Grades and Girls: What Your Parents Never Told You About College
Page 12
This goes back to the idea that putting yourself in a position to meet women is what leads to success. If you just play beer pong the whole night and girls are looking bored in the corner, your odds of scoring are pretty low, but if you’re to incorporate everyone into a fun game you can literally put yourself next to a cute girl without effort and have a reason to talk to her and tease her.
My favorite drinking game is boom. If you don’t know what it is Google it. I love it, bitches love it, you’ll love it. It’s more fun and intense than flip cup, and if girls have never played it then you’ll look pretty fucking cool.
After playing some drinking games for a while, it’s probably around 1030-11 which means it is time to wind the pregame down. Since you’re the leader you call the shots and you guide the sheep. When you want to leave you leave. If you want to finish your Natty light you damn well finish that beer. They can wait.
Before you leave, know where you’re going. Don’t spend 20 minutes deciding what party to go to. On a night out you’re likely going to three places: Frat Parties, house Parties, and/or bars. I’ll overview each of these briefly:
Frat Parties
For starters I’ll be using my fraternity as an example of a typical frat party. Outside of Freshman year, maybe Sophomore year you probably won’t be going to too many frat parties, unless it is your own fraternity or a fraternity that has legendary parties. They’re a fantastic way for underages to drink, as well as simply providing an environment to party in for freshman as they will likely be living in a dorm.
Good frats will have guest lists. At my school all fraternities were required to have guest lists for liability purposes or something like that. Although the strictness they adhere to this will vary. At my house we were pretty strict. When we partied, we partied. We would have 1-2 big parties a semester and there was an average of about 700 people on the guest list. Now, not everyone we invited showed up, but for every person that didn’t show up there were 2 that did that weren’t on the guest list. There was no way we could let everyone in. The only way you would get in was if a.) You were on the guest list b.) You were a cute girl or c.) You knew a brother.
Now there were exceptions to the rule. Let’s say you were a guy that rolls up with four girls (you fucking stud), sure we could tell you to fuck off, but it’s more likely that we, or any fraternity, would want to recruit you and thus we’d invite you in and show you a good time. If you came to a rush event and a brother recognized you we’d definitely let you in and your friends. Friends of friends would get in often, but don’t bank on it. This is why it is crucial to be the leader of the pack and know people.
If we we’re going to let you in we’d have Big Mike (a former O-Lineman at our school) and his partner in crime check your ID and mark you “X” or “O” to indicate your age. Now, we did this for liability purposes and we’d pretend to give underage guys a hard time to get a beer, but you shouldn’t have any trouble getting booze at a fraternity party.
As you made your way past our security guards you’d walk through the few dozen people chilling on our huge front porch. You’d then walk through the front door and immediately have to start squeezing your way through. Welcome to the Party!
We had our bar in the middle of the house and the dance floor in the back. We usually had a brother on the 1’s and 2’s and once midnight rolled around the dance floor gets crazy. I mean fucking crazy. For reference, after parties our walls would be covered with stains from jeans. The first time I saw this I couldn’t figure out what it was for the life of me, and then it hit me. Some guy was grinding hardcore!
If you’re a guest, and a Freshman who doesn’t know any brothers, your night should revolve around the dance floor. At a big party like this there isn’t too much room to have pleasant conversation. Either approach a girl on the dance floor, dance for a bit and then pull her aside to talk for a bit or do the opposite and talk to a girl and then go dance with her. Also, if you’re rolling with a few buddies, the dance floor is an easy way to make sure there are enough girls to go around.
This type of party is what I refer to as “ratchet”. In this environment, don’t worry too much about being witty and charming. Your goal is to get drunk, down and dirty with some little Freshman. No one ever got laid talking about majors and study abroad at parties like these. You want to escalate quickly with a make out. Now, for me pulling at one of our parties was easy because I would just walk upstairs. If you live in the dorms and she lives in the dorms it will be a bit of a hurdle to get her to go with you, especially if she’s with a group of friends which will likely always be the case. There’s a solution to this.
One night me and a buddy went up to his room to take shots with two girls I knew. As he opened the door I heard him let out a “WHAT THE FUCK!!!” Two people were banging on his bed. He proceeded to take the guys clothes and toss them in the hallway, the girl was left crying as she was clearly an innocent little girl with no intentions of hooking up with some stranger, especially in a place like that…sure sister.
Five minutes later another brother down the hall found two more people banging in his bed.
Coincidentally their rooms were on each side of my room. I was smart enough to lock my door.
