Billionaire's Virgin - A Standalone Romance (An Alpha Billionaire Virgin Romance)

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Billionaire's Virgin - A Standalone Romance (An Alpha Billionaire Virgin Romance) Page 100

by Joey Bush

  “Oh.” I sat down. With my bare foot, I kicked an empty frosting container under the bed.

  “Jenna, you won’t have to drop my class. The last thing I want to do is have a negative effect on your future.”

  “Ryder, do you think we can keep this thing quiet while I finish out the semester? Maybe until I’m at least a junior.”

  “I think we’re worth a try. It is obvious Kelly knows something. She seems like a nice girl. Do you think you can talk to her?”

  “I think she’ll be cool. Max knows the whole story. He knows everything. You don’t know Max, although you called him out for talking in class.”

  “Shit, Jenna! You’re not fucking Max are you?”

  I liked the jealousy that was raging through him. It hinted that he was actually into me.

  “No…I knew him before you and we’re just friends. We go way back. I could have fallen into some sort of thing with him, but there was you. I will tell you all about Max later.”

  I wouldn’t ever tell him about having sex with Max, though.

  “Good. The thought of you with that twerp makes me ill.” Ryder took a heavy breath.

  I was flattered, and scared for Max if Ryder ever found out about us.

  “I can trust Max,” I said and hoped I was correct. “Then there are a couple of girls from class. I was concerned at first because they overheard Max and me talking. They are no threat. I saw them before I went to Ryder the barber. I don’t think they have the intelligence to figure us out. I told a lie that I will probably go to hell for and they fell for it.”

  “Who the hell is Ryder the barber?” Ryder asked.

  “It is a very long story. I’m not having sex him, either, in case you were wondering. It has been a very long couple of days. My encounter with you is only one morsel of the drama I have endured.”

  Ryder crossed the room. We smiled at each other and then he wrapped his arms around me.

  “We can work this out,” he said into my hair.

  “We can,” I said hopeful. “You must have some idea as to how we will tackle this situation.”

  He released me from his grip.

  “How is your golf game coming along? After all, I’m your instructor.” Ryder smiled.

  “You have been thinking about this haven’t you? It is something you have planned…”

  “Yep. After my fingers started to bleed from continually texting you, I had plenty of time to think.” I giggled. “Seriously Jenna. You’re worth it. I don’t think there is anything I wouldn’t do to—”


  “See you again,” he said.

  Our conversation was exhilarating. I thought we were over after I gave him a blowjob. I thought that perhaps I gave away too much too soon. I knew second chances were rare and I had one with Ryder.


  “Yes?” My heart sank. Could he have changed his mind so quickly? It had been too good to be true.

  “There is a bad odor in this place. Was it clean when you moved in? You had better have it checked out. I can’t put my finger on the scent. It smells a little like a dead animal.”

  I was relieved and I couldn’t stop laughing.

  “Like I said, we have a lot of catching up to do.”

  Ryder grabbed the back of my head and pulled me in for a kiss. “See you in class tomorrow. I don’t know how I’m going to keep my eyes off of you,” he whispered against my lips.

  “Bye. Text me.”

  “I will. I expect a response this time. Don’t forget to get the stench taken care of.”

  Ryder left and I screamed with delight into my pillow.

  Chapter Four

  Ryder and I texted each other constantly from the moment he left my room. I felt like I had waked up from a nightmare. Everything was going to work out. I decided to be vague with Kelly. I trusted her, but I couldn’t risk my relationship with Ryder.

  My phone rang and it was Ryder. When I picked up my phone, the display was of a golf ball. It would fit well with our story that he was my golf instructor.

  “Hey, do you miss me?” I asked.

  He laughed. “Not really. I was going to send you a text. I thought I left a notebook at your dorm and I was going to see if you had it.”

  “Oh. I see.”

  “Of course I miss you.” Ryder laughed. “Are you wearing that cute athletic gear again? Your body is amazing and men will notice.”

