A Virgin for Two Brothers

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A Virgin for Two Brothers Page 2

by Jenika Snow

  There was no doubt in her mind that they cared about her, and the fact that they went to these kinds of lengths to show it startled her. What she didn’t understand, couldn’t comprehend, was how were they were supposed to move on with their lives if they were married to her? Would they bring more women into their home, and hide her away like a dirty little secret? Maybe they would give it some time and then file papers for her release. Although it was rare for a man to release a wife he bought at a virgin auction, given the fact it was a waste of money, it had been known to happen. Is that what Victor and Christopher would do? She almost prayed they would, even if her reputation would be ruined over it. She wouldn’t be able to find a husband because everyone in the city would know that not one, but two husbands, didn’t want her. Even so, despite knowing her reputation would be soiled, she knew she could not watch them be with another woman. They may not have feelings for her in the same sense she had for them, but she didn’t want their lives to be changed all for the sake of them thinking they needed to take care of her and her family.

  “I can’t allow you to change your lives for me. What will happen when you fall in love and decide to get married for real?” Because she knew this marriage wasn’t real, it couldn’t be. They could tell her until they were blue in the face that they didn’t purchase her for the sole purpose of ensuring her family didn’t become destitute, but in the end she knew that’s exactly why they did it. They were honorable men, ones that had put everyone before their own selves. They knew when to come off hard and demanding, but in this day and age if you didn’t show your strength, others would throw you to the wolves.

  Victor and Christopher looked at each other for a suspended moment and then turned their striking blue eyes back toward her. Victor took a step closer, not saying anything, but he didn’t have to for her to feel his intent fill the room. Whatever he was about to do, it was filled with determination.

  “There are no others for us, McKenna.” His hand cupped the side of her face. His palm was so large that it covered her whole left cheek, causing a slight thrill to go through her. McKenna felt wholly feminine with these two men, her girlish form so very slight compared to their masculinity.

  She didn’t respond because in reality words failed her. The way he stared down at her, as if there was no other female on the planet that could compare to her, stole all reason, all thoughts out of her mind. She felt Christopher’s hand gently land on her shoulder and she tore her eyes away from Victor to look at him. His expression matched his brother’s, all steely determination for her to understand them.

  “Do you still not understand?” Christopher held a hard expression, but his soft, calming voice told her that inside he was just as affected as she was. She wanted to lift her hand and run her fingers along the smooth, tanned flesh of his face. They were fifteen years her senior, but their youthful faces had fooled many. Their intelligence and success made her feel small in comparison. “You are all that we want. If you’ll have us, we can give you everything your heart desires.”

  “You’ll be taken care of, and cherished. Your family will never want for anything.” Victor’s deep voice was by her ear and she closed her eyes in pleasure. “All you have to do is accept us. Both of us.”

  How many times had she dreamed of hearing them say these things? It seemed like a dream now, that she could finally be with not one, but both of the men she loved. Her family would be taken care of and her mother would get the proper health coverage she needed. Despite the pleasantries of it all, the cynical side of her couldn’t push back a nagging thought.

  “You could have so many other women, ones far more beautiful and well off than me. Why?”

  Christopher leaned down and kissed her temple and it took everything in her power not to stand on her toes, wrap her arms around his neck, and kiss him. God, she wanted to kiss him––make that both of them. Victor’s unyielding grasp drew her back to the present and she turned with him as he led them to stand in front of a gilt-framed mirror. It reached from floor to well above her head. There was no part of her that was unseen. Victor stood behind her and rested his hands on her shoulders.

  “Tell me what you see, McKenna.”

  Staring at her reflection while Victor and Christopher stood by and watched was harder than it should have been. The girl that stared back was small in comparison to the man behind her. The wide breadth of his shoulders made her feel like it was only the two of them in the room, although she could sense Christopher close by. The wall he created didn’t allow her to see around him, and even the top of her head barely reached the top of his chest. He certainly was a force to be reckoned with.

