The Elementalist : Next of Kin: The Kothian Chronicles

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The Elementalist : Next of Kin: The Kothian Chronicles Page 15

by Andrew Wood

  Maxim and his father strolled side by side, toward the rooms allocated to the royal family, with the intention of joining them in their walk down to the hall. As they walked the last corridor, Maxim noticed the very people already having left the room and walking towards them. "Here they come now father," he said, the name still feeling strange to him. Joren looked up to see the young king walking towards them, his uncle and cousin either side of him.

  Zack placed a welcoming arm about Maxim's shoulder and despite Joren still in ear shot asked, "How did you get on?" Maxim smiled, "Very well...We still have much to learn about each other...but I think...I don't is all still a little surreal at the moment," he said not quite sure how to explain the feelings he had. Zack just nodded and smiled; although he wanted his friend to be happy, the thought Joren would take him away was not one he particularly welcomed.

  The amalgamated group slowly headed down the flights of stairs, their way lit up by the lamps burning on the keep walls. Anden felt the need to explain to Joren that Pitford was only his temporary home, "Of course the palace at Berxsley is a fine one. I just need to get it back," he added realising his words might sound like a further hint at wanting help in doing so. Joren however did not take it as so and merely nodded, clearly his thoughts were elsewhere.

  They were asked to stop outside the doors to the large dining hall as a rather large looking gent, smartly dressed in royal household uniform stepped in front of them. The man turned to those already within, "Silence!" he bellowed in a voice that echoed around the room. Within just a few seconds, the chatter had all but ceased, and the man spoke again, "Ladies and gentlemen, please be upstanding for our new ruler, King Anden," he shouted out. Those inside shuffled to their feet and let out a loud roar and started clapping, "Your Majesty may go in now," the man said bowing just slightly to Anden.

  Anden rather bashfully stepped forward as Maxim and Zack fell in either side of him. Joren and Rylan followed behind as honoured guests, all of whom would be seated at the head table where Ramon, Danton, Darion and Katria were already waiting for them. Anden gave a timid looking wave to those still cheering and clapping as he made his way to the front of the hall.

  Once they were in position, it was time for Ramon to make a small speech, as he held his arms aloft for silence. Darion was clearly unimpressed by all the protocol and etiquette as Katria slapped his hand to stop him from started to eat, "Not yet," she whispered with a smile. The old man merely grumbled, suitably admonished, he sat puling a face as Ramon started his speech.

  The seer firstly declared himself and every magician in Pitford, loyal to the young man sat just a few places from him. Despite not wanting to sound as if he was begging their Icenian guests for aid, he did lay it on a bit thick, saying how much of a struggle lay ahead of them. "Many more people will die in the process, but in the end we will succeed in reuniting our nation and ridding it of those who seek to destroy us." As those very words were spoken, Maxim turned to his father sat beside him, "A debate for another day father," he whispered not wanting to put the man in an awkward position.

  Thankfully, Ramon's speech was over in a few minutes, and as Darion reached out once more for the food in front of him, he heard Katria, "Not yet," she said leaning slightly his direction so she could be heard. "Bloody hell...what now?" he whispered back. Anden stood and thanked Ramon for his words, "Our fight can continue another day. Let us not dwell on the past, but look to the future," he said sounding quite assured for one so young. "Tonight let us all enjoy what little we have, let us feast with friends both old and new," he added looking towards Joren once more.

  Once Anden was once more seated, the signal was given, and the musicians started playing as the low noise of chatter returned to the room. "About bloody time...stupid people gibbering on letting this fine spread get cold," Darion grumbled, helping himself to several slices of pork from a platter just in front of him.

  Aside from the variety of meats, including pork, beef and chicken, there were also bowls of winter green vegetables, bread rolls in abundance and ample wine to swill it all down. Joren had to admit to his son, that for a country supposedly struggling, they had put on a good spread. "We do not eat a lot of meat in Icenia," he said shoving a large piece of chicken in his mouth. He politely placed his hand up as he chewed and spoke at the same time, "We mainly eat fruit and vegetables, which grow in abundance...but then again it is much warmer there than here," he added with a smile.

