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Tempting the Boss, Collection 2

Page 2

by Ruby Carew

  I watched as Mr. Elliott shoved my panties into his jacket pocket.

  “That’s perfect, Ms. Grainger. Ensure that the sender knows just how important this is to help me stay focussed this afternoon, and how much I appreciate it.”

  The smile he sent me melted my heart.

  “Of course, Sir.”

  I walked back to my office and sat down, glad I made it there before my knees buckled.


  Gina walked into my office with a file folder and dropped it on my desk.

  “Oh, by the way, Mr. Elliott just got an envelope from personnel with your name on it, and he told me he has something important to discuss with you.” A smug grin split her face. “I bet that means he’s probably ending your contract.”

  My gaze darted to hers. “Why would you say that?”

  Gina shrugged. “Isn’t it obvious? Why would he promote you to be his personal assistant but not make you an employee? Clearly, you’ve been on trial and he’s found your services lacking.”

  “I’m sure he’d give me more than a week.”

  Gina shrugged. “Maybe that’s all he needed.” She turned and sauntered out of my office.

  I knew I shouldn’t allow Gina’s words to rattle me, but they did. Especially since she was right about this position being a trial. He’d said so straight out when he’d offered it to me.

  His words rang through my head. I was thinking that maybe I could use a personal assistant. Temporarily, of course. To see how it would work out.

  I drew in a deep breath. Gina was just trying to torture me and I couldn’t let her win. Mr. Elliott had said on several occasions how well he thought I was doing in this job. He was not going to end my contract.

  Then I began to feel lightheaded as I remembered he’d said the same thing before… when he’d called me into his office to fire me. Because I was a distraction.

  Our arrangement was supposed to fix that problem, but when we’d had those brief few moments in his office earlier this afternoon, he’d said he was obsessed with me. That the whole time he’d been away, he’d been in a state of constant arousal.

  Oh, God, could it be that this arrangement had backfired on me? I already knew that Mr. Elliott was willing to let me go rather than have me interfering with his concentration. Maybe these four days away had given him clarity and he’d decided it was best to cut me loose now before the problem became any worse.

  Fuck, if I don’t get a chance to touch Bella soon, I’ll burst.

  As my latest appointment, a senior lawyer from the legal department, went over a document, telling me the steps we had to take to close the important deal I’d been working on last week, I dipped my hand in my pocket and fingered the lacy panties inside. I stroked the crotch, knowing it had been snug against Bella’s warm folds. Maybe she’d been wet thinking about me and her moisture had soaked into the fabric I was touching now.

  The thought drove me crazy. I wanted to be touching her.

  But I had one more meeting after this. And I couldn’t blow it off.

  Fuck, the thought of Bella blowing me right now nearly made me groan.

  I listened attentively to the lawyer’s babble, then signed off on the plan.

  When he stood up to leave, I followed him out of the office, needing to stretch my legs.

  “Where’s Bella?” I asked Gina, hoping to see her for a few minutes before getting caught up in my next meeting.

  “She’s in her office. But Mr. Garner called back and said that their CEO wants to meet with you before they’ll sign the deal. Unfortunately, he can’t get here until Wednesday.


  “That’s too late. Everything has to be signed off by tomorrow afternoon.”

  “I told him that and he said he’d agree to meet with you in Cullingham this evening.”

  I frowned. “What time?”

  “At seven. I called to arrange a car for you. If you leave at five sharp, you’ll make it in time.”

  I raked my hand through my hair. I didn’t want to go away again. I had hoped that Bella would stay late and we could fuck like rabbits in my office after everyone else had gone.

  Not that it was fair to ask her to stay late just to alleviate my needs, but I was pretty sure she needed this as much as I did.

  And I’d find a way to make it up to her.

  That’s when the thought popped into my brain.

  “Have you arranged a hotel room?”

  “Yes. I wasn’t sure if you’d be staying over, but I booked one just in case.”

  “Make it two. And tell Ms. Grainger that I’ll need her to join me on the trip.”

