Forever Hers (The Forever Series Book 3)

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Forever Hers (The Forever Series Book 3) Page 6

by Lisa Evans

  Sitting behind the wheel as we leave Las Vegas, I hold Kennedy’s hand. She smiles and bats her eyes at me, and I hope that I’ve made her a happy woman.

  Surrounded by the arid desert, we pass through the landscape with music blaring from the speakers. And when Janis Joplin, Kennedy’s favorite vocalist, comes on, Kennedy sings right along with her. And it makes me smile, because I’m the luckiest man on earth with this woman by my side.

  Chapter 9


  I CAN’T BELIEVE I just ran off to Vegas and married the town Sheriff. Look at me, married and happy as can be.

  Never thought I’d see the day.

  It’s Sunday, and it’s a glorious Sunday to be alive. My lover, no, my husband, I correct myself, is lying here in bed with me, sound asleep, looking as sexy as ever. His chin is stubbled, and as I move my fingers gently around on it, I tremble. That’s the effect he has on me. He always makes me tremble. Even when he’s not awake.

  I love him so much.

  And I know I always will.

  I know there’s lots of things we’ve yet to discuss and talk about – like where he wants to live (does he want to remain here in Sweetwater forever? I don’t know if I can do that…), does he want kids (I’m not sure I want any, I mean, would I be a good mother? I wouldn’t want to mess them up for life…), and, more importantly, what does he expect of me? Does he want me to just sit around the house all weekend and wait for him until he gets home from work instead of having my own life? I mean, I’ve got dreams of my own, don’t I?

  Thinking about it for a moment, I realize I really don’t. I don’t think I’ve ever stopped to think long enough to consider what my dreams and hopes for the future are, I’ve always just been steaming ahead, taking life as it comes at me. Maybe that’s been my problem all along – that I need to take some time to figure out what it is I want from life? I mean, I don’t want to be serving people coffee for the rest of my life, do I?

  Definitely not.

  So what do I want? Do I really want to just be the Sheriff’s missus and be locked up inside the house at all hours of the day?

  Absolutely not.

  With a knot in my stomach, I stop touching Dillon’s face. Sitting up in bed, I pull my knees up under my chin and stare into the air ahead of me. Dillon goes on sleeping, heavily, while I sit here and ponder what my life has become. The teenage version of me would be furious with me for allowing myself to get to this point. Sitting here, in Sweetwater, with no hopes and dreams for the future. Sure, I love Dillon, I really do, but I still need to figure out some things for myself as well.

  And the more I think of it, I begin to wonder if I don’t already have the answers. All I’ve got to do is articulate them. And I know exactly where to start.

  “Are you sure you wanna do this now? Today?” Dillon asks me one more time over breakfast.

  “Yes, I’m sure. My mind’s made up, and there’s no stopping me once it is.”

  That’s true.

  “Kennedy, I,” Dillon says, and sighs. Leaning back in his seat, he looks at me with defeat in his eyes.


  “Oh nothing. Life with you sure is one hell of a ride.”

  “A rollercoaster ride,” I tell him, and get up to get me some more coffee.

  “Let me do that for you,” Dillon says, and stands up to grab the coffee cup from my hand.

  “You don’t need to do this Dillon, I’ve got it. I’ve poured lots of cups of coffee for myself over the years.”

  “Please?” he begs me, looking at me with his gorgeous puppy-like eyes. “Would you let me? It ain’t much, but I enjoy catering to you.”

  I can’t say no to him. Not when he looks at me like that. Not ever.

  “Okay,” I say, handing him the cup before I sit down again. “It’s not that I don’t enjoy it,” I tell him. “But it’s just that I’ve always had to take care of myself you know. All my life. Nobody’s ever looked after me or taken care of me.”

  “Not even your mother?” he asks, and puts my freshly refilled coffee cup on the table before me. It smells delicious. And when he kisses me on the forehead, I shiver. He’s so loving and caring. It’s almost too much.