  “Would you rather I dress as a Mormon? Or perhaps I will be a Muslim and throw on a burka.”

  “How about one of those cloistered nuns?” Ryder suggested.

  “I consider myself a deist.”

  “I thought your mom was Catholic.”

  “Yeah. It doesn’t mean I’m. I had history class and we talked about Thomas Jefferson. He was a deist and a very smart man. Good enough for him – good enough for me.”

  “Why are we discussing religion?”

  “Getting to know each other—I guess. What religion are you?”

  “Not sure yet. I will tell you when I figure it out. I can’t tell you how relieved I’m.”

  “How so?”

  “They say to avoid talking about things like religion and politics. We got over the first one fast.”

  “I guess. Let’s discuss politics another time,” I said.

  “Yeah. I don’t envision you as a politician’s wife.”

  “Very funny.”

  “It was meant as a compliment. You are a strong and intelligent woman. I see you as a politician rather that a politician’s wife. I just don’t see you in a supporting role.”

  “I think of myself kind of like Hillary. Willing to stand by my man but smart enough to make a go of things myself,” I said.

  “So, if you’re a Clinton fan, you’re a Democrat.”

  “You think you have me figured out. It will be fun playing question and answer with you someday.”

  “What are you doing this evening?” Ryder asked.

  “I have some reading to do and shit like that. I don’t want to get behind.”

  “The semester has just begun. You have plenty of time to catch up. Don’t lose the momentum you built up with your golf game. As your golf instructor I’m advising you to work-out.”

  “As your golf student I would have to agree. As a student, I have a variety of gyms from which to choose. Where do you suggest I go?”

  “There is a new facility on the west side of campus. It is neither filled with faculty nor students. It is state-of-the-art and not many people know about it yet,” Ryder suggested.

  “I will be there at about 6 PM. There are plenty of exercises that will enhance my golf game I’m sure. Any chance you will be there?”

  “As a matter of fact, I think I will be,” Ryder said

  “I guess I will see you there. Thanks for the tip.”

  After hanging up, I ate a quick dinner and ignored my required history reading. Max attempted to contact me. He called and I never answered. He sent quite a few texts too.

  I finished my dinner in the dining commons, which was passable. I ate the “heart healthy” option, which was a spinach salad and a side of quinoa. I was used to frozen meals from home, so it was actually a step up. I sat alone because I knew I would be a poor dinner companion. My mind was focused on Ryder. I did manage, however, to do some people watching.

  Diane was sitting with a man that I assumed was Eric. His arms were extremely hairy, so I knew they were the ones from the shower. I was jealous that they were allowed to share their love in public. It was something Ryder and I didn’t have. The ruse was necessary if we stood a chance.

  I sighed and headed for the gym.


  I arrived early. Ryder was correct in that the place was nearly empty. There were some folks around, so Ryder and I would have to be careful. There were free weights on one end of the gym and machines on the other. In the center of the room were treadmills, exercise bikes and elliptical machines. Mirrors covered the gym walls. I had been to
many athletic facilities because I played soccer and I liked staying fit. The gym looked like a lot of money had been put into it. As I wandered around, a staff member approached me. He was eager and he was brand new and shiny, like the facility itself.

  “Hello, I’m Seth Martin. I haven’t seen you here before. Are you new here?” He asked. He was definitely a freshman. Seth was about 5’5” and fit, of course. He looked like a gymnast. He was built like a little tank.

  “I’m new. Isn’t everyone? This place just opened. I’m Jenna Walsh. I’m meeting my golf instructor here. I don’t see him yet so I think I will warm up on a bike.”

  I approached a bike.

  “Allow me to show you how this is done.” Seth mounted the bike next to mine.

  “I know how to ride a bike but, thanks anyway, Seth. I got it.”

  “Cool, I will let you work up a sweat. If I see your teacher roaming around, I will send him in your direction. What does he look like?” he asked.

  “He is about six feet tall, tan, with short black hair. He has a big smile and green eyes. There are few people here though so I’m sure he’ll find me. I appreciate your assistance,” I said.

