Servant of Chaos (Forgotten Gods Book 3)

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Servant of Chaos (Forgotten Gods Book 3) Page 3

by Laura Greenwood

  "That's for me to decide..."

  "Rhodopis, is everything alright?"

  I looked up, surprised to find Amun standing next to me.

  "My lord." I dipped my head. And this time, it wasn't just because I felt like I needed to. Amun was one of the few gods who lived in Seth's compound that I actually respected. Personally, I wasn't sure why the god of Thebes spent his time here. He didn't have the same ruthless streak that some of the other gods had.

  "Are you being bothered?"

  I glanced at the visiting priest, unsure what to say about that. I didn't want to insult our guests, especially not when I would be blamed for it. And yet, I was being bothered.

  Amun nodded, clearly understanding what was going on. "I have need of you. I heard you were organising tomorrow's entertainments?"

  "Yes," I whispered. It wasn't even a lie.

  "Then we have a problem that you need to see to. I'd bring your maid too." He nodded towards Sophia.

  A rush of loyalty spread through me. He was doing what he could to protect us. And I appreciated that. "I'll come at once, my lord." I placed the pitcher of wine on the table and gestured for Sophia to come to join me.

  The girl hurried over. Good. She was learning then. That was a good sign. I didn't want her to end up in danger from the priests. Just because they didn't serve Seth; it didn't mean they were decent men.

  We followed Amun through the halls of the temple, keeping close behind him in case someone saw us and started asking what we were doing.

  "Thank you, my lord," I whispered.

  "You're welcome," he responded, not even turning around. "But tell no one what I did. I'll keep trying to get the rest of the serving girls out of trouble."

  "I'm grateful..." I trailed off, not adding the question I wanted to ask.

  He turned to me, the answer brimming in his eyes. "If I don't have to be a bad person, then I won't be. But I'd prefer it if you don't mention this to anyone."

  "I won't."

  "Good. Now, there really is an issue. Three of the girls in the dancing troupe for tomorrow appear to be drunk."

  I groaned. They must have stolen one of the wine pitchers from the feast. I didn't even blame them for it. Wine was one of the luxuries that we didn't get very often.

  "I'll go see to them. Thank you for telling me, my lord."

  "Any time. I must be getting back to the feast."

  I nodded, but he was already walking away.

  "What was all that about?" Sophia asked.

  "I don't even know," I responded. "Amun is an enigma. When he first arrived, I thought he might be a spy."

  "You did?" She frowned. "What made you think that?"

  "He doesn't seem to fit in here. Almost like he doesn't have the same morals as the other gods who spend their time with Seth. I still don't quite understand it." I shrugged. "But who am I to know the will of the gods?"

  She chuckled. "I still don't believe in them."

  "Even when you can see them walking and talking around the room?" I gestured for the two of us to continue walking. We needed to find the dancing girls and see what kind of state they were in. If I needed to find replacements, then I was going to have to act soon before any of the others got caught up in drinking or in other activities. The last thing I wanted was to end up having to dance myself.

  "If they're walking and talking among us, then they're hardly gods."

  "What do they have to do to convince you otherwise? I asked.

  "Nothing. If I don't believe, then they can't harm me."

  I supposed that was one way of looking at it. Just not the way I was used to. Maybe it was just the difference in when we'd grown up. Gods had been the norm when I was a child. But for her...

  "Let's go see these dancers," I prompted, not wanting to get any deeper into a philosophical conversation that would challenge the way I saw the world. Besides, I knew the gods were walking among us. I'd just talked to one of them. They might not be the all-knowing, all-powerful people that most mortals imagined, but they were certainly real, and they were undoubtedly powerful.

  We reached the door into the slave quarters and slipped through. My eyes caught on a figure watching me just as I was about to shut it behind me.

  Gold eyes pierced through me, seeing more of me than anyone ever had.

  I slammed the door shut. I didn't have time to worry about the man. I had more important things to think about.