While I don’t advocate…okay actually I do advocated banging a girl in some guys room or the bathroom, or backyard, BUT keep in mind that they may kick your ass. You’ve been warned.
The reason there is so much hooking up in a frat house, even for people who aren’t members is that it is such a sexually charged environment. With the combination of cheap beer and loud music, Freshmen girls get overwhelmed and properly lubricated which make their panties come off quite easily. Take advantage of this (within the limits of the law).
When at a frat party, keep in mind that the brothers may very likely be, or come across as d-bags even if they’re not. Do your best to get to know them, they’ll likely be glad to meet you if you pretend to be interested I in rushing.
Having big parties is essentially a way of showing that we’re cool. It’s fun to indulge a bit as well. I vividly remember at a party we had I got up on a desk that was on the perimeter of the dance floor. A girl was dancing and I got up and started dancing next to her. I then started fist pumping with my bottle of Ciroc Red Berry. I then motioned to some slut dancing. I told her open wide and poured my expensive, but ever so tasty vodka down her throat. Good times…
House Parties
I was never a huge fan of house parties. This was because most house parties are highly social circle oriented. If I wasn’t in a groups social circle, and had no intent of entering it then I really had no reason to be there. However, house parties did appeal to me because of their more relaxed nature compared to frat parties.
Being a natural introvert, it was hard to be super social twice a week, let alone once a week. Frat parties could be overwhelming in this manner, but house parties allowed for me to engage in chill conversations with other party goers.
When showing up to a house party, it’s always a good idea to bring booze. Not only will you guarantee that you have something to drink, but you can pass it out to girls as well.
When going to a house party where you don’t know the host, get to know them. Introduce yourself and ask them a little bit about themselves. This will make them much more apt to bring you into the fun.
Maybe I’m just a narcissistic d-bag, but most guys I meet at house parties are losers, or at least come across that way. As you know most guys don’t have huge social circles in college, and when you go to a small or medium sized house party this is evident. If you come into their house and start macking on their girls they will probably get pissed. Don’t worry though, they probably won’t do shit they’re just made because they’re in the friend zone.
At a house party, run regular game. Get to know them, ask how they know the host, why is everyone here so lame, and that you two are the coolest and best looking ones there. Have fun and show her a good time.
Chapter 20: Day Game
While men realize it’s possible to meet girls outside of bars in places like class, the grocery store, and coffee shops, I’ve only known one guy (who WAS NOT in college when we met) in my life personally who made an effort to talk to girls during the daytime, and he was pretty deep into game himself.
I don’t have too much experience with Day Game as I only started employing it in my last semester of college, but I will briefly touch on what I do know.
To start with, you need to go out. As obvious as this sounds, most guys don’t even get this far. Instead of sitting in your room all day, even if you are getting work done, drag your ass out of your house to a coffee shop, café, library, student union or any spot where cute girls congregate during the day.
Once you arrive, simply do your work normally. In the event you “just so happen” to sit near a cute girl, strike up a conversation.
Have you seen her around before?
Is she wearing letters to a sorority that you know a few girls in?
Is she always here?
What is she reading?
What is she drinking?
So on and so forth.
Once you’ve initiated the conversation, just simply chat. This is easier said than done as you probably have never intentionally started a conversation with an unknown cute girl during the day, but hey, all good things in life don’t come easy. Over time you’ll get the hang of it.
After you’ve chatted for a bit, simply grab her number. In some cases, Facebook may be more appropriate as it is less ‘threatening’.
Like I’ve mentioned before, the best route to go is to invite her to a social event that you’re anticipating for the coming weekend. If you have no plans just simply say that you should hang out sometime.
This is much easier said than done. I remember the first phone number I got from Day Game. As I walked out of the Starbucks I felt more giddy than a kid who just felt boob for the first time.
Cold approaching a girl during the day can cause a lot of anxiety, and prove a difficult challenge to overcome. So it’s not only initiating a conversation with a cute stranger during the day, but closing, which is in my opinion a significant achievement that few men will realize in their lifetime.
This was a very brief overview of Day Game. For much more of an in depth overview check out Day Bang, by Roosh V.[18] I recommended Bang earlier, and these two complement each other well. Check ‘em out.
One of the most common questions that pops up for college guys is picking up girls in class. Depending on what classes you’re taking, it’s likely you’ll have some cute girls in your classes over the years. Naturally, you will want to bang them.
Personally, picking up girls in class is not the best way to get laid a ton. Granted, it’s how my parents met, and how other couples may meet. This makes it a good place for finding a girlfriend, but is simply an inefficient way to meet women.
