Grades and Girls: What Your Parents Never Told You About College
Page 14
As you can see one benefit of seeing multiple girls is that you can drop a girl like a bad habit and not blink an eye because you have other means to drain your balls.
A last note on this topic that could solve this “problem” is to not see girls too often. Once every 5-7 days should be fine.
Maybe some of you guys won’t be bothered by this, but time management is something I’m a big proponent of and will take more about later in this book; just something to keep in mind.
Getting Tied Down
So you brought a girl home from the bar. Turns out she’s a cool chick who’s fun in the sack too. You guys hook up for a few months and then she hits you with the ultimatum:
“I want a relationship.”
I used to think this was a death sentence. No more freedom. No more random girls, just one. I gave my girlfriend in college a pretty hard time trying to tie me down. I’m an advocate of waiting a long period of time to enter an exclusive relationship (several months at least). This is to get to know the girl well and see if she’s relationship material.
When I finally decided to enter into an exclusive relationship it was about 11 months after we first hooked up. Today, it sounds pretty ridiculous that I waited this long. She was my first girlfriend, so I wasn’t sure exactly how to go about doing the whole dating thing. I also thought I was so cool because I was banging a girl who I wasn’t tied down to. I then realized there’s nothing to be ashamed of when dating a girl, given she’s a level headed, good looking girl who’s enjoyable to be around. Many players in college will end up dating someone, so don’t walk around like you’re the shit because you’ve got a FWB who you’re giving the run around to.
Provided you’re not whipped, still hang out with your friends, and don’t compromise who you are for this girl then your relationship should be great. College is a time for growth, and having a girl who you really like and is goal-oriented can help that process tremendously.
In general, most relationships in college stem from a FWB relationship that then transition into a full blown relationship. The experience and amount of pussy that the guy is getting will dictate the amount of time it takes him to enter into a relationship. If a guy thinks that he will never get laid again, in a few short weeks he will likely be tied down. For a guy who is non-needy and can get girls it will be much, much longer. Aim for the latter.
Also, never ever have the mindset that “you need a girlfriend.” Anytime I hear a guy say this I want to slap him upside the head. As I said, there’s nothing wrong with having a girlfriend, but I strongly believe that she needs to be a FWB first. This presents a problem for the guy who wants a girlfriend badly. They’ll take anything they can get and will usually end up dating someone who is a total bitch or not attractive, just to fill that void.
If you want a girlfriend now I can guarantee you’re not rolling in pussy. If you were, the last thing you’d want is a girlfriend.
Remember: You are the PRIZE. These girls should be chasing you for a relationship, never the other way around.
Why You Should Avoid Relationships
I have grown more skeptical about monogamy over the years. It certainly has its place, but it is more suited for child-rearing purposes. In college, it really makes no sense to be exclusive to one girl. If I had to go back again, I would probably refuse to be exclusive to my girl, but still be her ‘boyfriend.’
If you follow the traditional path, college will offer more freedom than you will likely ever have. You will be surrounded by tons of women, with little responsibility.
Why tie yourself down to just one girl?
There are a lot of guys who have fulfilling college relationships. In fact, one of the guys mentioned in the player profiles is still dating his girlfriend from college!
But sticking with a girl after college is a big commitment. Your career and future goals must now align with hers. Are you ready for that?
If not, stay single. You won’t regret it.
Open Relationships
The tricky part of open relationships is the gossip. Especially if either of you two are in Greek life, that can be a bitch. This leads to my last point: Discretion.
Like I said before, girls like guys who they know get girls. You want to communicate this through your behavior and actions, not by overtly saying it. I actually put effort into hiding my sexcapades.
People talk. Mostly girls, but guys do it too. Mostly those who don’t get laid though.
I for one value my privacy. I hate people being up in my business. Being in a frat house of 20+ guys made that difficult, but I did my best. I preferred to not bring girls over to my place, because obviously that let’s guys know that I’m banging someone.
After she leaves I’ll be presented with an onslaught of comments: “Nice!” (High-five), “She was cute!”, “Dude, she wasn’t that cute…”, “Girls got some tig ol bitties”, “What sorority is she in?”, “Where did you meet her?”, “How long have you guys been fucking?”, “Did she swallow?” and so on and so forth.
Not only is taking the time to answer these questions annoying, but it’s a clear attack on my privacy.
Gossip isn’t necessarily a bad thing. I hate gossip, but if other’s want to talk about me fine. The reason it can sometimes be beneficial is that when girls find out that you hooked up with some girl, it goes back to the point that girls like guys who they know get laid. I still wouldn’t go out of your way to let people know that you got laid. It makes you look insecure, conceited and just overall an asshole. Sure, some of your friends may not get laid at all, but you don’t need to rub it in their face.