  “No. Don’t you know she used to be a crazy drunk?”

  “Well, I suppose I did hear someone mention something about her having had a drinking problem when I first moved here, but I never paid much attention to it. Never been much of a gossip. I prefer to make my own judgements about people rather than listening to what other people have to say.”

  Everything he says is just so perfect. He’s a real dreamboat.

  “Anyway, nobody’s ever really been there for me, which is why it’s hard for me to get used to having you around like this all the time, taking care of my every single need.”

  “But I hope you can get used to it?” he says, his eyes glowing. “Because if there’s something I do enjoy it’s taking care of all of your needs. Every single one of them.”

  He’s got sex written all over his face, and it makes me melt. I can’t help but laugh, not because I’m embarrassed or something, but because I fucking love this man. And it’s just unbelievable that he’s in love with me as well.

  “Yes,” I tell him, and get up from my seat. Walking over to him, I sit down on his lap. “I can get used to all this.”

  “Good. Because I was kind of wondering if you’d consider moving in with me now that we’re married and all.”

  “If that makes you happy, Sheriff,” I say, and cup his face in my hands. Parting my lips, I kiss him. It’s a soft, loving kind of kiss which makes my entire body tingle with arousal.

  “It makes me very happy,” Dillon says, and strokes my hair. “And if telling your mother about our marriage makes you happy then so be it.”

  “You sure?”


  “Good. Because I was doing some thinking this morning while you were still asleep, and I just felt like I need to be straight with my mother for once in my life. You know, I’ve never talked to her about how badly my childhood messed me up, and I think I need to confront her about it. And I also need to tell her the truth about you and me. Not only that we’re in love but everything.”

  “You sure you want this?” he asks, grabbing my hand.

  “Dead sure.”

  “Then that’s what we’ll do. I’ll be right there with you.”

  “That’s why I love you so much, Sheriff. You’re always there for me,” I say, and kiss him again.

  When I ring the doorbell at mom’s place, I get really anxious. What if this isn’t the right thing to do after all? But there’s no time to bolt, because mom answers the door within seconds.

  “Hi Kennedy,” mom says, and immediately hugs me. “Oh, hi Sheriff. What brings you here?”

  “Well, I – ” Dillon begins to say, but I cut him off.

  “Look mom, there’s something we need to talk about. Let’s go inside. I don’t want to be standing out here on the street.”

  “Okay…” mom says, with a hint of curiosity in her voice.

  Entering the house, I notice the smell of lilies. The place is always so pristine, not like where we used to live when I was a kid. It hurts, because I wish she would have taken better care of herself and me back then. Still, I’m glad for her, that she’s managed to shape up. I mean, she’s the town mayor for chrissake.

  “So,” mom says, eyeing us both inquisitively. “Tell me, what is it that you need to talk to me about?”

  “Look, mom. I don’t know how to tell you this. But…” I say, and pause for a moment. Here goes nothing. “Dillon and I are in love and we’ve been dating for a while now, but we didn’t want to tell you what with the accident and all, and I’m sorry about lying to you all this while, but it’s what I thought was best for you, and I really don’t want to upset you but I feel like I had to tell you because I’ve spent all my life tiptoeing around you, even though I’m really mad at you for everything you did to me when I was a

  “Oh…” mom says, and then presses her lips together. “Is that all?”

  “No,” I say, and sense my eyes well up with tears. “Dillon and I ran off ­– ”

  “Kennedy,” Dillon says, cutting me off. “You don’t have to do this right now if you don’t want to.

  “But I want to,” I say, and stare him down for a moment. “So just let me speak.”

  “Alright, alright,” Dillon says, and moves away from us. “I’m sorry.”

  Turning my attention back to mom, I say, “Dillon and I drove out to Las Vegas the other day and we got married.”

  “You got married?” mom says, her eyes big with surprise.

  “Yes mom, and whether you accept it or not, I’m in love with Dillon and we’re married now so you better take it or leave it.”

