Volume 6 - The Wavering of Suzumiya Haruhi

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Volume 6 - The Wavering of Suzumiya Haruhi Page 2

by Tanigawa Nagaru

  After mimicking Taniguchi’s pattern of speech, Kunikida then said,

  “Well, see you guys later.”

  And he left cooly. I decided to follow Kunikida and leave Taniguchi standing alone with his eyes wide open like an idiot,

  “Well, see ya later, Taniguchi. I’ll ask you what your success rate is later this evening, if you’re successful, that is.”

  Hmm……where should I go next?

  If I go back to the classroom, I’ll probably bump into Haruhi all alone inside. If I walked around the school with that girl, something’s bound to happen that’ll damage my reputation greatly. Once I thought of that, my feet automatically went the opposite direction. I was thinking that if she had kept on handing out flyers at the school entrance dressed in her bunny girl suit, someone should have stopped her by now, and she would be sulking all alone in the classroom. Please, just for today, allow me to have some free time to myself. Tomorrow my mom and sister would be coming to visit, I don’t want them getting caught up with Haruhi’s antics.

  I once again examined the festival itinerary, there weren’t many interesting activities around. I wasn’t interested in learning the results for the school’s questionnaire reports or the research on the distribution of local and foreign species of bauhinias. Each grade seems to have made more than two or more movies, I have no intention of watching any one of them. Neither was I interested in study groups discussing what they’ve learned so far at school, or maze houses made out of aluminium foil. Was recruiting members from other schools to form a handball club really a good idea? Only our homeroom teacher Okabe was enthusiastic about it.

  “That leaves us with……”

  My eyes stopped on the biggest event held during the school festival, the only people practising day and night for this event would only be those guys - I suddenly thought of the annoying trumpet noise that could be heard every night for the past few weeks.

  “The concert by the Trumpet Orchestra.”

  I took up the itinerary and reconfirmed again, unfortunately, they won’t be playing till tomorrow. There sure were a lot of clubs booking the assembly hall. The Theatre Club and Choir would also perform tomorrow, then what’s on today……

  “Live concerts by the Pop Music Society and bands that have registered.”

  Now that’s quite common. Though most of the bands would play the most popular songs of the day by various pop singers, it’s not too bad to listen to some live music once in a while. The passion and effort these bands put into their performance far exceeds what I put into the making of the movie by a hundred times. I might as well go compare the results. I could go listen to their music and relax while I daydream, and during this time, I could put this indie movie I personally made at the back of my mind.

  “It’s necessary to spend some time alone as well.”

  As a result, I had no idea my plan to relax and listen to some music was about to be shattered completely by surprise.

  I was too naive, always believing everything in this world has a limit. I keep on forgetting that these limits are there to be ignored and broken eventually by someone. It was because of this that I fell into an infinite whirlpool of chaos that is literally beyond the scope of anyone’s comprehension. It was after experiencing one strange event after another that I realized how shallow I was. I must make this a lesson for my descendants to learn from, as for whether my descendants would even pay attention to such a rule, that’s not for me to worry about now.

  The assembly entrance was wide open, a loud noise boomed from the inside, it was so loud it’s as though even the gods were having a concert as well. While this soul rock concert was a bit low in terms of quality, but as long as you pour your heart into it, it doesn’t matter much on how good or bad you are, it’s just like not adding any flavouring to your Miso soup wouldn’t affect it too much. Though it’ll taste much better if flavourings were added, but the main dish is the Miso soup itself, not the flavouring. If only flavourings were served, then it won’t do the Miso soup any justice.

  I looked around the hall, the place looked really small. The steel chairs were only about sixty percent full, the hall was about eighty percent full at the beginning of the concert. The amateur bands on the stage played a number of familiar pop songs, though it’s still going to be some time before they make it big, the Broadcast Club’s remixing skills were partly responsible for their performance as well.

  As all the lights were focused on the stage, the surrounding areas became dark. I found a row full of empty seats and sat by the side.

  According to the itinerary, this concert is divided into two parts, one by the Pop Music Society, and the rest by other amateur bands who have registered to perform. Right now it’s the students from the Pop Music Society performing. There was a standing area in front of the first row of steel chairs, where some people danced to the rhythm. Based on my deductions, these people are either the performers’ families or are being paid to dance around. At any rate, the amplifiers here were just too loud for an audience who wants to daydream.

  A while after I placed my hand behind my head, as the last tune was being played, the lead singer begun to introduce his entourage while following the rhythms. I found out that they were the Friendly Five, a second year band from the Pop Music Society. I’ll probably forget this information in about three days time.

  I don’t know music that much to be able to appreciate what it means, and I have no interest in further understanding who the performers are. This was the best occasion to kill time.

  I began to relax my nerves.

  As a result, when the Friendly Five exited the stage on one side waving their hands at the sporadic applause from the audience, followed by another band entering the stage from the other end……

  I started to rub my eyes.


  The mood in the hall quickly changed. Everyone’s mental state slid ten metres down, and the sound effect of them murmuring was now knocking in my head.