  Although Maxim had only known his father since that very morning, he was already feeling a certain closeness to him. Whether that feeling was mutual, he was as yet unsure. During their conversations earlier, he had begun to think that his father was disappointed in what he had found, although whether that was actually the case or just him, he was unsure.

  "I have been thinking Max..." his father said between bites, "I can call you do not mind do you?" Maxim smiled, "Not at all father...Zack calls me Max...I quite like the shortened variation," he replied. "Am I to understand correctly that Zack's father has to return to his home tomorrow?" he asked. Maxim nodded, "Yes...Samuel...the young Bosarian lad Melia saved helps us. I'm just used as a kind of mobile energy source," he chuckled, "My skills at teleporting are not particularly great," he added.

  Joren pondered for a moment, taking another bite from the chicken leg he now held in his hand, "If you wish I can have my people take Rylan back...Of course they can take Zack along as well if he wishes...and bring him back of course," he added as an afterthought. Maxim smiled, "That is very kind of you...I will see what they say to the would of course give us a little more time together." Joren smiled at his son, still feeling how strange it was that the child he had thought dead all these years was now sat right beside him.

  As the evening progressed, the musicians picked up the pace just a little, and already some of the guests were dancing in the space in the middle of the room. Mikel, who sat beside Melia at one of the side tables, watched on wondering how to go about asking her if she wished to join them. He was never really one for dancing, but he thought it looked good fun, and if it helped in his relationship with her more the better. After their holding of hands earlier, Melia had shown no further signs they were in fact anything but friends, yet Mikel's yearnings were started to get the better of him. His feelings for Melia appeared to be getting stronger by the day, almost to the point of him wanting to grab hold of her and kiss her. Of course had he done that she would probably have slapped him and never wanted to speak to him again, as a result he was finding it increasingly difficult to rein in his feelings for her.

  "Do you want to dance Mikel," Melia leaned over to ask him. "Yes..." He answered straight away almost shouting his reply back at her. "I mean yes... I would like that very much Melia," he added trying to remain composed as he stood. He held out his hand for her to take, before leading her toward the other folk dancing. Only when they stood looking at each other did Mikel realise the musicians had changed to a much slower tempo. "Come on hold me," Melia said grabbing Mikel's hands and placing them around her waist.

  As the music played, Mikel was lost in a world of emotions, as Melia's body appeared to press closer and closer to his own. As she placed her head on his chest, he wrapped his arms around her, whilst inhaling he could smell her sweet scented fragrance. Suddenly she looked up at him, "Mikel..." she said in a naughty way..."Shall we sneak out," she added with a wicked look in her eye. Mikel did not say anything, but merely nodded, hoping she was thinking of the same thing he was.

  The young Princess Frena was another that did not stay long for the festivities, and was escorted back to her rooms whilst the night was still young. Darion was still stuffing his face, long after everyone else on the top table had finished eating, "Where do you put it all," Katria asked with a small chuckle. "No good wasting good food," he replied helping himself to more. Zack looked a little lonely sat beside the king, who seemed quite content just watching on. Several times, he looked over to where his fr
iend was sat; hoping to catch his eye, but each time Maxim was in conversation with his father. Fortunately, Danton who was sat the other side of him seemed to notice his rather forlorn state, and started talking to him.

  Melia giggled like a little girl, as she clasped tightly to Mikel's arm. In the dimness of the corridor, she pulled him to a stop, and wrapped her arms around the back of his neck pulling him closer. Without giving it further thought, Mikel leaned in and kissed her hard on the lips, as he felt his emotions finally getting the better of him. "Oh I love you Melia," he blurted out between kisses, before going in for another. He then found himself being led down the corridor, and into a room; quite whose room it was, he did not know nor did he particularly care. It was dark inside and cold, an indication that nobody was actually making use of it.

