to go through with it would change things.

  Irrevocably change things, as if he were opening Pandora’s box.

  Once it opened…

  And therein lies the rub. He didn’t know what would happen after he opened it. He wasn’t certain how Aslan would react or if she’d be okay with it. During or after.

  Taking a deep breath, he realized he trusted her. Not trusted her as if she would do something behind his back—because he knew without a shadow of doubt she would never do that. But he trusted her to tell him if something was wrong. He trusted her to stop him…them…if anything ever happened to make her lose her way.

  Pulling up to a stop light, he knew he only had a few more minutes before they would be home. Did he have to make the call now, right this moment? No, of course not. He could wait, he could think about it more, he could talk himself out of it, or he could go in circles again.

  He wasn’t going to do that anymore.

  They agreed to let their reservations go and fulfill each other’s desires. One for her, one for him, back and forth.

  Learning each other, exploring.

  It had been eye-opening and thinking he would go too far still scared him shitless on a daily basis.


  Flipping through his contacts, he brought up the one he needed. The only person he could trust with this. Trust with his wife. He swiped to place the call and prayed he was making the right choice.

  Zeke pulled into the garage just as the call ended. He’d set his fantasy in motion and would have word back the next day on timing.

  He pocketed his phone as he stepped into the house and closed the door behind him. “Honey, I’m home,” he called to Aslan.

  “Honey, I’m naked in the bedroom.”

  Hot damn.

  Best game of Marco Polo he’d played in years.

  Unbuckling his belt, he stripped everything off before he hit the bedroom door. “Fuck,” he groaned as he stepped inside.

  Aslan on her knees on the bed, with her ass facing him, was a sight he would never tire of seeing. Especially with the red lines he’d made earlier with his belt across her lovely flesh.

  She stretched out on her stomach and spread her legs. The pink lips of her pussy called to him and he heard every word.

  Climbing onto the mattress, he moved between her thighs and she sighed as he settled above her.

  With some spit on his hand, he wet the head of his throbbing cock. Aslan adjusted her body, tilting her pelvis to meet him as he pushed inside her still-filled channel.


  That’s what she was as he slid through her wetness until he was balls deep inside.

  She was more than home.

  Freedom, hope, faith, pleasure, need.

  All of those emotions warred for dominance inside him as he stared at the muscles in her back as they contracted on each stroke. “I thought you’d be completely spent by now. Sore?” Leaning onto one hand, he lifted the other to run his fingers over the raised lines across her ass.

  She hissed, which ended on a moan as he smoothed his palm across the marks he’d put on her earlier.

  “Sore,” she admitted, and then bit her bottom lip. “Deliciously sore. You were right.”

  “Right about what, beautiful?”

  “I’ll definitely remember what happened for the next few days.”

  He smiled, though he knew she couldn’t see him. She’d closed her eyes tight and grasped the edge of a pillow as he filled her again and again. “Love that you’ll think of me as you sit down.”

  “Or stand up or lie down or shower.” Her mouth fell open and her entire upper body jerked as he ground his cock inside her.

  “Too much?” he asked, just to hear her answer.

  “Never…” she whispered.

  He slowly pulled out and filled her again. “And you know we could put some of that ointment on your ass. The kind that lessens the bruises, heals you faster.”

  Her eyelids flitted open and she lifted her head just enough to glance at him over her shoulder with a brilliantly giddy grin. “Bruises? You really think I’ll have bruises?”

  He chuckled and shook his head, as if the simple gesture could clear it. Fuck, his wife was so amazing sometimes he truly believed she was too good to be true. “Here. Here.” He brushed two of the lines on her backside that he knew would bruise. “I can already see the bluish tint on a couple of them. You’re going to most definitely bruise.”

  Her cheek flopped back on the mattress and she snatched the pillow. Dragging it beneath her face, she sank into his rhythm again. “Love wearing your marks. Love knowing…”

  He pumped inside her, not at all surprised at how hard he’d become so quickly after having emptied his seed inside her less than an hour before. So damn hot. How could he be anything but hard for her? “Love knowing what?” he prompted when she didn’t continue.

