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Passion Page 2

by Silver, Jordan

  For someone who speaks like they were raised on the docks my lamb’s reading material is very telling, it gives me insight into who really lives behind those defiant eyes. Her dog-eared copies of the Bronte sisters among other classics make me smile. Especially the copy of Wuthering Heights that’s on the pillow next to her.

  Now it’s lunch period on Monday, and I’m sure Vanessa plans to ask her to join our table. I don’t know why she hasn’t thus far, or if she had and was rebuffed, we’ll see.

  Patti as expected is not pleased by these events, Matthew better shut her the fuck up before I do, see Matt might be older, but in this dynamic, I run things, always have. I don’t know if it’s because of my higher than average intelligence, or my silently forceful personality, it’s just always been this way, my sibs followed my lead.

  I gave Matt a look that spoke volumes; he rolled his eyes at me and smirked. Sometimes my brother could be an ass, but I wasn’t giving anything away.

  When Vanessa showed at the table with Carrie lamb in tow I kept my head averted as it had been. I didn’t have to look to know she was here, her scent enveloped me, it was driving me fucking insane. I couldn’t wait to lick it off of her.


  I don’t know why chicklet keeps insisting that I sit at her table, she has some crazy ass idea that I’m lonely and shit sitting by myself, now usually a douche sitting alone meant outcast of some sort, with me, it’s what I choose, it’s my way of saying ‘I like my own company better than yours so fuck off.’

  She dragged my ass over to the table where her two brothers, Andrew, and the Marilyn Monroe wannabe were already sitting. The fuck was her problem anyway? Bitch had her nose in the air, yeah, like I give a fuck, bitch I could out bitch you with one hand tied behind my back while wearing a gunny sack.

  I ignored her ass, I know exactly how to deal with her kind, I was her kind at ten, amateur.

  Mr. Fucked up hair was off in La La land, where he seemed to live most of the time, I was beginning to think he was bi polar, but somehow I doubted it, he was just one slick mother-fucker.

  You wanna play cool? I’ve peeped your game mother-fucker, I see your ‘no’ and raise you a fuck off.

  “So Vanessa when are we going shopping for the dance?” I say this cool as can be as we set our trays down on the table. She of course starts to squeal, nothing gets the chicklet going faster than the mention of shopping, it was hard to imagine that these two were twins, I think she might’ve gotten all the vocal chords in that deal.

  “You never told me, who’re you going with again?”

  “It’s a surprise.” I smirk, no one seems interested in our conversation and by no one I mean you know the fuck who.

  “Aw come on just one little hint.”

  “Okay, he’s older, he’s in college, and he’s fuck hot.” Take that asshole.


  Well well well the little lamb was baiting the lion, I wonder if she knew that this is just what I needed from her. I almost smiled but didn’t, instead I turned and looked at her through my sunglasses. Let the games begin.

  Chapter 6


  It didn’t take too much effort to find the guy that she thought she was going to the party with. Just a little detective work on my part. Wasn’t she lucky I did that shit?

  I know she did it to thumb her nose at me; I’ll have to teach her that that wasn’t acceptable.

  I played her the rest of the week, she didn’t like my cold shoulder too much, too bad, she made her play.

  I encouraged some of the unwanted attention from the easy pussy brigade just for kicks, I wasn’t in to leading chicks on, I didn’t need the ego booster, so I played it safe.

  Tiffany Roberts seemed to be the one to do it for her, every time I was in the same air space as Tiffany, which was whenever lamb was in the vicinity, I would catch her rolling her eyes that could be a sign of indifference, if not for the clenched fists.

  You have no idea how to play this game little lamb , I’m circling your queen, coming in for the kill, won’t be too much longer before checkmate.


  Diabolical motherfucker, he thinks I don’t know what he’s doing, like I give a fuck. He’s been ignoring me all week, ever since I first sat at their table.

  Now every time I turned around he was all smiley smiley with that fake Tiffany bitch, I guess if he’s into small minded twats that’s the way to go. Fuck I care.

  I was mad as fuck but had no idea why. Lately he’d taken to sitting elsewhere whenever I sat at their table, making it rather obvious that he didn’t want to sit with me.

  heard the whispers, but if that fuck thought I was gonna give him the satisfaction he didn’t know a bitch like me, though for some reason it bothered the fuck out of me, not that he was ignoring me, but that he was making it so obvious in front of the whole damn cafeteria.

  I didn’t take lightly to other people’s bullshit, especially if it’s unwarranted. I’ll just have to show Mr. Steele what happens when you fuck with me.

  Chapter 7


  Oh she’s good but not good enough, you will never outsmart me baby. I came home to find the delightful Miss. Sterling in residence, she seemed to be putting on a fashion show for Vanessa they were both upstairs in Vanessa’s room which I had to pass to get to the stairs leading to my floor.

  Her timing was impeccable I had to say; just as I reached the door she was bending over to fix her stockings. The skirt she had on would be illegal in most states or should be I know she wasn’t thinking about wearing that shit to the party especially not with that motherfucker. Calm down Joshua, you’ve already got that taken care of.