  After bumping into several things, Melia finally found her bearings and layback on the mattress, pulling Mikel down on top her. Mikel let his hands run loose around her body, firstly caressing around her breasts before slowly slipping down under her dress. Feeling his heart pounding, he managed to remove his own trousers, albeit rather clumsily, before climbing back on top of Melia and as gently as he could let himself slip inside her.

  Chapter 20.

  As the first light of day crept through the small window in the room, Mikel lay awake, looking at the young woman in his arms. He afforded a smile at the memory of the previous night's events. The two of them lay in the unused room, with just a couple of blankets that they had found in one of the drawers to cover their modesty and keep them warm. Although after the night they had spent together, keeping warm had not been much of an issue. Without even looking, Mikel knew Shadow had made his own way into the room, and was at that moment lying on the floor at the foot of the bed. He went to close his eyes to go back to sleep only to feel the young girl in his arms move, and her eyes flicker open. After exchanging a smile, Melia moved slightly to give him a kiss, "No regrets?" she asked, "Absolutely none," he replied returning the kiss, before thinking it best they got up.

  Maxim and Zack were up early and already dressed and fed, before they headed next door to check on Connor, Tia and Samuel. As they entered the room, they found Aileen sat with the two youngsters reading a book, "Where is Melia?" Zack asked..."Come to think of it...Where was Mikel?" he added realising that he had not seen him either. Maxim just shrugged, "I don't know...I just assumed he had already got up and gone down to breakfast."

  "No...Melia never came back last night...So I stayed to watch over the young ones," Aileen said with a warm motherly smile.

  "I did tell her I would be okay," Samuel intervened, "But she insisted on staying."

  "Probably had too much wine," Maxim suggested, "And decided to crash out somewhere else, although I am not so certain Melia would do something like that."

  "Oh well whatever...I don't have time to look for them...Come on we should go down for breakfast," Zack added, knowing he had a long day ahead of him. Despite insisting that Aileen return home to her husband, the elderly lady decided instead to help take the younger members of the group down to the dining hall for something to eat.

  On entering the hall, there was very little sign anything had actually taken place the day before. Aside from the Kothian flags still hung up on the walls, the furniture was all back positioned as it was before the coronation. People were sat in their groups chatting quietly whilst eating, and the kitchen staff moved swiftly from table to table carrying about their duties, some placing food out, others clearing away the dirty dishes. Maxim commented on how quickly the room had been put back, but it was clear Zack's mind was on other things.

  Maxim had told Zack about the proposal in letting the Icenians teleport his father back home, and although he was not overly keen on the idea, he had accepted it was probably easier for all concerned if he did. Zack hoped that by doing so, he would allow his closest friend the time alone he needed to spend with his newly discovered father.

  The group had just left the dining hall when they bumped into Mikel and Melia coming the other way. "Oh here you are?" Zack said looking at both. "You had us worried," Maxim added with a smile. Melia had a rather embarrassed look upon her face, and it was quite easy for both Zack and Maxim to guess what they had been up to. "I am pleased for you both," Zack said after starring at Melia for a few moments. Melia just smiled, a little worried that her actions may have caused Zack some annoyance; yet it was soon apparent the young royal appeared not too bothered.

  The moment was interrupted by one of the younger royal guards running toward them. "Your highness...Your presence and that of Lord Maxim is requested by the King immediately," The man said trying to catch his breath. "What is the matter?" Zack asked.

  "I do not know Sire, I was only sent to fetch you..."

  "No matter, come on then let us see what my cousin wants," Zack added not letting the soldier finish his sentence.

  By the time the two friends had followed the guard up the stairs and into the small study room being utilised by the King, the others were already there waiting. Ramon and Danton were sat either side of Katria, whilst Rylan and Darion seemed content just leaning against a wall. Anden was sat behind his father's old desk looking rather anxious, but did afford his advisor and protector a smile as they entered the room. Commander Denny Porter who was stood behind the door as they sat themselves down, ordered the two guards outside for them not to be disturbed under any circumstances, before closing the door.

