Grades and Girls: What Your Parents Never Told You About College

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Grades and Girls: What Your Parents Never Told You About College Page 11

by Seth Rose

  “What are ya buying?” When she answers make a fun comment about what she ordered. Was it tequila? Accuse her of being a wild party girl. Whiskey? Say how so few girls drink whiskey. Vodka? Tell her about last weekend when you had a little too much Stoli.

  “Did you get me one?” Say that you’re disappointed because you thought she was trying to pick you up.

  “Hey there” or “How’s it going?” Simple, but effective. I would only use this if she is close to you or made eye contact.

  Don’t get too caught up in locking her in. The night is young.

  Usually the first approach of the night will be the hardest and most uncomfortable because you’re not in your peak social state yet. If she bites then keep the conversation fun and continue on the initial opener for a minute or two until it dies out.

  Now you and your friends want to go sit down at a table. You could go sit at the empty table, but that would totally ruin any possibility of talking to a girl. If you’re friends are adamant about sitting, fine, do it, but just for a bit.

  On your way over to the table you spot a group of girls sitting at the table adjacent to you. You then use one of my favorite lines:

  “You’re sitting at my favorite table!”

  If they’re bitchy, fuck it. Don’t bother, but girls often find this funny. They’ll laugh and sometime start apologizing jokingly how they didn’t know. Go into a ramble about how you talked to the General Manager and he was supposed to have it reserved, blocked off with velvet rope with a bottle of Ciroc on ice.

  Keep the charade going. If they’re feeling it, try and merge your friends with the group. If not, go sit with your buddies. Approaching women sitting down can be difficult when you’re standing up. It may seem subtle, but when someone is seated they’re put in a position of power over people standing. Not a big deal, just something to keep in mind. This is why you want it to be playful.

  You sit for a while and then once you polish off your drink head back to the bar. Is there a girl at the bar? If so, use the lines previously mentioned. You can rinse, wash, and repeat this for a while.

  Let’s say a girl’s not at the bar, but rather is a few feet away from it standing alone or with a friend. You can go with the classic “Hey” or “What’s up?”

  Another great line is to use Roosh’s opener from Bang:[16]

  “You guys look like you’re having the most fun here.”

  This is almost always said sarcastically to girls who look bored out of their minds. Then you come along, the super fun guy that you are and brighten up their night. In the event they are actually having fun, compliment them and tell them how you didn’t think anyone could be having more fun than you.

  Remember here what you say is not what’s important, although knowing a few lines can definitely be helpful. Who you are and how you present yourself in terms of your looks, voice tone, body language, your group of friends, are important factors in getting a girl to talk to you. But I’d recommend that you think of some clever and funny ones on your own. Try them out and see how they work.

  The Chit Chat

  Being a chatty guy is crucial in environments that aren’t wild and crazy.

  We’re in a chill bar on a Friday. Most girls probably aren’t grabbing your dick after a few minutes. That takes a little more time. Assuming the girl(s) bit on your opener and you’ve exhausted it to its fullest, it’s time to chit chat.

  For specific conversation advice, refer back to the section ‘How to Talk to College Girls (In General)’.

  After 5-10 minutes of your interaction, you should be making some headway. If she seems to be just being polite or bored and talking to you for those reasons, then move on. If she seems genuinely interested, then move forward.


  You’re now at a crossroads. You don’t want to keep talking about random shit the whole night. Even if you did it would be counterproductive. Remember, you’re not here to entertain these girls. You’re here to fuck them.

  If you have a girl by herself great, but oftentimes she’ll be with another girl or in a group. If she is, then you’re going to need to isolate her. This serves two purposes:

  1.) Get to know her: It helps to get to know each other a bit as it builds comfort and attraction that will ultimately allow you to bang her.

  2.) Sexually Escalate: If you kiss her and her friend is there, you can bet that it won’t last much longer. If the girl is with a big group, then it’s easy to pull her aside. Just grab her hand and pull her to a table or to the patio outside. If she’s just with one girl, cockblocking is likely. So how to deal with the friend? Luckily your friends should still be there. Ask them to join you at your table. Your friends should take the hint which girl you’re going for and they’ll fight over the friend like a hyena on a wildebeest’s flesh.

  Don’t ignore the group right away. Introduce the girl to your friends. Take the lead in the conversation and make it fun and interesting. After a few minutes, turn to your girl and create a bubble between you two. Talk for a bit and then do what I said to do if you’re in a big group as you now are in a big group.

  While the best option is to simply find a spot where you two can chat more, if you fancy it you can go to the bar and buy a drink or go dance (if there’s a dance floor). Many guys will advise against buying a drink, but if you and the girl are having fun and you want to drink, go get one and ask her if she wants one too. Don’t make a big deal out of it. Do a shot, or grab a drink. It doesn’t matter. What matters is that you’ve isolated her and are continuing the interaction. If you decide to dance, excellent choice! Dancing isn’t for everyone, but there is really no easier way than to sexually escalate.