  “What on earth does that girl think she’s doing?”

  I was already amazed at seeing her carrying a notestand and microphone onto the stage, yet she has to stand in the limelight with that familiar face and figure, wearing that familiar bunny girl costume.

  The bunny ears on her head swung forward and back and she stood on the stage. Even if her eyes were replaced by someone else’s, I would still recognize who she is.

  The bunny ears on her head swung forward and back and she stood on the stage. Even if her eyes were replaced by someone else’s, I would still recognize who she is.

  Suzumiya Haruhi.

  For some reason, Haruhi stood in the center of the stage with a very serious expression.

  But, it would have been fine if it was just her alone.


  That was the sound I made when all the air in my lungs left me at once after noticing the second person who came on a second later.

  Sometimes an evil alien magician, sometimes a dark-cloaked fortune teller carrying a crystal ball.


  Speechless, I truly was speechless.

  Wearing her black hat and cloak which I was used to seeing these past few weeks, Nagato Yuki walked onto the stage carrying an electric guitar, with the strap over her shoulder. Just what were they up to?

  If Asahina-san and Koizumi had followed, I would’ve breathed a sigh of relief. Yet the third and fourth person were both girls that I’ve never seen before. Their modest uniform look gave an aura of dignity about them, I guess they must be sempais from the third year. One was carrying a bass guitar, while the other carried a set of drums onto the stage. There doesn’t seem to be any other band members.

  Why? The sight of Haruhi and Nagato in her school festival outfit made me want to close my eyes. Why were those two in a Pop Music Society band? And why was Haruhi standing in the most prominent position, carrying a microphone?

  As my mind was trying to ponder these questions, the mysteriou
s four-person band looked ready to go. The audience continued their murmuring, while I remained speechless and continued to stare at them. The bassist and drummer nervously started testing out their instruments, Nagato’s face was calm as usual, placing her fingers on the guitar strings and standing by.

  Next Haruhi put what looked like sheet music onto the notestand and looked around the hall. The seating area was very dark, so I don’t think she saw me then. Haruhi tapped the microphone to make sure it was on, then turned to say something to the drummer.

  Without any introduction, notification, or even a word from the host, the band began playing as soon as the drummer started the rhythm. Just listening to that prelude alone was enough to make me fall from my seat. Nagato’s guitar skills had reached the levels of the likes of Mark Knopfler and Brian May. And they were playing a song I’ve never heard before. What’s this?

  What on earth is this?……Just as I was thinking, as if trying to hit me further, Haruhi began singing.

  It was a very clear voice, so crisp it could travel all the way to the Moon.

  It’s just that she was reading the sheet music as she sang along.

  For the whole duration of the first song, I never managed to recover from my stunned state. I was probably like one of those RPG monsters being cast with the “Silence” spell.

  Haruhi didn’t make any body movements, she just stood there and concentrated on singing. I suppose it wasn’t easy trying to dance as you read and sing along the notes.

  I was still in shock when the first song finished. Normally, it was an occasion for a standing ovation and widespread applause, but right now the audience was as petrified as I was.

  Now what? I was already astonished at Haruhi coming up to perform, but I was even more amazed at Nagato’s superb skills on the electric guitar. I’m sure the other members from the Pop Music Club had the same questions as I did. As for the other visitors from out of school, they were probably thinking, “Why is the lead singer dressed in a bunny girl suit?”

  The hall was as silent as a trench that just suffered a carpet aerial bombing.

  We were as silent as sailors who were ensnared by the sound of Siren’s singing. When I looked carefully, I noticed the girls playing the bass and drums were also looking at Haruhi and Nagato with the same expression. It wasn’t just the audience that was stunned.

  Haruhi looked ahead and waited for something, then she knitted her brows and turned around. The drummer frantically began hitting her drums and started playing the second song.

  Putting aside the amazement of the audience, the mysterious band was already playing their third song.

  Perhaps I’m getting used to it, as my ears begun to appreciate the rhythm and lyrics of the song. This was a fast paced R&B song, this is the first time I’ve heard it, yet it sounded very pleasant. I thought it was a very good song. Maybe it’s due to the amazing skills of the guitarist, as well as Haruhi’s impeccable voice……Hmm, how should I say this? Though I was used to hearing her scream and shout, I must admit that she’s a very good singer.

  The audience also began to recover from their petrified state and turned their attention towards the stage.

  I casually turned around and noticed that the number of audience has increased. And I spotted someone I knew as well, who walked towards me, wearing a Danish knight costume.

  “Hi there.”

  Maybe he was afraid his voice would be buried within the loud speakers, he said this into my ear,

  “May I please ask what’s going on here?”

  It was none other than Koizumi.

  How the hell should I know? I shouted back, and stared at Koizumi’s strange costume. How come you’re walking around the school in your school festival costume as well?

  “It’s too bothersome getting changed all the time, so I decided to just come out wearing this.”

  And why did you come here?