  Anden waited for his commander to do so before beginning. After clearing his throat, sounding and looking a little overwhelmed, he spoke, "There is no easy way of saying this...So...Berxsley has fallen." Ramon stood, "Perhaps if your majesty would like me to explain?" he asked noticing the young king was clearly out of his depth. Anden nodded for him to continue.

  Ramon explained to those in the room that during the early hours of the morning one of Katria's birds had returned unexpectedly earlier than she had envisaged. The seer looked over to Katria to check she was all right with him to explain the information that the bird had returned with, or for him to continue. Katria just waved a hand, and after Ramon had pondered a few moments on how best to explain, he resumed.

  Apparently, the Bosarian invaders had been encroaching ever nearer the capital over the past few days, and during the early hours of darkness, they had made their move. Using magicians and men already inside the city, they quickly took control of the eastern gatehouse, allowing the enemy to swarm inside the walls. "I'm afraid they hit what few forces remained very swiftly...the government officials were then rounded up, dragged from their homes and executed in the market square," he told his captivated audience.

  "Well at least they helped remove the government..." Darion interrupted. All eyes turned his way, "What...surely that is one less enemy to fight?" he added trying to plead his case.

  There were one or two scoffing sounds, but Anden spoke up, "No...You know he is right. We cannot stop what has already happened, and what the grumpy old man said is true. The Bosarians have actually helped eliminate one of the forces opposing us."

  "Who is he calling a grumpy old man?" Darion whispered over to Rylan.

  "You I think."

  "Cheeky little..." Darion grumbled not actually saying what he thought of the young king.

  Ramon thought a while, and agreed that although it did not happen very often, Darion had actually made a good point. With the government opposing the monarchy all but gone, this was indeed a positive to take from the events. Naturally losing the capital of your nation was usually a sign that a war was lost, only in this instance of course the monarchy had established its stronghold far to the south, in Pitford. Anden stood, "We need to plan to take our capital back," he said before turning to Maxim, "I am afraid to say Max, that you will have to be the spearhead for any such foray," he added. Maxim just shrugged his shoulders; he was becoming used to the fact that his magical abilities meant him being relied upon.

  Ramon was quick to point out however, that send
ing the strongest of their remaining forces so far north, would ultimately leave Pitford vulnerable, should the Bosarians, or the mountain tribes, decide to make another attack. For now, he suggested they make plans on how to retake Berxsley, but could not yet foresee when they could yet carry them out. "I thought you were a seer Ramon," Rylan asked. "I am afraid it does not work like that...I can foresee possible futures...and occasionally I can foretell when something major is going to happen," Ramon tried to explain. "Then we shall make plans," Anden intervened, "Ramon please liaise with Denny about having our magicians work alongside our normal forces; it is time we took a leaf out of the Bosarian's book and have them working together," he announced sounding far more sagely than his tender years would suggest.

  Whilst the conversation was going on, Maxim could sense his father approaching along the corridor, heading towards his position. He excused himself, knowing that the man approaching would not be allowed entry into the meeting, so the young elementalist decided to greet him in the corridor instead. "You're out and about early," Joren said smiling as he noticed his son approaching him.

  Maxim greeted his father with a hug, albeit a rather awkward one from the parent's perspective, before explaining the reasoning for him being where he was. Joren was not quite sure what to say, aside from checking that his son's friend still required the services of the Icenians to escort his father back. "Yes father...although with the current events, they may decide to go a little later," Maxim replied as the pair walked slowly along the corridor. "Should you not return to your meeting?" Joren enquired, not wanting his son to get into any trouble. Maxim shook his head, "No father I have excused myself...I am not sure I have much to offer to be honest, they are starting to devise plans for retaking Berxsley."


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