  Her eyes seemed big and brown on her face. Her skin, called porcelain-like in quality by her family, just looked pale to her. Her hair, as dark as a raven’s wing, lay in thick, straight strands over her shoulders. The locks were a startling contrast to her pale face and white robe. “I just see a girl. An average girl.” She lifted her eyes to look at Victor’s face. He didn’t say anything for several long minutes, just kept his eyes locked with hers. She could practically see his thoughts running through his mind.

  Finally he spoke and broke the silence. “Do you want to know what I see?” Even though he phrased it as a question McKenna knew it was anything but. “I see the teenager that followed Christopher and I around, the one that never thought she was special. I see that girl that has now transformed into the beautiful woman that is standing before me. I see a woman that has sensuality as well as sexuality pouring off of her.” He brushed her hair away from her ear and whispered, “If you could see what I see, what we see, there would be no doubt in your mind that you are wanted, desperately.”

  Her heart pounded fiercely behind her ribs as she stared at Victor. When Christopher stood beside her she turned her gaze to him. His eyes were heavy-lidded with clear desire and she forced herself to swallow the lump that had suddenly formed in her throat.

  “You’re so beautiful, McKenna.” Christopher lifted his hand and trailed his fingers over her collarbone that had been inadvertently exposed. His touch was so soft, almost hesitant in nature, but it held so much heat she felt it in every cell.

  “All you have to do is tell us, admit to us that you want this also.” His tone informed her he was very aware that she indeed had feelings for them. Maybe she hadn’t hidden her emotions well enough, if they had been so easily picked up on?

  “God, McKenna.” Christopher’s voice was strained as he dipped his head and kissed her clavicle. “Tell us you want this too.”

  When put like that, how could she deny them anything?

  Chapter Four

  McKenna closed her eyes at the feel of Christopher’s soft, firm lips gliding across her shoulder. He had slipped the material slightly down, just enough to expose that swatch of white skin. His mouth moved from her collarbone to her shoulder, his tongue peeking out gently as he made the journey.

  “I want this, too.” A collective groan spilled from them and she reveled in it. It was a heady feeling knowing she caused this reaction in them.

  All the while Victor stood still behind her. He didn’t speak, just watched his brother touch her. She wondered if they did this often, took women to bed and seduced them. Then again, she wasn’t just a woman now, she was their wife, and according to them that was exactly what they wanted her to be. Could she give herself to both of them? She certainly had thought about it, many, many times, but what would her family say, or think?

  As if Victor heard her thought he said, “Stop thinking and just feel, baby.” The endearment sent a stab of lust through her and she snapped her eyes open to look at him. His heated stare coupled with Christopher’s mouth on her caused the air to leave her lungs. She felt Victor’s fingers curl around the edge of her lapel and when he started slowly dragging it down, exposing her breasts, Christopher’s mouth disappeared from her body. The other side of her robe followed suit until the only thing holding up the material was the sash around her waist.
br />   “Look at how gorgeous you are.” Victor kissed the spot right below her ear at the same time he brought his arms around her and cupped her breasts. “Look at how supple you are, how tight and red your nipples are.” He dragged his thumbs across the turgid flesh, making them grow harder. Blood pumped through her body and rushed to the erogenous zone. They flushed right before her eyes and she couldn’t help but feel heat steal across her cheeks. Aside from the auction, she had never been so blatantly on display in front of a man before. It was exhilarating and frightening, especially when those men were Christopher and Victor.

  “Christopher is going to wrap his lips around one of these pretty nipples, and suck them into his mouth. You are going to ask him for it, and beg him to do it harder.” The air left her in a whoosh and she looked between the two of them. Christopher stared at her breasts as his twin continued fondling, while Victor’s stoic expression remained trained on her face.

  “Look at me, McKenna.” She turned and stared up into Victor’s face. His rugged masculinity stopped her heart. “I want you to ask Christopher for his mouth on you, to beg him for it.” He was taking her out of her comfort zone, making her realize what the three of them were about to do was very real.