I suppose I’ve somewhat contradicted myself in saying that I value my privacy, but at the same time talking about the benefits of being a player. If I had to choose one, privacy or a player reputation, I’d choose privacy. Call me crazy, but privacy is important to me. I can be very open with people. This book is in part an autobiography of my college experience, but the book is anonymous. There’s something about a person knowing every facet of your life that disturbs me, and the women I sleep with is one of them.
When I say people talk I mean it. I wouldn’t doubt that my ex-girlfriends close friends know exactly the exact dimensions of my penis, what my favorite position is, what kinks I enjoy, that I hate eating pussy, and that I hate condoms as much as I hate pulling out (totally serious). You can expect the same when hooking up with girls.
While getting a player reputation will contribute to a lot of bangs, I think that exuding the characteristics of a player should speak for itself, and you don’t need to rely on gossip for that. You won’t be perfect though, people will know you’re fucking girls, but hide the details. Being mysterious never hurts either.
On this subject, if you hook up with a girl in a sorority, how does that affect your chances at getting with one of her sisters? It helps. A lot actually. Some may be surprised by this answer, but it should be obvious. I’ll say it again, and I’ll keep saying it: Girls like guys who they know get laid. So if you’re pursuing a girl who happens to be in the same sorority as one of your past lays, it can only help your chances.
This is most often the case, however, it depends how the ‘relationship’ ended. If you fucked her a few times and then dropped her that looks good (that sounds terrible doesn’t it?). If she thought you were a loser, that’s bad. As long as you exhibit the characteristics laid out in this book, you should be experiencing the former a lot more than the latter, if ever.
Even if the other girl talks shit, I still think it helps. I had a fraternity brother who banged three girls in the same sorority; actually four come to think of it. This guy was short and had a tiny dick (allegedly). No problem! With the exception of the fourth girl, he was the one who ended the interactions, thus leaving the girls with a “positive” impression of him. My ex-girlfriend was in the same sorority, and then I banged one of her sisters. Was that sorority full of sluts? Probably, most sororities are. The point is though that your reputation m
atters. While most people think having a player reputation is bad, it’s not. It’s awesome.
After my ex graduated, my frat had a mixer with her sorority. As I was talking to some of the younger, newer girls they recognized me as this girl’s ex, despite me never meeting them before. Like I told ya, this shit gets around. These girls looked up to me, starry eyed and giggling. This is what I’m talking about. This is what the player reputation gets you.
Enjoy it.
Safety and “Legal (But not really legal) Advice”
(Note: This is not actual legal advice. I’m not a lawyer and even if I was I wouldn’t give out legal advice in a book; seek a professional when needed!)
There’s a lot of craziness that is being spouted on college campuses. One of the most ludicrous and draconian beliefs is that there is a ‘rape culture’, such that young men are encouraged to rape college girls. Yes, it’s as crazy as it sounds.
This concept plays right into the hands of the radical leftists. They want to weaken men, and shame their masculinity and sexuality.
What better way to do this than call them rapists?
You’ll hear feminists, Marxist professors and media pundits spout out statistics about how commonplace ‘rape’ is on college campuses. The common statistic thrown out is that 1 in 5 women in college is raped.
First of all this is incredibly misleading. For one, rape is not the same thing as sexual assault, which is what this statistic is supposed to signify. A sexual assault may mean that I guy told a girl that she has a fat ass. That’s it. That could be considered as a sexual assault on these surveys.
Even so, this statistic comes from a flawed study. The Washington Examiner writes[20]:
“The [1 in 5] statistic comes from a 2007 Campus Sexual Assault study conducted by the National Institute of Justice, a division of the Justice Department. The researchers made clear that the study consisted of students from just two universities, but some politicians ignored that for their talking point, choosing instead to apply the small sample across all U.S. college campuses.”
(Emphasis Mine)
So, what’s the actual rate?
According to a Department of Justice study, as reported by the Federalist the rate is astonishingly low[21]:
“The full study which was published by the Bureau of Justice Statistics, a division within DOJ, found that rather than one in five female college students becoming victims of sexual assault, the actual rate is 6.1 per 1,000 students, or 0.61 percent (instead of 1-in-5, the real number is 0.03-in-5). For non-students, the rate of sexual assault is 7.6 per 1,000 people.”
This number has declined significantly over the last 20 years. So much for ‘Rape Culture’.
Moreover, did you notice that a girl is actually more likely to be a victim of sexual assault as a non-student, then a college student? That’s a good talking point.
But good luck using these statistics on rabid feminists. They don’t care about facts. They only care about their agenda.
I don’t suggest arguing, especially with leftists. And that’s not the reason why I bring it up. I do so to prevent you from any legal trouble.
