Marco hands me a cup and one for Maggie. Reed asks if I’m double fisting it tonight and I laugh a bit awkwardly. Before I can respond, Maggie and Quinn have joined our circle and I hand the beer over. Quinn moves herself strategically next to Reed and starts to try to engage him in conversation. I notice the other two roommates that Quinn has made out with don’t seem bothered by her flirting. The only other comment made to me by Reed is “So it’s Kate who plays tennis.” I’m really not sure if this is a question or a statement and all I do is shrug my shoulders and let out a mumbled “Yep”. His eyes are roaming up my legs and then the moment is over as Quinn is hanging on him.
Marco moves closer and asks us if we want to head in to play beer pong or quarters. We head up the deck stairs and into the house and as we do I notice that Marco waits for me and slides his hand to the dip in my back. Maggie turns around and gives me a little wink. The other two roommates are on each side of Maggie. She handles it well and is full of sass and flirtation. I find myself a little disappointed that Reed and Quinn don’t follow us inside, but decide that I’m going to let loose and have fun.
We gather around the dining room table and decide to play beer pong. Jenna has joined us with a cute boy now too. Several cups of beer later I am carrying a nice buzz with no spins. So I stop myself and think hey, I’m getting better at this drinking thing. I am about to head to the bathroom, which is upstairs, but I realize I am tipsier than I had thought. Maybe I don’t know my limit. Marco slinks over to me and says, “Whoa, hang on there, I gotcha, let me take you up there. The stairs are way too steep for you in this condition.”
I let out a giggle and say, “I’m fine I think I can get up there...” He moves his arms around my waist from behind and guides me up.
I use the bathroom without a problem although I definitely have the spins again. I really need to get better at judging my alcohol tolerance. Once I come out he shows me the bedrooms up there. I pay particular attention to Reed’s room. Of course I notice the only framed picture in his room. He has his arms around a pretty girl who is smiling at the camera and he has his face pressed into her neck. I swallow a little lump in my throat. Surprisingly his room is clean and the bed is made.
Marco shows me some of his soccer trophies in his room and I sit on his bed in order to stop the swaying in my head. He asks me if I play any sports and I tell him about tennis. Then he sits next to me and asks, “So do you have a boyfriend?”
I suddenly realize the situation I have put myself in up here alone with him. I stiffen up, but answer, “No, just enjoying being single.” I don’t ask if he is single because I know I don’t want to open this can of worms right now. I stand up quickly, which causes me to sit right back down. “We should head back down … I don’t want Maggie to worry about me.”
He stands up and grabs my hand like a perfect gentleman. He leads the way, but keeps a tight grip on my hand. As we get to the bottom of the stairs it is packed with everyone dancing to Imma Be by the Black Eyed Peas. As I look out I instantly see Derek clear across the room staring at me with what I am sure is shock and hurt. Shit. I pull my hand from Marco and tell him I’ll be back that I need to talk to a friend. Before he completely releases my hand he pulls me back closer and says, “Are you with him?” and motions over in Derek’s direction.
I don’t answer him, but give him a look of disapproval because of the tone in his voice. “Kate, I just was trying to get to know you better … I’m sorry …” At that I just walk away and head over to Derek. It really is crowded and I practically lose my balance a couple times. Some guy grabs me to grind on me, but I’m able to smooth myself away and eventually lean against the wall next to Derek.
I lean in a little so he can hear me and say, “Hi.”
“Yea, hi.”
“Can we talk outside?”
He holds out his hand for me and leads me out the front door onto the front porch, but it is crowded so we move to the side of the house. Of course, who do we see out there? Reed is against the house and Quinn is kissing him. They don’t even notice us. Ugh.
Eventually we head back up towards the front and sit on the curb in front of the house. “I like you.” Derek blurts out.
“I like you too, but I don’t think on the same level.”
“Did you kiss him?”
“What? Who? Marco? No, he just showed me where the bathroom is.”
“I’m sure he wanted to, though.”
“Well, I didn’t. I think that …” He cuts me off before I can finish.
“I want to be more than, this; I want to be with just you, Kate. I don’t want you to kiss anyone else and I know you have.”
I feel myself beginning to flush and feel a bit of anger mixing in there. “Listen, we aren’t exclusive, so I don’t owe you any explanations.”
He lets out a sigh, “No you don’t, I’m sorry, that didn’t come out right. What do you want? Because if it isn’t more than that I don’t think I can do this.”
Crap. Shit. I really am not enjoying this deep of a conversation. I know I need to be honest and be clear about my decision. My mom sneaks back in my head about how I should be confident about the decisions I make because they are mine and no one else’s. I only have to answer to myself. I close my eyes tight and face him. Looking him in the eyes, I say, “I’m sorry, I don’t think I want to be more than friends. I really do like you, Derek, and want to hang out still. I just don’t think I want anything beyond that.” I don’t even bother adding in a “right now” because I’ve made my decision and there is no need to lead him on with the hopes of more down the road.
“Fuck.” He gets up and paces the street in front of us. “I am glad you are being honest with me, Kate.”
“I’m sorry.” He moves to stand in front of me.