  “Oh Kennedy,” mom says, and furrows her brow. Placing her hands on my shoulders, she says, “Of course I accept yours and Dillon’s union. What else am I going to do? If the two of you are in love, well, then there’s nothing I can do about it.”


  “Yes, really. In fact, I’m happy for you. You and Dillon.”

  “Really? Because I was kind of worried that you’d disown me or something.”

  “Oh, Kennedy,” she says, and tilts her head to the side. “I love you Kennedy, regardless. I always have. And I am so sorry I hurt you so much when you were little. I know I probably can’t make up for it, but I’m going to try as hard as I can to do just that. If you’ll let me.” Tears are running down her cheeks, and I can tell from the look in her eyes that she really means it.

  “Oh mom,” I say, unable to hold back the tears. Hugging her, I glance over at Dillon who’s standing behind us, holding his hat in his hands. He mouths a silent I love you at me, and I do the same at him. I’m really glad he came along today, because I don’t think I would have been as courageous if I hadn’t had his support. And when I look at his face, I thank God that he brought the two of us together.

  I just know that we’re meant to be together.

  It’s written in the stars.

  Chapter 10


  It’s past midnight when I open my eyes. Kennedy is fast asleep next to me, and she looks like an angel where she lies, sleeping next to me. God how I love her. I’ve never felt so strongly about anything as I do about that.

  Thinking about how we made love before we went to sleep a couple of hours ago, I remember her moaning into my ear about how good I always make her feel. I love it when she does that, and I love the fact that I can make her come.

  The memory of us coming together makes my cock tingle, and I turn to my side and wrap my arms around Kennedy’s body. She’s so soft, and smooth… Damn it feels good to hold her. More than that, it’s a major turn-on just holding her nude body against mine. It makes me want to wake her up and make love to her all over again.

  Kissing her just beneath her ear, I caress her breasts and breathe in the lovely smell of her hair. It always smells like flowers, and I love that scent. It drives me wild with desire.

  Suddenly, I sense her moving against me. Her butt is rubbing against my body, and I wonder if I’ve woken her up.

  “Kennedy, baby?” I whisper, and sense her hand moving behind her back, landing between us. She grabs hold of my cock, which immediately grows hard for her. “Are you awake?”

  “Uh-huh,” she murmurs, and squeezes my shaft. It almost makes me come, but I manage to hold back and pull out of her grip. “Where’d you go?” she mumbles, and turns around to face me. “I want you…”

  “Did I wake you?” I ask, but she doesn’t respond. All she does is give me one deep kiss before turning her back towards me again. If she was asleep a moment ago, she sure is wide awake right now.

  Taking my hand, she puts it on her chest at first, then moves it down slowly along the front of her body. I feel my erection growing harder and stronger with every moment that passes, and when she puts my hand down between her legs, I know I can’t control myself any longer. I need to have her. I’ve just got to.

  Kennedy parts her thighs slightly, giving me enough space to push into her. The moment I do, she moans aloud, and starts moving with me. Damn, this is sexy. Rubbing her precious, swollen nub, while I take her from behind, I grunt while I thrust into her. I feel her delicious, warm wetness clasping around me, and when I sense her getting close to climaxing, I push harder and deeper into her.

  “Dillon,” she moans, and I feel her coming. She’s pulsating for me, and it’s a sensation so arousing that I come too.

  “I love you baby,” I whimper as I thrust deep into her snug wetness and come.

  This is the best feeling there is, I think to myself, and we both drift off to sleep, lying closely together, with my cock still inside of her. With my arms wrapped around her body, and my cock nestled in the depths of her.

  The following day, I decide to take her out horseback riding. Knowing that I need to talk to her about my dream about getting a ranch, I figure I’d might as well show her what I’m talking about since Kennedy’s never been horseback riding herself.

  The sun is shining in a clear blue sky, and the air is calm and still. Perfect weather for horseback riding.