  I kept going as if she didn’t give me the boner from hell, from hell because I know she wouldn’t let me fuck her and I had no interest in any other pussy right now. I refuse to jack off, that’s probably what she intended anyway.


  I know he thinks the little peep show was it, but not by a long shot. Since he seemed to like sniffing me so much, and was such a manwhore from what I’ve heard I decided to leave him a little surprise. I was really hoping he would bring Tiffany home with him; they could’ve both enjoyed my little present. Okay I don’t know why the fuck my stomach is in knots, but I don’t like this shit. There’s no way I was crushing on crazy hair dude, besides I don’t think that guy’s all there. What the fuck ever.


  I smelled her as soon as I entered my room, what the fuck, how was her scent so strong here when I didn’t smell it before? I walked around my room inhaling her into me, the scent wasn’t overpowering it was just there.

  Did she spray my room with her shit, and what the fuck was she doing in my room without me? Then I saw it front and center on my bed. Fuck me, tell me she didn’t. I started to laugh, looks like I found a worthy opponent.

  She’d left me a pair of midnight blue thongs, I picked them up, and sniffed, the silk was still warm from her body and her female scent went straight to my head. That combined with the shit she’d sprayed all over my room was sure to keep me up all night in more ways than one.

  I found out at dinner that she was spending the night, I looked at her, but she was pretending that I didn’t exist.

  “Thanks for the present Carissa, though I think it would’ve looked better where it was intended for maybe next time hmm?”

  She almost choked on her water while my family looked on in puzzlement. I didn’t give up any information and neither did she. The rest of the meal was uneventful except for my family’s usual fuckery at the dinner table.

  On my way upstairs for the night I passed her in the hallway.

  “Soon.” I whispered as I licked her neck and kept walking.

  Chapter 8


  It’s Saturday, party day, tonight I up the stakes in a big way, the game is set. After tonight there will be no let up.

  She’s not quite where I want her to be as yet but she’ll get there. She’s a
lready proven she’s going to be a handful but I’m up to the task, I can’t wait to tame that. May the best man win.

  I’ve been listening to the buzz going on all around me for the past week, so I knew who was picking who up where and when, so I knew how much time I had before I had to set things in motion.

  I was dressed and ready to go half an hour before the party was suppose to start and out of the house before my siblings . Nothing was said about me going stag, I always went alone.

  I sat in my car on a dark stretch of road off to the side out of the way of oncoming traffic. I would be able to see them but they couldn’t see me since I had my lights off.

  I sat back, relaxed, and waited.

  It was twenty minutes before I saw my target approaching. I turned on my lights, burned rubber as I accelerated past the car pulling ahead and stopping crosswise, blocking its path.

  The driver stepped on the brakes just as I was getting out of my Bugatti.

  I walked to the passenger side and pulled open the door.

  “Get out.” I pulled her out of the car when she took too long to obey me. I think for the first time I actually shocked her, she seemed to be in a daze.

  “Dude, who the fuck are you? Get your hands off her.”

  “Rachel says hi Travis.” The fucker lost all color as Carrie started to come out of her stupor.

  “Who the fuck is Rachel?”

  “The last girl he date raped. Get in the car. I gave her a gentle nudge towards my car, while I stayed back to have a friendly chat with Mr. Travis.

  “I ever see you near her again I’ll break your fucking face. You don’t know her, you’ve never seen her, you don’t know her fucking name. Erase her number from your phone. Don’t drive by her house; don’t even drive down her street.”

  “You can’t...”

  “I can, I did, the name’s Joshua Steele, ask around.” I was done.

  She was staring straight ahead when I climbed in the car.

  “You’re some piece of work you know that, where do get off pulling this shit?”

  Oh she wanted to fight? Cool.

  “You wanted to spend the night with the rapist?” She didn’t have a ready answer for that one.

  “If you knew he was a rapist why the fuck did you let me get in a car with him?”

  “You were never in any danger from him; if he’d touched you I would’ve killed the mother-fucker.”

  “Why, what’s it to you?”

  “You fucking know why, now buckle up let’s go.”

  Surprisingly she obeyed without a fight; I guess she was still a little spooked by the whole thing.

  The only reason I wasn’t handing her her ass is because I knew I pushed her to it. It was her retaliation for the Tiffany thing.

  She’d done what any woman would do; she fought back like a girl. She just hadn’t been very careful in her selection.

  I think I just might visit Travis anyway and give his ass a beat down, just for thinking of putting his mother-fucking hands on what’s mine.

  Chapter 9


  I drove over to the beach; it was quiet this time of night so we had the place to ourselves.

  “What are we doing here?”

  “You want to go to a party with a bunch of drunken imbeciles, drink watered down punch surrounded by the people you’ve been snubbing for the past month or so?”

  “Not necessarily, but it doesn’t mean I want to be here with you either.”

  I decided to ignore that, I knew better.

  “What were you doing with that Travis bitch anyway, isn’t your dad the Captain, how could he let his daughter out of the house with a suspected rapist?”

  “My dad doesn’t know who I was going to the dance with.”

  “Give him hell too do you?” She rolled those fawn eyes at me.