  Koizumi looked gently at the stage where Haruhi was singing, then flicked his hair,

  “I heard some rumours.”

  So it’s become a rumour now?

  “Yes. To go up the stage and perform in such an outfit, the news is bound to spread. You can’t keep a person’s mouth shut forever.”

  The proudest troublemaker of North High, Suzumiya Haruhi, is up to something again……I’ve heard this sort of news spreading around the school many times already. I don’t really mind if that girl added a new case to her X-File folder, but it just wouldn’t be reasonable if my name and the SOS Brigade were involved as well.

  “Suzumiya-san sure is amazing, so is Nagato-san.”

  Koizumi smiled and closed his eyes as if to enjoy the music. I once again turned towards the stage and observed Haruhi, trying to make out what she was really up to.

  Both me and Koizumi had the same opinions about their singing and performance, besides the strange fact that the lead singer had to sing reading from her sheet music from the notestand.

  Yet for some reason, I felt moved by something. What was this trembling in my heart about?

  As if to change the pace of the performance to make the show more diversified, the next song was a slow melancholic tune. As the fourth song approached its end, I became deeply impressed with its rhythm and lyrics. I haven’t heard such a moving tune for a long time now. I wasn’t alone in thinking like that, the audience around me were also immersed in their enjoyment, there wasn’t even a sound of anyone clearing their throats. Once the fourth song was over, the hall fell into silence once again.

  Finally……facing the now fully-seated hall, Haruhi spoke her first sentence,

  “Um……Hello everybody.”

  Haruhi said with a stiff expression……

  “I think it’s time I introduced the members of the band. Actually, I and……”

  She pointed to Nagato.

  “Yuki and I aren’t members of this band. We’re only stand-ins. The original lead singer and main guitarist was absent due to some unforseen events. Oh, and the lead singer is the main guitarist as well. So there are only three members in this band.”

  The audience listened intently.

  Haruhi walked around from the notestand and towards the bassist, handing the microphone to her. The girl then looked frantically at Haruhi and asked Haruhi quietly, “Yes?” Before finally introducing herself emotionally.

  Haruhi then walked towards the drums and allowed the drummer to introduce herself as well, then quickly returned to the center of the stage.

  “These two and the absent leader are the real band members. That’s all, and I’m sorry. I wasn’t sure if I could perform well as a stand-in, but as there was only an hour left before the show started, I just had to give it a try.”

  Haruhi shook her head, her bunny ears shook along as well.

  “So, if anyone wanted to listen to the real thing being performed by the lead singer and main guitarist, please come and register later. Oh, and we would provide a free copy to anyone who’s brought an audio recorder or MD player with them, right?”

  The bassist stiffly nodded her head at Haruhi’s question.

  “Right, then it’s decided.”

  Haruhi showed her first smile since coming onto stage, so that girl can get nervous sometimes as well. As if finally free from her shackles, she now revealed a bright smile that’s usually seen in the club room - well, not as bright as usual, but the brightness of the smile was at least 50 Watts.

  Haruhi turned and smiled at Nagato, who remained expressionless, then screamed towards the microphone at the top of her voice,

  “And now, the final song!”

  It was later on that I found out from Haruhi herself.

  “After I was done giving out the flyers at the school entrance, and on my way back towards the classroom……”

  Haruhi said,

  “I found someone arguing by the shoe lockers. Yes, it was the members of that band arguing with the people from the Student Council’s School Festival Executive Committee. I felt a bit curiou
s, so I decided hear what they were fighting about.”

  Wearing your bunny girl costume?

  “What I was wearing then isn’t important. After hearing what was being argued, I found out that the Executive Committee wasn’t allowing the band to perform.”

  They didn’t have to make a ruckus by the shoe lockers of all places.

  “That was because of the band the three sempais from the Pop Music Society formed, their leader, who was the lead singer and main guitarist, suddenly fell into a fever. I hear she’s suffering from tonsillitis, she could hardly speak, and she looked exhausted as she struggled to stand.”

  She sure was unlucky.

  “Exactly. Not to mention she accidentally tripped and twisted her right wrist at home. It was impossible for her to perform.”

  If it was impossible, why did she come to school then?

  “Um, she cried and begged to be allowed on the stage. But she looked as though she would faint if she didn’t receive any medical treatment soon, so the Executive Committee people carried her……like this, and dragged her away as though carrying a little green man. Both sides pulled and pushed, and eventually came to the shoe lockers.”

  But, how was that lead singer and guitarist going to perform when she was sick and injured at the same time?

  “By sheer determination.”

  I actually believe only you could do that if it was just you.

  “They worked so hard for this day! It wasn’t much if your own efforts went down the drain, but you can’t just throw away the efforts of your companions as well. I really hate seeing such situations.”

  You sounded as though you’ve worked hard yourself.

  “And the songs as well. They weren’t going to play some half-assed pop song, but an original song with the tune composed and lyrics written all by themselves! Of course they wanted to perform at all costs. If the song could speak, it would probably shout, ‘Play me! Play me now!’”


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