Anton's Strength

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Anton's Strength Page 8

by R. M. Healy

  Anthony walked away, and Esther could see Jae was impressed.

  "You must be good at your job if your boss is willing to get the bill," Jae's voice was full of approval as he picked up the menu.

  "I've worked for them since I was just a teenager and helped them expand. I love my job, and I do it very well. They know that."

  "It's rare to find a job you love. I once worked in a restaurant, I hated it. As soon as I was scouted by an American agent, that was it, I got to see places I could have never afforded from any other job and have seen so much of the world already."

  Putting his arm around his awkward brother, he grinned, "And now I have my baby brother doing it all with me. Just last week, we finally landed the big contract in New York. Chan's even got a contract in Hollywood to start recording a movie next week."

  Esther found it hard to believe the shy young man could possibly be an actor. But what did she know? If he'd been given a contract, he clearly must have some ability.

  "What about you, Jessica?" Jae asked her sister. It made her happy he involved her since a lot of people treated her sister as if she was incapable of a conversation. It enraged Esther that people didn't address her sister like a regular adult, for that's what she was and so much more.

  Mark brought the drinks out, and behind him came several members of the Romano family. They must have come through the back door to avoid customers and possible paparazzi.

  When Esther saw Anton walk down the steps, she couldn't help but look straight at him, his eyes focused on hers, and she felt massively uncomfortable all of a sudden.

  Her heart rate picked up until he looked away from her, not so much as a smile her way. As predictable as his behavior was, she actually felt offended. He hadn't said hello or even smiled at her.

  Before his accident, on the rare occasions she had seen him, he always paid her attention and had a cheeky comment to give her.

  "Esther? Can you hear me?" Jae frowned as he looked at her staring over his head.

  She was so focused on Anton she hadn't even heard the conversation around her.

  "Sorry, what was that?"

  "I said, what would you recommend? I've been to Italy before, and I have to say the food I ate will be pretty hard to beat," he said, shaking his head, looking down at the menu.

  "Ah, trust me, this restaurant is one of the best in the states."

  Esther said louder so everyone could hear her down the table.

  "You can all order your own choices if you want, but I've spoken to the chef and kitchen staff, and they're doing us sharing dishes. So we all get to try some of everything. You won't want to eat for at least 24 hours once we've finished," she said, causing them to laugh.

  "I think we will take whatever you've ordered," her aunt's husband said, smiling. He looking nothing like his sons and was very petite for a man and slender with grey hair.

  Jae put his menu down and nodded in agreement with his father.

  More Romanos came down the stairs, including a couple she'd never met before but recognized. A man who she almost mistook for Sebastian walked down the steps carrying a toddler again his chest. The woman behind him was hard not to notice with her red curly hair, which almost reached her waist.

  She'd seen them in the same article that said Sebastian had found out about a secret brother recently, and after seeing him, she had to believe there was some truth in that. Remembering the article, she thought of Anton, and her eye's sought him out.

  He'd chosen to sit right in her line of view, facing her side of the room. He was leaning back in his chair with a blank expression as Luca and Lucy greeted the two new arrivals.

  He must have sensed Esther watching him, for he slowly turned and looked at her, eyebrows raised as if to question her.

  She licked her lips nervously and took a deep breath as she looked back down the table at her family. She had no idea what was wrong with her.

  "I'm just going to say hello to Rosa, Anthony's wife," Esther stood and didn't wait for anyone to speak. She needed fresh air.

  As she walked towards the kitchen, she was stopped in the suddenly crowded corridor by Tomasso, Anton's uncle.

  "Ahh, Esther, hello! Are you here working tonight, or will you be celebrating Thanksgiving with us?" He asked.

  Clover and Sebastian greeted her too as Clover's younger brother, Sam, picked up their adorable little son out of the pushchair.

  "I'm here with my family too. My aunt and her family flew out from Korea yesterday."

  "How exciting! Well, I better get to the table because I think we are the last four here, and I imagine everyone is starving!"

  As they were about to walk away, Rosa walked out of the kitchen doors.

  "Hello, everyone! Aw, is he awake?" She asked about the boy in Sam's arms.

  "Yep, cried the whole way here but seems to have calmed down now. Where shall we put the pushchair? Have you got any high chairs left?" Sebastian asked.

  "Leave it with me and go take your seats. The highchairs are all set up," Rosa practically pushed them down the hallway then sighed as she turned to Esther.

  Although she was flustered, it was obvious how happy she was that her family were all there together, including Anton.

  "All these babies and not one is my own grandchild, maybe someday. How are you, Esther? Anthony tells me you are here with your family?" Rosa asked, gripping the pushchair, ready to put it out of the way.

  "Good, and yep, they flew over yesterday. Want me to find somewhere to put the pushchair?"

  "I've put the others in the office. I better let you get back to your family. I will come and say hi when I'm done out back!"

  Rosa watched the other woman walk away and decided to go and freshen herself up in the toilet.

  The red corridor was narrow and dimly lit to get between the staff area and the customer toilets, and Esther knew most of the employees would be super busy on the floor and in the kitchen.