  Never taking her eyes from Victor she whispered, “Christopher, please, put your mouth on me.” She could hear a muffled noise, as if Christopher was trying not to show her how affected he was. The sound of clothing shifting barely pierced the haze that had settled over her. A second later she gasped as she felt the warm wetness of Christopher’s lips wrapping around her breasts. One of his hands cupped the mound while he suctioned her nipple further into the hot recess of his mouth. The feel of his tongue sliding over her flesh, causing it to become increasingly more sensitive, parted her lips and a low moan spilled from her. It felt so good, incredibly good.

  Christopher sucked and nipped at her flesh, drawing her nipple deeper and deeper into his mouth until she felt the blood pool right below the skin. Victor attacked her mouth with as much fervor as a wild animal. She felt claimed, completely and utterly possessed by them.

  Christopher alternated between her breasts until she was wantonly thrusting her chest into his mouth, silently begging him for more. A hand slid down her side and over her thigh, gripping the flesh over and over again.

  The hand that had been gripping her leg moved back up her body until she felt the slight tug of the knot at her waist being undone. She felt Christopher grip both breasts, kneading the flesh and bringing the mounds to his mouth for his onslaught. It was Victor who wanted her nude, bared to the both of them. With one last tug she felt the material gape open, and the chilled air brushing along her naked form. It was hard to suck in air, hard to concentrate knowing these two men would see her completely bare to them, open for their appraisal.

  After what seemed like an eternity of intense and torturous pleasure, Victor broke the kiss. For several long moments all he did was stare at her, his breathing coming out in hard pants. There were no more hard pulls from Christopher’s mouth, but she could feel his hand sliding over her belly in gentle sweeps.

  Victor finally turned his gaze from her and she knew he was looking at her reflection. For what seemed like several long minutes, all Victor did was stare at her reflection. She could still feel Christopher by her side, feel his light touch, and she let his calming strength seep into her. A harsh groan left Christopher and it took everything in her not to turn and look at him. She couldn’t bring herself to drag her gaze from Victor. For as long as she knew them, he always seemed like the one whose affection would be hardest to earn. He always stayed back, always seemed to observe while Christopher was the one that stepped in and was hands-on.

  Victor finally looked at her and the raw desire she saw in his face was startling. It was laid out for her, open in every way possible. “Look at yourself, McKenna.” After a moment she obeyed and looked at her reflection. It took her another moment to realize the woman staring back was she. Her normally pale skin was flushed pink from her arousal. Her eyes looked overly large and darker than normal on her face. Her hair was slightly mussed from when Victor speared his hands in it. Her lips were red and swollen and slightly wet from his kiss.

  “Look at your body, baby.” Dragging her eyes from her face she let them travel down and stop at her breasts. The nipples were obscenely swollen and flushed red from Christopher’s mouth. The wetness glistened off the light and she felt herself grow hot with embarrassment.

  “You’re beautiful, McKenna.” Christopher’s calming words and gentle touch sent her eyes lower until she was staring at her bare mound. All females that were brought upon the auction block were required to shave their pussies. Her slit was in clear view: just as the rest of her body, her mound was flushed from her arousal.

  Victor gripped her thigh and his long fingers started a slow caress as he moved closer and closer to the part of her that ached for them.

  “Spread your legs, baby. Show us your pretty cunt.” Victor’s crass words heightened her arousal and she immediately did what he said. As she opened her legs she felt moisture trickle along her inner thigh. Mortification slammed into her and she instinctively lowered her head to hide her face. Victor’s finger lifted her chin slightly, and she watched exactly what he was doing. His other hand teased the flesh where her thigh and vagina met. Chills raced up her spine when he finally touched the spot that no man had ever touched.