  He turned back to his office, knowing they wouldn’t need the second room, but it was important to keep up appearances.


  When I finally stepped out of my office at five o’clock, Bella was waiting for me in the reception area.

  “I’m sorry for the short notice, but the trip came up suddenly.”

  “Yes, Gina told me. I didn’t have time to go home and get a change of clothes or anything.”

  “It’s okay. The hotel will provide a toothbrush, robe, et cetera, and they have a laundry service. You’ll be fine.”

  “The car’s waiting for you,” Gina said.

  As I turned toward the elevator, I caught the surly glance Gina sent Bella’s way. I frowned, but continued into the elevator.

  There were several people inside and the Lobby button had already been pushed. Bella and I rode down in silence.

  We hurried across the lobby to the car waiting at the curb. The driver opened the door of the limousine and I gestured for Bella to precede me into the back seat, then I climbed in beside her.

  Once the door was closed, I pushed the button to close the privacy window between us and the driver.

  I smiled. “So, we finally have some time together.”

  She gazed at me uncertainly.

  “Don’t worry. The driver can’t see or hear a thing back here when that’s closed.” I rested my hand on her skirt, feeling her firm thigh beneath the fabric. “And I don’t intend to open it again any time soon.”

  His hungry gaze sent my heart thumping in my chest. I’d been sitting in my office all afternoon with no panties on. Very aware of the cool air against my hot flesh. Thinking about Mr. Elliott with my panties in his pocket thinking about me without them.

  I shifted in the seat. The fabric of my skirt stroked my pussy and I drew in a deep breath.

  His gaze ran down my body then focused on my skirt. Right where my naked pussy was hidden beneath the garment.

  He slipped his hand in his pocket, then drew it out again. I could see the black and red lace spilling from his closed fist. Then he raised it to his face and stroked his cheek with it.

  “All I could think about all afternoon,” he said, his voice rumbling from his chest, “was you sitting in your office with no panties on. You wouldn’t believe how much I want to fuck you right now.”

  “I do. Because I feel the same way.”

  He took my hand and pressed it to the bulge in his pants.

  “No, you really don’t understand.”

  His cock was hard as marble and stretched his pants unbelievably tight.

  “I need to be inside you right now. Pull up your skirt for me, baby.”

  I pulled my narrow skirt up my legs, then shimmied it to my hips. His hand slid along my thigh and then he stroked my intimate flesh. His touch made me melt on the spot.

  “God, damn, you’re already wet.”

  “Yes,” I whispered.

  He chuckled. I watched as he unzipped his pants, then he pulled out his enormous cock. It stood straight up, hard as a marble column.

  I couldn’t help myself. I reached out and ran my fingertips over it. It was so hot and rigid. I wrapped my hand around it and stroked.

  “Ah, fuck,” he groaned. “Come here.”

  He pulled me onto his lap, facing him and then lifted me onto my knees, straddling his legs. I felt
his rock hard tip brush against my slick folds. I clung to his neck as he eased me down onto his cock. It stretched me as it penetrated my body. Slowly filling me as I moved lower and lower.

  Finally, he was all the way inside.

  I couldn’t help squeezing him with my intimate muscles, to his groan of approval.

  “You feel so good inside me,” I murmured against his ear.

  “Fuck, this is exactly where I’ve been longing to be.”

  He wrapped his arms tight around me and held me close. Instead of starting to move inside me… to relieve his obviously painful condition, he kept holding me. Then his mouth found mine and he kissed me. His tongue glided inside and stroked mine. Gently. With an almost loving tenderness.

  He deepened the kiss, passion flaring between us. I drove my tongue deep into his mouth and swirled, then explored his mouth. He tightened his arms around me nudging his cock a little deeper. I squeezed him, then pivoted my hips. But he grasped them and held me firm.

  “No, baby. Slow it down. Right now, I just want to sit here and enjoy being immersed in you. I don’t want to just fuck you and it all be over in seconds. Which believe me, is exactly what will happen if you move again.”