  “Are you ready?” I ask her, and she nods her head. The horse she’s riding today is a black steed, and his skin glows in the sun. As I help her up on the horse, I’m filled with anticipation and excitement. This is a moment I’ve been waiting for for a long time. To go out riding with the woman of my dreams. My wife.

  My love.

  My everything.

  We start off slowly at first, but Kennedy seems to get the hang of it, and we start galloping on each of our horses. It’s a beautiful day, and my wife looks breathtakingly beautiful riding that black horse. I sure hope there’s bound to be more days like this in our future, which is why I’m doing my best to make her first time out riding absolutely perfect.

  Resting in the shade of a tree after having let the horses back into the stables again, I wrap my arm around Kennedy. Everything out here is absolutely quiet, and I just feel blissful. Kennedy sure seems like she had a good time, and it makes me happy.

  “I’m really glad you came out here with me today,” I tell her, and kiss her on the head.

  “Me too,” she says, braiding her fingers into mine. “I never thought I’d ever sit on a horse, but this was really fun. I loved it.”

  “Good. I’m glad you liked it.” Clearing my throat, I figure this is the chance to tell her what’s been bothering me. “You know, baby… I’ve been doing some thinking lately.”


  “Yeah, well we haven’t really talked about the future. And I… Well, part of the reason why I brought you out here today is because, not only that I love horseback riding like I told you, but also because I’ve sort of been dreaming about owning a ranch myself one day.”



  “Wow, well that’s awesome.”

  “Would you mind living on a ranch?”

  “I don’t think so… I mean,” she says, and turns around to face me. “I’ve never seen myself living in Sweetwater all my life, and living on a ranch sounds really amazing to me.”

  “You do?” I’m kind of surprised she’s taking it so well, especially since I kind of figured her for a city girl.

  “Yeah, not that I know anything about horses, but I like the idea of it.”

  “Don’t you worry about that,” I tell her, and squeeze her hand. “I’ll take care of the horses, you can do whatever it is that you want to do with your life. Maybe pursue that artistic vein I’ve seen of you.”

  “My artistic vein?”

  “Yeah, you’re always doodling on notes and napkins and all that. So I kind of figured you’re an artist at heart. You just need to delve into it, see what your style is and all that.”

  “You think so?”

  “I do.”

  “Wow,” she say
s, smiling. “I never thought you noticed. Nobody’s ever noticed.”

  “But I do. I always notice things about you. I love you so much, baby,” I say, and bow my head down to kiss her. “And I’m always gonna love you. I’m yours forever. Don’t you forget about that.”

  Pressing my lips against hers, I slide my tongue into her mouth. And we kiss.

  After we get back home, we hit the shower. And having Kennedy naked right next to me in here is absolutely wonderful. Water splashes down on her nude body, and the sight of it makes me grow hard. Her pale skin glistens in the light, and it makes me want to run my tongue along her whole body.

  Grabbing the shower gel off the shelf, I start lathering her up. Running my hands around in circles on her belly and her breasts, I rub her body. It makes her moan wildly, which in turn only makes me harder.

  “Oh Sheriff,” Kennedy teases me, and turns her back towards me. Pressing her behind against my body, she begs me to take her. “I can’t stand not having you inside of me. Please, fuck me, Dillon.”

  “God, you’re sexy, baby,” I tell her, and push her up against the tiled bathroom wall. Her breasts pressed against the white tiles, she moans as I make her spread her legs apart. And when I split her with my cock, she moans.

  “Dillon,” she yells, and puts her palms against the wall to steady herself. Water is still cascading down on us both while we fuck. Slamming every single inch of myself deep into her wonderfully tight tunnel, I revel in the pleasure of it. We fuck hard and fast, and I make her come within moments. “OH GOD…” she moans, tossing her head backwards. She loses control of herself, and leans against me, but she doesn’t fall, I won’t let her. Instead, I hold her up with my arms and thrust hard into her once again. Then I come, and when I do, I grunt and groan, panting from the intensity of our lovemaking.


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