  Once you have the girl to yourself it is now time to get to know her on a deeper and more intimate level, as well as escalate sexually. Escalation means that you are moving the interaction closer and closer to sex.

  You two are now standing at the corner of the bar. You’re facing each other and talking about life. You ask her about her future and she tells you what she wants to do. You are truly enthralled with what she has to say and you ask her questions and make comments that are engaging and show that you really care what she has to say. She continues in a passionate matter. It seems that you two really click. You grab her by the waist as she continues to talk about her dreams. After a minute or two you go in for the kiss. You continue to kiss, but just for about 10 seconds and then go back to whatever you were talking about nonchalantly. The interaction has now been sexualized, but you’re not being needy or sloppy in your kiss and come off as cool and slick.

  After a few more minutes go in for another kiss and this time kiss for 30 seconds to a minute—rinse, wash and repeat. After about 10-20 minutes of this you will now have spent anywhere from 20-60 minutes with her total. Usually the longer the better, but remember quality over quantity is what’s important.

  At this point the girl is clearly enchanted with you, and you to her. Sex is on both of your dirty minds, and if you wish sex to become more than just a thought you need to close.


  Seeing as she made out with you at the bar and has spent a good amount of time getting to know you, it is very likely that she wants you to bang her. Despite that, you’re still going to have to take the lead.

  Now assuming that her friend is still with your buddies, you’re going to want to bring the group back together. You then suggest heading back to your place and to keep the party going. Everyone is invited and hopefully one of your bros will take care of the potential cockblock.

  But what happens if your friends left and her friend is all by herself? At this point I would try and coax her into leaving saying that you will walk them home. If they don’t live together walk the friend home first. If they do live together even better!

  In the event her friend starts being a major cockblock, don’t get pissy and lose your cool. Adapt the mindset that “She is a cute little girl, who is jealous and having a
temper tantrum.” Laugh it off and try and create a separate reality between you and the girl that you two are really into each other and her friend is trying to ruin a good time. No matter how stoic you are, sometimes her friend will just be too much to handle and you’re going to have to settle for a phone number. This is not the end of the world, but it is not ideal. Always try and push for the lay as hard as possible, without going into creep mode. This is a very fine line, but one that you should be able to be cognizant of if you’re relatively sober and have decent social skills.

  (The following content can and should be used in any situation: At a house party, frat party, bar, club, mixer etc.)

  Assuming all goes well, when you get back to your place or her place, don’t immediately push her to the bedroom. Keep the fun going, but begin to turn the vibe from a fun one to a sexual one. The best way to transition to this is to playfully kiss or grab her. Slap her ass or push her against the wall. This will get her panties soaking. As soon as you do that, pull back and act like nothing happened.

  This push/pull dynamic is something that should be employed as often as possible and should be started earlier on in the night. After you have teased her a good bit and you two have the chance to escape, do it as soon as time permits! Don’t give her a chance to second guess herself. Go to the bedroom and play it cool.


  Start with some kissing and then take it from there. Keep using the push/pull dynamic to keep her on edge and always wanting more. Keep it playful too as it will remove any nerves she may be having. Then it’s time to get down to business.

  The single best way to transition the interaction from a make out to sex is the “Hand on boner” maneuver. Yes, you must have a boner for this to work. If you don’t it’s just kind of weird… After making out for a few minutes simply grab her hand and put in on your dick. Nothing says “Let’s fuck” like an erect penis.

  Unfortunately, delving into sex advice goes well beyond the scope of this book. It’s a comprehensive subject in its own right, and deserves a lot of focus. I recommend you check out How to Fuck Women Properly by Will Freemen[17] to become a Sex God.

  What really merits discussion is “safety” tips when it comes to hooking up:

  1.) Wear a condom: I know, I know they suck, but the first time you’re with a girl it’s never a bad idea, especially if alcohol is involved. I’m terrible at taking my own advice, but the first time I hook up with a girl I do my best to put a jimmy on my schlong. Look, no one likes wearing condoms, but it’s the smart thing to do. I think STD’s are commonly exaggerated, but why take the risk? And of course babies are the worst disease of all (kidding!). Plan B is pricey, and abortions are even more expensive. Remember kids: Don’t be a dummy, cum on her tummy! (It’s hard to make such an awesome topic like sex with drunk college girls depressing, but I think I somehow managed to do that).

  2.) Know where to stop: Like I said before, keep pushing the interaction as far as it will go. It once took me 90 minutes to get a girls panties off! I’ve had girls in my bed that didn’t put out that night. It’s happened a lot actually. It’s not a big deal, as long as you did your best to seal the deal. In the event where a girl is very, very drunk or seems visibly upset about the current situation, drop it. No pussy is worth the possible legal trouble, remember that. On that note, I have never got a girl in my bed that left because of my persistence. Persistence is in fact attractive to women. It shows you’re a guy who goes after what he wants.