“Don’t be… I’m heading back to my dorm. Are you staying with the girls?”
“Yes, are you going to be ok?” He’s already walking away and gives me a look that stings my heart.
I just sit there and watch him go. The tears begin to prick my eyes and then they begin to fall. I suddenly feel like I might throw up. I try to will myself to stop crying, but it has been so long and they keep flowing down my cheeks.
Chapter 7
The next morning is Saturday. Quinn never made it home and I hope she is ok. The one thing she is good at is always letting me know she is alive the next morning. So sure enough the phone rings and it is her letting me know she crashed at Marco’s place on the couch downstairs. Then she also informs me that she has so much to tell me about Reed. I feel my heart sink a little, which I know is ridiculous. Add that feeling on top of the crap I feel like from drinking too much and from how things ended with Derek. I know that I need to get a good run in and hit the courts. It’s the best therapy for me. I buzz Kelly and she is on board with a run. Maggie and Jenna are true partiers and never wake before noon on Saturdays.
We get three miles in and then head to get breakfast together. She asks about what happened to me after beer pong and I tell her about Derek. She tells me about who everyone hooked up with, which included Quinn with Reed (of course, no mention of her hooking up, but I don’t pry). But then she tells me that at one point a bunch of them were all talking and Reed asked her what happened to me. I know she sees a little spark in my eyes that she kindly ignores. She also tells me that Marco was looking for me the remainder of the night too. I realize I might have to make another decision soon about Marco. Ugh.
Kelly isn’t up to hitting the courts today, but says she’ll see me later at the library. I quickly head back to my dorm room to change into my tennis skirt and tank. Quinn is back, but is curled up in her bed. I am quiet as a mouse because I really have no desire to hear about her hook up with Reed.
I’m hoping I’ll find a random player to play singles with me, but I don’t see anyone else. I head over to the practice backboard wall and start working on my serves. I start to work up another sweat.
I’m startled when I hear a sm
ooth voice from behind say, “Not a bad serve.”
I turn around to see Blue Eyes staring at me. Instantly they are traveling up my legs in my short tennis skirt. “Thanks.” I will not let him rattle me out here on the court. This is an area in my life I am confident in. I know I’m not a super star, but I’m good.
“So it’s Kate who plays tennis and mysteriously leaves Marco’s without telling anyone.” Once again I am not sure if it’s a question or a statement. I want to reply about seeing him with Quinn, but realize that would be childish.
“Yep, that would be me,” I say as confidently as I can.
“Let’s play, huh?” He raises an eyebrow and waits for me to give him the ok.
We move our way over to an open court. The guy is not only good looking and toned, but also moves with more grace than I have ever noticed on any other tennis player before. He lets me choose if I want to serve or receive first. I always like serving first. The adrenaline pumping through me is so strong right before I play a game and once I begin to serve I feel a relief. I’m not oblivious to the fact that he is going to kill me, but I give it my all. My serves are in and strong, but he comes back with such force. Needless to say, he wins the first game in a breeze. We begin to switch sides and he stops to talk before crossing over. His look is cocky and I’m just waiting for the trash talk. And oh is it trash talk, but not about the game.
“I saw you go upstairs with Marco,” he says this with a smirk on his face.
I’m feeling confident and witty, so I don’t miss a beat when I say, “I saw you with Quinn against the side of the house.” Guess I decided to be a little childish.
He runs his hand through his dark hair and looks at me with those blue eyes. He lets a little chuckle out and I swear I hear him say, “Touché.”
His serves are ruthless, but I’m able to hold my own. We play two sets and he wins the majority, but I have a few wins myself. I play strong and I’m a sweaty mess by the end. I feel great and relieved. Therapy. I end up sitting down on the court to drink my water and he makes his way over. We sit there and don’t say anything for a while. I make a decision that I am going to get up and be the one to leave first before this gets awkward.
“Well, thanks for the rivalry on the courts today, Reed who plays tennis and isn’t too mysterious on the side of house.” I realize that this is not as creative of a comeback, but it will have to do. I don’t give him a chance to reply. I’m standing and moving off the courts in a blink of an eye.
Chapter 8
It’s finals week of this first semester and I have four tests and an essay this week. This has my nerves at a heightened peak. The amount of time I normally put in at the library has increased and my runs and court time have decreased. I know it is temporary for this week, but I miss the distraction. I also miss the fact that every Saturday morning since the one back at mid-term I usually see Reed on the courts. We never talk about whether we will see each other there the following Saturday, but I know that if he is not there the next Saturday I am disappointed.
Halfway through the week I have already completed two of my finals. I’m eager for the winter break, but am looking forward to the weekend coming up to let loose before I head home. I’m on my way back over to the Union to the cafeteria to grab coffee and dinner before I hibernate in the library for the evening. I see Derek walking ahead of me in the same direction. This is the first time we’ve seen each other since I told him I didn’t want anything more. Maggie has seen him and said he’s seemed a little melancholy at times. He doesn’t see me approaching him as he is heading into the Union. Once I catch up to him I say, “Hey Derek”.
“Kate, hey, how’s it going?” He continues to walk, but slows down so that we are in stride with one another.