  “Christ, McKenna.” Victor growled roughly as he spread his fingers through her damp folds. She knew how slick she was because she could feel it coat her flesh. She was too embarrassed to see if it was slipping down her inner thighs as well, but by the feel of it she had no doubts it was. “You’re so fucking wet. Chris, she is sooo fucking wet.” The fact he was telling his brother, his twin, only seemed to heighten the experience.

  Christopher made a harsh noise beside her and cupped the side of her face, turning it so she was staring at him. His eyes were half-closed, the blue irises mere slits of color. His arousal was tangible, and when he pressed his mouth against hers she could practically taste it. His kiss was so different from Victor’s. It was coaxing and gentle, as if he was drawing out her arousal, prolonging it. Victor’s kiss had been brutal and demanding, giving as much as he was taking. Both of them were so different, yet identical. It was a sensory overload.

  Victor continued to tease her folds. She felt him run circles around the opening of her pussy while his thumb rubbed her clit. Climax was inevitable if he kept it up. Already she felt strung tight, like the smallest provocation would set her off. A gasp left her when she felt a thick finger penetrate her. Christopher could have broken the kiss, but instead he deepened it, not giving her a chance to relent, to stop what they were doing. She wouldn’t have anyway. It felt far too good.

  Chapter Five

  McKenna broke the kiss at long last when she felt Victor add another finger into her. It was only the two digits, but his fingers were long and thick and she had never had anything enter her before. The feeling of being stretched as a result of what he was doing sent a gush of fluid spilling from her.

  “Oh, God, baby, you’re soaking my hand. That’s so fucking hot.” In the next instant his fingers left her and his mouth latched onto her clit. His tongue slipped through her folds, parting the flesh. The vibration from his groan sent an unexpected jolt of pleasure through her and she reached out and speared her hands in his hair. Christopher had since moved behind her and she felt his hands glide over the small of her back before settling on the curve of her bottom. He groaned as well, but it wasn’t nearly as rough and hardened as Victor’s had been.

  Her eyes widened and she looked at Christopher’s reflection. He watched her as he leaned his hips forward. The feel of a very large and very hard erection pressing against her back startled her. It felt so big, but then again she shouldn’t have thought they would be any less endowed, given their overall size. She would put money on it that Victor was just as hard as his brother.

bsp; Looking down again, she watched as Victor used his thumbs to spread her. Her clit stood out like a hard, swollen bead, and just as soon as she saw it Victor latched his mouth onto it. He sucked on her clit hard, drawing the tissue into his mouth until her legs shook and she was forced to lean back on Christopher. His arms came around her, securing her, holding her to him. He cupped her breasts and started tweaking the nipples. When she felt his mouth on the side of her neck as a pleasure-filled sigh left her, she let her eyes drift shut.

  The pleasure they were causing within her was almost too much, but she wouldn’t dare tell them to stop. With Victor’s mouth on her pussy and Christopher sucking her neck and teasing her breasts, McKenna felt herself go over the edge. A long moan left her as she rode the high the twins gave her. They didn’t relent on their ecstasy-filled onslaught, just continued to drag it out until she felt another orgasm growing inside of her. Victor gripped the back of her leg and lifted it over his shoulder. She was spread even more, and just when she thought they would show her mercy, Victor added his finger into her clenching pussy and renewed his suckling to her clit. A cry left her when Christopher pinched her nipples hard at the same time Victor oh-so-gently applied pressure to her clit. The orgasm that wracked her was so intense stars danced behind her closed lids and her knees finally gave out. Strong arms caught her before she crumbled.

  “That’s one, McKenna.” She didn’t know who had spoken or what they meant, but at that moment she was too lightheaded to pay much mind to it.

  The scent of something spicy yet masculine roused McKenna. She hadn’t realized an orgasm could be so powerful that it completely rendered her unconscious. She could hear the fire crackling in the distance and when she felt the soft, plush rug beneath her she knew she was still in the sitting room. The next thing she felt was a warm mouth kissing her lips and a tongue drawing lazy circles around her nipple.


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