  She walked along the black and white tiled floor and rounded the corner where the door was to enter the customer corridor. Before she had a chance to open it, someone gently gripped her arm and stopped her.

  Esther didn't know how it happened, but her back was against the cold wall, and she was looking into Anton's dark eyes, inches from her own.

  Chapter Eight

  Anton's sinister smile crossed his full lips as he looked down at her, his hot minty breath fanning her face.

  His sculpted cheekbones made him look older than his 26 years, as did the dark stubble that had started to grow around his jawline.

  Esther was used to seeing him perfectly manicured. He always looked well-groomed for her tastes. But now, with his curling black hair, stubble, and bandage, he looked like a different person. A sexier manly version of the Anton she’d always known.

  Internally shaking her head, she composed herself and looking him straight in the eye.

  "What?" She snapped, feeling tense as he raised his brows at her harsh voice. She was convinced he'd be standing closer to her if his bandaged arm wasn't between them. That didn't mean he still wasn't in her personal space.

  He lifted his arm and ran his hand through her hair, making her tense, "you should wear your hair down more often, Essie."

  Frowning, she took a deep breath and let out a heavy sigh.

  "I asked what do you want, Anton?"

  He smirked and shook his head, still not moving away from her.

  "What do you think I want?" His face moved closer to hers, and their lips were almost touching. Laughing, he leaned back and grinned. Esther was grateful her makeup would hide any evidence of her turning red. She felt so embarrassed, and all he'd done was said a few words.

  That an the fact she thought he might kiss her, then didn't and laughed in her face.

  "What I want is for you to go away," she said as she pushed him out of the way with the left side of her body, "you immature fool."

  "I'm afraid I can't do that," he shouted after her as she pulled the door open,
"we will, after all, be working together very soon!"

  Letting the door slam behind her, she stormed into the toilet, angry about the whole situation that had just occurred. How dare he intrude on her personal space like that, she thought angrily.

  Looking in the mirror, she was even more annoyed to see that her makeup hadn't worked. Her cheeks were a dark shade of pink.

  "Stupid, arrogant idiot," she mumbled.

  All of her sympathy for him had gone out of the window. She couldn't believe he'd mentioned working there again. Was he serious? If he were she would leave, she would have too.

  Of course, she would give Anthony and Rosa a few week's notice, but she couldn't work with Anton.

  Composing herself, she walked back out into the restaurant to see the Romano table full. As she walked between the tables, she could feel him watching her and tried to avoid looking at him.

  As she went to sit down, she glanced over and regretted it.

  Anton sat back in his chair, a satisfied smile on his face as he watched her, he knew how annoyed she was, and he liked it. Anton's smirk disappeared from his face and was replaced by a quizzical glare as he looked at the man in front of her, her cousin, whose back was turned to Anton.

  "Your drink has arrived. Perhaps you should have some. You seem a little flushed," her cousin said, frowning at her and breaking her attention away from Anton.

  Taking a deep breath, she attempted to compose herself once again. She had no idea what was going on with her body.

  "I am fine. It's just hot out the back with the cooking and whatever," she said, smiling at him and taking a long drink of her beer.

  Looking deep in thought, Jae leaned forward and spoke in a low tone for her.

  "When you left, I thought I saw someone follow you that I knew, and then it clicked. I turned around and saw Sebastian Romano. I can't believe you know Sebastian and Anton Romano."

  Esther wasn't sure what to say. She didn't expect her cousin from Korea to have any idea who the two men were. Then again, he traveled the world modeling, and Sebastian was the best in his time.

  "Yes, how do you know them?" She said, hoping he wouldn't mention the trash that was in the press.

  "Every aspiring model knows Sebastian. He was the best of the best. And every male model knows Anton is the next big thing, he was supposed to be signing up to the same big agency my brother and I are signing to. I couldn't believe it when my manager told me about what happened to him!"

  Looking across the room, she saw Anton was deep in conversation with his cousin Luca. Regardless of his scars, he could still be a model. Surely the industry wasn't that cruel?

  "I think it's best we don't talk about that. I don't like gossip. But well done on you signing to a big agency. Will that mean you will be in the states more?"

  Thankfully, Jae got the hint and began speaking about his new contract and what that would mean for him and his younger brother. It was apparent Chan wasn't as enthusiastic as his brother.

  Esther, unintentionally, wasn't really paying attention to what he was saying, not because she was rude but because she kept seeing Anton glance over at her and couldn't help but feel aware of how she looked.

  Did her hair look a mess? Had she smudged her makeup? Or was he trying to make her uncomfortable by watching her? She hated feeling so flustered, it was so out of character for her, and she didn't know how to act.

  "Are you ok?" Chan asked, interrupting his brother with a concerned look her way.

  "Sorry, I don't know what's wrong with me tonight."

  Chan turned and looked over his shoulder directly where Anton sat and back her way, a subtle smile crossing his face before he looked away. It was then the waiters and waitresses began bringing out the food to both tables. Esther noticed almost every single one who walked down the steps glance over at Anton quickly, all curious about their employer's son.

  It annoyed her watching them all. She knew they'd more than likely gossip about him when they left the room, as people always did.