  He brushed my hair from my eyes and the smile he sent me absolutely took my breath away.

  “I want to enjoy this closeness with you. This intimacy.” He kissed my temple, then murmured in my ear, “I missed you.”

  His words burrowed through me, nudging at feelings I knew I shouldn’t allow myself to feel. I rested my head against his shoulder, enjoying the feel of his body close to mine, the gentle motion of the car.

  The feel of his thick cock embedded inside me.

  The miles rolled by as he held me tight to him, his fingers curled around my butt, pressing into my skin with a gentle pressure. The ride was smooth, but there was enough of a rocking motion to move his cock inside me just a little. And every tiny movement sent sparks ricocheting through me.

  I drew in a deep breath, loving the intense closeness we were sharing, but a powerful need was building inside me.

  I tipped my head and brushed my lips against the base of his neck. Then I dragged the tip of my tongue along his collarbone, tasting the saltiness of his skin.

  He groaned, squeezing me tighter. Pushing his cock a little deeper. I moaned softly.

  He rocked his hips and I gasped, needing him to move inside me. I squeezed him tight.

  “Ah, baby.” His voice was strained.

  I stopped moving, knowing he wanted to just enjoy this time being inside me. I loved that he wanted that.

  But the car went over a bump and the motion rocked him inside me. Pleasure blossomed inside me, quivering through my being. I held him tight as need washed through me.

  Then we went over another bump. His cock nudged deeper inside and I could feel the rippling waves on the edge of my consciousness.

  “Ohhh, I’m so close,” I murmured.

  “You are?” His lips nibbled my earlobe. “How close?”

  “If you were to just move then—“

  He rocked his hips and pleasure swelled inside me like a rising wave. I tightened my arms around him and moaned softly.

  “Are you coming, baby?” His breath washed against my ear, sending tingles dancing through me as the wave swelled higher.

  I nodded, my moan growing louder as delightful sensations swept through me.

  A moan rumbled from deep in his chest and he rocked his hips again.

  “Oh, God,” I cried as my pleasure surged higher.

  Then he was thrusting into me, his hand tight on my ass, filling me again and again with his thick, hard cock.

  “Oh, yes,” I cried, tears streaming from my eyes at the intensity of the bliss thrumming through me.

  Then he drove deep and erupted inside me. I catapulted into free fall, the orgasm shimmering through my whole being, carrying me to ecstasy.

  Finally, I collapsed in his arms, sagging against him. His strong arms held me tight to his body and his lips nuzzled my temple.

  It was heaven being with him like this. I never wanted it to end.



  I heard the soft murmur in my ear and drew in a deep breath, slowly waking to the scent of musky masculine aftershave.

  Mr. Elliott’s aftershave.

  I murmured softly, loving the intimacy of being in his arms like this. My head resting against his chest. The beat of his heart soothing against my ear.

  “Bella? It’s time to wake up.”

  His breath brushed against my temple and I snuggled even closer to his big body, not wanting to wake up yet. Not wanting to get out of bed.

  He stroked the hair back from my face.

  “We’ll be there in fifteen minutes.”

  Be there?

  I lifted my head, and glanced around, blinking. I wasn’t lying with Mr. Elliott in a nice bed where we’d just spent the night together. I was on his lap, resting against his solid chest. His arms were snug around me and… Oh, God, his big cock was inside me.

  And it was hard.

  The gentle movement of the car must have lulled me to sleep. But now I remembered we were on our way to meet with a client.

  I stroked my fingers along his jawline, loving the feel of the coarse bristles.

  “How can you still be hard?” I asked.

  We must have been driving for at least an hour since I’d fallen asleep.

  He chuckled softly. “What do you expect with your sexy, warm body wrapped around me like this?”

  He twitched inside me and I moaned softly as gentle waves of pleasure washed through me. I squeezed his thick shaft and rocked against him.

  His hands slid to my hips and he pulled me tighter to his body.

