Billionaire's Virgin - A Standalone Romance (An Alpha Billionaire Virgin Romance)

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Billionaire's Virgin - A Standalone Romance (An Alpha Billionaire Virgin Romance) Page 26

by Joey Bush

  Damn him and that sexy-ass smile and winking! Damn that guy!

  Chapter 2


  Maybe coming to a rehab center wasn’t going to be as bad as I had originally thought it would be. This girl was hot as hell. It was a shame she had herself hidden away in the middle-of-nowhere Colorado. I could see making the most out of my stay if I could get the hot redhead naked and in my bed. Otherwise, the entire trip to Colorado was shaping up to be a real downer.

  Women were my weakness, there was no use denying it or even trying to pretend like I could control myself around them. When a woman pressed up against me and told me she wanted me, that was all it took to have her naked in my bed. I hadn’t had to chase after a woman for years because they were happy to throw themselves at me whenever I needed some company for a few hours.

  I never let women spend the night unless my level of intoxication was so high that I fell asleep and totally forgot they were in my bed. Otherwise, I either went home or they did. There was no need to actually fall asleep with them if our fun was over, after all.

  Doing things that I didn’t want to do certainly wasn’t in my normal repertoire. So I had to make this trip out to be something that I could make useful on some level. If that meant I was spending time with a hot, young redhead, then that might just be motivation enough for me.

  I didn’t really know why I let my business partner, Spencer, talk me into coming to a drug rehab center. I didn’t feel I had an issue with drugs. I liked to party. What red-blooded man with my kind of money didn’t like to throw some parties? I might have gotten a little out of hand at times, but certainly nothing that required a treatment facility.

  My only purpose for going to that Godforsaken place was to get away from the media for a few weeks and clean up my act so we could invest in a new movie studio. The financial backers had expressed concerns about my constant partying, and despite me adamantly refusing that I had a problem, they weren’t interested in letting us in on the deal unless I was more stable.

  So after a little research, Spencer came up with Paradise Peak. It was far enough away from my world in San Francisco, but at the same time, it was a very well put together facility. The grounds were immaculate, even though it was the middle of winter. I loved that I would have access to everything I needed right at my fingertips.

  Sure, I wanted to get better. Or whatever it was my friends thought I needed. But I didn’t need some hole-in-the-wall treatment center that didn’t even have a pool. This place had a pool, fitness center, yoga, and tons of other exercises and activities.

  “It’s more like a resort than a rehab center, Erik. Trust me, it’s going to be so relaxing. You can sleep all day, swim in the afternoons, get massages, and just totally relax.”

  I could already tell that Spencer had just tried to fluff up the place and what I would have to do there. Group sessions, individual therapy sessions, interacting with my peers – it all sounded horrible and I already wanted to leave. I didn’t blame him, though; Spencer had always been a good friend to me and only interested in pushing me toward being a better person.

  I turned my attention to the beautiful redhead. After catching her in the midst of a risqué conversation with her friend, I felt like I had the upper hand in our little cat-and-mouse game. I still wanted to know where that piercing of hers was, although I suspected it was in her tongue or her boss wouldn’t have mentioned it. But hell, it was fun to think about all the other locations that she could have pierced.

  “No, don’t get on your knees,” she said as her face turned brilliant red with embarrassment. “I’m sorry; I need to go.”

  “Wait, what was your name again?” I asked.

  But it was too late; she had already taken off down the hallway and wasn’t looking back. For a wild child, this girl seemed to be pretty shy. It was fun, though. I liked how embarrassed she had gotten from my remark. Her cheeks had flushed red and her pretty, blue eyes had glazed over as she tried to think of something to say in the situation. I couldn’t wait until the next time I saw her and could bring up the moment, just to get her to blush.

  The women that typically hit on me were full of confidence and didn’t get embarrassed. They would show up at my parties with the sole purpose of getting into my bed. Certainly, they weren’t embarrassed then if I made a comment about their bodies, or even joked with them about sexual things. Those girls wanted to wow me with how open they were and how much they thought a night with them would make me addicted to them. Little did they know that every girl before them had pretty much done the same thing.

  It had been a very long time since I had been around a woman who had turned red faced and shy. I liked it. I liked feeling like there was something special and different about this girl – something that might keep me interested, at least while I was at the treatment facility. Women bored me easily, at least the ones that I spent time around normally.

  “Her name is Cassidy,” the nurse behind the counter said.


  “Mr. Levy, let me get you settled into your room,” Mr. March said as he tried to guide me away from the nurses’ station.

  It wasn’t worth arguing with the man, so I followed him toward my room. My one suitcase had already been dropped off there and it looked like someone had gone through my things. There was a clear bag sitting next to my suitcase and several items from my suitcase had been placed in there.

  “What’s this?” I asked as I tried to keep my temper in check. “You just go through people’s things like that?”

  It was then that I noticed there was a security guard standing in the corner; he seemed to have been waiting for us to arrive. He wasn’t all that big of a man, but he certainly didn’t look like the kind of guy you wanted to mess with.