“Fine, just hibernating in the library for finals.”
“Are you getting coffee and a power bar for dinner?” I see a smile cross his lips and this relieves me.
“Actually, I think I might eat a meal this time. I’m starved and haven’t had a chance to eat all day.”
He holds the door open for me as we walk into the cafeteria. “Cool, I’ll see you in there.” We split up to get our food. I grab my coffee first. I’m really excited because it’s baked potato bar night. I load my potato with all my favorites and begin to salivate as I load on the sour cream. As I head in to sit down I see the girls with some of the guys from their dormitory, including Derek. As I approach, Derek pulls out a chair for me next to him.
“No prob, so what tests do you have left?”
I tell him about what I have left and that I can’t wait until the week is over. We find ourselves in a very natural and easy flowing conversation. We talk about our plans for the weekend and what we’ll do at home over the break. He has plans to go sky diving with some friends. My palms are sweating just hearing him describe it and this has him laughing. I feel a notch in my chest loosen as we continue to talk. Truly I am hoping that we can continue to be friends.
Maggie makes her way over to me and asks if I’m ready to head into the library. I start packing up my stuff and grab my coffee. Kelly tells us that she’ll see us there in an hour or so. Jenna, however, is all done with her finals and has plans for sleep. I notice that Brandon doesn’t say anything to Maggie and they kept their distance while eating. As I sling my backpack over my shoulder, Derek says he’ll see me later with a genuine smile.
Once we have walked out the doors of the Union Maggie asks, “How did that go with Derek?”
“Actually fine, I think. It was a little awkward at first, but then we talked like we had been friends all along. I have to admit it’s a relief. So what’s going on with you and Brandon?”
“Eh, the norm, on again off again. Right now we are definitely off. It works for me right now,” she says with a smile.
“I don’t know how you do that, I wish I could be more carefree. I have a confession though …”
“Really? Is it about a boy?”
“Yeeesss, it is … guess?” We reach the street and there is a gust of wind blowing as traffic is moving by and I cover my face to block it.
“Marco?” Once we are across the street Maggie takes a guess, but her guess is the furthest from my mind.
“Oh, no, what made you think that?” I’m looking at her with a confused expression on my face.
“Come on Kate, you know he likes you! He asks about you all the time you know. Plus you two always hang at the library together.”
“I guess I had a feeling, but that’s not who.”
“Well, I’ve known him for a long time and he is really a nice guy. I wouldn’t be surprised if he asks you out. Ok, spill it now! Who?”
“Reed. Reed Harper.” I’m smiling and feeling a little giddy. She stops us from walking and gives me a look of wonderment.
“Go on…”
“It really isn’t anything that exciting, but we’ve been playing tennis on Saturday mornings. Remember the Saturday after the last party we were at Marco’s.” She nods her head. “Well, it started then and now it’s as if we just assume we’ll find each other there.”
“You didn’t go this past Saturday though because we were in the library all day.”
“Yea, I know, so now I haven’t seen him in over a week. I never see him on campus. Anyway, I’m going this Saturday because I’ll definitely need it after all this studying!”
“Ok, I’m not sure that hanging out with Reed is the best thing for someone like you, Kate, but he is a total hottie and has a body that I’d like to have my way with!” she says teasingly.
“Stop Mags! It’s just been innocent flirting. It’s kinda fun. I’m sure it’s nothing, but there is just something about him that I feel drawn to. I mean those blue eyes just get me every damn time.”
“Mmmm, yea those eyes are something deep, among other things… Well, you have fun with this, but it doesn’t mean you can’t pursue other boys too, including Marco!” We are giggling as we head into the
library entrance. We head over to our usual area and crack open our books. I quickly try to rid my mind of thoughts of Reed and his blue eyes. Sigh.
It’s after midnight by the time I return back to my dorm room and Quinn is sound asleep, I swear the girl never studies. She has a message on our marker board for me to check the phone messages. I pull out my cell to make sure I haven’t missed any calls or texts. Of course there is one text from Kyle, but like the others I ignore it. I sit at my desk to turn on my lamp and then pick up the phone to listen to the messages.
Uh, hi Kate …. It’s me. Um, I was hoping to catch you. Listen I really want to talk to you, see you. I’ve left you messages and texts on your cell, but … well, when will you get home for break? You need to call me... please. Bye.
Kyle leaves a number for me to reach him at and I don’t bother to write it down. Just like his other messages this one rattles me too. My heart begins to constrict as if it is trapped in a birdcage. My breathing becomes tightened, but I don’t let the tears spring into my eyes because the emotion I feel most is anger. I remember the promises that he made to me and how hurt I felt when he left me with no warning. I delete the message and go on to the next one.
Hey Kate, it’s Marco. I hope finals are going well and you don’t have too many left. Anyway, I wanted to see if I could take you out for a bite Saturday night before break. Give me a call or I’ll just see you at the library later. Ok, see ya, bye.
Well, there that is, Maggie was right. This gives me something to think about. There really is no reason not to go out with him. We get along great and I am comfortable around him. I decide to wait until I see him to let him know though.
The Perfect Distraction (Volume 1) Page 4