Think about it: You can talk to 10 different girls at a single party, but yet you only get one good shot per semester to sleep with a girl from a class.
The best way to go about this is to simply be cool and sociable. Don’t run game on her. Don’t get physical. Just talk to her and occasionally tease her.
Ask her about her weekend. Did she go to the game? What parties did she go to? How drunk did she get? Talking about homework is acceptable on occasion, but it’s boring.
After you’ve talked to her for a few weeks in a row (ideally you are sitting next to her), throw out a casual invite for a party or bar. Tell her that she and her friends can join your group.
If she’s not interested, she can politely turn it down. If she is then she can tag along.
When she comes out on the weekend and starts partying then you can make your move. If she shuts down your sexual advances, no problem. Just start hitting on her friend!
Inviting girls out like this (and guys too) is a great way of building your crew.
Meeting girls in the dorms is an easy and effective way to not only get laid, but to build up your social circle and status among your peers.
Dormitories are the perfect environment for meeting people, especially during the first few weeks of school. Everyone is a freshman, or likely an underclassman, and therefore is looking to meet new people and have fun. You can step in and be that guy.
Meeting girls in your dorm is different from other spots. You don’t want to spam approach girls by knocking at their doors. Nor do you want to post-up in the hallway, hollering at every girl that goes by.
The best method is to simply be a fun, sociable person and talk to these girls as you go about your daily business. For example, any time you’re coming in or out of your building and you see a girl standing by herself that you don’t know, go introduce yourself. Say how you think you’ve seen her before and wanted to say hello.
You can also run elevator game (via Hans Dix from the Campus Hustler):
“The one move I had the most success with my freshman year was elevator game. It’s great, because it presents a time constraint along with the inevitable result that you will part ways 45 seconds later. If you can time it right, you will successfully pull a few numbers a week with this method.
Example: You approach the elevator in your lobby. A cute brunette is standing there, waiting for it to arrive. She has a Nike drawstring bag and is decked out in gym gear, obviously just came from working out. You walk up next to her.
You: “Get a good pump in?”
Her: “I don’t really lift weights, I just run”
You: “Eh, still doing better than most people”
Her: “Thanks. Do you lift?”
You: “Nah, I just play some Wii fit here and there”
Her: “haha shut up” You: *smirk* “I’m Hans”
Her: “Allison” Get on elevator
You: “What floor do you live on?”
Her: “Seven”
You: “Damn, I heard that’s a happening spot”
Her: “haha not really, it’s pretty boring”
You: “I’m heading to XYZ house tomorrow if you’re looking to change that”
Her: “Oh? Are you inviting me?” • You: *pull out phone* “only if you can hang”
Her: “I can hang!”
You: “Put your number in, we’ll see about that”
Her: “sounds good!”
Beta males would assume that there would be blowback to this. That word would get around that there’s this creepy guy who hits on girls and asks for their phone numbers in the elevator. That’s not how things work though.
If you’re cool, attractive and fun girls will love this. They will feel sexy that you hit on them, and girls who you didn’t hit on will wonder why you didn’t ask for their number.
This is social proof at its finest.
Day Game is a deep subject. There’s a ton to read and learn, but more importantly practice. I didn’t do a ton of day game in college, so it’s not my place to discuss the subject at length. One of the best resources I’ve come across are these threads on the Roosh V Forum, where poster Giovonny drops so much knowledge and personal experience.[19]
A lot of the information is geared towards men who don’t live on campus, but still the concepts can be implemented in any scenario.
Chapter 21: Going on Dates
In high school I was a loser. I never went on dates.
In college, I wasn’t a loser, but still never went on dates.
What gives?
The top 20% men in college don’t go on traditional dates. There’s no need.
Because sex is the main goal, we want to extract it as fast as possible. Going on dates is a slow, and inefficient way to get laid. Quite honestly, it’s just a roadblock.
Women put up these roadblocks because we’ve been conditioned by society to believe that girls being sluts is a bad thing. I’m not going to get into my own beliefs on female sexuality, but it’s
important to understand this concept.
In college, women aren’t under the watchful eye of their parents, family, community etc. They’re surrounded by other young people who are for the most part open about sex. This gives girls more leeway with hooking up.
So when it comes to traditional dating, many of them aren’t interested, especially with the top 20% guys. Instead, they’ll meet a hot guy at a party, get a little tipsy, and if they are horny they’ll want to go to bed with him.
If you think you need to go on dates with girls to get laid, get that idea out of your head! It is not only a bad approach to getting laid, but if you think all women are delicate flowers who require wining and dining before spreading your legs it’s going to kill your game and sexuality.