  I had often hired men like him to work at my parties. They looked like normal guys, but had fierce skills in protecting the people they were hired to keep safe. I assumed he was probably an ex-police officer or something like that. He had that firm, unemotional look about him that intimidated me. But of course, I couldn’t let on that I cared who he was at all.

  “Mr. March, I found about two grams of cocaine, a small bag of marijuana, cigarettes, and ten shot-sized containers of alcohol. Also removed the shoelaces, belts, and hoodies strings from all the clothing.”

  “What the hell!” I yelled as I looked between the two men.

  I wasn’t getting my drugs back and I knew it. But my desperation took over in the moment. They were taking away my lifeline. I certainly hadn’t expected to use my drugs very much, just enough to keep focused and help make it through the first few days. But they were ruining all my plans.

  “Mr. Levy, you’re here to get help and so is everyone else. We can’t have these substances in the facility.” Mr. March explained.

  “What about my damn shoelaces? How the hell am I supposed to go for a run?”

  “Mr. Levy, for the safety of yourself and all the others on the unit, we can’t have any items that are dangerous and potentially lethal to a suicidal patient.”

  I understood the reasoning; it’s not like I was a total idiot or anything, I just hated the feeling of being told what to do. I had never really done well under authority, but I had promised Spencer I didn’t have a problem. If I threw a fit and left after only an hour, I surely couldn’t convince anyone that I had control over my behavior.

  It took everything I had inside of me to keep from turning into a giant asshole though. They didn’t know me well enough to be stealing all my things. They didn’t know that I would never harm myself, at least not on purpose. As I took a few deep breaths, I knew that I couldn’t stay if I didn’t calm down. People who acted like out of control maniacs weren’t looked at all that kindly. So, I finally breathed out a long sigh as I gave in to them.


  “Mr. Levy, I’ll have one of the staff get you some elastics for your shoes. They are quite ingenious, actually. Hold your shoes together and you don’t h
ave to tie them at all.”

  “Whatever. Can I have some time to myself now?”

  “Sure, Officer Pinter and I will head out for now. Please let the nurses or your unit technician know if you need anything. We will do our best to make you as comfortable as possible.”

  “Sure you will.”

  There was nothing about this situation that seemed like it was going to be comfortable. Although I didn’t have a problem with drugs or alcohol, I had become pretty accustomed to using both on a daily basis. I had only brought a small supply so I could wean myself off of the stuff and wouldn’t have to go through difficult withdrawals.

  They didn’t understand how hard it would be to just stop cold turkey, or they didn’t care. I wasn’t trying to keep using forever; I simply wanted a tapering off period. After my hospital stay, I knew I couldn’t go more than a couple days without a little something. But if I just used a tiny bit over the first few weeks, I knew the withdrawals would be so much more tolerable.

  “Wait, where the hell is the door to my room?” I hollered after the two men.

  Everyone in the main area looked at me. I looked around and noticed only a few of the rooms actually had doors on them. They couldn’t even offer patients the privacy of having doors on their rooms. Why the hell was I paying such an enormous amount of money for a treatment program that couldn’t even afford doors?

  “You can earn a room with a door once you’ve finished detoxing and attended groups as scheduled. Your therapist and doctor will recommend the room change when they feel you can be safe.”

  “What the hell!”

  I turned and went back into my room and threw my suitcase off the bed and onto the floor. That action felt so good that I continued to grab anything I could and threw it around the room. I threw the blankets. I threw the pillows. Then, I grabbed the weird, orb-shaped lamp that didn’t have a cord and threw that. I had expected it to break, but instead, it bounced off the ground and made a loud thud.

  “Everything all right in here?” the nurse came and asked as she stood in the doorway.

  “What the hell is that made of?”

  “It’s just a plastic, battery-powered lamp. It’s not breakable.”

  “Well, that’s shitty.”

  She laughed and came in to help me pick up the mess I had made. It was nice of her, so I didn’t yell at her or continue my little tirade. In fact, I started to feel pretty shitty for throwing a tantrum at all. This was exactly the person I didn’t want to be.

  “What’s your name?” I asked as we started to make the bed.


  “You are friends with the redheaded nurse?”

  “She’s not a nurse. Cassidy is a technician on the unit.”

  “What’s that mean?”

  “She helps the nurses, she helps the patients, and she’s a nice person. Don’t be an ass to her or I’ll kick your ass.”

  “Ha, all right then.”

  This Kaitlin girl was a woman I could get along with. I appreciated anyone who didn’t give me bullshit. My whole life was filled with people telling me what I wanted to hear and pretty much sucking up to me all the time. There were very few people that I could trust to tell me the truth.

  As we finished putting my room back together, Kaitlin left me alone to contemplate what I had done. The stark walls and calmness in the building weren’t at all what I was used to being around. It didn’t make me feel calm at all – in fact I felt anything but calm. My life had been mine for way too long to feel comfortable giving up everything to strangers.

  My anxiety was reeling and I felt like I could hardly catch my breath. Why the hell I had decided to check into a damn treatment center was beyond what I could figure out. I didn’t care that much about what other people thought of me. I had just sold a $200-million-dollar tech company; I deserved to party and have some fun.