  I SLIPPED out of the sleeping chambers and towards the bathhouse. This was just what I needed after a day like today. I shouldn't do this, but I found that this time of night was the best time to take a dip. No one else was around, and there wasn't anyone to ask me to do anything.

  Like dance tomorrow. I groaned inwardly at the thought. I was going to be in pain and aching for days if I went through with the stupid plan, but not only had the dancers gotten drunk, one of them had fallen and twisted her ankle, leaving it to me to take her place.

  I wished I didn't have the training that meant I could step in. Or that I was cruel enough to let them suffer whatever fate Seth decided for them based on the lack of entertainment.

  But that didn't matter. I was here to relax and let my stresses disappear.

  My robe dropped to the floor on the side of the pool, and I slowly walked into the water. It slipped against my bare skin, taking away the dirt and grime of a long day's work. A lot of people around here didn't feel like they needed to bathe daily, but that just wasn't me. I enjoyed being clean. Especially as a bath was the only time in my day when I was truly alone.

  I tipped my head back and let the water soak through my dark blonde hair. Not the typical colour associated with Egyptian women, and one of the reasons I figured I was from slave descent. Other than being sold. That was the other good indicator of that.

  Someone cleared their throat so loudly, I could hear it from my position under the water. I jerked my head out and spun around to face the man.

  "Can I help you?" I asked. I didn't bother to cover myself. The harem girls walked around wearing more revealing things than the water surrounding me. And nakedness was the sort of thing I'd gotten over a couple of millennia ago. It was hard to feel exposed when you were a slave, and Seth had gone through a phase of demanding everyone be naked all the time. There'd been a lot of burns to heal.

  "I hope I'm not disturbing you." He stepped forward, and my eyes widened.

  Golden eyes looked straight at me, searching every corner of my soul.

  "You coughed loudly, I'd say that was the definition of disturbing me, would you not?" I raised an eyebrow.

  "My apologies, my lady." He dipped his head into a bow.

  I scoffed. "I'm a slave, not a lady," I pointed out.

  "Can one not be both?"

  "Not in this temple," I muttered darkly.

  "I shall treat you the way a lady deserves, regardless."

  A blush spreads to my cheek. I wasn't sure how to deal with that. I'd had many gods and priests treat me like the slave I was, but none of them had ever treated me with the respect this man already was. It felt odd. I wasn't going to deny that.

  "Is there a reason you're lurking in the bathhouse?" I asked. I wanted to go back to my routine, but I also wanted to keep talking to him, it was a perplexing situation for me to be in. But this man had me tied up in knots the moment our eyes first met.

  Being alone with him probably wasn't wise.

  "I was hoping to be able to have a peaceful bath. But it seems like I wasn't the only one to have that idea."

  I chuckled. “You weren’t. But if you're open to company, you can join me." The moment the words were out, I regretted them.

  What was I thinking? Just the way he was looking at me did something strange to my insides, and yet I wanted to put myself in a situation where both of us would be naked, and just the water protecting our dignity?

  "If you wouldn't mind. It was a long day travelling, and I chose not to bathe before the feast."
  "I don't blame you," I retorted, shuddering at the mere thought of all those naked and sweaty bodies in a bath. It wouldn't have been a pleasant experience.

  "May I just ask one thing?"

  "Of course," I responded instantly.

  "This is a communal bath, right?" He seemed a little jittery, but I wasn't sure why.

  "All of them are. And even if they weren't, no one is around at this time. You're perfectly safe."

  He nodded and started to undo his robe.

  I turned around. Even if I was fine with nakedness, it was still rude to stare, and I didn't want to make him too uncomfortable that he stopped. I was enjoying having him around already.

  "Do you have a name?" he asked as he got into the pool. The water bobbed slightly as he walked towards where I was standing.

  "I believe it is customary to have one, yes," I responded, a light laugh in my tone.