Avoiding False Rape Accusations
The narrative of the evil male who preys on women must be perpetuated by the Mainstream Media. We’ve seen this time and again. I’ve previously mentioned the Rolling Stone hitjob on PKP at University of Virginia.
A recent case was the Stanford swimmer Brock Turner. There was a media outrage over this incident.
And do you know what actually happened?
Brock and some girl got really drunk at a party. They were going to get some privacy, but the girl was too drunk to walk. They collapsed by a dumpster and started going at it. He started fingering her, but she was passed out. He was then chased down by some other students.
This is what caused a national firestorm.
I certainly don’t condone the behavior, but this guy has been branded as Public Enemy #1 over a stupid action while drunk.
And that’s the problem: Doing stupid shit when you’re drunk will lead to big problems.
Not for girls though. They can get as drunk as they want and be absolved of all responsibility, but not men.
This puts you at serious risk of being falsely accused of rape.
If a girl so much as claims as to have not given consent to sexual activity, you could be kicked out of school. Even worse, arrested and tried for your actions.
It’s her word against yours.
This is why I stress the importance of not hooking up with drunk girls. It never ends well. Sure, it’s an easy way to get laid, but it can backfire.
Of course, this is not to say that you shouldn’t hookup with girls who are a bit tipsy. That’s pretty much all girls on the weekends. Just be judicious.
I’ve never personally experienced this. Nor have any men I’ve known. I don’t think I even heard of a case at any Ohio State fraternity being formally accused of rape or sexual assault.
Nonetheless, you should be prepared, so check out some sources on how to avoid a false rape case. (See Footnote).[22][23]
STD’s are a lot more rare in college than you might think. Like I talked about in the ‘Great College Myth’, most people aren’t having that much sex. And when they do they’re usually in the confines of a relationship of some sort. In the above cases, people are always using condoms.
When people have drunk one night stands, that’s when poor decisions are made, and men forego a condom. Sure, going in raw feels good, but it’s a poor decision. The only time you should not be using a condom is when the girl has been vetted as being clean (mentally and physically). Use a condom the first few times with a girl and then hit it raw.
If you ever find yourself with symptoms of an STD, your campus health center should be able to clear you right up with some antibiotics. Also, schools should offer condoms at a discount. At my school you could get a brown paper bag full of condoms for $5.
Hopefully you’ll be going back for more…
Part 3: Grades
While partying and socializing will make up a good chunk of your time, buckling down and getting shit done needs to be your #1 priority. You (or your parents) are paying top dollar to get your degree and to waste that time and money would be an utter shame.
In this section I want to discuss your major, study habits, time management and related topics. I don’t have any fun or crazy stories about studying or career fairs, but this section should be read thoroughly and studied diligently as I will lay out advice about how to succeed during and beyond college.
Chapter 25: The “Real World”
“What do you want to be when you grow up?”
I’m sure they told you that you could be whatever you wanted when you grew up. Dreams of being an astronaut or cowboy were shattered for most by 8th grade. Yet, when college rolls around, most college students begin to fantasize again. They want to be politicians, Supreme Court justices, doctors, or investment bankers.
When I was in middle school I wanted to be an investment banker. Yep, you read that right. It wasn’t an ordinary dream job, maybe it was because I’m Jewish. Most kids my age still dreamed of being an astronaut, or even more unrealistically the first female president (Hey, Hillary still lost). I knew little about the job itself, but I knew I wanted to be rich when I grew up. I wanted to have a closet full of designer suits and have a penthouse in Manhattan.
As the years went by I began researching business schools. Only the best ones too: Wharton, Harvard, Stanford etc. Reality sunk in about 10th grade when I realized the challenge of getting into one of these schools. My GPA, while not terrible wasn’t too stellar and I had no extracurricular activities to speak of besides half a year of wrestling. Shit out of luck.
My senior year I was dead set on attending Indiana University. IU is known for their business program, the Kelley School of Business. And while not one of the top business schools in the nation, it is an acclaimed school, e
specially for being a public school. In fact, Mark Cuban attended school there:
After one year at the University of Pittsburgh, he transferred to Indiana University in Bloomington, Indiana, and graduated from the Kelley School of Business in 1981 with a B.Sc. in Business Administration. He chose Indiana's Kelley School of Business without even visiting the campus because "it had the least expensive tuition of all the business schools on the top 10 list". (Wikipedia)
I was so close to enrollment that I had my meal plan picked out and enrollment deposit paid!
As fate would have it, I had a letter come to my house one day offering me some hefty scholarships to attend a different school. While money wasn’t an issue, I was intrigued. I decided to visit the school and changed my mind and ended up going to Ohio State. It was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made.