  Chapter 19: College Game In Action: You Night Out

  What I’ve already laid out to you about the social circles, Greek life, the player profiles, alcohol, and being the facilitator of fun is much more important than any line in the whole fucking world. Period!

  I’d recommend reading my player profile one more time. I already laid out the specific sequence on getting laid, particularly in different environments. Remember, we’re here to get laid. You’re reading this to get laid. Sure a make out is nice, but a kiss on the lips won’t keep you sexually satisfied. Keep your eyes on the prize.

  It is absolutely critical to internalize the characteristics that you should exhibit in social settings. That will take you far, but to deny that having a handful of specific lines and routines up your sleeves won’t help would be lying.

  Although I just used the words “lines” and “routines”, I hate using those words. It’s so PUA. Nonetheless they fit the bill.

  Before I do lay out any of this stuff is that these lines and routines are not meant to come across in a rigid manner, it should get to the point where they effortlessly tie into your conversation. Also, if you’re at a “ratchet” house or frat party, simply follow the outline I laid out earlier in my profile. At these environments the goal is to sexually escalate rapidly and push for the bang, these techniques are meant for bars or toned down events.

  (Note: A lot of the material below has been covered to an extent already in this chapter. However, I want to write it in a concise, fluid manner, which the following section does.)

  Your Night Out: Pregame

  No self-respecting college student goes out on the town without drinking first. In relation to the themes of this book, the point of pre-gaming is to get yourself mentally and physically prepared for the night ahead. By having a few drinks, chatting with friends and girls, and listening to some music you’re going to be ready for a night of fun and meeting girls.

  If you’re going to be hosting on a regular basis make sure that you let people know it is BYOB, unless you want to be emptying your pockets so others can drink. Even if it is BYOB, you’re going to want to have a little something in the event new girls are coming over. And I highly recommend you invite girls over.

  Pre-gaming for most people starts anywhere from 9-10 PM (AM on game days), so make sure that you’ve got all your tasks done for the day before you start drinking.

  It’s time to set up.

  Throw the beer in the fridge, the handle in the freezer, and grab your laptop or phone and get your speakers hooked up. Throw on some good tunes that will get people in party mode. It depends on your crowd, but you really can’t go wrong with any mainstream pop, rock, or electronic, as well as any 90’s music (everyone loves 90’s music). If you want to do a power hour that’s always a good time to, and it gives you a time constraint.

  People will start showing up fashionably late, the girls more so than the guys. Most people will likely already know one another as everyone is for the most part in the same social circle. People may bring a stranger or two so if you see someone you don’t recognize make it a point to not only introduce yourself, but give off a positive, fun vibe and make them feel welcome. You would think that this is just typical host behavior, but hosts are oftentimes too caught up in their own good time or petty drama and don’t even go out of their way to be friendly. Do this with a warm smile and genuine interest and I guaran-fucking-tee that this person will not forget you.

  Drinking Games

  There really isn’t a better way to incorporate strangers or any group for that matter at a pregame or party like drinking games can. Everyone at college will know how to play basic drinking games, but not all drinking games are created equal. Let’s start with the classic: Beer Pong.

  Beer Pong is a fantastic game that pits opponents against one another in an artful test of skill and focus. I love me some beer pong, however it is probably one of the worst drinking games in terms of socializing. The reason for this is that only four people can play at a time. It’s also a slow game, with only few instances of excitement throughout.

  Anything you do during your pregame should have a purpose that is to get yourself, and everyone else to get in a good mood and have the energy and desire to go out and enjoy their evening. Throwing balls back in forth to cups is an ineffective way to accomplish that goal.

  Games that incorporate a large group of people that are intense, competitive, but most importantly fun are what you want to go for. Flip Cup is a perfect example of
this. You can get up to a dozen people playing at a time. It is always intense because games are usually quick and competitive.

  At my frat house when we’d have sorority girls, or any group of girls over we would always end up playing flip cup. What would happen is that guys would show up early and want to start drinking. They want to do something fun in that time so they’d set up beer pong. When the girls would arrive guys would be playing pong, and many girls would be left talking to themselves as there weren’t enough guys to talk to them. If we knew the girls well it wasn’t really an issue, but when you have new girls over you want to make a good first impression and by having a bunch of dudes circle jerk around the pong table it gives off a poor impression.

  Once we picked up on the vibe the girls were giving off we would whip out our massive table and play flip cup. We’d invite all the girls who were looking bored to play. There wasn’t a simpler solution to this problem. Another awesome aspect of flip cup is that you work as a team. You will likely end up playing next to a cute girl. Introduce yourself. Then if your team wins give her a high five (with the extended hand hold) or a side-hug. Or some shit. If you lose tell her that she ruined it for everyone (playfully of course).


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