  Seth was beginning to bother me.

  I couldn’t help but look at myself in the mirror. They surrounded me. I was trying not to appear as if I was trying. I had tried on every piece of Spandex in my closet as I looked for something that accentuated my assets. I was wearing black pants and a neon pink tank with a built-in bra. My sneakers were fuchsia and grey. I loved pink because it was a hopeful color. I usually included something pink in my wardrobe and tried not to overdo it. I did not want to look like a bottle of Pepto Bismal.

  I looked up to see Seth coming at me with Ryder in tow.

  “Look who I found. He was walking around like a lost puppy,” Seth said. Ryder shot him a weird glance.

  Ryder looked amazing. He was wearing a loose pair of blue and white Tar Heel basketball shorts and a white Adidas t-shirt.

  “I recognized Professor Curran as soon as he walked in. You didn’t tell me that he was the freshman human sexuality teacher. I don’t know how you manage to teach a class and manage a side job as a golf instructor,” Seth said.

  He wasn’t leaving.

  “I don’t have many golf clients. Ms. Walsh is a holdover student from the summer. Thanks for hooking us up Seth. I’m sure you will be easy to find if we need your help.” Ryder was cordial but it was apparent he was anxious for Seth to move on.

  “I will check in with you in a few minutes. I would love to give you a tour. We have a whirl-pool, sauna, and a lap pool,” Seth said and finally walked away.

  Ryder and I were finally alone. He put his hand on my bicep. The gesture sent a shiver down my spine.

  “What are you doing? We don’t have complete privacy in this place.” As I spoke, Ryder started massaging my upper arm.

  “I’m checking out your arm muscles. We will have to work on your upper-body strength.”

  Ryder’s fingers journeyed up my spine. They reached my neck and he gently squeezed.

  “You are tight. Loosening up will go a long way in helping your game. We will hit the mat and do some stretches. I will teach you some moves that you should do before putting your hands on the,” Ryder paused. “Sorry, I lost my thought. Before you put your hands on the club.”

  If this sexual tension were to continue, I would enjoy playing this game with Ryder. We headed to the mat. Because there were few people in the gym, we had the surface to ourselves.

  “What is with the North Carolina shorts? You seem to have your Carolina’s confused,” I commented on his attire.

  “I spend quite a bit of time up there. Coach Dean Williams said god made the sky Carolina Blue. I’m a big fan of their sport’s programs. Before I ended up at Stanford, I had my sights set on UNC. They have epic golf courses in North Carolina. Pinehurst hole two is my favorite place to play a round of golf. I will take you up there some time,” Ryder said.

  “I’m sure you taught Sammy these exercises.” I couldn’t help bring up the name.

  “Something similar. Every person has a unique body type that requires specific stretches.”

  “How is my body type compared to that of Sammy’s?”

  “Your body type is my type. I think I have made it clear that I love your body. We just have to adapt it to golf. Your legs are toned to perfection from running and soccer. We need to improve your range and flexibility. Having a strong back is essential in the game of golf,” Ryder said. I was stuck on the words perfection and my type. Our young relationship was still hard to wrap my mind around.

  “You are taking this golf thing seriously,” I told him.

  “It may just be the way we’re able to see each other in public, but I always take the game seriously.”

  “You are sexy when you’re focused,” I said and Ryder smiled.

  “Lay on your back like me. We are going to stretch out your hamstrings. These should come naturally to you. Lift your legs up, one at a time and pull them towards you.” Ryder demonstrated the move. Boxer briefs were in place beneath his shorts for support. “Pay attention to the hammy pulls and stop looking at my dick.” Ryder laughed.

  “I can’t help it.” I blushed. “I’m getting used to this ruse but my mind wanders sometimes.”