  When she looked at him, she was surprised to see him smiling at the attractive young waitress, Laura, as she put two large pizzas in the center of the table.

  Laura didn't seem to put out from what Esther could see, batting her lashes flirtatiously and looking over her shoulder at him as she walked away. Esther found herself annoyed at the woman's actions. Her only explanation for that was the fact the staff shouldn't be acting that way to customers. Especially not their boss's son.

  Anton looked over at Esther and raised his brows. It was then she realized she was scowling.

  Looking away, she smiled at Jae as he complimented the food in front of him.

  "I haven't tasted it yet but judging by the smell, it's going to be amazing," he said, looking up and down the table at the colorful array of dishes.

  For the next hour, she enjoyed spending time with her family and seeing her father, the happiest she'd seen him in years. Everyone enjoyed the food, and she even enjoyed another two beers, deciding to leave her car there and get a taxi.

  "Excuse me while I just go to the lady's room," she said.

  She didn't look at Anton as she walked out of the room. She had successfully managed to not look his way since the food arrived and didn't intend to now.

  On her way back from the toilet, she heard coughing from the manager's office and wondered if Anthony was in there. She wanted to thank him for being so generous with paying for her family, so she opened the door.

  Instead of seeing her boss, she saw Anton. Her heart began beating fast as he looked up from the seat.

  "Ahhh, Esther. Couldn't you resist? Or were you jealous I might have come here with the waitress?" He said with a nasty smirk.

  "Are you serious?" She questioned, her hand still holding the door handle.

  He laughed and walked around to where she stood, shaking his head. His hand pulled her away from the handle, and he tapped the door shut with his foot.

  Biting his top lip, he looked down at her, and his hand brushed along her arm.

  "There is no point in playing pointless games, Essie. I won't tell your date, don't worry. This will be a one-time thing."

  She frowned and was about to say something back when his hand reached her collarbone. His fingers skimmed the fabric of the dress, getting dangerously close to her breasts.

  "As much as I want to fuck you in this dress, I want to see your naked body more. I want to lay you down on this floor and watch your face as I enter you."

  Esther gasped at his words. No man had ever spoken to her like that.

  "Get your hand off of me!" She said, pushing him away and quickly leaving the room, slamming the door behind her.

  She didn't have time to gather her thoughts before Laura, the waitress, was walking towards her, looking confused at Esther's flustered state.

  "Hey, I was wondering if you'd seen Anthony’s son?" The girl asked innocently.

  Esther tried to hide her anger as she let out a deep breath.

  "Why?" She questioned.

  "Oh, er, I just wanted to say I was sorry to hear what happened," the girl lied.

  "Shouldn't you be doing your job?" Anton said behind her, making Esther jump.

  Laura's face turned red as she walked away and out of sight. A hand wrapped around Esther's waist, and Anton's lips were touching her ear as he spoke harshly.

  "Don't worry, I am all yours for now. You'll be begging for it soon enough, especially when you have to see me every day. You have no excuse to lie to yourself now that ring is off of your finger."

  Esther heard his deep laugh as she pulled away from him and walked away as fast as her feet would allow. She wanted to leave as soon as possible. It was lucky her family had already finished their dinner, plus her father would be tired after such an overwhelming night.

  Both of the tables were busy talking loudly, laughing, and enjoying each other's company. Anthony Romano stood beside her father as both of them shared a joke. Perfect, she'd be able to thank Anth
ony as she asked her father if he wanted to stay longer, and hopefully, he'd want to leave.

  She was finding it extremely hard to focus after what had just happened with Anton and even more so when she heard the footsteps behind her as she walked over to her father.

  "Dad, would you like to stay here longer, or do you want me to order a taxi home?" She said the first chance she got. Her father did look tired, and she didn't want him to be exhausted for the week like she knew he would be if he exerted himself too much.

  "You and you're family are welcome to stay as long as you would like, Mr. Lee," Anthony said. Beside him, Anton smiled at her father.

  "I don't think we've met, Mr. Lee. My name is Anton Romano," he grinned, holding a hand out for her father, who immediately took it.

  "Hello, Esther has mentioned you before," her father said, smiling.

  Esther had barely mentioned him, and it annoyed her that her father said that.

  "Oh, has she?" Anton grinned at her father, his head tilted.

  "I hope you've enjoyed your night, Esther. It's been wonderful meeting your family," Anthony said.

  "Yes, it's been fantastic, thank you so much," Esther replied, "I wish we could stay longer, but it's getting late now."

  "I couldn't agree with you more," her father said, yawning, then turning toward Anthony, "thank you so much for hosting us. Your chef is fantastic."

  "That would be my wife. I couldn't keep her out of the kitchen tonight."

  "I better thank her and say goodbye to your family."

  Esther pretended she wasn't aware of Anton standing beside her as her dad and Anthony walked away. She pulled out her cellphone and called her local taxi company, who said they'd be there as soon as possible.

  As she did, her cousins both walked towards her and Anton. He frowned and looked at then at her, as if deep in thought. Her cousins both smiled at Anton and turned back to Esther.

  "Tonight has been fantastic Esther, how about we all meet up in a couple of days at our hotel? We will pay for dinner this time?" Jae suggested.


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