  "I've not met any of Seth's slaves before. I don't know if he banned you from having one." A sadness I couldn't place sounded in his words.

  "We're allowed to have names," I assured him.

  "Will you tell me what it is?"

  I turned around so I could meet his gaze, and almost lost my breath in the process. He almost radiated light. That couldn't be. I didn't recognise him as any of the major gods. It must just be a trick the bright moon was playing on us.

  "Rhodopis," I whispered.

  "That's pretty, Greek origin?"

  "I have no idea." I frowned. "I've been here for almost as long as I can remember."

  "It sounds Greek. Did they tell you where you were born?"

  I shook my head. "I know nothing about my life before. My first memory is standing on an auction block."

  "How did a goddess end up there?" he mused.

  "I'm not a goddess," I responded instantly. "None of the slaves here are, just unlucky demi-gods."

  He frowned. "Are you certain about that?"

  "Yes. I know what I am."

  "A lot of the people here are giving off god-vibes. You included."

  A bitter laugh slipped from me. "I think if I was a god, I'd know. Wouldn't I be able to do some kind of magic?"

  "Not necessarily. We're only able to use our powers if people remember our names. If you didn't even realise you were a goddess, then it's likely no one believes in you as one. Demi-gods are far rarer than the number of slaves Seth has here. There’s no way that all of you are only demi-gods."

  My mouth fell open, trying to make sense of what he was saying.

  "And who are you?" I asked, not sure what else to ask. I could probably have come up with something better if I hadn't been so off guard by what he was trying to tell me.


  "Why do I know that name?" I was sure there was something in it.

  "I'm a minor god." He shrugged. "Not that it matters any more. I'm as powerless as those of you who have never discovered your true nature."

  "Oh." I looked him up and down, trying to work out if he looked like a god to me. But then again, what did a god look like? The only ones I knew were the bigger names. Seth, Amun, Nephthys. Though she'd left long ago, done with Seth's insistence on taking over the world.

  "You don't believe me, do you?" he asked.

  "How can I? It changes everything I thought I knew about myself."

  He was so close to me now that I could almost feel his breath against my cheek, and for some reason, even though he was telling me things I wasn't sure I wanted to hear, I felt like I needed him.

  Abu leaned in, his eyes fluttering closed, and I knew what was about to happen.

  "I can't." I pushed on his chest and pulled away, making my way as swiftly as I could towards the edge of the bath, which was no mean feat with the water working against me. Luckily, it would do the same for him anyway.


  I almost turned back at the sound of my name on his lips. But I couldn't. I didn't dare.

  Now out of the bath, I grabbed my clothing and hurried back to the only place here that I could call my own. Somewhere Abu wouldn't dare follow me.


  THE MOMENT THE MUSIC STARTED, I stopped resenting the fact I had to dance. It had been so long since I'd done it, that I'd forgotten the joy I used to feel at the music filling every part of my body. I swayed back and forth, my arms and legs moving naturally along with the beat. Everyone's eyes were on us, but no one saw individuals. They just saw the dance itself.

  All except one.

  Golden eyes skimmed up and down my body with every dance move. I didn't want to admit that I enjoyed it, but his attention made me feel special. Even more so than when we were in the pool the night before. This time, there were people all around. I wasn't the only option, and yet Abu's eyes were trained on me.

  The music came to a stop, and all of the dancers followed suit, me included.

  Seth rose from his seat, clapping slowly. "What wonderful symmetry."

  Oh no. What was he going to do? I'd seen this happen before. When some kind of entertainment wasn't chaotic enough for him, he'd do something to change that. Sometimes, he took his role as the god of chaos a little too seriously.

  "Charaxos, bring me the golden whip," he instructed.

  Murmurs went around the courtyard. None of Ra's contingent could have suspected this. But anyone who'd lived in Seth's compound for longer than a few weeks knew to fear the whip, or any of Seth’s other punishments, and we all stood as still as we could, hoping that today, the god's wrath wouldn't fall on us.