  “God, that feels so good,” he said, his lips playing over my temple.

  He pivoted his hips, pushing deeper inside me. I rocked again, trembling at the feel of his solid erection moving inside me.

  He guided me forward and back, his big cock pushing deeper inside me, then pulling back, then pushing deep again.

  “Ohhhh,” I moaned softly.

  He nuzzled my neck, singeing my senses. I rocked my hips faster against him, joyful sensations rising in me. Because of the gentle brush of his lips on my skin. The feel of his powerful cock thrusting deep inside me. The rough sound of his breathing against my ear.

  “Fuck, baby, I’m going to come.”

  “Yes.” My voice was a hoarse, lingering whisper.

  He burst inside me, liquid heat filling my body.

  I clung tight to him, my aching breasts crushed against his hard body, as an orgasm blasted through me. He kept rocking against me, driving my pleasure higher and higher.

  I moaned, sailing through the cosmos on a cloud of bliss.

  Slowly, I drifted back to earth, settling in the comfort of his arms.

  His lips played along my ear and I could feel his smile.

  “We’re almost there.”

  Oh, God, I was going to meet the CEO of EcoGoGreen Industries with my cheeks still glowing from our lovemaking.

  When I tried to ease away, his arms tightened around me. Then his lips brushed my cheek.

  It was so sweet and intimate, my heart melted.

  I turned to look at him and his firm lips captured my mouth. His tongue swept inside and I melted into the kiss, my heart thumping wildly. His hands cupped my face and he deepened it.

  It was so tender and intimate. When he drew back, I stared into his steel blue eyes, amazed at the glow of happiness I saw there. I could almost believe that… he had feelings for me.

  My breath caught and I slid from his lap. The feel of his cock slipping from my body left me feeling empty.

  I had to stop these silly romantic notions from filling my head.

  Mr. Elliott was my boss, and the sex between us was part of our arrangement. Nothing more.

  “You said you had something important to talk to me about,” I said, desperate t
o know what it was about.

  “I think we should talk about it after the meeting.”

  “No, please. I really want to know. Is it… about our arrangement?”

  He stared at me, clearly seeing the anxiety in my eyes.

  “Okay, yes, it is. This arrangement isn’t quite working out the way I’d thought.”

  My chest tightened.

  “What do you mean?”

  “I mean that originally the idea was to alleviate the sexual distraction. That having sex in the office would help me—help both of us—keep our focus on the job. But that’s not what’s happening. Ever since that first time in my office, I’ve become obsessed with you.”

  I could feel the car slowing down. Then it turned.

  “Ah, what the fuck,” he said, “I thought we had a few more minutes before we reached the hotel.” He zipped up his pants and straightened his clothing. “I’m sorry, Bella. I shouldn’t have started this conversation now.”

  I followed suit, pulling my skirt back down and adjusting my blouse.

  Oh, God, it sounded like Gina was right and he was going to let me go.

  The car pulled to a stop and the driver got out.

  My heart pounded.

  A moment later, the driver opened the door. I got out of the car, followed by Mr. Elliott, and stepped onto a stone walkway that led to an enormous mansion. I smoothed down my skirt, very conscious of the fact I still wore no panties.

  “What are we doing here?” Mr. Elliott asked the driver.

  “Your office contacted me and told me the meeting was moved to the CEO’s residence. He’s waiting for you inside.”

  Mr. Elliott turned to me and frowned. “I’m sorry, Bella. We’ll have to finish this discussion later.”


  Did you miss how Bella and Mr. Elliott met?

  Read the original Tempting the Boss.


  Tempting the Boss,

  The New Partner

  Ruby Carew

  Bella wants to keep her job.

  Mr. Elliott wants to keep his company.

  Winston Hawthorne wants Bella.

  Bella is falling for Mr. Elliott, which is a crazy thing to do, since their office affair is just a convenience for him. And since their arrangement doesn’t seem to be reducing the distraction in the office as they’d hoped, she isn’t even sure he’ll continue her contract.


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