  A shrug wasn’t her normal answer, but he didn’t rush her. Instead, he lowered his body to warm her, protect her, keep her safe while she organized her thoughts.

  “Love knowing that I…earned them, I guess. Though, I’m not sure that’s really what I did. What happened was just that. You were going to give them, no matter if I wanted them or not. So earned implies I did a lot more than I really did.”

  Zeke pulled out, rolled his wife over, and sank back inside her tight heat. He had to see her, face her, love her, share with her, eye-to-eye, when it came to things so important. “You’ve earned it. More than earned it. That you think about it that way completely shuts me down.”

  Her hands slid up his sides, clasping behind his back. “But I didn’t do anything. I just took what you needed to give me.”

  “Which makes you a bigger badass than I could ever be.”

  She rolled her eyes with a smile, making him growl. He caught her chin and steadied her face until she stared up at him. She saw something she liked, if her pussy squeezing him twice was any indication. “You have all the power between us. You know that right?”

  “I have some I think, but certainly not—”

  “All of it. You have one word that would shut the entire scene down. Two syllables and everything stops, no questions asked. What’s the word?”

  “Ahoy,” she answered on a whisper.

  His lips met hers. He couldn’t not kiss her. Not then. Not when her lush lips puckered on her safe word. After several minutes, he breathed her in and continued. “Exactly. One word. That’s it. You have all the power, my wife. All of it. Don’t for a second think I surpass you in any way. First, because it’s untrue. Second, because it pisses me off that you would think you’re less than me in any way. And three, please refer back to number two.”

  “But I’ve already told you, there won’t ever be a no from me. Not between us. I’ve given up my power to you, my husband. As I’ve always wanted to.”

  The sight she presented him with as he stared down at her made his cock jerk. Her humble submission rocked him to the very core of his belief system. Belief in them, their new found kink relationship, their marriage, in himself.

  That last one shocked him so hard that he tucked his face into the crook of Aslan’s throat.

  She wrapped her arms and legs around him, and the scent of her pussy reached him.

  “Fuck,” he mumbled.

  “What?” she asked as she rotated her pelvis around on each stroke.

  “We smell dirty. Filthy. I can smell our cum.”

  “Best smell in the world,” she whispered next to his ear as her sex fluttered around his shaft.

peeding up, pleasure raced to the top of his head. He wanted to feel her come. He needed it like he needed air. She was some kind of unique element called life, that scientists hadn’t identified yet. What she gave him was so precious he didn’t know how to process it sometimes.

  Holding her close, buried inside her? That was definitely one of those moments.

  Her complete surrender to him, to them, blew him away.

  “I’m gonna come,” she whispered on a low moan and then her limbs tightened all around him.

  “That’s it, my wife. Come on me. So…fucking…tight,” he bit out as he forced his way through the tight glove of the muscles in her pussy.

  Aslan’s teeth clamped together and she turned her head to the side.

  He bit her on the shoulder. Again. On the one he could reach. Happened to be the one he’d bitten earlier in her office. Fuck. So tasty.

  Her back arched off the bed and he held her down. That little show of force on his part sent pleasure shooting down his spine.

  Sensations tightened his balls and an orgasm ignited along his shaft. Short bursts of pleasure wracked his body as his cock jerked inside her.

  Inside her.


  No matter how many times he filled her with his come—no matter how many years he’d been able to fuck her with no barriers—he would never get over the perfection of that moment.

  The way her pussy tightened and released.

  How hot she was inside the slick channel of her sex.

  Each jerk of her body when he gave her more of his cum.

  Nothing would ever compare to the rightness of the way their bodies fit together or the way she clung to him, trusting him to make sure she survived the fire burning inside each of them.

  He licked her throat as he pumped his hips, making sure every drop of cum had the chance to touch her. To be one with her and mingle with her juicy pussy as she groaned again. “I can’t stop coming. Every time you jerk, my whole body gets hot again. Fuck. You turn me on.”


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