  Seth walked between the dancers, touching them where he pleased and trying to decide which of them he was going to torture. I'd seen girls the morning after a whipping, and it was never pretty. More than one of them had died as a result, but he didn't care.

  "I think you'll do." He stroked a finger down the face of the youngest dancer.

  Charaxos chose that moment to reappear, the golden whip in his hand, complete with the cruel barbs that made it a hard punishment to bear.

  Seth coaxed the girl forward by tying the scarf she'd been dancing with around her wrists and giving it a tug.

  Indecision warred within me. A part of me wanted to stop it, but the rest of me was used to staying out of the way and not getting involved. This was one of the reasons I tried to avoid getting to know the harem girls. It was dangerous to catch emotions around them.

  Ra's priests and gods had fallen into silence, no doubt terrified that Seth's wrath might fall on them. That was the wise thing to do, which was why it wasn't going to be what I did. Something had snapped within me, and now I couldn't bear the thought of watching the girl in pain.

  "Take me instead," I said, loud enough that the whole courtyard heard me easily.

  Seth whipped his head around and stared at me. His eyes pierced into my soul in a way I wasn't fond of at all.

  "You want to take her punishment for her, Rhodopis?" He sneered.

  "Yes." She wasn't being punished for anything real, so it wasn't even unfair that I took it for her. At least, that was what I told myself.

  "Very well. As you're being so willing, there'll be no binds around your arms and legs." Enjoyment danced over his face. He knew this was unnecessary, and he was going to make me pay for standing up for an innocent. "You'll hold them in position."

  "Yes, my lord." I held my head steady, refusing to bow under his gaze. He could destroy my body, but he'd never be my god. He never had been in my heart.

  He pointed to the post in the middle of the courtyard. Slowly, I made my way towards it, every step feeling like pure torture. Why was I doing this to myself?

  Oh, right. The alternative was to watch someone else suffer through a fate just as bad. Probably even worse. At least I knew what I was getting myself in for.

  I dropped my scarves to the floor next to the post. If there'd been fewer people about, then I might even have been tempted to remove some more of my clothing to stop it from sticking to the blood that would soon be running down my back. But t
hat wasn't the case, and there were far too many people here for me to want the extra attention that would bring.

  Especially with Abu in the crowd. I choked back a sob. I might only have had one conversation with him, but I still didn't want him to see me like this. It was too raw, too vulnerable.

  The crack of a whip sounded, and I flinched despite the fact it wasn't even close to the skin of my back yet. I was going to struggle with this, but there was nothing else for it. I'd made my bed, now I had to lie in it. Or, as the case might be, stand in it.

  I closed my eyes, hoping it would help combat the gut-clenching anticipation of what was to come. A tear slid down my face. So many people were watching, and I knew not one of them would say a word in my defence. Nor should they. I'd stood by many times myself. With a god like this, it was best to stay silent and out of the way.

  Annoyed chattering filled the courtyard, and I looked to the side in time to see Abu pushing his way forward. I shook my head ever so slightly, and hoped it would be enough to stop him from coming any closer. He'd make it worse.

  The whip cracked through the air, the hard spikes clawing into my back. I held back a scream. I wasn't going to give Seth the satisfaction, even if that meant enduring more pain as a result. I'd seen this before too. The longer someone stayed silent, the harsher he would become, almost like he was trying to make them cry out.

  I kept my eyes on Abu, though he didn't seem to like what was happening. He was being held back by two of Ra's other priests or gods. It was hard to tell them apart. The expression on his face said it all. He found this as distasteful as I did.

  The whip bit down into my back again, and I winced but kept my gaze locked with the golden-eyed man's. He was going to get me through this. Just by being this close to me.

  My eyes fluttered closed as the next stroke hit. I refused to count them, even as they kept coming. It was better just to let it happen. Nothing I could do would stop Seth in his wrath.


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