  “Okay, now we’re going to do a side stretch. The swing of the club is jarring to the tissue and muscles in this area.” Ryder gently placed his hand under my arm. He came close to touching my breast. He moved his finger down my side tracing the outline of my hips. “Now reach up for the stars and rock to the side. If you pay attention on television, you will see the pros doing this all of the time. It will become something you do involuntarily. A simple exercise makes a great deal of difference”

  “How long should I do these stretches?” I asked, trying to keep the conversation going. Plus, I was hoping he would say “not very long” because I was beginning to feel the burn.

  “I think they’re vital. About twenty minutes a day.”

  “I think you will have to keep a close eye on me. Make sure I do them.”

  “It will be a chore but I think I can manage.” Ryder smiled. “Are you up for some lunges?”

  “How about a water break?”

  “Sure, we can discuss my instruction fee over water.”

  “Seriously Ryder?”

  “Seriously Jenna. I’m providing a service so you will provide payment. It is how things operate in the real world.”

  Was he screwing with me?


  We walked to a lounge that was set up for breaks. It was stocked with energy bars, bananas, and bottled water. Without thinking, I grabbed a banana and slowly started to tear down the peel. I placed half of the fruit in my mouth and devoured it. The entire time, my eyes were fixed on Ryder’s.

  “Okay Ryder. Let’s talk payment,” I said, swallowing my banana as I spoke.

  “I know that you’re a broke college student.” Ryder steadied himself against the wall. “I will let you pay whatever you think you can handle.” He almost slid down the wall.

  “I will give it some thought,” I lied. I wouldn’t be paying him. Unless he could wait until I was out of college. He’d have to find that out later.

  For about thirty seconds we stared at each other. It reminded me of staring contests I used to have with my brother. The only difference was that Ryder was definitely not my brother.

  Ryder finally blinked and suggested, “How about a conditioning run? I realize that it’s late but you will be safe with me.”

  Was he trying to get me alone?

  “I will go slowly to accommodate your pace,” I said as a grin spread across my face.

  “My legs are longer than yours are and I’m a man. I’m sure I can hold my own.”

  “You are going to wish you hadn’t said that. You’ll realize you’re not the man. You will be chasing my wagging ponytail,” I said.

  “No, if I’m chasing anything it
will be your perky little ass.”

  I laughed. “Yep and I’ll still be winning if that’s the case.”

  Ryder chuckled. We planned a four-mile loop around campus. The area was buzzing with students. The campus did not shut down after dark and many of the people were rushing in or out of the library. Only a few of them were actually studying.

  We ran past Leach Hall and I saw my room light still on. Kelly must have been studying instead of going out. The girl would probably sleep in late to accommodate her night hours, which usually stopped at 3 AM. We would have to work on a compromise.

  He really didn’t mind the other students seeing us together. I did though. I wanted people to think he was really my coach.

  “Too fast for you coach?” I spoke easily. Running was my thing and I was hardly winded.

  “Easy Jenna. I think I’m in trouble,” Ryder said gasping.

  I turned around to find him bent over. “What the hell is wrong? Are you having a heart attack?” I fumbled for my phone.

  “Stop! Don’t call 911. I’m in trouble because I’m having a huge endorphin rush from staring at your sexy body.” Ryder laughed and he stopped to catch his breath.

  “Asshole.” I liked his eyes on me though. “Don’t scare me like that.”

  “I’m 33-years old, not 60.”

  “You take golf seriously and I take running seriously. When I commit to a four- mile loop, I stick with it. They have great showers at that so-called secret gym of yours. I’m sure Seth will be happy to show you the way. I’ll finish my run.”

  “You are fucking evil Jenna,” he said and grinned.

  I laughed and started running again. I looked over my shoulder and he followed me. The thought of him chasing after me was weird. I usually chased after guys. He was 10 feet behind me at this point. The bushes were tempting but I was enjoying the game. I also did not want to make any impulsive moves that would blow our cover. It would only take one student to see us doing anything slightly inappropriate to ruin everything.

  We finally arrived back at the gym.

  “That felt excellent. Especially since I kicked your ass.”

  He chuckled. “Yeah, a work-out is a great way to end the day. You definitely have promise,” Ryder said and my eyes widened. “As a golfer I mean.”


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