  “Know what I think little lamb, I think you’re full of shit, I think you act tough, talk rough, but under it all you’re just a scared little girl hoping no one looks too deep and see the real you. Scared and shivering under your tough shell.”

  “Why don’t you crack that shell and see mother-fucker, you better wear a hazmat suit because a whole lotta shit just might explode all over you? You can pretend to see whatever the fuck you want, know what I see? I see an arrogant prick who thinks he’s pussy’s best gift, well not this pussy bitch, this pussy don’t do amateur big headed puffed up dicks.”

  I laughed, I couldn’t help it, she was spitting fire at me, and it was so hot I wanted to mount her right then and there. Too bad she was full of shit; she wasn’t nowhere near ready for what I had in store for her. I could wait, not too much longer though, but for now she was safe.

  “Your pussy’s purring so loud for me I hear it in my sleep, I bet if I touched you right now you’d go off like a rocket launcher, wanna test it?” I turned as if I was really going to go for it and heard her indrawn breath. Her fucking nipples were hard. Fuck she was getting off on this shit.

  Oh yeah, my kinda pussy.

  Chapter 10


  The following Monday she was up to her old tricks again, I’d purposely avoided her the rest of the weekend while she’d been at my house with Nessa.

  I stayed away the whole fucking time, hanging with friends in Chelsea, she had no idea where I was, or who I was with, that’s just how I wanted it.

  I wanted her to wonder about that shit, I knew it would drive her crazy, Nessa couldn’t be of any help since she didn’t know my whereabouts either, so even if my lamb asked, which I’m sure she’s too proud to do, there would be no one to answer.

  I’d peeped her game as soon as I saw her first period, she was dressed to the fucking nines, not for a school day in rainy Sea Crest no, she was decked out for a runway in Paris, or some fuck.

  She seemed to have an affinity for whites in differing shades. This outfit was more ivory than cream, it was a D&G label leather, crotch shot skirt, with matching short jacket, and a lacy teddy underneath in turquoise that showed off the tops of her tits.

  She wore a huge as fuck turquoise pendant on a silver choker around her neck, with matching bracelets and earrings. Her makeup made her look like a bronze warrior princess, and those fuck me strap up sandals in silver were kick ass.

  Oh she was out for blood alright, and I knew just whose she wanted a taste of.

  I pretended not to notice her, though my dick was hard as fuck behind the fly of my jeans.

  If she wasn’t careful I’d be mounting her before she was ready. If she pushed me too far, I’ll give her exactly what she was asking for.

  The douches of course were flocking around her like birds of prey, I watched from my table in the cafeteria as they all vied for her attention.

  I kept my cool as there was nothing threatening going on, they were making their plays but she wasn’t reciprocating, it’s only when this one kid named Sam took her hand and she smiled at the mother-fucker flirtatiously, that I made my move.

  I simply walked up to them, took her hand from his, “Mine.” and pulled her out of the room.

  I had her head leant back against the wall looking into her eyes which were spitting fire at me.

  “You’re playing with fucking fire, don’t push your luck.”

  “Who the fuck do you think you are, I can talk to whomever I want to and you can’t stop me.”

  “As long as you’re willing to bear the consequences go for it.”

  “What consequences, why should there be any consequences, what does it have to do with you, you don’t fucking own me?”

  “Keep telling yourself that, I repeat, don’t push your fucking luck. My pussy has an itch, I’ll scratch it, you ever think of letting any of these motherfuckers touch you you won’t sit down for a week. If you want one of these pricks to get fucked way the fuck up keep flirting and smiling.”

  “Oh I see, it’s okay for you to do that shit, but I can’t, fuck that shit.”

  “You’ve been warned Sterling, don’t sa
y I didn’t spell it out for you.” I licked across her lips, bit down none too gently on the corner of the bottom one, and left her standing there no doubt fuming.


  This mother-fucker is crazy, who the fuck...did I fall down the fucking rabbit hole or some shit, who did he think he was talking to? What the fuck ever.

  We shall see, the next mother-fucker that smiled at me was getting some play, let me show this small town dick what the fuck was up.

  Just because he ran off Travis with his raping ass didn’t mean I was gonna let him run my life. So now, whereas before I wasn’t looking for it, I was going on the prowl.

  I know he’s just all fucking talk anyway. At least that’s what I told myself, but somewhere deep inside I think I knew I was testing him, testing his words just to see how far I could push him.

  It was my body after all, he had no claim to it, and how dare he tell me what the fuck I can or can’t do, not even Michael got away with that shit.

  I saw that same guy Sam again, he was a big enough guy just in case Steele really was crazy, this guy looked like he could handle himself.

  I walked toward him smiling; he’d been talking to a group of guys when I approached.

  I smiled at him, put one hand behind his head, and pulled him towards my lips.

  I felt a hand on my nape like a vise and Sam was on the floor with a hand clutching at his throat.

  This crazy fuck had chopped him across his Adam’s apple with his hand. He dragged my stunned ass from the room behind him for the second time that day, while the room stood deadly still.

  I think I heard Vanessa calling to him but he didn’t stop, he just kept going.


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