  It wasn’t like Spencer hadn’t been partying, too. He had come to a couple of the same events I had and although he left earlier than I did, he had been drinking more than me by far. It was the drugs that had him worried about me. But it wasn’t like I was snorting my life away. A couple of lines here or there, a couple joints to calm my nerves and help me sleep, a couple drinks to wash it all down. I wasn’t a druggy…I was just a young guy celebrating the amazing life I had.

  Two days prior had been the end of the fun, though. After a full night of partying, I had decided to go for a swim in my new pool. Well, it wasn’t just a new pool; I had purchased another mansion in the hills of San Francisco. Spencer was angry that I had spent so much money and said I wasn’t thinking and was being irresponsible. We fought. He left. I went swimming.

  It was my money, and if I didn’t like my first home, I had every right to buy a new one. It was my money. We split the sale 50/50 and Spencer had done nothing but boring things with his money, and I was sure that he was just jealous that I had been having fun with mine. Parties, drinking, women, and drugs had been the bulk of my money, so really, the idea that I had bought some more real estate should have been a relief. But Spencer was pissed off, I had been pissed off, and the whole night got totally out of control.

  The next thing I knew, I woke up in the hospital with a tube down my throat. Spencer was by my side. He was a good friend; I couldn’t deny that. He was angry as hell with me, but he still stayed there with me.

  There weren’t many people in my life that I could call friends. Even fewer that cared about where I had ended that night.

  “You’re going to kill yourself,” he had said to me.

  It wasn’t his words as much as it was the single tear that fell from his cheek. My family didn’t even care about me as much as that man did. We had been friends since college and more like brothers than I was with my own flesh and blood. So, I agreed to the damn treatment center. Not for me, but for him. So that I could show him I had control over myself and what I was doing.

  I promised him sixty days in that damn facility though. That didn’t at all seem possible to me. Sure it was a comfortable place to be. There was a spa, swimming, a workout gym, and it was in the Colorado Mountains. But I already felt like I was going crazy from the silence and the rules. I really wasn’t sure I was going to be able to make it very much longer than the first week.

  For the rest of the evening, I lay in my bed and stared up at the ceiling. I was tired, but I couldn’t sleep. I was restless, but I didn’t want to leave my room. This place didn’t feel like home. Not that I really knew what a home felt like.

  “Are you hungry?” Cassidy asked as she looked in the doorway.


  “I’m getting ready to go home for the evening. I’ll see you tomorrow. Try to get up and eat something in the morning. It will help you feel better. And drink lots of water to combat the withdrawals.”

  “I’ll be all right. I don’t use that much. Shouldn’t have too bad of withdrawals. Have a good night.”

  Even as I said the words, I didn’t believe them. The truth was that I had brought the alcohol and drugs with me because I knew the withdrawals could be bad. After two days in the hospital from nearly drowning, I had started into full-blown withdrawals. I convinced them that I was feeling well enough to leave, but the first thing I did while I was packing to come to rehab was drink and snort a line. Even on the damn plane to Aspen, I used; I had to make sure I got one last hit in before I arrived.

  By morning, I would be nauseous, sweating, and agitated. But I had a plan. I would stick to my room. Sleep as much as possible. Drink water and just hunker down and make it through the next two to three days. Everything would be better once I made it through the initial days.

  Or at least that was what I expected. I really didn’t have that much experience because I always went back to using before I could manage to get off of everything.

  Sure, I had gotten off of the drugs before – well, the cocaine at least. While my company was in its prime, I was just smoking marijuana at night to sleep and partying on the we
ekends. I had a full week of working and not much time for partying at all. But after the company sold, I found myself with as much time as I wanted on my hands. I had so much money, there wasn’t a need to work ever again if I didn’t want to. But I had nothing to do with myself.

  Spencer seemed to handle the freedom of our company sale a little better than I did. Right away, he was out looking for the next thing we could get into. He still came out to party on the weekends, but all week, he stayed busy with business meetings and his family. At least he had a family that loved him; I couldn’t say as much. He had a lot more control over his life than I did, but he wasn’t having nearly as much fun as I was.

  After losing my mother when I was younger, I just never felt like I belonged with my father or brother. They ran the family mortuary business and had planned on me coming in to help them. So went I went off to college; they put up with it, but didn’t like it.

  Slowly, as the first year went by, my father seemed to get more and more agitated with me when I would talk to him. So I stopped talking to him. Eventually, we had a huge argument over some unknown thing, and my father said he didn’t know who I was. After that, our conversations were minimal.

  My father expected I would fail and come running home to him. But I didn’t fail. I got into California Polytechnic State University, one of the best and most innovative schools on the West Coast. I met Spencer and together we came up with a new smart phone app that made selling tickets to concerts easier than buying online. When Ticketmaster bought us out for a cool $400 million, we split the funds and that was that.

  My father hadn’t talked to me in over two years and my brother had barely managed a phone call on my birthday. I wasn’t about to tell them about all my success. If they couldn’t be there for me when I was a simple, college student, I didn’t need them now that I was rich.


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